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  • 2 months later...

Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? What is the original historical context of these verses?

The Jews have been in captivity for generations (70 years, every 20 years or so  another generation is born)

 How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?

He send just as the messanger who was sent, we are all sent to proclaim the good news, all of us must spread the Word of God


Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? JOY IS NOT ONLY COMING IN THE MORNING; JOY IS RUNNING TOWARDS ME:  "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'
Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;
together they shout for joy." (52:7)




What is the original historical context of these verses ?Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;

together they shout for joy." (52:7) 


"Burst into songs of joy together, you ruins of Jerusalem,

for the LORD has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem." (52:9)





How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?  "And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"

Romans 10:15



Romans 10:15 ...with reference to evangelists bringing the gospel. You may have sung these words in the song "Our God Reigns."




Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful

 Good News  is  Gospel  ..therefore the good news of Peace and Salvation  in Zion  will announce the Lords Return and His soveriegn reign.  ..


What is the original historical context of these verses?

OrigIn in history is 2 Samuel 18;24-31

Obviously  good news is always awaited especially after a battle has been fought..and the news of victory is wonderful and the messenger .. beautiful because whenever Israel went into  the battle with its enemies  people waited eagerly for the messenger to come over the hills..the watchman shouted one man is coming ...that was not a good sign  but when he shouted another man is running and coming  that was a sure sign of victory in the  battle ...this is the origin of this text in history WHEN DAVID WAITED FOR NEWS OF THE BATTLE.. It was always the Lords hand in the victory and not their own strength...this was beautiful


How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?

Paul applies this to the evangelists who would be sent to preach the gospel and this was good news to the people who would not be able to hear the gospel otherwise...therefore the feet of these evangelists was a beautiful sign of good tidings being spread to all nations 


The messenger is blessed and brings blessings--peace, good tidings, & most importantly, salvation.

They had been redeemed from Babylon.

Those who need the Lord, also need someone to tell them. The blessings are there for those sent ones who preach & those who hear.


The messenger brings news of freedom from captivity; he brings news of salvation, peace and joy.


The original historical context is when the Jews were redeemed from the captivity of Babylon.


Paul refers this verse to the evangelists bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the People.


Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9)

Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful?

What is the original historical context of these verses?

How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?

It reminds me of Handel’s Messiah, Part II, and Movement 38 – “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.” (Romans 10:15; Isaiah 52:7). And so the message brought must have been beautiful music to the ears to the Jews - a song of deliverance. The messenger comes to proclaim the good news of peace and the glad tidings of salvation. What a beautiful sound and sight! They hear a messenger announce to Jerusalem, "Good news! You're saved. There will be peace. Your God is now King.” All start to sing and celebrate, knowing that the LORD comes to their rescue. The historical context of these verses are the joyous return of the exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem. God is the One who sends. We are the ones who are sent to spread the good news - the Gospel. It is our privilege and responsibility to go with beautiful feet to a lost and dying world.



On 8/1/2013 at 10:23 PM, Pastor Ralph said:


Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful?

This is what we long for in this fallen world of evil around us and a steady "blanket" of bad or perilous news from the media and  others. Good news is like balm for the heart and soul! A message of good news brings hope and comfort, rejoicing and refreshing. Without hope we perish!

What is the original historical context of these verses?

The exiles being released and returned from Babylonian captivity!

How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?

Paul is speaking of the truly GOOD news of the Gospel of Salvation by grace alone through Jesus Christ.....the only hope for the lost....and those whose feet carry the message of eternal life and forgiveness are beautiful indeed!


A messenger or carrier of good news is so beautiful because they bring good tidings and a message of hope or comfort. They bring joy to the people and give much peace. They bring light into what has been dark and they share promises of a better day!


The original historic content for this was when the Jews were brought news of their return from captivity in Babylon. "Say to Zion, your God reigns! Burst into songs of joy together you ruins of Jerusalem for the Lord has comforted His people, He has redeemed Jerusalem."


Paul applies this verse in Romans 10:15 by saying that those who are sent to preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things have beautiful feet. He is referring to preaching the Gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ and salvation for all peoples.


Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? What is the original historical context of these verses? How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?


I wish that I could meditate on this perhaps in the morning; the news of our salvation is the best news one can get. It is a wise one who can believe, and feel this beauty. 

Some how I feel rushed....  , 'Your God reigns!'Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; 

together they shout for joy." 


This is something we need to feel as deeply as we can, in a quiet place, far from today's work or tomorrow potential problems; the Lord will provide for me despite my sinful self-centeredness. I am ashamed and seek him for my impatience tonight. Praise his holy name! God bless America, we are corrupt and fallen like Israel was. We an hope that foreigner like HIspanic Christians will populate and help save this country, with new laws on immigration, etc.


Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? What is the original historical context of these verses? How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?


The beautiful feet bring good tidings which makes their affliction easier to bear.


The Jews were oppressed and in captivity.  The oppressers thought God had no power to deliver the Jews.


Romans 10:15 applies it to those who carry the good news of the Gospel to those who have not heard.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13



Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful?
    The beauty is in the message;  they bring the welcome message of peace and joy to a weary world.   

What is the original historical context of these verses?
    This is the return of the captives from Babylon, the gathering of the Lord’s people.

 How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?  
    Paul applies this verse to evangelism, to preaching the good news of the gospel to those who have not heard.    “ But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him? And how can they hear without a preacher?   And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!”



Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful?


Because at times when we're in dire circumstances good news will greatly lift our spirits.




What is the original historical context of these verses?


In the ancient days when Isaiah wrote these prophecies there was no mail system. There were no organized communication processes. If there had been a battle, a royal birth, any notable event, runners would go out and deliver such news verbally to the people in towns and communities away from where the events took place. In a town or city there would be watchmen on the walls, in a watchtower, usually built higher than the rest of the buildings, whose task it was to look out for approaching enemies and also for runners bringing news. Isaiah writes that it's a beautiful thing to see a runner coming who has good news. 




How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?


Paul was the chief evengelist of the early church and he likened missionaries taking the Gospel to the world to the runners who brought good news to people who really needed some good news to brighten their lives. All the more so because the good news the missionaries brought were the words of eternal life! Amen.



Messenger or carrier of good news is so beautiful because he carries the message of the Lord. This message can bless us , edify us , encourage us and give us a new spiritual and physical vigour. It is beautiful because it produces hope against hope and peace and joy in our hearts.


It was a message of hope to the exiled Isarelites that God would redeem them out of captivity and give them a new life.


Paul applies this to the preaching of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. How beautiful it is to proclaim the world about Jesus Christ who came to redeem the whole mankind from sin and find salvation and gain eternal life in Him!


1. The messenger or carrier of good news is so beautiful because: We all love to hear good news and is sadden when there is bad news. Good news give us hope and brings us from darkness to light.

2. The original historical context comes from: When God brought them out of captivity from Egypt and later freedom from the oppression of the Assyrian.

3. Paul applies this in Romans 10:15, God sends His people to bring good news as Isaiah said in (Isaiah 52:7)






Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? They for so long saw the ugly face of affliction, sin, how beautiful, how pleasant it is for Zion to hear the good news, God will redeem His people and will bring peace to them and to their soul.


What is the original historical context of these verses? The original context, the "good tidings" refers to their returning from Babylon, however, the "beautiful tidings" refers to their future, when Zion will be awake and will put on beautiful garments of circumcised hearts and will no longer be unclean. (Isaiah 52:1)


How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15? How glorious it is for us that the prophets brought forth news of "good tidings", how beautiful it is for those who have ears to hear the message, they can be redeemed from their "Babylon", the affliction of sin that separates them from the LORD, how pleasant it is to have a new song written on the heart, as the watchman of the soul looks forward to the day the "Messiah" will come and bring "PEACE" and all the ends of the earth will see the salvation of our God.


Nothing is more beautiful and amazing as God's mercy and grace in action. Every time He performs this act of salvation, it has nothing to do with the deeds of individuals but because of His wondrous love.

The original historical context involves the prophecy of God's people departing from their exile in Babylon and back home to Zion. Paul applies Isaiah 52: 7 to how Christ's followers spread and proclaim the Gospel and good news of God's gift of salvation to every corner of the earth.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful?

1.  It brings new hope.


What is the original historical context of these verses?

2.  Even though they were in exiled to Babylon, they will be freed.


How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?
3.  We must go and tell the Good News.  It is a beautiful thing.


  • 2 weeks later...

Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? What is the original historical context of these verses? How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?


The messenger or carrier of the good news is so beautiful because he brings the message of hope and salvation from God.  The original historical context of these verses is the promised deliverance of Israel from captivity and their restoration in a restored Jerusalem.  Later, Paul applies these verses to both Jews and Gentiles in that Jesus Christ is the savior and our reconciliation with God is through Jesus and that is the good news.  Anyone who calls upon the name Jesus will be saved. That is the beautiful and wonderful message for humanity that the messenger brings.


Q5. (Isaiah 52:7-9) Why is a messenger or carrier of good news so beautiful? What is the original historical context of these verses? How does Paul apply this verse in Romans 10:15?



The messenger or carrier of the good news is so beautiful because he brings the message of hope and salvation from God.  The original historical context of these verses is the promised deliverance of Israel from captivity and their restoration in a restored Jerusalem.  Later, Paul applies these verses to both Jews and Gentiles in that Jesus Christ is the savior and our reconciliation with God is through Jesus and that is the good news.  Anyone who calls upon the name Jesus will be saved. That is the beautiful and wonderful message for humanity that the messenger brings.


Question 8.5
The bearer of good news is always considered to b e beautiful ; whether it be a new birth in the family or a victory in battle.  Sentinels on the walls of the city could tell by the movement of the runner whether the news the runner carried was  bad or good.  The good news runner would run with joy because he would be met joyously at the gates of the city and there would be great feasting.  The bearer of bad news would be shunned and perhaps even killed.  The good news bearer was a much better omen.  The news that is being brought from Babylon to Jerusalem is not just good news - it is exceptional news, news that the exiles would return.  The city will now be able to be rebuilt, life would return to ‘normal’ and the temple would be rebuilt.  
Paul recalls this message when he writes in romans.  He suggests that although no one who calls upon Jesus would be put to shame but asks how are people to call upon one in whom they do not believe.  Romans 10:14) the good ness that Paul is referring to here is the good news of the gospel.  The news that is true good to be true.  The news of God’s gracious git to humanity, the gift of Jesus Christ.  Thus Paul is saying the same that Jesus is saying in Matthew 28:18-20 go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations.  Isaiah in his most poetic mode writes that blessed are those who bring the good news of the gospel to announce salvation to all that listen.  


  • 2 weeks later...

The messenger or carrier of good news is so beautiful because it will something that you want to hear. As a rule it is something that you have waiting to hear for quite a while and not your wait is over.

Paul uses these verses to encourage those that are to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ as the one bring the ones bring the beautiful message of their salvation.

  • 1 year later...

The Jewish people have suffered for a long time. The person that is coming with the good news ia so very special to them. It is the most wonderful sight that they have ever seen. Teh historical context of these verses is the freeing of the Jewish people from slavery in a foreign land. Paul is basically saying that good news is always a wonderful thing. And the messenger that brings it is a beautiful person to the one that receives the news.

  • 7 years later...

I can imagine not being sure of the outcome of a battle, or of God's words about a particular situation, and then seeing in a distance, the figure of a skinny, long-distance runner broaching a hill with a parchment in his hands -- that parchment tells the news I've been waiting for.

It's like an email that finally arrives: Remember AOL? "You've got mail!"

I was assuming that the runner/email brings good news so wanted to get it.


Paul talks about the beautiful feet of the messenger or runner but then he immediately follows this by saying that many people did not believe the good news when it finally game. They heard, but did not believe. 

Yet some did believe. "I was found by those who did not seek me ... revealed ... to those who did not ask for me."

God continually holds out the good news for disobedient and obstinate people, perhaps knowing that a few of them will be saved.

  • 1 year later...

Q5.Anybody bringing good news is welcome. Their feet are beautiful as they carry the good news. This applies even more when it is the good news of the gospel. So often people don’t realise until the beautiful feet bring the good news, just what they have been missing. So they are filled with joy and appreciate the beautiful feet of those who bring the good news.

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