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From the very birth of Jesus, Satan has known that his days are numbered, he has waged war on Jesus (Herod killed all the male children in Bethlehem), and the persecution still goes on today. Divine safety has always been provided

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Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

again i have to agree with the body although there was a few things i saw that made me thinkand pray alot

1st if we look at to 911 we have to look at the word an see the word comeing true those an the loser we call satan dont care who he kills but he will have a one world order or church or call it what you will they will follow the way of the world , we should have been over there stoping the bombing years ago then it would not have made it to our shores

maybe the CIA SET IT ALL UP ,MAYBE THIS OR THAT the one thing we know is no matter what we mustlive the life Jesus showed us he gave us all the power to finish the job we are the ones to keep the light shineing for the lost to see no matter how the world try to stop us GOD WILL SHOW US A WAY to share his ways in word an deed

i read that the fallen angels may not be demons well where else did they come from ???????




  • 3 weeks later...

The cosmic battle is being fought between satan + 1/3 of the angels of Heaven who fell with him, and Michael + 2/3 angels. Satan majored on attempts to defeat the Son, (eg Herod killing the children, or the people trying to throw Jesus over the cliff when He preached in Nazareth, and of course, the Cross!) but got neither Him nor His mother (Israel?)

This angered satan, and war broke out between the two sides, satan and his angels being ejected from Heaven, (Jesus Himself saw this event, Luke 10:18. Could He have seen it while the seventy disciples were out excitedly dispensing with demons in the Name of Jesus?). The woman (Israel?) remained safely in the desert (not at home in Jerusalem after the dispersion of the Jews?), and the Son before God on His throne.

The serpent spewed at the woman like a flood (possibly anti-semitism, eg Hitler and the holocaust, and extreme Islam?) but the earth (other nations?) helped and those goals are not achieved.

Heaven (perhaps God's true church living on a Heavenly level, and taking the Gospel to every nation?) confirmed the victory in a strong voice, referring to the blood of the Lamb. Obviously Christians helped throughout this battle, declaring the Blood of the Lamb and their bold witness, with willingness to die for Christ. Another word for angels is "messengers", and Christians can come into that category.

We disciples can take comfort that the battle is won - it's up to each person to decide for which side he will employ his faith,and is willing to die!

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (12:1-17)

The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own?

What is perceived by the passage is the plan of God coming to be, reality. The great and wonderous sign was awaited for, and is Jesus. Out of the twelve tribes which became nations that were from the twelve sons of Jacob, whom he blessed, giving each prophecy, one would come forth from Judah, to rule all nations. Jesus was the one to rule all of God's people and the one was spoken of. The birth of the Church and its pregnancy stages is the period between Jacob's blessings to his twelve sons and onwards in history to the birth of Christ. The birth of Jesus would bring forward the birth of the Church, God's people. God's servants in history, doing as they did, as in the word was involved in the birth process of the church, God's plan. God's people throughout time was given to bring forth birth of the church in preserving the faith, keeping it with testimony and witness. God's son was coming, and came. Jesus established the Church on earth with the apostles who laid the foundation with Christ as the chief cornerstone. Those who put him to death on the cross and reject Him today are of the influence of the world, other spirits who control.

The twelve stars of the crown is the foundation of the apostles. A crown of glory, for Jesus is the Church's ruler who was given authority over upon his death. The enemies are at his feet and at ours who are in Christ Jesus today. The moon, the darkness or demons has no power but put beneath the feet of Jesus. Jesus casts out from people while on earth, demons and darkness. Demons listen to, tremble and even worship Jesus knowing who He was while He was on earth. Jesus had the power greater, over Satan. Demons fled from the apostles in their work, that Jesus set them out to do, among the people on earth. The apostles followed Christ and likewise we who follow will also do as Jesus did because Jesus in us is greater than he in the world.

Jesus encountered Satan who appears to Jesus in the 40 days with three attempts to take the claim Jesus had promise to by the Father. Satan could not devour the child or the church for Jesus' power was the word of the Father, 'it is written'. Jesus overcame in all battles. We seen Jesus going about places encountering his enemies, taking all sorts of abuses such as insults, rocks thrown, spit at and rejected. We see the evils of man putting the innocent one, Jesus Christ, to death on a cross. Jesus did not bend or give in to, either do as they did to him in their plots and ploys, bribes, nor by words nor in attitude of the like of the enemy's kind. He did not take revenge in all circumstances He but remained true and faithful to the ways of God's Kingdom. To what He preached, He was and kept His intergrity. The prophecy came to be that the one who will rule all the nations as Jacob said came. Jesus rules upon His death and is alive indeed! He was resurrected, snatched up to God to his Father's throne, now seated at the right hand of his Father, God. Given to Jesus is all power and strength and glory and honor and praise by heaven and earth. All authority is given to Jesus by the Father.

We, the church on earth, God's people, purchased by Jesus by his blood shed for God, are being nourished and protected by them. Jesus' victory over Satan conquers death. The dragon is hurled and the dragons' angels, out of God's Kingdom. There is and has been a spiritual war being fought today on earth. Many people in the world today are gone astray by Satan who leads them. Jesus defeating the foe and overcoming death has brought salvation to us. He did it for us, he laid down his life.

Today, the word of God is our defense. There is power in the word. Jesus used the word of the Father to overcome Satan's attempts. We use the word in battle today to overcome the enemy. We use the word not only in voice but likewise to Jesus in action, doing and obeying what the word says.

The devil is among us today causing havoc in our Churches. But his time is short for Jesus is coming again and there will be no more war. It will be done, forever no more, will the battle be. We gather in churches to get a reprive from the world. God refreshes and strengthens as we come and worship him as one body of believers. We can fly with two wings of a great eagle to the throne of God's where he is our protector and we are taken care of by God, nourished.

In today's time we hear a lot about the word of God in respects to giving importance to the word in our lives. How many more preachers and people have you noticed take to make the word of God, to placing importance of the word in services, in people's daily lives. We must know and read the word for ourselves, obey and do. The Gospel Age now, could well be. The 3 1/2 year period for we see evangelism like a wave in the world today. We hear of and see revival. There is a renewal of faith by the preaching of the word in the world. It is happening today and taking place the Gospel is being known in greater ways. Who knows when, we do not. Only the Father knows the hour and time. We cannot say.

We who are God's people, who obey the word and take to God's commandments and hold the testimony of Jesus are in spiritual battle. Today there are more martyrs than in all of history. The martyrs are the ones who follow Christ, preach the word, give testimony and die- killed/slain/murdered by the enemies of Christ. For the dragon is enraged and is after the offspring, us. He is after those who accept Jesus and follow him. We are the offspring of the Church upon the birth of Jesus. The age of the birth of the Church established here on earth when Jesus came. Soon he will come again and in justice.

The battle still exists today in our time, January 2004. I say this with conviction based on my experiences by what I see living daily and walking with the Lord our God. I been in many Churches of different denominations. From all these experiences I know the battle exists still today.

Many times I questioned, noticed and wondered about the shadow I seen in every Church I have been in. God's Church is perfect but we as humans are not perfect is why. We are being changed through repentance and cause our own problems. Are we looking after our young and vulnerable. Satan is there in our churches trying to destroy in many ways. Christians, leaders and people, pit one against another and attack each other to cause problems. There is gossip and rumor which is a big destroyer. It is common to hear of divisions occuring in churches. Pastors on average staying 2 1/2 - 3 years then going elsewhere or leaving the ministry. Is it true also that the battle is the greatest in God's Churches and is it not a known that, Christians are the only ones to kill their wounded. Look at the stats and reports we hear. There is a battle that exists today. Do we work as a team as the Father and Son with the Father and Son looking out for each other. We as Christians are to be soldiers daily to defend and stand firm. It is even harder when your own sister or brother of the Church is doing the harm. For no one is perfect and blameless and righteous but the Lord and those few mentioned in the Bible who were of God's servants.

Before I had ever read what was written in Revelation I had come to a conclusion years back that life is spiritual warfare. I found out that it is the spirit within us of either side that controls and dictates lives. Every day is a battle we as Christians face and will until that day I pray will come soon, and all this will be over and it will be done. Angels were created before humans and the battle has been. Angels even fall and will be judged too. In the garden of Eden the spirit of evil was present, in the serpent, to decieve Eve. God's plan is and has and in our age is being carried out for full restoration of His creation of what is, was, will be to come as in the beginning when there was no sin, but holiness and purity prevailed as He is and does.

Jesus gives us example in how to live life and how to battle when we encounter things as He did in his life on earth as the testimony of God which is Jesus' testimony, the same as His Father's testimony as is ours to be.

What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

That Jesus is victorius. He has won; He has fulfilled the Father's plan. In moral harmony with and in Christ Jesus we can overcome the enemy. He died and rose thus dwells in us to combat for those who accept Him are victorius in Christ Jesus. We can overcome, defeat the foe who has no power over us. For we are given the authority and power over Satan and is for those who Christ's Spirit dwells within. There is also comfort given in God's provision of nourishment and refuge in the wings of his shelter, protection from Satan and false angels or demons. Jesus took his place and position and help us in spiritual battle we encounter daily in our lives. We are given scriptures as disciples for armors to put on for battle, spiritual armor: Ephesians 6:10-20 and Romans 13:11-14. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together to equip and help us in battle.

I received your email Pastor Ralph on the 2nd of January to take a one week break. I got ahead of the lessons and should be at the end of #4. God bless you Pastor Ralph and see you all in a week :D This is a great Bible study, thanks again!

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own?

It is the battle between good and evil. Satan trying to tempt us to sin, and Jesus giving us the chance to be saved from our sins.

What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

Jesus won the battle for me

  • 2 weeks later...



  • 3 months later...

The "cosmic battle" will be extensive and terrible, but Jesus and his army will win

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

I apologize but I'm not getting anything cosmic here. To me cosmic suggest's that the battle is done elsewhere, like in the universe somewhere.

The "Battle" is within "ones" self and is between the spirit and the flesh. The flesh appears to win more then the spirit, because you can see the rewards of the flesh more readily. But store not up for yourselves treasures of the earth on the earth, but rather store up for yourselves Spiritual treasures that are Heaven bound, where our Love & Joy in Christ are kept safe and where no one can break in and steal or destroy It. Hallelujah, Amen!

  • 1 month later...

From the very beginning of God's creation Satan wanted to be the one sitting on the mercy seat, and tried to take over, by persuading 1/3 of the angels to follow him. then he planted his seed (Cain) in eve first by beguilling her, trying to stop the comming of Jesus. He was also planting that seed, so his son (Cain's) children the "KENITES" would continously be at war with God's children, Satan vs Jesus. The (woman) is Jerusalem, and he's trying to sit there before Jesus does. God is going to allow him to do so, in order to separate the wheat from the chaff

Revelation12:4 And his tail (Satan) drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and dragon (the devil) stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child (Jesus) before it was born.

Revelation 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

Revelation 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (Satan's flood of lies, telling people that he is Jesus, and he has come to bring them peace, and take them home).

Revelation 12:17 And the dragonwas wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her see, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Satan's children, the Kenites, are at war with God's children, the Christians, God's children know who the kenites are).

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own?

I believe that this is reference to the holy mother of God. The "dragon" cannot harm her or the child who is God/Jesus/Son of Man/Son of God. The blessed mother of God is now eternally available to intercede on behalf of those who would obey the word of God. To stave off evil and protect the believers of the new church, and the new covenant. I'm probably not explaining this well. Some of these concepts I understand at the level of the soul, but I lack the intenllectual ability to describe satisfactorily.


Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own?

Non believers attack the believers since the beginning of Judeo Christian history. You must be steadfast in your resolve

What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

Evil can only win small battles in earthly terms and realms. With faith, you win the ulitmate cosmic battle of soul and your reward is not worldly, but with the Father.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

This passage tells us that sayin is very angry and that when he can't harm the woman he turns hisanger on the beleivers.

The comfort we can draw is knowing that through Jesus we are protected as the woman, when we stay in yhe word and continue to witness.

  • 4 weeks later...

Revelation 12 has already happened. The woman was/is Mary who was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Mary represents the Holy Spirit in its female essence. The child that she bore was caught up by God, which was / is Jesus our savior. Feeling in the wilderness is but merely a time of provision and reconciliation, redemption, and sanctification. This is where God is glorified and our flesh is crucified.

The war in heaven is the one that is going on today - for we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities in high places. Satan is overcome by the sacrifice of Jesus (blood of the Lamb) and by the word (the sword of truth) by those who love not their life unto death (those who are true apostles and guardian of the word - who walk in true spirit outside of the world systems, tradition, culture, Pharisee, and opinion).

The woman (spirit) is banished and resides within the Temple in the wilderness. Our body (as a true apostle) is the temple of the Lord, the wilderness is the condition of the heart - where truth is written. The spirit prevails with the help of supernatural forces. The serpent then goes forward creating havoc with the remaining apostles (true followers, not just believers or those who call themselves "Christians" (Gentiles). This is happening today and has been happening.

Revelation is not the future, it is a spiritual revelation of a physical reality that has already happened and has been happening. Everything manifests spiritually before it does in the physical world. The physical world is nothing but an "interpretation" of what has already happened in the spiritual world.

  • 6 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

This vision of the woman (The Church - Christians) and the dragon (Satan) tells us that the cosmic battle between good and evil is an ongoing spiritual war happening right here and right now on earth.

As Christians it is our responsibility to continue this fight and with the authority of Jesus we can safely trample on any snakes or scorpians which get in our way.

We can take great comfort from this passage because we know Satan is a looser (he does as well!) and he is living on borrowed time and a glorious eternal victory will soon be ours.


Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own?

The cosmic battle between God and Satan is going on in the heavenlies and on earth simultaneously. We look forward to the end of the battle when Jesus overcomes Satan and there is peace.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?






  • 9 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

The woman represents one of 3 things but I will pick the one I agree with the most and that is Mary and she is surrounded by Satan who is ready to eat the boy asap when he is born (Jesus). The egale swooped down and grabbed the baby before Satan could react to the birth. This gives me hope and strength-encouragement and endurance for the Lord has won already. And if I just endure a little more suffering for a little while longer I can praise him for the blessings and for all he did to win the battle.

  • 5 weeks later...

This part of the vision is very interesting. The Kingdom of Christ is now upon the earth. Is it possible that the church still has not been raptured even at this late date? The devil seeks to crush this new government. He can

  • 2 weeks later...

This vision of the woman and the dragon testify to the fact that satan since Genesis 3:15 has been looking to destroy the messiah as well as those men and women that follow, serve and call upon the name of the Lord -- the Living God. Until God brings His plan to a conclusion, God's people, of any age, will face the wrath and anger of satan. However, God always provides strength and refuge for His people. He will bless and reward them in His time.

  • 4 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. (12:1-17) The vision of the woman and the dragon are heavily symbolic, but comprehensible when you take care to understand. In your own words, what does this vision tell us about the cosmic battle in Jesus' day and in our own? What comfort should we disciples draw from this passage?

The battle is and has always been the same - satan trying to obtain power and victory over God and God's people. Satan hates us because He hates God and we are made in the image of God. satan hates anything that God loves - and God LOVES US. We must always remember that Jesus Christ has won the victory over satan for us. It is in HIM that we overcome satan. God is all powerful and almighty! HE is the Victor. We too are victors and not victims. Satan only has what power God allows him to have. We must trust and obey. Stay focused on Christ - not the battle for the battles not mine but the Lords.

  • 3 months later...

The woman and the dragon symbolize the battle between the church and the devil. During Jesus' time the Adversary attempted to prevent the Lord from establishing His doctrine, ultimately the church, and was defeated on Calvary. Presently, Satan is still at war with the church and has infiltrated her with an influx of worldiness. This has led to many succumbing to the flesh and a corruption of the truth, the doctrine of our Lord.

It is tragic to witness the fall of so many but those who are steadfast until the end will see the great victory of the Lord and His assumption to the throne as the true ruler of the world. Pray that we remain faithful until the final victory.

  • 3 months later...

The battel in Christ day and in our day ( which Israel is the center) come from the same roots, which is Satan trying to stop what God calls Holy : by obeying his commandments weather in Christ day or our day God still wants us to obey him.

We should find comfort in that in that Jesus blood saved us from satan and delivers us into the pressents of God!!!!!!!!


Q.2 The vision shows us that the cosmic battle is ongoing. Just as in Jesus day Satan is active today. The comfort of this passage is: Satan hath but a short time (vs.17) Also there is comfort in knowing that the faithful will be victorious and that during our time on earth we have a choice - will we be earthdwellers/or faithful witnesses?

  • 2 months later...
The woman represents all believers, living with the Spirit of God in her - as we all should and need to. The dragon represents Satan. The battle is one that has happened since our Father created the heavens - it is the same today as it was in Jesus' day, and in Adam's day. Satan wants the lives (souls) of man. He doesn't want people to give their lives to the Lord and does anything in his power to stop them. But we have the victory over Satan and death through Christ and Him alone!

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