Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted October 26, 2013 Report Posted October 26, 2013 Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? Desires of the flesh. No fear of the Lord. Foolishness. Selfishness Idol worship - Baal - worshipping self - selfishness, sex, pride, relying on self Asterah - Sex, female body form (statue of female with no head, arms or legs) see today's **** - men are not looking at head, arms or legs! Bacchus - booze, drugs, parties, socializing Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? hell – desires of flesh – idol worship What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? Eternal life – true fulfilment for hunger and thirst What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Sacrificing the old self, sin, repentance, forgiveness, obedience to the end and serving our Loving Master Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? To those who have ears – YES How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Come to Jesus’ wedding!!! – These is everlasting life, love, joy, happiness, provision, protection, support, righteousness, fair judgement and much much more – OUR FATHER IS WAITING FOR US Quote
IvoryEagle Posted October 27, 2013 Report Posted October 27, 2013 Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? IGNORANCE, UNINFORMED, AND JUST PLAIN WEAK IN THE FLESH. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? hell What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? COME AS YOU ARE WITH WHAT YOU HAVE; ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS COME What is the cost of accepting the invitation? NO COST, SALVATION IS FREE. Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? NOT ALL.. IN EARLIER CHAPTERS, IT WAS NOTED; SOME WILL LOOK AND NOT SEE, HEAR BUT WON'T LISTEN, ETC. How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? INVITE PEOPLE TO CHRIST, CHURCH, OR OTHERWISE ENGAGE THEM IN THE GOSPEL. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 28, 2013 Report Posted October 28, 2013 They think that those things will make them happy & fulfilled. Love of pleasure & hedonism leads to hell. Thirst quenching, hunger satisfied, soul delights & lives, covenanted, kindness. No cost to them. It may be. Share the gospel with them & tell them what God has done for you--how He has satisfied your soul. Quote
RD35 Posted October 29, 2013 Report Posted October 29, 2013 Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? Because people do not know the truth and sometimes even if they know the truth they do not love the truth and do not want to follow it. The ways of the Lord are narrow ones and difficult to walk on, while the ways of the world seem attractive. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? It leads to destruction of a person and eternal fire. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? It satisfies deeply. What is the cost of accepting the invitation? It is free of cot. Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? For people who are truly seeking the truth this is good news, but not all will think of it as good news. How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? First of all by showing them our lives as a testimony , telling others of the freedom and satisfaction accepting Christ has brought in my life, and inviting them to the same. Praying for people that they will be enlightened to accept the truth in their lives. Quote
royk Posted October 31, 2013 Report Posted October 31, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Bless the Lord for this message of satisfaction. I have seem many lost drinkers who don't know the answer is GOD will heal them. Alcoholic, sexahaulic, narcahaulic, Heaven help us. Send people to AA it is very spiritual, only by God are we healed, we are all broken, they are no more broken than we are. Dear Jesus, open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears, come to your people as we draw near. Hear us from heaven, touch our generation, we are your people, crying out in desperation! Amen. Quote
antonate Posted October 31, 2013 Report Posted October 31, 2013 we spend our time and energy on things we love the most or what ever we value the most. people who do not love the lord and his ways spend lives on things even though there is no satisfaction from it since they love those things passionately. Love of pleasure leads people away from God's protection, mercy grace and blessings and leads them towards destruction. it is deep and loving call from the Yahweh to come and enjoy his abundant blessings. he calls forth for a deep relationship with him which will lead to life everlasting in him which is full of his peace and joy There is no cost in accepting the invitation of Yahweh. For people who have a desire to walk in the ways of Yahweh and he is the only source of all satisafaction this invitation is a good news. For people who love the world and the things of the world it does not become a good news but they resist and walk away from this invitation. our way of living for the Lord and the joy and peace we possess can draw someone's attention to Christ. we must pray and as God gives us opportunities we can testify to his goodness and mercy in our lives , our victory over life's battles with God as our everything can be an invitiation to the hungry and thirsty to come into a loving relationship with Yahweh. The values of Christ that we follow in our lives can help the once in darkness to come into his marvellous light. Quote
angelbaby Posted October 31, 2013 Report Posted October 31, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? People spend their lives doing things they know wont satisfy them deep down because they dont want to walk the narrow path... OR the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, even if they wish to obey Gods commands. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? It leads to damnation / eternal fire What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? Come to me as you are and I will give you spiritual food and drink so that you will have eternal life What is the cost of accepting the invitation? there is no cost ...salvation if free to him who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour. Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? Not always ...there are those who have ears but do not hear them it has no effect How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? We must be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks a reason for the faith that we confess...we should preach the gospel to anyone anytime we have an opportunity and then Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sins and the need of a saviour in Jesus Christ in addition to this we should endeavour to. lead Christ like and Christ centred lives. Quote
JanMary Posted October 31, 2013 Report Posted October 31, 2013 On 8/1/2013 at 10:25 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result! (dysfunctional behavior); Habit: sameness prevents the uncertainty which comes from "change". (dysfunctional behavior) Ignorance: Out of touch with emotions or "frozen" emotions. (dysfunctional behavior) Appearance: "Vogue on the outside...vague on the inside"....people pleasing. (dysfunctional behavior) Unsaved: feeding the flesh because the spirit is unregenerate, so that pleasure is all that matters Ignorance that there is a better way and plan for success and satisfaction in surrender to Jesus' Lordship. Unrepentant, though saved, through refusal to allow Jesus to reign in one's life Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? Extreme self absorption....shutting out others and their needs, and ultimately to destruction of the hedonist. A sadly wasted life. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? An invitation to be in intimate relationship with Creator God! His promise to meet all no cost! His promise of soul delight and the profuseness of spiritual joy! An everlasting covenant of mercy, revival, kindness, goodwill and was promised to David! What is the cost of accepting the invitation? No financial cost....only the price of acceptance and surrendering to Him. Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? Yes to many who are open to truth...No to many, such as the hedonist in previous question, who wants nothing but their own pleasure and their own will. And "not such good news" to some at first hearing, but may change their mind as they experience the down side of rejecting it for a time. How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? Offer the Gospel of grace through faith in Jesus no cost, as He bore the price in His blood for all on the cross, and He alone satisfies all of the longing and heals all brokenness. Quote
Squirt Posted November 1, 2013 Report Posted November 1, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? We deceive ourselves. Many times we don’t know that the things we’re pursuing won’t satisfy us. Someone who doesn’t know the Lord can be convinced that having things, doing things can bring satisfaction. If what we’re doing doesn’t work for us, we multiply what we were doing, thinking that quantity will lead to quality. It is only when we recognize that we are spiritually bankrupt and we surrender to the Lord, only when the Holy Spirit guides us, that we find deeper satisfaction.Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? To the pit unless they turn away and accept the offer of the Lord for eternal satisfaction. Our life paths seem to operate on a rachet system: if we’re unbelievers, the rachet draws us, one choice at a time, further and further into sin. As believers, each act of love or obedience draws us closer and closer to the Lord. A love of pleasure and excitement is a drug that becomes less effective as we indulge until we need more to continue to satisfy us. And, like the effects of a drug, as we multiply our sins we grow increasingly incapable of understanding anything but our need for the present moment. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? He offers us life itself in the Messiah. In Scripture, both water and wine are pictures of the Holy Spirit and the use of the plural ‘waters’ would seem to indicate an abundance. The Holy feast is Jesus, the Bread of Life; the Holy Spirit, water and wine; and His living Word, the milk. Eternal life! Proverbs 9:5-6 (HCSB) “Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine I have mixed. Leave inexperience behind, and you will live; pursue the way of understanding.”What is the cost of accepting the invitation? The cost is the life of the Savior on the cross, given for our sins. The invitation to us is free. The blessings are the free gift of grace. Nothing we can do will earn what He gives freely to us when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? The rich young man who came to Jesus did not consider it good news after Jesus told him to sell all that he had. He was saddened, but he chose to keep what he had and walked away. Not all will believe when they hear the good news. But those who truly hear, those who are called of God, will perceive it as good news.How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Here’s a quote from Pastor John Piper in a sermon he preached on Isaiah 55:1-3 “So what verse 1 says is that God is willing to revive us from the heat of Death Valley with the miracle of his water; and make us strong and healthy and stable with the miracle of his milk; and then give us endless and ever-fresh exhilaration with the miracle of his wine.” I wrote before I read Pastor Piper’s sermon: Begin your invitation with the power of Jesus: Before you ever leave home, ask Him to guide you to someone He wants to reach. Then, when He leads you to someone, silently pray for Him to give you the right words. He will do it. For a “today’s vernacular” invitation, you just have to be telling and not reciting. Accurate, but natural. The best invitation is through a friendly conversation–inviting them to church, telling them what God has done in your life specifically. Sometimes that isn’t comfortable, but God often gives us trials so that we can witness to others who have had or are undergoing similar trials. Quote
hanks Posted November 1, 2013 Report Posted November 1, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? When it comes to wealth, pleasure, and/or power there is never enough – one always wants more and more! After achieving these things there is still a void in our hearts, a void that only God can satisfy. True satisfaction and lasting pleasure are only found in the Lord. The invitation is free to all. To the poor – so there is no excuse in not accepting. To the rich – so they cannot boast that they were invited because of their wealth. However, this open invitation will only be accepted by those who have a thirst and hunger for righteousness. Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled: (Matthew 5:6). These are people who long for honesty, integrity, and justice in society. When we accept, God promises us an abundant quality life. A life of joy as we come to know Him better. And the promise of spiritual growth as we meditate more and more on the Word of God. Unfortunately, the majority will reject this invitation. Because unaided, the natural man does not perceive the things of God – they are utter foolishness to him (1 Corinthians 2:14). He cannot possibly understand them because they can only be spiritually understood. Quote
wjcargile Posted November 1, 2013 Report Posted November 1, 2013 1. Why do people spend their lives on doing things that they know won't satify them deep down? It's a good feeling for the moment. Not willing to accept the "true deep down satifaction" of knowing God and serving Him. 2. Hedonism, the love of pleasure leads to: Death and destruction. 3. The gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage is: Spirtual Drink and Spiritual Food leading to eternal life with CHRIST. 4. What is the cost of accepting this invitation? Leaving all sins behind and following God throught our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 5. Will this invitation be perceived as good news to those who hear it? YES. 6. How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Speaking up and telling people about God's love and saving grace through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Quote
Delivered Posted November 2, 2013 Report Posted November 2, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? People have the natural desire to try something new and exciting, just as a baby demands their desires be met, it is easy to continue into adulthood with the same pattern, demanding to be stimulated in order that their desires be met, always serching for something new to satisfy the desires of "SELF". The world has many wonderful and exciting things to try, however, if ones goal is only to please the flesh, the high they receive will be temporary, satisfying them for the moment, therefore "self" must continue on, seeking to find something that will fill the gap and to truly bring satisfaction to their life. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? There is nothing wrong with having the desire to live a life filled with the many exciting and wonderful pleasures God has given to us to enjoy here on earth, however, there is a thin line that can be easily crossed if ones purpose is to please only "SELF", if the desire for pleasure is left ungarded, it could easily detour you onto a path that leads to nowhere, a path that leads you on a mad circle, trying to find the end, something that will truly satisfy "ME". What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage, and what is the cost of accepting the invitation? The LORD has an answer to what will truly satisfy, to those who have ears to listen, to those who the world has left still thirsting for more, hear His invitation, for the door is open for you to "COME" drink of my waters that will "SUSTAIN" your life, and to you who say you are rich and have many goods and pleasures, do you not see you are poor and blind, He says, "COME" and buy, the cost to you is "FAITH" (Messiah) for I will give you "WINE" (Holy Spirit) to drink that will bring to you lasting cheer, "COME" drink of my "MILK" (Word) that will truly nourish you with spiritual blessings, "COME" where your soul will "DELIGHT" in the "RICHEST" of fare - "COME" Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 2, 2013 Report Posted November 2, 2013 People spend their lives doing things that they know will not satisfy them deep down inside because satan has blinded us with lies when we feel empty or depleted. Even Christians can fall for these lies and stray from the truth when we feel a need for a substitute for God to fill us. Everywhere we look in this world there is some kind of temptation or promise that the next best thing is going to make "me" happy. "Me" is the key word here because it all comes from trying to gratify self. When we eventually fail to gratify self (and it always happens) then we are led farther and farther away in trying to find that elusive happiness. We either become more and more selfish or fall into depression because we remain so empty and eventually become hopeless. If we are not immersed in the Word every day and in close relationship with God, it is easy to fall prey to these sins. Love of pleasure and self lead away from God and what pleases Him. Pleasure can be found in cheap places and thrills lead to a need for more and more gratification. Love of self leads to selfishness, pride and lack of any moral compass because it is all about feeding self. We lose a sense of right and wrong in treating others and self becomes so important we walk all over others to fulfill our own needs or we bend the rules with no conscience to get what we want. This all leads into sin and darkness and can progress until we find ourselves in a deep pit of despair. God's gracious invitation in this passage is to come and be filled with spiritual food and drink. The kind that truly fills and is everlasting. Anyone can come, either rich or poor because the cost is free for anyone who will accept this offer. What God has to offer is good, will satisfy forever and will give life to our souls. Oh yes!!! This invitation is perceived as good news to those who hear it that are open and accepting of this promise and invitation. I remember years ago reading this passage when I was lost, steeped in sin and living in darkness. This invitation captivated me and I was so ready to be free of the disappointments and the lies of the world on how to be filled and satisfied. At the time I didn't fully understand this passage, though it was a light I could see at the end of the tunnel I was lost in. I chose to believe there was something more out there and this person Jesus had something I wanted to understand. Good news indeed! How can I (or do I) issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Like the woman at the well!!! I say to others, " Come see a Savior who told me everything I ever did and showed me a way out of my sins into wonderful freedom! He took me out of darkness and despair and He has loved me like I have never been loved before! You just HAVE to get to know Him!!!" Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 2, 2013 Report Posted November 2, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? People are stubborn. They'll continue in their ways because they've always done so. If something gives them momentary pleasure they'll run after that all the time in the hope that it will always give them pleasure and believe that if they go after it even harder it'll give them even greater pleasure. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? Physical and spiritual destruction. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? God is inviting us all to come to Him and partake in what He has to offer. Life in abundance and true satisfaction. What is the cost of accepting the invitation? It is without cost. We are to listen to God, in other words follow His teachings, and the good things that are forever will be ours. They cost nothing in material terms but are valuable beyond compare spiritually. Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? That depends on whether God has opened their ears to hear it. How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? For true satisfaction come to God, accept Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf and then live in the way the Bible tells you to live. Forsake worldly pleasure that doesn't really satisfy and devote yourself to pleasing God. Quote
Jen Posted November 3, 2013 Report Posted November 3, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacula We are easily led by what we see and hear. We are blinded to the truth of the gospel. We don't pray and read the Word. We need to know Jesus. Only He can change us. Down the path of sin to death and a Christless eternity. To all who are thirsty and yearn for righteousness. To those who are perishing it is foolishness. By our lives and our witness through the power of the Holy Spirit. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
humblejon Posted November 5, 2013 Report Posted November 5, 2013 People seek after the pleasures and desires of the flesh because that only see the things of the work. They lack faith in the spiritual and eternal values that lead to Spritual satisfaction. Worldly pleasures only lead to dissatisfaction and death. The spiritual satisfaction does not cost a penny, it is open to all who seek after God, and submit to His loving kindness and will. If you hear the truth, it will be beautiful to your soul. the pleasures of this world are often achieved through our hard work which will eventually be all done in vain; however, life in the spiritual is a free gracious gift from God to all those who faithfully believe. Quote
WinstonY Posted November 27, 2013 Report Posted November 27, 2013 Question 8 - 8 In Isaiah 55: 1 -3 we see a contrast in what God offers us and what the world offers - what the empire of Babylon offers in the time of Isaiah and what the corporate empire offers in the present day. The empires offer that which does not satisfy whereas that which the Lord Yahweh offers gives satisfaction on two fronts. First there is the spiritual where one feasts on bread , wine , milk and the living water as offered by God through Jesus Christ. Our spiritual hungers and thirsts are satisfied. Secondly we are called in response to the great commandment (love your neighbor) to proved food, clothing, housing and spiritual prayer for those who are unable to look after themselves. This is the justice of God. These two taken together gives satisfaction of the body and spirit. The food and drink of the empire is based upon ‘more’ - always we want more - more food then we need, more milk , water, and wine then we need. More power, more, more, more, ... and we never get more. Our ‘rational’ sense tells us that we need more. We tear down our barns and build larger ones. But, lo, the very night ones life maybe demanded of them. (Luke 12:20) this desire for more can only sated at the well of the living water and we must draw water from this well where there is more without money and without Christ. There are those that hear the good news and are joyful because the good news fell on good ground but there are those who are barren ground, rocky places and thorny spots. These will not joyfully hear the word. We are able to invite those people around us to the table of the Lord in several ways. (1.) Can live their life in such a joy filled way that people will then ask for the source of joy and then we can respond that the living word of Christ is our joy. (2) We \can proclaim the good news of the gospel and (3) we can work to provide justice for all. winstony Quote
Craig Posted December 2, 2013 Report Posted December 2, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? People spend their lives doing things they know won't satisfy them because they are addicted to short term gratification and will not acknowledge God's role in their lives. There is a space in our hearts that can only be filled by God himself. Human rebellion and the desire to do whatever we think we want alienates God from filling that space in most peoples' hearts. Thus, hedonism or the love of pleasure ultimately leads to empty lives and then eternal separation from God. The bottom line of this passage is: "come to me with your hears wide open and I will give you all the unfailing love I promised David." The cost of accepting this invitation is to humble ourselves before our God and turn to him. This is a timeless invitation and is good news to those who are starving spiritually on this desert planet. Quote
GoRaysXD Posted December 2, 2013 Report Posted December 2, 2013 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down? Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? What are the gracious elements of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage? What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Will this invitation be perceived as “good news” to those who hear it? How can you issue this invitation in today’s vernacular? People spend their lives doing things they know won't satisfy them because they are addicted to short term gratification and will not acknowledge God's role in their lives. There is a space in our hearts that can only be filled by God himself. Human rebellion and the desire to do whatever we think we want alienates God from filling that space in most peoples' hearts. Thus, hedonism or the love of pleasure ultimately leads to empty lives and then eternal separation from God. The bottom line of this passage is: "come to me with your hears wide open and I will give you all the unfailing love I promised David." The cost of accepting this invitation is to humble ourselves before our God and turn to him. This is a timeless invitation and is good news to those who are starving spiritually on this desert planet. Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 11, 2013 Report Posted December 11, 2013 I think that people “spend” their lives doing things that they know won’t satisfy them deep down because they are always trying to impress somebody else. They have to show that they are better than the other person. As a rule this hedonism leads to despair and from there to depression and from there to drinking and really ruining their lives. The gracious element of Yahweh’s invitation in this passage is to come and dine with him. He has everything that anybody should want and that isn’t the half of it we would enjoy what we are doing. It doesn’t cost anything to accept this invitation because it is the “good news” to those how hear it. The way to issue the invitation is to witness to people and let them see what God has done for you. Quote
Krissi Posted May 15, 2023 Report Posted May 15, 2023 I'm not sure that most people know what satisfies them "deep down." They may think they know, but they don't. Sometimes even Christians pray for things they think will bring them great joy, but God denies them the answer to their prayer, perhaps because He knows it would be destructive in the end. It's not always easy knowing what's right and best. Often, things that may seem good in themselves -- success, abundance, love -- are denied us so that we pursue things and ideals of greater goodness. Again, as Christians the love of pleasure, if you call it that, may be only the cessation of pain and suffering. For some of us, suffering lasts until death. To pray for the end of suffering is not hedonism, though it could be a preference/love of pleasure. The poor are able to have what they need -- milk and wine -- without paying for it, in this promise. Those who work hard will find their money stretches to cover their needs. God is generous. The result of the invitation to eat freely and work productively is being satisfied, with a soul that delights in whatever God gives. Obviously, many seculars don't believe this free invitation will be truly satisfying or "good news." The secular person is required to listen (presumably giving up his point of view and desires) and come to Jesus. Then, after a person gives up everything for Jesus, Jesus promises that their soul may live. Perhaps they're afraid Jesus won't keep his end of the bargain? Perhaps they don't believe the exchange is possible in the first place? Quote
Irmela Posted February 10 Report Posted February 10 Q8. (Isaiah 55:1-3) Why do people "spend" their lives doing things that they know won't satisfy them deep down? I guess trying again on a familiar path which people think will bring satisfaction, even it has not done so before, is part of being stubborn and determined to prove one can satisfy oneself. Where does hedonism or a love of pleasure lead? To emptiness and damnation. What are the gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage? Waters, which speak of abundance of quantity as well as quality. Wine which symbolizes joy. Milk and bread, which is the Word of God, essential for spiritual growth. What is the cost of accepting the invitation? Surrender self and accept the blessing, which is free. Will this invitation be perceived as "good news" to those who hear it? To those who accept it, YES, but not to those who refuse to accept it. How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? I think the answer to that is unique every time. God gives the words to use, at the right time. Quote
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