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Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor? What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”? What does the husband do in this analogy? In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? What is expected of the wife?

  • 2 months later...

In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor?

They could not produce rightious deeds (even with His favour they failed)

They also didnt increase as a nation.

What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?

Throughout the Old Testament God called Israel His bride, just as the church is now the bride of Christ.

What does the husband do in this analogy?

Love and protect the bride

In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?

Church is the bride, Christ is the Husband

What is expected of the wife?

To serve and love the Husband - be obedient and faithful!!


In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor? To be barren was considered a source of shame. Recall the struggle of some of the Bible's barren wives -- Sarah, Rachel, Hannah -- who later bore children.




What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?  HE WILL PROTECT AND TAKE CARE OF YOU.  For your Maker is your husband --

the LORD Almighty is his name--
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth. 




What does the husband do in this analogy? HE WILL PROTECT AND TAKE CARE OF YOU




In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? "THE CHURCH" IS THE BRIDE AND CHRIST IS THE HUSBAND




What is expected of the wife?  SUBMISSION:  "Wives submit to your husbands; husbands love your wives.." 

  • Ephesians 5:22-33





They had suffered shame & reproach because they had forsaken the Lord.

He called them back as if calling back a wayward wife--calling them back to His protection.

Gave her kindness, compassion, love & peace.

The wife is the Church and the husband is Jesus Christ.

The wife must submit and respect their husband.


In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor? Jerusalem suffered great trauma.  Without God’s favor the city was destroyed, their children slain, and the survivors were sent off into exile.


What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"? It means God will restore Jerusalem.  He will not abandon His people anymore but love and protect them as a husband does to his wife.  Israel will not be shamed anymore.


What does the husband do in this analogy? Love, protect and provide.  Not leave the wife alone.


In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? The church of Christ is the bride, Christ is the husband.


What is expected of the wife?  Submissions, honesty, purity, love.


Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8)

In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favour?

What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?

What does the husband do in this analogy?

In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?

What is expected of the wife?

We see Jerusalem as barren and desolate while Israel is in captivity. But there is a future, the LORD will re-gather Israel the way a husband takes back his wife. The analogy describes that the Israelites should have no fear of disgrace, for she will no longer be desolate and helpless like a widow. God, like a husband will take back Israel, His wife. In the NT analogy, the wife is the church and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the husband. The wife is expected to be obedient to the husband. 




Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor?
    The people of Jerusalem were cut down; those who survived were sent away into exile and the city was ruined, shamed, empty of favor, empty of joy–barren and desolate, as were her exiled people.   She was an empty tent, occupied only by a rejected wife.

     Without God, we cannot produce fruit and are barren, just as Jerusalem was barren during the exile.  Jesus said "If you abide in Me, and I abide in you, you will bear much fruit; without Me you can do nothing."
What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?
     In Isaiah's time, the husband could do whatever He wanted.  He could put a wife away for any displeasure she caused and she had no power to oppose him.  Her husband was her master.  God has sovereign authority  to cause Judah's suffering, and to end her suffering.    He exiled her for her idolatry.  Though the exile was the result of His anger at her infidelity, He brings her back to Him out of love and compassion.

What does the husband do in this analogy?
    He forgives her transgressions, remembers them no more, and brings her back to Him.  He will take away her shame.

 In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?
    The church is the wife.  The husband is the Messiah

What is expected of the wife?
    Love, obedience, and fidelity



Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor? What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"? What does the husband do in this analogy? In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? What is expected of the wife?


Children were considered a gift from God and maybe a woman's whole purpose in being.  She certainly felt desolate and lonely without them especially as she watched her friends in shame and envy the love and joy shared in the family and the sense of some importance.  She certainly felt the reproach of her situation.   Living in Babylon was a shameful condition for the Jews.  It displayed openly their alienation from God who was their head, their pride and joy.  It shows how quickly we go after non important things and leave our God.  It is hard to fathom the mind of any person even the redeemed at times. Anyway the years in Babylon were a reproach to the Jews and they must have felt some of the scorn of the idol worshippers.

When Isaiah says "your maker is you husband"  it might be easier to view it from the viewpoint of the woman who looked to her husband for support and the decision maker, the strength of the family.  However the husband needs to look to the Lord for the guidance he needs to lead his family.  He has been rejected also and needs the love and compassion of the Lord.

In the NT analogy bride of Christ the bride is His church and the Lord is the husband.

Respect for her husband is expected of the wife.


God Bless


Romans 15:13


Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor?

Israel had been unfaithful to the Lord and was punished ...She suffered humiliation in captivity in Babylon, Jerusalem had been destroyed and became like a barren and desolate land.To be 'barren' was a shameful thing for a woman and so God compares the sins of Israel to an unfaithful wife and her punishment is barrenness when she forsook the Lord..

What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?

God is  like the husband to Israel .He had all the authority to put her away and she cannot oppose Him or take her back even if she was an unfaithful wife i.e   He could make or  break her life  

What does the husband do in this analogy?

Israel was like an unfaithful wife but God could and would redeem her with love ,care and protection and give her back her esteemed position in his house. 


In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?

 The church is the bride of Christ and  Christ is the  Husband of the church i.e." believers" . He will love , care and protect them.


What is expected of the wife?

The wife is expected to Obey the husband's  commands , respect Him and submit to Him.


Jerusalem did not have a loving relationship with thier God. They sin against God and chose to worship other gods and were stubborn and rebellion and thus separted from the love of God. In this way Jerusalem was barren and did not enjoy God's favour.


God was the Lord and Master of Israel. He loved them and chose them to be his own.


God is a loving and merciful God , slow to anger and rich in love. He loves and forgives Israel and chooses to protect and show mercy.


Christ is the husband and the believers who have accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour are the bride of christ.


the wife is expected to build an intimate love relationship with her husband. Also the wife is expected to love, honor and seek the good of the husband.



On 8/1/2013 at 10:23 PM, Pastor Ralph said:




Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor?

The Wife (Israel) divorced her Husband (God), and was forsaken for a time of separation, dry, no fruitfulness or guidance!

What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”?

It implies that God Who created her (Israel) was her lover, provider, & protector who was in covenant with her. He's also the husband of His Bride, the church in the same areas, as well as our guide, constant companion, encourager, Redeemer, friend, teacher, soon coming King!

What does the husband do in this analogy?

He chose, called, wooed and won her, then comforted and redeemed her.

In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?

The Church is the wife, Jesus is her husband. I love that the Holy Trinity was involved in that marriage: The Father chose and called me before the foundation of the world and gave me to Jesus as His love gift. The Holy Spirit wooed and courted me then introduced me to Jesus. When I said "Yes" Jesus redeemed, cleansed and forgave me, clothed me in His royal robe and gave me to the Father as His love gift.(Eph 1, John 14 & 17) How precious is His bride! Each of us beloved and cherished, each one safe in His arms for eternity.

What is expected of the wife?

She is responsive to His love, is respectful and devoted to Him, honors Him and is obedient to His leading. She seeks His voice, listens and obeys,  and is a faithful companion. She delights herself in Him, respects Him  and seeks to bring honor to Him before others. She introduces her Husband to others.




Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor?


God had turned His back on Jerusalem because of her persistent sins down through the generations. Because of that nothing good was happening there. Even when ruled by good kings like Hezekiah and Josiah the good times were temporary. Jerusalem still had a bent toward unrighteousness. The reigns of the good kings were like a temporary reprieve at best.




What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”?


Isaiah writes that to illustrate that at the time of the return from exile God will treat Israel in the same loving way as a husband treats his wife.




What does the husband do in this analogy?


These chapters tell that the husband will show favor to his wife despite earlier having rejected her. In these passages the husband is declaring forgiveness and pledging his love to his wife and restoring her to a position of favor, never to again be rejected. In those times a husband could send his wife away and, although still married, she could not approach him or have him approach her. It was a sign of disgrace. In this analogy the husband is undoing all that and receiving his wife back into favor and love.




In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?


The wife in the New Testament is the Church of Jesus Christ, the Christian Church. The husband is Jesus Himself. The great feast in Heaven at the end of time will be the figurative wedding feast of the husband, Jesus, and the bride, His Church, presented without stain of blemish. The Church, in the Heavenly realm, will have been purified by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Himself.




What is expected of the wife?


Fidelity and faithfulness, for starters. The wife, God's people are expected to Love the Lord our God with all our mind, all our hearts, and all our strength.





1. Jerusalm was barren without God's favor: The city was destroyed, children were slain and Jerusalm was rejected by the LORD.

2. When Isaiah imply Your maker is your husband: God loves us and will protect us.

3. In this analogy the husband have deep compassion and everlasting love.

4. In the new testament "Bride of Christ."

-Christ the Lamb of God is the Husband.

-The church is the wife.

5. The wife is expected to submit, obey and be forever faithful


Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor? Jerusalem without the favor of God, is as a wife who is "barren", a wife whose relationship with her husband has become "sterile" - the roots of their relationship describe a wife who has not felt the tender feelings and joy of motherhood, the joy that binds a family together, therefore she is as a wife who has not experienced the blessings of her Maker, her husband.


What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"? The husband of Israel is the LORD of hosts, he is their Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth is their Maker.


What does the husband do in this analogy? As their head and not their tail, He will gather Israel under His wings, and he will comfort her with everlasting mercies.


In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? All those who believe in God's Son, the Messiah of Israel, are those who have excepted His proposal of marriage, they are the ones who will take and drink from the glass of wine set before them, they are the ones who will display their “faithfulness” is to the Bridegroom.


What is expected of the wife? She will be loyal to him and will joyfully respect His headship over her.





Jerusalem was barren without God's favor in that their city was destroyed, their children slain, and the survivors were sent off into exile. Jerusalem felt like a barren woman with no children and rejected by her husband.


When Isaiah says "Your maker is your husband" it speaks of a covenant (like a marriage covenant) to the people of Israel. Now, God will be like a husband to them, taking care of them, providing for them and no longer rejecting them, but loving them in a covenant relationship being forever faithful to them.


In the New Testament, "bride of Christ" means the church as the bride and Christ as the husband. The wife (the church) is to submit to her husband, be pure and chaste before Him and be adorned with the good works she has done out of love and obedience to Him.


Jerusalem and God's people were barren because they failed to be a blessing and a light to the rest of the world. God, therefore, castes her off as a husband would have divorced his wife of his youth. Over a period of time in exile, God mercifully delivers His people and welcomes them back home. Like the casted away wife accepted back by her husband (The Lord) and they renew their wedding vows (God's new covenant). These time the barren wife will bare countless child and thrive--much like God's people will be a great blessing to the rest of the world.

In the New Testament, the bride of Christ is the church and Christ is the husband. As mentioned in Revelations 19 and 21, the marriage between of the Lamb of God and His bride will fully united them. The bride is expected to be pure, chaste, submissive, and upright if she is to be presentable to her groom.

  • 2 weeks later...

In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor?

In a sense like a barren woman with no children, rejected by her husband. Suffered great shame. 


What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”? What does the husband do in this analogy?

God has compassion on Israel and is ready to take her back.  He will again be her provider and redeemer.


In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? What is expected of the wife?

The church is the bride.  Christ is the bridegroom.  Wives are to submit to their husbands.


  • 2 weeks later...
Question 8 - 6
The barrenness of Israel in exile is described in Isaiah by a metaphor of a barren woman or as a widow.  In the 7th century BC   women were under the complete control of the husband and the only way of winning love was to produce children for her husband as children were one of the great needs of ancient society.  Boys especially were prized for it was on their shoulders that the future of the family was to succeed.  A family without children was seen as very unfortunate and the wife was looked down upon and was scorned by those around her.  Women became desperate to have children for if not the husband was disappointed, the neighbors smirked and she herself was desolate.  Many women went to great lengths to have children.  Sarah had Abraham sleep with her handmaiden in order for her to have a child.  
Israel in exile to Babylon had the same feeling of desolation as the barren woman as they felt they had no future.  They felt abandoned by Yahweh in their time of exile.  This sense of abandonment would lead Israel into depression .
Your maker is your husband implies that just as the husband had complete control in the 7th century B.C. so Yahweh who Isaiah portrays as Israel’s husband has complete congrol and authority over Israel.  Yahweh offers a promise that although in a most of wrath he did his face from Israel but now in his everlasting love he will have compassion on Israel and will love her.  
In the new Testament the bride is the church and Jesus the Messiah is the husband.  The wife then is expected to obey her husband in every degree, to love him and to cherish him regardless of her treatment.  When the wife disobeys the husband she can be beaten , deprived of love and even exiled.  
The church in the southern hemisphere his grown in leaps and bounds but in the northern hemisphere this is not so.  We have put money forward as an idol , corporations have become greedy and church leaders have been slack.  

winston y


Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor? What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”? What does the husband do in this analogy? In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? What is expected of the wife?



Jerusalem was not producing people were honoring and acknowledging God.  She was not the light of the nations attracting people to God.  She was barren.  God is going reestablish an intimate relationship with Jerusalem as in a martial relationship.  Full of love and blessings from the husband to the wife.  She is going be blessed and fruitful and bear children. 


In the "bride of Christ" analogy the church is the wife and Jesus Christ is the husband.  The church is be faithful and obedient to her Lord Jesus Christ.  Otherwise, the church wanders away from the Lord like Israel did.



Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8) In what sense was Jerusalem “barren” without God’s favor? What does it imply when Isaiah says “your Maker is your husband”? What does the husband do in this analogy? In the New Testament “bride of Christ” analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband? What is expected of the wife?


Jerusalem was not producing people were honoring and acknowledging God.  She was not the light of the nations attracting people to God.  She was barren.  God is going reestablish an intimate relationship with Jerusalem as in a martial relationship.  Full of love and blessings from the husband to the wife.  She is going be blessed and fruitful and bear children. 


In the "bride of Christ" analogy the church is the wife and Jesus Christ is the husband.  The church is be faithful and obedient to her Lord Jesus Christ.  Otherwise, the church wanders away from the Lord like Israel did.



The sense that Jerusalem was “barren” without God’s favor was that they didn’t have any land of their own. They were in captivity and were salves to the oppressors.

When Isaiah says that “your Maker is your husband” it means that he will be the one that will comfort you and be with you in your times of distress. The husband will do his best to protect his bride.

In the New Testament the “bide of Christ” is the church and the husband is Jesus Christ. The wife is expected to respect husband and try to please him.

  • 5 years later...

We are barren without the love of God. When we walk in sin and do not obey God, He denies us and takes away his love and his protection. The sense that Jerusalem was barren means that they did not have the love, the joy , the peace of God. Jerusalem is the people of God who believe and walk in his word and do his will.  Who trust and obey and live according to the purpose of God.  Jerusalem was barren as long as they sinned, but when they turned from their wicked ways and ask God for forgiveness and once again walked in holiness and righteous, they were no longer barren.  God made his promises of the covenant true just as he said he would.  "your maker is your husband" means that God is our maker, for he made us in his own image, therefore we are his people. the church, which is made up of the saved, those whom God has added to His church, we are the bride and Christ is our husband.  He will love, provide and protect us as long as we are obedient to Him. He will provide joy, peace, comfort, happiness, whatever we need, he has promised to provide.

  • 4 years later...

In a society that judged women on her ability to bear a large number of children, particularly sons, barrenness was not only seen a personal and familial failure, but as a sign of God's disfavor and rejection. Not being able to have children, then, had a moral undertone. The barren woman was thought to be barren because her own immoral behaviour; barrenness was God's judgement. In these passages, Israel was the woman disfavored by God because "she" had turned away from Him and therefore made barren.

For "your Maker" to be "your husband" meant God dominated Israel like a man demands his wife's submission. Since Israelite men were able to totally dominate and destroy their wives at whim, God was portrayed as a powerful "man" who had dominated and (for awhile) destroyed Israel.

At some point God chose to forgive the Israelites. The prophet said that despite the suffering and punishment the Israelites experienced, God still loved them and with "deep compassion" restored them to a prosperous and peaceful life in Jerusalem. But the people He restored were not the ones who originally sinned -- after two or three generations, its unlikely many Israelites had survived who had been old enough to know what was happening when they were taken into captivity. So, God was actually being compassionate toward the children and grandchildren of those who had abandoned Him, not toward those who had originally sinned against Him. 

The wife, whose role is subsidiary, can only accept (with gratitude) her Husband's willingness to restore her to His good graces. She has no agency or ability to chart the course of her life. Her role is passive -- to be loyal and faithful to her husband as He determines her fate.

The wife is the church -- Husband is God. 


  • 1 year later...

Q6. (Isaiah 54:1-8)

In what sense was Jerusalem "barren" without God's favor?  She had again and again been unfaithful to God and finally the population was taken into exile by the Babylonians (the Chaldeans).  Now it was as if she was forsaken.  

What does it imply when Isaiah says "your Maker is your husband"?  The husband is the protector of the wife.  So this statement implies that God (the Maker) is also the Husband (the protector) of Israel.  

What does the husband do in this analogy?  Here He is her Redeemer, He allows her to return.  He restores her as wife, no longer as a rejected wife (enduring punishment because of her unfaithfulness).  No longer is she disgraced,  nor does she have to live as a widow.  (This refers to the time of her captivity, when it seemed as if God had turned His back on her.)

In the New Testament "bride of Christ" analogy, who is the wife, who is the husband?  The church is the wife and Christ (Messiah) is the Husband.

What is expected of the wife?  Obedience, submission and faithfulness to Christ

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