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I have always interpreted "a light to the nations" on an individual scale, as if I must be a light to all the individuals with whom I come in contact. As I look at the verse now, it seems that this command is also directed to nations, in other words, people from foreign lands, as well as directed to governments including my own.

If I were to be a light to those I met in my daily life, which I think I am to be, then the passage would have said something like, "be a light to those around you." But it tells me to be lights to nations!

How do I do this?

I'm praying to influence people who lead other nations, somehow, that the circle of my acquaintances enlarges to include the people God wants me to talk to, influence politically and bring to saving faith. I pray to do good deeds but more than this, act in such a way that I stand out as a Christian among seculars.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”?

Israel was supposed to light the path to God for the nations. Now that Jesus has come we Christians are supposed to do this, by living different than the world, by caring for others, caring about justice, being kind and compassionate, doing everything in love.  

In what ways are you “letting your light shine”? How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life?

I try to put other people first. I share God's truth when I can. Facebook is a good place to give Godly wisdom. I need to do much much better.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God’s people to be “a light to the nations”?

To be set apart as a nation on a hill. We are to bring light into the dark and share our testimonies with unbelievers. To share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who dont know of his goodness. To be doers of his word and not just hears of his word. That our lives reflect that what we believe. 


In what ways are you “letting your light shine”?

I share my love of God with family members who aren’t saved and those who have backslid. Im there whenever someone has questions about the word of God or are going through something and they need prayer. I invite people to church or even to do a bible study plan with them so we can all grow together.


How well do you represent God’s covenant in your everyday life?

I think theres room for improvement on how I represent God’s covenant in my everyday life. There are days that I definitely could sprnd more time studying his word and praying. I dont always have a quiet place to read and communicate with him like I need to. 

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7)

What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"?

The Messiah Himself, is the LIGHT.  His people are to follow in His footsteps and also be a light, so the nations (i.e. everyone) can see your deeds and glorify God.  Ultimately we are to live by example.

In what ways are you "letting your light shine"?

Do whatever I do, as though doing it for the Lord.  (When I fail dear Jesus, please forgive me, and help me get back on track)

How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life?

That's a squirmy question and I ask Jesus that I represent Him to the best I can.

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