Edwin Daniel Posted September 13, 2018 Report Posted September 13, 2018 Hi, I am Edwin Daniel. I am from New York. I am very happy to join this forum and in particular with the bible study on The Holy Spirit. Quote
Allen1948 Posted September 14, 2018 Report Posted September 14, 2018 On 1/11/2003 at 1:13 AM, gripofhisgrace said: Hi, my name is Susan and I'm a "graduate" of Jesus Walk study of Luke. It made such an impact on my life, I couldn't resist this study even though my plate is pretty full. Pastor Ralph is awesome. I am retired, United States Army, and live in Florida. I am a Methodist, participating in Disciple III studies at my church, teaching two classes and a Women of Faith fanatic. Loving every minute of my life now. Hope to hear from all of you Susan Expand Hello Susan. My name is Allen and it appears that we are neighbors I a way. I also live in Florida and have done Bible studies online before. It is an exciting way to learn and meet new people. I wish you the blessings of God as you study and draw closer to the Lord. Quote
Ted Williams Posted September 15, 2018 Report Posted September 15, 2018 On 1/10/2003 at 7:39 PM, Pastor Ralph said: I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself. I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996. Expand I am Ted Williams from the old dominion state Virginia USA Quote
Ted Williams Posted September 15, 2018 Report Posted September 15, 2018 Hello my name is Ted I'm new to this but have loved GOD'S word and teaching for many years. I live in Virginia. Quote
BenLow Posted September 16, 2018 Report Posted September 16, 2018 Hi. I’m Ben from Ohio. Looking forward to growing in the study of Hebrews and considering your comments and ideas. Quote
hifistyle Posted September 17, 2018 Report Posted September 17, 2018 Greetings, I'm John, from Maine. I have been "backsliding" for a while. I'm here to remedy that. :) Quote
Walter and Deborah Posted September 18, 2018 Report Posted September 18, 2018 We are glad to be a part of this ministry, and happy to become of the rules of these forums, We are 71 and 61 years old, we remember when Jesus said: Take my yoke upon me and learn of him, we are coming to some understandings of his teachings, and we are being thankful unto our Lord Jesus for you all to help us along this Christian walk. We are from New Orleans, La. our home now is in Washington II Cor. 5:18 Quote
favor Nic Posted September 27, 2018 Report Posted September 27, 2018 hi everyone my name is Nicole I'm new here and so excited to be part of this bible study group ...hoping to learn alot...God bless you all Quote
tomwoods55 Posted October 10, 2018 Report Posted October 10, 2018 Hello, Just introducing myself, Tom. I can't go a day without Bible Study & Fellowship, Praise God! Quote
AnHeir Posted October 31, 2018 Report Posted October 31, 2018 Hi! My name is Erin and I currently live in Ohio. I am a full-time missionary, along with my husband, to Chinese students/scholars at Kent State University! I love learning about God's Word, more and more all the time! It is the food for our spirit and gives us the ability to walk through this life, supernaturally! Thank you for all of this wonderful teaching! It's a gold mine! Quote
rockokodude Posted November 9, 2018 Report Posted November 9, 2018 thread that started all the way from jan 11, 2003.... wow, hi everyone in raymond from malaysia, married with 1 wife (LOL) and 3 kids.... i want to know the future... oh yes and the bible has the answers if only one would dare to seek and seek shall i..... im roman catholic belong to jesus critas cgurch kepong KL..... amen and may almighty lord bless us all amen Quote
Laureen Posted November 24, 2018 Report Posted November 24, 2018 (edited) On 1/10/2003 at 7:39 PM, Pastor Ralph said: I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself. I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996. Expand Hi all, my name is Laureen and I'm married to Al. We have been married for 25 very good years. I came to know Jesus in 1979 and have been lover of the Word of God ever since. Jesus is amazing and faithful and the best ever listener. I look forward to learning more about the Holy Spirit. I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in 1981. I never cease to be amazed. I look forward to these lessons and getting to know you all. Edited November 24, 2018 by Laureen I signed up for the in depth study on the Holy Spirit. It looks like I might be on the page for a study on Gideon instead. My mistake! Quote
Misty L Posted November 24, 2018 Report Posted November 24, 2018 Hello my name is Misty and I am looking forward to this bible study. Love the word of God. Quote
ShayP Posted November 30, 2018 Report Posted November 30, 2018 Hello! Everyone my name is Shay...I am so excited that I stumbled up on this. Looking forward to sharing and learning from each one of you. Blessings! Quote
Agape Posted December 27, 2018 Report Posted December 27, 2018 Hi Shay my name is Tendayi l am based in the United Kingdom and seeking to develop my relationship with God by knowing all his forms.l look forward to sharing with everyone personal insights and hope this is an opportunity to increase my fear of the Lord. Quote
Armand Posted December 30, 2018 Report Posted December 30, 2018 My name is David, I did a youtube search for rams horn because I wanted to show someone on my home forum how they were used to announce the beginning of a battle back in mid-evil times. After watching a series of videos on the "shofar" i was moved and somehow I had forgotten my original agenda and was lead to the topic on Elisha and having faith in God... Joshua asked the warrior standing in front of him "are you with us or against us?" The warrior replied "neither" The battle was not that of the Israelite's but it was God's battle so he exclaimed: 14'Neither,' he replied, 'but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.' Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, 'What message does my Lord have for his servant?' 15The commander of the LORD's army replied, 'Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.' And Joshua did so. I do not claim to be anything special outside of having a personal relationship with God, but this captivated my attention and i have been sitting here all day reading biblical passages. I have been on holiday break from work for a week and go back Wednesday, my workplace is filled with strife as is my life most of the time. Having this time off gives me a chance to reflect on spiritual battles and restoring my faith that God is always with me. Thank you for being there and showing me this my Lord. My prayer as I type this. Your humble servant - Armand. Quote
Vicki Kehr Posted January 4, 2019 Report Posted January 4, 2019 Hello My name is Vicki, I signed up for the study on Joshua. How do I get to that study and discussion. I’m very excited to do this study! Blessings, Vicki Quote
Larry L Miller Posted January 12, 2019 Report Posted January 12, 2019 I'm Larry, 78 years old, live in Elkhart, IN, coach, mentor to 18-35-year-old males who have one or more mental illness diagnoses and have attempted suicide one or more times. Most of my men have been or are addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, ***********, sex, etc. We offer them hospitality 7/24 and start them on a discipleship program that includes employment, health care, and housing. Many of my guys grew up in Christian homes and attended fundamental churches until their high school years when they generally acted out and dropped out. I learned the Romans Road in high school and started practicing the Romans Road at chain gangs in SC, a Service Men's Center in Augusta, GA, our state prison in Michigan City, the federal correction institution (FCI) in Dublin, CA, and San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, CA, etc. While I have been an elder in 5 Presbyterian churches as we moved from the San Francisco Bay area to Oceanside, CA to Columbia, TN to the greater Phoenix area to the greater Lake of Egypt, IL outreach for me happens as chilerdren of God ask for encouragement, prayer and I have the opportunity to listen to their stories and steward their spiritual (or heart, or soul), emotional (feelings), relational (social), mission (will), mental (mind) and physical (body)needs, concerns and desires. Most of the time I find that people that God drops into my life would like to have a relationship with God. The Bible tells us that the first step for them is acknowledging that they have sinned and that there is nothing they can do to earn God's love (Romans 3:23-26). Next, w ask them to believe and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9) and allow Him to guide their lives. Where they once wanted to control their own futures, they now invite Jesus into our hearts to be Lord over their lives. Knowing God's peace, perspective, and purpose for their lives begins with a personal relationship with Jesus. I've always liked the Amplified version of Romans 5:1-2 Amplified: THEREFORE, SINCE we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). (Amplified Bible - Lockman). I hope to get to know many of you as I embark on my Jesus Walk Bible Study. I have joined because of the way the study is presented. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior July 12, 1952, at Winona Lake Bethany Youth Camp under the ministry of Phil Saint a chalk talk artist who drew Romans 5:1-2. During my faith journey, I have grown and groaned which I believe is practical or progressive sanctification (Do) after accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior (Be). My practical/ prospective sanctification will happen at my death and elevation to Heaven (Have). I have been permanently disabled since February 15, 2002, when I began my 16-year journey due to a progressive invisible chronic disease. My primary diagnosis is uveitis secondary to ankylosing spondylitis. It started in February 2002. I was able to work full time 01/2004 through 05/2008. I was forced to retire in 2009. Ankylosing spondylitis (pronounced ank-kih-low-sing spon-dill-eye-tiss), or AS, is a form of arthritis that primarily affects the spine, It causes inflammation of the spinal joints (vertebrae) that in my case has lead to severe, chronic pain (worse in the winter) and discomfort. It has caused new bone formation in my spine -- causing sections of the spine to fuse in a fixed, immobile position. In an attempt to stay ahead of it I've had 12 back surgeries since 2002, 9 since 2010. My AS has caused inflammation, pain, and stiffness in my body such as my shoulders, hips, ribs, heels, and small joints of the hands and feet. Two attacks (1994 and 2012) of uveitis) has taken about 1/3 of my vision. In 2016 it attacked my lungs (I have a partially collapsed left lung) and heart (ejection fraction is 30 and it's supposed to be 80). The hallmark feature of ankylosing spondylitis is the involvement of the sacroiliac (SI) joints during the progression of the disease. The SI joints are located at the base of the spine, where the spine joins the pelvis. I'm able to go to a gym on Monday and Friday mornings. Now having said that I had almost 60 years of great health. I'm a thought leader on several online support groups of thousands of members and I write/speak with people every day who have never enjoyed one day of good health so I accept every day as a gift and endeavor to be Jesus in someone's life. Karen had 3 nasty concussions during 2018 - two from falls on concrete or asphalt and one from a serious automobile accident 11-01-2018 that could have very easily killed her or maimed her for life. So it takes both of us to focus and complete one task. We say it's 1+1=1. Quote
Aviv Posted January 13, 2019 Report Posted January 13, 2019 Shalom I am Ann from Montana and looking forward to this study with all of you. May we all be blessed as we seek a closer walk with Him and not just become Hearers but doers of His Word. But to do, we must hear, and isn't this the point?! Looking forward to these studies. Quote
Golferboy Posted February 2, 2019 Report Posted February 2, 2019 Hello, I'm Bernard from Timmins, Ontario. Looking forward to study the word of God!!! Thanks and may God bless all His work on planet earth. BV Quote
CharlesBible Posted February 2, 2019 Report Posted February 2, 2019 Hello and thank you for accepting me into the community! I am looking forward to meeting others and learning all I can about the Bible. Quote
Chris Allen Posted February 25, 2019 Report Posted February 25, 2019 Hello it's a pleasure to meet everyone, until I was around 17 or 18 I went to church 3 times a week . Then i convinced myself that science proved the Bible wrong. Around 37 years later interested in the topic of people finding the remains of giants, witch led me to the book of Enoch and the God Code. After becoming a born again christian, and science proving beyond any shadow of doubt more and more every day their is a God. I am glad to be here and looking forward to growing in the spirit with every one. God bless, Chris Quote
Mona Youngblood Posted April 15, 2019 Report Posted April 15, 2019 Hi everyone, My name is Mona. I live in Houston, TX. I am looking forward to studying this Bible lesson on the Last Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ. I am thanking God in advance for these times of fellowship and communion with God, in His Word, and with you. Thank you Dr. Ralph F. Wilson for this opportunity to study God's Word together in this forum. Quote
Shelby Posted April 18, 2019 Report Posted April 18, 2019 Hello, My name is Shelby. I am from Tennessee. I am very excited and looking forward to this study. I love my Lord and Savior and thank Him for every chance that He gives me to learn more of Him. Quote
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