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Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?

  • 2 months later...

Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?

This was reveiled by God, the prophet only responded to what he was given.

In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?

All authority is put in place by God, and God is in control of all situations. Cyrus was part of God's plans

How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? Even a donkey can accomplish His purposes. We saw in Gen that God mad Pharaoh hart hard. If He needs to, He can make us do stuff according to His will.

What does this tell us about God?

He is Almighty and in control. He cares for us all, and will do anything to make His plans work for the better of all.

About being humble in our judgments of others?

We can't judge, we are way too small to judge anything or anyone.


How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? GOD CALLS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING;






How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? ACCEPT JESUS AS SAVIOR AND BELIEVE








About being humble in our judgments of others?  DO UNTO OTHERS AS GOD DOES UNTO ME.



The Holy Spirit inspired him. God's true prophets are never wrong!!

He is an instrument in God's hands.

God can & does use them also.

God is in control!

We are all sinners. That makes me no different than others. I am saved and I can share with others.

Judging them & their motives, is God's work!! I need to be humble & obedient.


45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?

We have an Amazing, Astounding, Astonishing , Marvellous, All-knowing All-powerful Miracle working God...thats the ony way it can be explained .

 In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?

Another word for “ordained” to carry out the mission.

 How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes?

God has chosen Cyrus for His special misson and brought him to power for this purpose.

 What does this tell us about God?

God sees the heart of an indiviual and can mould it to fulfill His purpose....God can use anyone He wishes to use ..He could even change the heart of Saul , a persecutor of the Faith .

About being humble in our judgments of others?

When the Lord our God could use an unbeliever for such a great Job as restoring Israel and specifically Jerusalem and that too rebuilding of the temple......one can never afford to judge another ...even an unbeliever..God has a divine purpose for each one on earth    ..He is jsut waiting to see if they will respond to his message of Salvation...therefore we are no one to condemn or reject others.  


God is omnipotent; He revealed this to his prophet.  Amen!!  What an awesome God we serve.


Cyrus would be used in God’s plan, instrumental in the release of the Jews from captivity, in this sense he was anointed by God.


When the unbeliever is anointed by God and called by god he can accomplish God’s purposes.


God can use anyone to bring to pass His good plans in the lives of His people.  So we should be careful not to judge on outward appearances.  God can change anyone’s heart and use them for His glory.  We have to be humble and obedient at all times to God.


God had a purpose from all eternity that had to fulfiled through cyrus and it was revealed by the prophet.


God had taken hold of cyrus to fuflil his purpose and because God was with cyrus his anointing rested upon him.


a unbeliever can carry God's purposes if he has sensed God's touch on his life. if he has experienced God's love and mercy that will enable him to do fufil God's purposes.


God is no respecter of man and He is not partial.


We need to make ourselves aware that God can use whom he wants to fulfil his purposes. He has a plan for all of us and we need to humble oursleves and know that God can use each of us according to his plan and no one is greater or smaller but all are created by him and he will use each one according to what he has in mind!



Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?

TO know you are anointed, one must wait, meditate, and listen; when we hear it, we can rush to it, but for me, it all has to go slowly or it doesn't work.


its not like Cyrus being name a century before his birth, but then agian it is when we think it through deeper. We are all called once we have given Him enought space and time in our mind and heart.


God uses everyone to accomplish His will. He rules over all that He created, every one, believers and unbelievers, we will all bow in the end. His plan can never fail; best to surrender Roy, not any time to waste; our days are numbvered like a flower that grows and blossoms in its season and is gone



Q7. (Isaiah 44:7b) In what sense does God "bring prosperity and create disaster"? Is God the source of evil? Of trouble? Of prosperity? Of poverty? In what sense is he responsible for these? In what sense are we responsible for these things? Since we know that God is the source of both prosperity and disaster, what should we be doing?



God's plan is not possible to comprehend, but we are a tiny and needed part of it. That is why we exist, for no other reason. The materialism in our life is part of it. it is all so big and complex we don't have a clue. The notion of prosperity and disaster are temporal in our lives, insignificant to eternity, but still fitting the plan he has for us.


Its a long journey, but He is always there, He never fails, because its His plan.Evil will be repaid, poverty in material things is only of this world. Spiritual poverty or disbelief is a disaster for eternity. The choise is ours as he would have us believe.


Given the above, best to recognize He is the big big boss, and loving Father. Obey, follow, praise, and thank Him for life today!!!!

On 8/1/2013 at 10:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said:



Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?

The Lord prophetically spoke through Isaiah letting him know who the future deliverer would be.

In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God?

Cyrus was set apart before he was born (by 150 years) , given the name of God's choosing, and appointed to fulfill God's plan for the nation of Israel through defeating opposing kings, with God's power, favor and authority.

How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes?

Since God knows the future, he knows when a person will be born, what their disposition, personality, gifts and talents will be. He knows every thought before it is thought, and every word before it is spoken, so He can confidently prophecy then use the individual for His purposes. He raises up one (either for blessing or as correction for a nation, or for trials to promote a believer's growth for example. He brings down leaders, as well).

What does this tell us about God?

He is Almighty God! Omnipotent, Omniscient, Creator of the Universe....Nothing escapes Him since He is all knowing. He is never surprised.....by anything or anyone. He is seated, and never wrings His "hands" about any subject!

About being humble in our judgments of others?

We should mind our own business and trust that God is at work, and trust HIS judgment, and lean not on our own understanding. Ungodly presidents and leaders may be used to discipline nations, as in Israel's history and in nation's currently experiencing leadership which leads to darkness. Perhaps when it is dark, Christians have more opportunity to shine with His light.


Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4)

How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?

In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?

How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes?

What does this tell us about God?

About being humble in our judgments of others?

With God all is possible and to call Cyrus by name more than a 100 years before he was born proved that He was the all-knowing and only true God. That our God is sovereign. It demonstrated that if He could be accurate about Cyrus, He could also be accurate in His prophecy concerning our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Just as prophets, priests, and kings were anointed for service, so Cyrus was set apart or anointed by God to perform a special service for Israel's sake. It does not mean Cyrus was a believer but rather that he was chosen for a specific purpose by God. He had to follow God’s instructions in delivering the Israelites from captivity in Babylon and allow them to return to their homeland. This proves that God can use unbelievers to accomplish His purposes. We see an example of this in Genesis were God hardened the heart of Pharaoh in preparation for the exodus from Egypt.




Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?
    Past, present, and future are all “now” to the Lord.  He gave this prophecy to Isaiah so that there would be no doubt in the future that He is God.

 In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?
    God gave Cyrus authority  over the nations and He will go with Cyrus to accomplish His purpose.     

How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes?
    God uses whoever and whatever achieves His purpose.  In this case, the prophecy given to and written by Isaiah was read by Cyrus more than a century later.  God led Cyrus to believe in the prophecy.  He became an instrument of God’s purpose.  

What does this tell us about God?
    He is omnipotent.  He is the Sovereign Lord and His purposes will not be thwarted.   But He is also just.  In Cyrus’s case, God acted as kinsman-redeemer.   He paid the ransom price for His people by giving to Cyrus the lands of Egypt and Cush and others.

Being humble in our judgments of others?
    Judge not that ye be not judged.  We are ALL created by God in His image.  It is His will that all men be saved.   You may have a beef with the guy next to you, but God wants you to love him and help him because He loves that fellow as much as He loves you (and that's a powerful lot of love).  And God is going to keep knocking on that fellow’s door by every means possible, using everyone He can, until the last day in the hope that this unique creation of His will, of his own free will, choose to come to Jesus and be saved.  He’s holding out His hand to you and asking “Won’t you help Me save My child?”
    We have absolutely no way to know what effect a kind word or a friendly smile might have on the person we meet in the aisle at the store (or on the street or in the office), but there are accounts written of people whose lives have been saved by something just this simple.  The Lord leads us moment by moment.  We don’t need to know what happens next; He knows.



Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born?


This is a very specific prophecy. If it was in the hands of the people in exile it would have given them hope when Cyrus came to power. They'd know their return to their land was imminent.




In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God?


God had set Cyrus the task of restoring Jerusalem. Even though he wasn't annointed in the traditional sense he was still prepared by God for that task. It was God's will for Cyrus to do that.




How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes? What does this tell us about God?


God can and often does use anyone He pleases to achieve his plans. While it's far more likely that God will use believers, there are times when it's necessary to have other people of other religions accomplish His will and purpose.




About being humble in our judgments of others?


We shouldn't judge others as inferior to us in the spirituality department, Next thing we know God may have a mighty work for them to do.



Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?


God is an All knowing God who sees the end before the start of any thing and thus has the ability to have seen Cyrus hundreds of  years before He came to actualise the prophesy.


Cyrus is called by God, made to be a tool in His hand to accomplish a purpose hence the term "anointed"


God chose to use a donkey to use against Balaam's mission to be used by Balak to curse the Israelites on their way to the promised land, He can use anything and anybody to achieve His purposes.


We should respect others and do not despise them no matter their race or religion.


1. How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? Before the foundation of the earth God knew us by names and our destination, also, If we would accept or reject Him.

2. Cyrus is anointed by GOD: GOD bestow on him a title of honor, and Cyrus returned the Jews to Jerusalem.

3. How can an unbeliever accomplished God's purpose? There are many example in the bible how GOD used unbelievers to accomplish his purpose. The apostle Paul is a good example. Remember he used to be Saul.

4. What does this tell us about GOD? He can use any of us to accomplish His purpose.

5. We should not be quick to judge others. Only God knows what he have for them to accomplish.

As Paul said (Philippians 1: 15-18)

It is true some preach CHRIST out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16. The latter do so in love, knowing I am put here for the defense of the gospel.

17. The former preach CHRIST out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.

18. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, CHRIST IS PREACHED. And because of this I rejoice.


In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God?  Cyrus was anointed in the sense – he will accomplish what Isaiah prophesied God said he would do. A shepherd reflects on a person who is anointed, one who is anointed is one who will follow and be obedient to their calling.


How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? God allowed other nations to take Israel captive, therefore fulfilling His purpose of bringing judgment on them, there is no holding back God from allowing what an unbelievers motive might be, here the motive of Cyrus was to bring good, however, even if an unbelievers purpose was to bring harm, God can turn it around with the purpose of bringing good; God knew ahead of time what was in the heart of Cyrus, and he used it for His purpose.


What does this tell us about God? God is an awesome God of whom I can put my faith and trust in, knowing He has my good in mind.


About being humble in our judgments of others? My purpose is to treat others as I would like to be treated; the purpose of my life is to "trust" in God, and not in man.





Cyrus could be called by name more than a century before he was born because God revealed his name to Isaiah, His anointed prophet. God gave Isaiah the prophetic assignment to reveal it.


Cyrus was anointed by God to decree that the Jews could return to Jerusalem. He was also anointed to return some of the temple furnishings and to finance the temple's construction.

"He will say of Jerusalem,'Let it be built" and of the temple, 'Let the foundations be laid."


How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? It's simple! God can accomplish His purposes through anybody! This shows us how sovereign He is! He can make or will anything, through anybody if He so desires. He can give or take away. He can heal or destroy. He is Almighty God!!!


We simply can not judge another person. We don't know what God is doing in another person's life and we don't have a say in it either. We only have our own tiny little perceptions when it comes to others and what God is doing in or through another's life. We need to be humble and in prayer more than arrogant and taking matters into our own hands when it comes to other people.


Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus "anointed" by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God's purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?


I am not sure why you ask how Cyrus can be called by name more than a century before he was born.  Isn't that what prophecy is all about?  God is all knowing, all powerful, knew from the 'beginning' what would be and who would be.  He is the amazing God.  He has planned for all our prayers before they were uttered, before we were born.  He has been working out His plan for all of our lives before we were.  My question is how can I think of anything else but I do.  That is a mystery to me.


I believe everyone serves God either in honor (as one of His) or dishonor (as someone who has rejected him).  But they do serve Him. 


God is all powerful.  He will accomplish that which He sets out to do and He will use the most unusual people and ways.  He is awesome!


We shouldn't judge but rather see others as God sees them.  With an eternal soul that needs the Redeemer.  And perhaps we really don't know very much after all.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


God's infinite wisdom and power made it possible for Isaiah to reveal Cyrus' name since God had already put His plan in motion.Cyrus was to be one of many individuals who are God's instruments. He is "anointed" to provide guidance, protection, and deliverance for God's people.

God's thinking and wisdom is infinitely greater than all men put together so we cannot judge or rely on things based on human thought. What seems wise to us is foolishness to God, and what seems foolish to Isis God's great wisdom at work.

  • 3 weeks later...

Question 7.6

The words used in Isaiah 45:1, "Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to subdue nations before him and strip kings of their robes, to open doors before him --and the gates shall not be closed:", are really very unusual in that the name of Cyrus is given in what appears to be a prophecy. One of the unusual things about these words is that at no place else in a prophetic announcement (other than the nativity announcement) is the name of the individual given. The name Cyrus here is associated with the term anointed one, a messianic for Jesus. This is really quite amazing, surely Cyrus cannot surely be from a Jewish standpoint the Messiah -- he is not Jewish. As well from a Christological point of view Cyrus is certainly not Jesus the Christ.

The remarkable about Cyrus is that he is not Jewish, he is a Gentile and thus God is presenting to Israel a savior who is not from their community of the circumcised. This is something new , something that God has done and it is not going to be acceptable to the exiles. In the same fashion, Jesus was also really an outsider and God has proclaimed that the pheasant from Galilee, this carpenter, is the anointed one of Israel.

One possibility for the dilemma is that the word Cyrus was added some later time by a reactor who would know of Cyrus's victory and the later return of people to their country. In 4428 the words ' of Cyrus' could easily have been omitted.

Both in the return of the exiles and the coming of Christ God has done something new. He has brought in an outsider to be the means of the salvation for his people. We should never sell God short for he can call people from all walks of life to perform his wonders. Cyrus is anointed by God because he is appointed to enable the return of the exiles. Cyrus at the time of invasion and capture of Babylon did not know Yahweh but he still being a creature lf God was used as an instrument of God's justice. All creatures are creatures of God and can be used by God to enable his divine plan. Usually these who are used are unaware of their being an instrument of God the almighty one whose power is faced upon the law. (Barth, 48) God then is the God of all creation and is enable to use all elements of his creation to accomplish his purpose. God who does not need us created heaven and earth and all creatures, people included, out of sheer fatherly kindness and compassion apart from any merit or worthiness of people -- for this grace of creation we need to be eternally grateful (Barth, Dogmatics in Outline, 54).

Because we are so created by God the Father we are called upon to love him and to respond to his call for justice by loving our neighbors as ourselves. If we are so loved by God and of others, we must need to be humble in both God's presence and the presence of others.




Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?



Cyrus can be called by name more than century before he is born because God stands outside and above time and knows how things are going to play out.  He knows what is going to do -- the when and the hows.  How is this possible?   Only God really knows. 


Cyrus is anointed by God in that God has already directly purposed Him for his role in Israel's history.  God specifically knows how he is going to use Cyrus to carry out his plans.


God moves and influences even the unbeliever to carry out his will.  We must always walk humbly with God and leave the judging of others to Him. 




Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?


Cyrus can be called by name more than century before he is born because God stands outside and above time and knows how things are going to play out.  He knows what is going to do -- the when and the hows.  How is this possible?   Only God really knows. 


Cyrus is anointed by God in that God has already directly purposed Him for his role in Israel's history.  God specifically knows how he is going to use Cyrus to carry out his plans.


God moves and influences even the unbeliever to carry out his will.  We must always walk humbly with God and leave the judging of others to Him. 



The only way that Cyrus could have been called by name more than a century was by divine guidance. Cyrus was “anointed” by God in the sense that God was using him to accomplish what He wanted done. God still uses unbelievers to this day to accomplish His purposes. Look at all the good things that the unbelieving do. This only way this could happen is for God to be using them. This tells us that God can do anything that He wants and can use anybody to accomplish is mission. We are called not to judge others.

  • 1 year later...

God knows all things and is able to share what will happen in the future. He is all knowing. And God can and will and does manipulate time, events and people to accomplish his goals. I feel that God shared this information about Cyrus. And Cyrus was blessed and anointed by God's own hand way before his birth. God gave him credit way before Cyrus was born. He is destined to do the will of God.


I feel that God will put his goals and purposes on the hearts of people. They do not have to believe to feel with their hearts. Their minds are open to many things. God can make people do as he wants. God has given everyone a purpose and a reason to be.


We honestly have no clue why God created people. We have no way of knowing what God's purpose is. We need to love everyone the same because we are all God's children. And each of us is very special to God.

  • 9 months later...

Q6. (Isaiah 45:1-4) How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? In what sense is Cyrus “anointed” by God? How can an unbeliever accomplish God’s purposes? What does this tell us about God? About being humble in our judgments of others?​


Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born because God know the end from the beginning.  He sees, knows what will be and re3vals it to His servant. Cyrus is “anointed” by God because God uses his to accomplish His will. An unbeliever can accomplish God’s purposes by obeying God's commandments found in His Holy Word. God will use anyone to accomplish His plans. Because God can use anyone, we should be careful in our judgments of others.

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