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Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?

  • 2 months later...

This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

Praise and worship. Through my daily life - ACTIONS = WORKS. Prayer. Study. Seeking God in all and everything. Being a living example. Ps, some people say all i need to do is to be saved by Jesus through faith to go to heaven. We can't go to heaven through good deeds. This part is true, but not complete. Once I am saved my life must glorify God through the fruit that i bear in obedience and love. When Jesus judged the churches in Rev. He judged them accourding to their deeds / works, not their hart. My salvation must bear fruit, else my faith is dead (James). I can't enter heven because of my good deeds, but i cant enter heaven without good deeds either, even if my only deed was to call Jesus Lord as the sinner on the cross (He didn't have any time to bear more fruit, so this was enough).

To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

Again through our deeds. But also through our words, especially by proclaiming the Word of God, living and the Bible.

To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? Praise and Worship, also testomonies. Also by actions through greatfulness

What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

Myself. Drawing back to the old man. Knowledge. Still learning to respond to the Holy Spirit.

How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?

Growing spiritually, growing relationship with Him, growing in life fulfilment, growing in happiness and joy, collecting eternal rewards


This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for.



How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)? PROCLAIM GOD'S PRAISE



To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? TELL IT EVERYWHERE I GO



To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? "WE WERE CREATED TO WORSHIP HIM... the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise." (43:21)




What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? NONE







Live my life as Jesus did, in fellowship with God.

Do it! Share with others about our wonderful God and the salvation brought by His Son, Jesus! Make sure my life and witness are the same.

Praise Him daily, hourly, every chance you can, trusting Him in times of trouble and still praising Him.

Because of husband's illness, my time has been cut down for evangelism--but is still possible in situations where the Lord puts me.

The joy I receive is wonderful! It may glorify God, but brings me joy as well!


 How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

We can show God’s glory by Being a Good Christian and showing others that we are truly fulfilled and happy on the inside. We need to Love one another and we have to shift the  focus from ourselves to others and  be a Blessing to others that will glorify our God

 To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

We can tell people that He is a God who cares for His people and will deliver them from evil, enemies and captivity like He did with His people when He delivered them from Egypt by parting the waters of the Red sea.

 Our God can do the impossible and we are to depend on Him for EVERYTHING.

We are to proclaim that He will deliver us and free us from our transgressions by God offering a sacrifice on our behalf and making us perfect like Him...Preach the Gospel wherever and whenever we can

We must tell people that we can depend on our God at all times because He loves us so much.

Because He cares for us He will gather us from all parts of the world and bring us to His holy mountain and new Jerusalem where He will reign forever and ever.

 To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?

By praising Him at all times .....

By ...actions ...clapping and applauding Him and lifting our hands in praise

By speech ....verbal praise

By singing....songs , psalms and hymns

By sharing our belongings and blessings as a token of Praise and Thanksgiving for His provision  

 What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

A major obstacle I face is the language problem when I move from one part of the country to another as India is a large and varied in culture and language..at resent I am struggling with Malayalam the language of Kerala which is new to me..I am from the places which speak Hindi.


 How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?

I receive complete happiness and Peace which makes me calm in the most difficult situations , knowing that Christ is the Lord and Saviour of my life.



Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

In my actions, words and deeds I have to live a true Christian life and proclaim God’s glory.  When I love others with the love of Christ, forgive others and have compassion for others like Christ did, when I exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in my life, I can fulfill my purpose to show God’s glory in my life.

To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

Sharing with others the Gospel of Christ, telling them my testimony how He saved me and what is in store for those who call on him.

To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?

Think of the Lord’s goodness every day, every moment and praise him. Praise him even when things don’t happen the way I thought it would be, praise him even when days are bad and I am in pain knowing God has his best plans for me. In the assembly of the Lord, sing praises to him with shouting, clapping, dancing and with instruments.

What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

Fear of people, Rejection, Things of the world. Sometimes mere laziness.

How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?

I know God is near to me, holding me in the palm of his hands and hiding me in the shadow of his wings.  I can experience divine peace and joy that no other worldly thing or person can offer.  When we live a life fulfilling God’s purpose for us we are assured of God’s Eternal Life which is worthier than every other thing life has to offer.


God has created me and he loves me and he has a purpose for me. His thoughts and his ways are above my thoughts and my ways. each day i am aware God loves me and he has purpose for creating me. i fufil his purpose for me by prasing him and worshipping him. i surrender my will to his will, my purposes to his and try and allow God to fulfil his ways and thoughts in me.


i try to be his wtiness to others by loving others with his love. i show his compassion and mercy to others the way God has been merciful to me and speak about him to others. i speak about his goodness and share with them my experiences of how i love him and follow his ways.



i have made a habit to praise him in every thing. i praise him for his faithfulness to me and my family everyday and give him the highest praise through praise and worship because i know he is worthy of all praise!


The obstacle i face in fulfiling his purposes is to wait on him!!!! The desire to fulfil his plan can be so great that i run ahead of God's direction and time. But i have learnt through hard ways it so much wonderful to wait on the Lord in his presence and just do things his way and at his time!! that makes all things beautiful.


the benefit of fulfiling his purpose is i derive a great peace  joy and feel satisfied that my life has been of worth for which he has created me. i also receive spiritual and material blessings from the Lord as i fuflil his purposes.





On 8/1/2013 at 10:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)?

By walking with Him and following wherever He leads. He predestined the works He planned for me, and since He only reveals things piece by piece to me, I know  only to follow closely in His footsteps. I was created to bring Honor and praise to my Lord, and to enjoy Him, and His Promise is that will happen as I live a surrendered life and allow Him to live through me.

To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

By surrendering to Him each morning and walking out where and to whom He leads me and behaving and speaking what He gives me to say...as a privilege, not a duty I HAVE to fulfill, but with joy. It's been a journey to remember to ask Him to order my steps (and my stops, as George Mueller said) and the challenge to follow His promptings!

To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?

I've only learned to worship and praise Him in the past 10 years! (not just sing the choruses at church) That is true bliss! But I proclaim His praise whenever I tell others what He has done in my life, or what I see Him doing around me or I rejoice in the beauty He has created. I keep a gratitude journal and jot down every day what I'm thankful for! (I tell Him, not just think it, as I used to do)

What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purpose

I still struggle with praise when I'm afraid or discouraged. I did ask Him as a new believer, enamored by Abraham, to work in my life as He did in Abraham. I didn't realize that mostly Abraham WAITED...and I've waited 25+ years for His promises so I'm discouraged and weary in the waiting. It is a decision to worship, so my "want to" can be an obstacle!  When I remember that waiting creates patience and character, I can praise Him for that! 

How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?

The greatest joy for me is when I'm aware that I'm flowing in His purpose for me!  Or when He has used me in some way. True fulfillment in living, not just existing, as I did for so many years. Another benefit is the peace and security of being in fellowship with Him and rebellion has finally been laid at His feet. There is nothing as sweet as communion with Holy Spirit!


Israel’s Only Savior

43 But now, this is what the Lord says—

    he who created you, Jacob,

    he who formed you, Israel:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters,

    I will be with you;

and when you pass through the rivers,

    they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire,

    you will not be burned;

    the flames will not set you ablaze.

For I am the Lord your God,

    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;

I give Egypt for your ransom,

    Cush[a] and Seba in your stead.

Since you are precious and honored in my sight,

    and because I love you,

I will give people in exchange for you,

    nations in exchange for your life.

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;

    I will bring your children from the east

    and gather you from the west.

I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’

    and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’

Bring my sons from afar

    and my daughters from the ends of the earth—

everyone who is called by my name,

    whom I created for my glory,

    whom I formed and made.”

Lead out those who have eyes but are blind,

    who have ears but are deaf.

All the nations gather together

    and the peoples assemble.

Which of their gods foretold this

    and proclaimed to us the former things?

Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right,

    so that others may hear and say, “It is true.”

10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord,

    “and my servant whom I have chosen,

so that you may know and believe me

    and understand that I am he.

Before me no god was formed,

    nor will there be one after me.

11 I, even I, am the Lord,

    and apart from me there is no savior.

12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—

    I, and not some foreign god among you.

You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God.

13     Yes, and from ancient days I am he.

No one can deliver out of my hand.

    When I act, who can reverse it?”

God’s Mercy and Israel’s Unfaithfulness

14 This is what the Lord says—

    your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:

“For your sake I will send to Babylon

    and bring down as fugitives all the Babylonians,[b]

    in the ships in which they took pride.

15 I am the Lord, your Holy One,

    Israel’s Creator, your King.”

16 This is what the Lord says—

    he who made a way through the sea,

    a path through the mighty waters,

17 who drew out the chariots and horses,

    the army and reinforcements together,

and they lay there, never to rise again,

    extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:

18 “Forget the former things;

    do not dwell on the past.

19 See, I am doing a new thing!

    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

    and streams in the wasteland.

20 The wild animals honor me,

    the jackals and the owls,

because I provide water in the wilderness

    and streams in the wasteland,

to give drink to my people, my chosen,

21     the people I formed for myself

    that they may proclaim my praise.

22 “Yet you have not called on me, Jacob,

    you have not wearied yourselves for[c] me, Israel.

23 You have not brought me sheep for burnt offerings,

    nor honored me with your sacrifices.

I have not burdened you with grain offerings

    nor wearied you with demands for incense.

24 You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me,

    or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices.

But you have burdened me with your sins

    and wearied me with your offenses.

25 “I, even I, am he who blots out

    your transgressions, for my own sake,

    and remembers your sins no more.

26 Review the past for me,

    let us argue the matter together;

    state the case for your innocence.

27 Your first father sinned;

    those I sent to teach you rebelled against me.

28 So I disgraced the dignitaries of your temple;

    I consigned Jacob to destruction[d]

    and Israel to scorn.




Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do youbenefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?


TO have an "easy life" can be viewed as one of sacrifice and even pain, it it is God's will; pain to reject all but Him, to renounce bad habits of the world. We were not created to be of the world, we are told to GO and baptize, all of us. We have reached our purpose when we have given it all up for Him. What a beautiful road to walk, to walk with HIM.


Q5. (Isaiah 43)

This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for.

How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?

What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?

To show God’s glory we have to acknowledge Him in His work of creation and redemption, and in the role of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We must accept His Word as the absolute truth and always cheerfully obey His commands. We must also actively try to be of service to Him and commit all of ourselves to Him. One of our responsibilities is to be a witness for our Lord, telling the world who God is and what he has done. We must reflect His glory – we should be able to display Christian values through our words and deeds. I feel that the fear of rejection is the main obstacle I face in fulfilling my responsibility in proclaiming the Gospel. I have been working on it and realise that I should be calling on the Holy Spirit’s help in doing my duty.




Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)?


By living in obedience to Him and by doing what is right, empowered by God's own Spirit.




To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?


By being willing to share what I believe with others and to set an example for them to follow.




To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?


By giving God all the credit due Him and not glorifying myself and my own accomplishments as though I'd achieved them in my own strength, which I haven't. To God be the glory always.




What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?


My own stubborn human nature for one thing. Also the apathy of everyone around me. That gets to me too at times. I also get caught up in my own busy-ness. Sometimes I forget to include God when I make plans. I need to not be so headstrong and to reflect on things before rushing into doing something God may not want me to do.




How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?


At the end of my days I hope to hear the words: Well done good and faithful servant, come on in! That's incentive enough for me.




1. I can fulfill my purpose to show God's glory by praising Him, Telling peoples about His Grace, His Love, His forgivness of sins and introducing them to our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

2. To be His witness to let it be known to the unbelievers that He and He alone is our GOD.

3. To proclaim His praise? Be a witness for Him, proclaiming His Praise, and His Love for us.

4. The obstacles I am facing in fulfilling His purposes is: Myself, not being effective as I should witness to others. making excuses thinking I can do it later.

5. How do I benfit from fulfilling God's purpose? Praising and thanking Him. Receiving and enjoying His blessings.


"Thank you Heavenly Father for your Love and blessings and for forgiving us for our sins in CHRIST JESUS our LORD, Amen."


How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

I can fulfill it by following the cry of my heart, my heart’s desire is now to walk in righteousness, I take serious God's calling, the "PURPOSE" of my life no longer is a yoke, a burden for me to bare, the desires of my heart have changed from pleasing "SELF", to showing forth "praise" to the “LORD” for what God's Son has done in my life, my life’s "PURPOSE" is now to demonstrate to the world what the power and "GLORY" of God can do in the life of a servant.


To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?

My life will be a "WITNESS" - It will exhibit a life of a servant, not just any servant, but a servant that will give honor and respect, a servant who will be obedient to the voice that called me out of darkness, it will be a life that shows respect to the Holy One of Israel for sending his "SERVANT", His Son, who showed me the way of pleasing the Father is by loving the Son.


Therefore "PRAISES" will be proclaimed, a sweet aroma up to God.


 What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?

Each and every day I try to stay alert to the obstacles that Satan might put in my way to take my praise away, therefore, I stay in God's word, and I try to stay in tune and listen to the small voice that calls me onto righteousness, righteousness that stems “NOT” from rules and regulations, but stems from a changed heart, a heart whose purpose is to “Glorify God and to enjoy Him forever”.




Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for.

How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)?

    Praise Him, be His witness to others, live a redeemed life exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit to others.  

    1 Peter 4:11  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

    1 Cor. 10:31  So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.    
    Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

To be his witness (verses 10, 12)?
    Serve Him in the community; testify to others what God has done for you, to His grace, His comforting presence, His love and faithfulness.  We should be ready to testify to others of what we know of Him.  Offer the proofs from our own lives that He is God.  It is in telling others what God has done in your life that you encourage them to seek the Lord.


    “ I believed, therefore have I spoken” (M. Henry Unabridged Commentary)

To proclaim his praise (verse 21)?
    We proclaim His praise when we praise Him to others and when we praise Him in prayer.  We proclaim His praise by the way we live and how we serve Him.  And we proclaim His praise by giving thanks for each and every thing He does in our lives--for Jesus, for the Holy Spirit, for His Word, for salvation; for the air we breathe; for our daily bread, His loving care,  His protection,  His presence,  our family and friends, jobs and health and joy and mercy and wisdom and understanding and faith and hope....   

What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes?
    I have no obstacles, only excuses, and they are worthless.  The Lord does not ask us to do anything without giving us what we need to complete the task.  

How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?
    When I walk in God’s will for me, He blesses me.  Each obedient act makes obedience easier.  Each step taken in faith makes my faith stronger.  Each time I praise the Lord, I draw closer to Him in love and He draws closer to me.  There is no greater feeling this side of heaven than the strong presence of the Lord.   I’m achieving what I’m meant to do and that brings not only joy, but peace.



Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God's people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God's glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God's purpose for you?


God's people are created to show His glory by living lives that bring glory to Him. We should not do things that non believers do that are sinful and disgusting, if we do, we will be dragging His name  and glory into the mud.


To be His witnesses is to testify to what God has done in our lives like the Israelites had the exodus experience as a testimony.


We proclaim God's praise through heart originating songs and also adoring and worshipping Him for WHO He is- our creator, redeemer, saviour, healer, provider etc.


The obstacles experienced in accomplishing the above purposes are the same obstacles are well documented namely struggling and fighting against:

  1. Satan who puts stumbling blocks on our way;
  2. The world that is so deceitful and full of temptations and 
  3. The flesh that is weak and resists disciplining.

I can fulfill my purpose to show God's glory by sharing my testimony. My testimony is one that shows God can do miraculous works in anyone's life. I share it to give praise and glory to God. It is only His healing power that could have brought change into my life. No human, including myself, could ever overcome the types of sin in my life without His help. All glory and honor are due to Him! Thank you Jesus my redeemer!


To be His witness, I will share the Gospel and other will know the truth and the truth will set them free!


To proclaim His praise, I will praise His name through good and bad, and I will worship Him no matter my circumstances. I give Him the adoration that is due to Him.


Some obstacles I face in fulfilling these purposes is fear of rejection in sharing the Gospel and also in getting caught up in my circumstances and giving away to distrust or feeling sorry for myself. When that happens, I don't praise Him as I should and I can get disgruntled for a little bit. :(


I benefit from fulfilling my purpose by being filled with joy when someone accepts the Gospel and I'm renewed in overcoming my fears about sharing it. I also benefit when my testimony is received and God is glorified in another persons life as I see the changes in their hearts too. Hallelujah! I also am blessed with much peace when I can praise God through the storms in my life. I grow closer to Him in peace and trust and there is no greater blessing than that!!!


Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?


By loving the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul.  Obedience should come in there automatically because you obey the one you love.

The only obstacle is me.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


We can glorify God and be His' witnesses by showing for all how God's redeeming and cleansing power has freed us from spiritual bondage. We should replace worldly desires, vices, and anxieties with the fruits of the Spirit-- love, mercy, patience, long suffering, wisdom, kindness, gentleness, and peace.

Sometimes I get discouraged and/or angry when situations do not develop the way I think I "deserve." I must avoid any self-righteousness and turn fully to God's promises. Only He can provide us with the strength and wisdom to overcome today's challenges and struggles.

  • 3 weeks later...

Question 7.5

Verse 9 and onward are set up as a court case scene. The false gods and their witnesses verses Yahweh and his witnesses. The case is argued. This scene is not unlike the present situation in society where there is a battle for public opinion between the forces of God's church and the forces of scientific thought of corporate commercialism and the glitter of the modern age. We as witnesses for Yahweh must faithfully render the facts for the unknown God who uses his power within the framework of law. This God who is about to do something new, who brings forth new creation out of the old asks us to declare our witness to his newness and to his power of law.

There are two ways to witness. Firstly one can witness with one's mouth by declaring that Jesus the Lord is king or as the early Christians declared before Caesar 'Jesus is Lord'. Secondly one can witness by working on Yahweh 's project of justice for all, for the poor, the oppressed, the sick and the captives. We are all faced with society's persecution and its basis against the faith. This is not the same as that which is experienced by the early church; yet is  more subtle, more invasive.

Yahweh is he who blots out our transgressions and who does not remember our sins. We therefore need to witness to this blotting out of our sins and the forgetting of our transgressions. To do otherwise would be ungrateful for Yahweh's graciousness.



Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?


I can fulfill my purpose in showing God's glory by living for Him and submitting my will to His will.


By sharing my testimony in Jesus Christ and encouraging others to love Him, I am being his witness. 


By privately and publicly praising God we honor God before the world.


Their are no obstacles facing me in fulfilling these purposes.  I benefit from fulfilling God's purposes for me in that I have a meaningful and dynamic relationship with God. 


Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?



I can fulfill my purpose in showing God's glory by living for Him and submitting my will to His will.


By sharing my testimony in Jesus Christ and encouraging others to love Him, I am being his witness. 


By privately and publicly praising God we honor God before the world.


Their are no obstacles facing me in fulfilling these purposes.  I benefit from fulfilling God's purposes for me in that I have a meaningful and dynamic relationship with God. 




  • 2 weeks later...

I can fulfill my purpose to show God’s glory by talking to him daily and to do the things that pleases him. I can help others and be thankful for all that he has done for me. We can witness by telling others about God and Jesus. We can proclaim his praise by telling others what he has done for us.

The obstacle that I face in fulfilling these purposes is me. Sometimes it embarrasses me to witness as to how great my God really is. I could benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose by being more confident about what I am doing.

  • 1 year later...

Chapter 43 verse 7: I must answer God's call. I must be open to hear his voice and he will direct me on how to fulfill his goals for my life. And I will show him glory by following him and his words.


Verses 10 and 12: We have been shown the glory of God. We are aware of all of his powers. We are able to tell people of all these things. We can and should tell all people of this love and glorious powers.


Verse 21: We can tell people how the love of God has changed our lives. We can tell people how getting to know God has taught us to love others and ourselves. We have been given a chance to sing to the glory of God.


The obstacles I face are from within myself. I have a habit of giving into fear and not wanting to talk to people. I let my own self doubt take over. However, the more I pray and work within the guidelines that God puts forth, I am able to accomplish a lot of things. I feel that God is making more things possible for me.

  • 9 months later...

Q5. (Isaiah 43) This chapter tells us specific purposes that God’s people have been created for. How can you fulfill your purpose to show God’s glory (verse 7)? To be his witness (verses 10, 12)? To proclaim his praise (verse 21)? What are the obstacles you are facing in fulfilling these purposes? How do you benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose for you?​


I can fulfill my purpose to show God’s glory by faithfully walking in obedience to His Word.  As I gain knowledge of Him, I can share that knowledge with others and be a witness of Christ living in me. I proclaim His praise privately and publicly, not ashamed to let the world know that Jesus is Lord. Not fully answering the call to  ministry hinders my purposes. I benefit from fulfilling God’s purpose because I bring Him glory when I do. He is exalted.  I'm allowing Him to work through me, to reach others.​

  • 6 years later...

I feel out of synch with the majority of people on this thread.

This section tells us that we are created to worship God, to “proclaim (His) praise.” Praising Him is part of witnessing to unbelievers. We are also created to serve one another, to love others, to make converts, etc. This is one slice of our purpose on earth.

I have a difficult time praising God. My praise can be stilted and sometimes insincere. The problem is I cannot intellectually square evil and suffering with a good and gracious God. I’m stuck on the fact that God led the Israelites into slavery because of their bad behaviour and then redeemed them from it after they reformed. He wanted them to suffer. This was His will. His choice.

True, they must have felt grateful that their suffering had finally ended and they would both be redeemed and have their sins blotted out. That gratefulness turned to praise makes sense in this context. But … God had created and engineered their suffering in the first place. The Israelites must have connected their plight, not only with their behavior, but with God’s wrath toward them.

So this is my obstacle: I find it difficult to praise a God whose heavy hand of judgment may slap me down when my behaviour or thoughts so angers him that he causes me to suffer. 

I do think praise is beneficial for the soul. To the degree that this is God’s purpose for us, praising Him and genuinely believing it, without worrying He would punish us at any moment, should be very, very gratifying.

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