Pastor Ralph Posted October 11, 2003 Report Posted October 11, 2003 Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.) Quote
jesus4al Posted October 19, 2003 Report Posted October 19, 2003 Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.) The one who is overcome is satan, the dragon, the old serpent, the devil. We have the victory in the Spirit. The Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ is God the Father's purchase price for us: Born Again types. We had to die to the flesh to be born of The Spirit; so now we will have to prove that we are not just hypocritical ; saying one thing with our mouth, but discounting that testimony entirely by our actions. Love ...Bro. Al Quote
aguilar-j Posted October 19, 2003 Report Posted October 19, 2003 "He who saves his life, will lose it He who dies for me will live for ever" It is clear when you have a sober mind to see the Path that leads to the Kingdom of God where Jesus sits at the rt. hand of the Father. Be with God alwys . Jesus A. Quote
Jen Posted October 20, 2003 Report Posted October 20, 2003 Revelations12:11 means to me the faithful followers of the Lamb are victorious because of the blood of the Lamb which was victorious at the cross over Satan and by living lives that were faithful to His Word which is the truth and they loved God more than their own lives. It is Satan who is overcome. If we die in the process of being faithful to the Lamb we are immediately with Him forever protected. Our strength lies with having the Lord Jesus as the captain of our salvation. The blood is the scource of that strength (it was shed for us). If our affections are with this world they are not with the other nature, which prevents spiritual victory. I pray for our church (us) that we would be faithful for our Lord andwhen we fall down we would get up and when we fall down we would get up etc. Everyday we are in this battle and it never gets any bettter while we are on this earth. The world needs its remnant and that's us. God Bless Jen Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 To the Christian death is victory. We are removed from this world to live in the Heavenly realm. What greater victory can there be? It is the blood of the Lamb which gives us our passagge way to Heaven. Our natural instinct is not to leave family and frieds but what a better place we go to. And to th ink of all the old friends we will se again what a glorious day it will be. Quote
judvaughn Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 The blood of the Lamb is a metaphorical reference to God's provision for our reconnection with Him: Christ. Not by works, but by faith. We cannot fight spiritual principalities in our own power, but we can join Him in His fight. Jesus encouraged us to keep the faith by assuring us that "I have already overcome the world (Satan)." That's a claim that I can put my hope in despite my pitiful efforts to live an exemplary life in this realm. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 This verse is a great verse it covers the heavenly defeat of satan and we have overcome him by the Power of the Blood of Jesus (the Lamb) the witness of believers and the martyrdom of some of the saints, dying for the faith. - - dying in the flesh. In the end we are redeemed and God's kingdom will be restored. Glory to God! Quote
ccs Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.) What does it mean? The faithful witness has concurred. God has won! Jesus Quote
gripofhisgrace Posted October 21, 2003 Report Posted October 21, 2003 Q3. Revelation 12:11 could be considered a theme verse for the book. What does it mean? Who is overcome? In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process? What does the "blood of the Lamb" have to do with this? How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? (See Luke 14:25-27; Matthew 10:37-39.) That does it mean ? Even when things look dark and the situation scary God can and will have victory. Who is overcome? Satan and his followers are cast down and evil is overcome In what sense do we have victory if we die in the process ? Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(KJV) how does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? I look at John 12 and Matthew 19 which basically state that the things of this world are weights tied to our ankles preventing us from rising to heaven susan Quote
Helen Williams Posted October 22, 2003 Report Posted October 22, 2003 The critical blow to Satan came when the lamb, Jesus Christ shed his blood for our Sins. The victory is won by sacrifice---Christ sacrifice for sin. As we face the battle with satan, we should not fear it or try to escape from it, but loyally serve Christ who along brings victory. There is nothing wrong with loving our lives, it is when we let loving our lives come before God that prevent spiritual victory. God is a jealous God, but a God of love. If we die in Christ we shall live again Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted October 22, 2003 Report Posted October 22, 2003 It means that the people of God were able to overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony and for not loving their lives unto death -- holding on to what they have believed since they were born again, their confession of faith to God, and surrendering their everything even their lives into the hands of God believing that God will honor His word and fulfill His word and His promise to them that believed. Hallelujah!!! The enemy is overcome. Satan is defeated. If we die in the process, we have the victory in the sense that knowing who our enemy is, we fought a good fight, kept the faith and pressed on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus. We remained faithful witnesses even in times of hardships, trials and persecutions, by God's grace. Glory to God!!! The blood of the Lamb was the sacrifice for the atonement of our sins and we were made at-one with God. We can overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, he (the enemy) can no longer accuse us of our sins because Jesus took them all by dying on the cross for us. Hallelujah!!! Loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today because we will not be able to do the will of God fully. We can't go freely where God wants us to go spiritually. We can't fully trust God to do His will in our lives. Quote
ckghayden Posted October 22, 2003 Report Posted October 22, 2003 The question is, who can stand? They are those who have conquered with the Lamb, who have been washed in the blood, who have been sealed by babtism. We must have great love for Christ and accept in faith and face the threat of destruction. In that way we will find eternal life. We cannot deny the Savior. We have a life, a gift from God, and we can love and protect that life, but not to the exclusion of not loving the Lord. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted October 22, 2003 Report Posted October 22, 2003 It was by the blood Jesus' obedience to die such a horrific death and the blood he shed on the cross that bought us back from eternal death for our sins to eternal life. If we love our lives too much and insist on doing things "our way" we will not be a witness for the Word. We have to die to self in order for Jesus to be Lord of our life. Quote
jaunita Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 We are over-comers; Over-coming this world, sin and our enemy satan, all through and by, the Blood of the Lamb. (selah!) 'And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not' [Gal.6:9] The Glories of Heaven awaits all those that 'weary not'...that over-come, until the end. This is our blessed hope. Jesus, at Calvary and on that long ago morning, when He arose from out of the grave, over-came as we are in Him, we are over-comers of death as well; so whether we go by way of the grave, or are caught up with Him in the air, death has no hold on us...Praise God! What a promise!!!! Quote
Julie Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 Christians overcame satan by Christ's atoning blood, by bearing witness of Christ, by standing firm for Christ, by not bowing down to satan, even though it meant death, for in death we have victory, for we gave our lives to stand for Christ. Loving our lives usually means we are a lovers of the world, the world is the world of men with God left out, if we do this we are preventing spiritual victory for we are loving what sinful men love and we are not setting ourselves apart from the world, which is our love for God which marks us apart from the world. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 The meaning is the faithful wittness has won, God is in control and Jesus has made his enemy his footstool just as the word has said he would. The one that was overcome is Satan his rule on earth is at an end. The ones that believe in Jesus Christ have the victory and the victory is knowing we belong to Jesus. It was through the shedding of the blood that we are redeamed. When we love our live more than we do the Lord we are not fit to be called a child of the King. Quote
TennLady01 Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 It means the faithful witness has won and Jesus has made his enemy his footstool. Satan has been cast down and the kingdom of God is at hand. Satan the deceiver has been overcome. Those who have excepted Jesus as their savior by faith will know they have the victory in knowing Jesus and excepting him as Lord of their life. It is only through the blood of Jesus that we have redemption. If we choose to live in this world and follow after this world we shall have no part with Jesus. We must deny this world take up our cross and follow after Jesus as all who will enter the heaven of rest will have to do. This world is not my home I am just passing through it is in heaven with Jesus that I shall have victory. Quote
cct1106 Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 Overcome: Satan, the dragon, serpent, the devil. Blood of the Lamb is Jesus Christ. "He who loves father and mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Quote
Mary Beth Whittam Posted October 24, 2003 Report Posted October 24, 2003 The people that give out the gosple would rather do God's work. That is there #1 goal in life. Their reward is being with God for eternity. These people are the overcomers. The blood of the Lamb made us clean. Loving ourselve prevents us from giving out the gospel because we don't want to take risk by being pursegcuted. Quote
eggsandbacon Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 The assurance Christ gives us is his blood. We are one family and God is our Father, Jesus our brother and nothing is going to happen to us unless they allow it to happen. To be effective in our own life and as a witness for others we need to live like this world is already dead and gone, if we do not then it has a hold on us and so does the god of this world. Everything can be a sacrifice even our very life. Quote
kitty Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 The theme meaning is Christians have overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by their actions and words by being free from Satans power. All who confess Jesus as Lord sincerely have overcome. We have the victory when we die, we will be in Heavon where there is no pain or death. The Blood of the Lamb is from Jesus dying on the Cross. When we love our lives, we love everyone who surrounds us and we will carry our cross and follow wherever Jesus leads us. Quote
dantanc Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 All those Christians who do not fall to the guiles of the wicked one and stand-up and testify for Jesus, in the face of exterme persecution, even unto death, are the OVERCOMERS. The very fact the Satan could not take hold of us is victory for us. We get the power to stand against Satan, only because of the covering of the, all powerful, bolod of the Lamb of God. " Would you be free from your burdenof sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood, Would you over evil a victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood" Quote
Linda Stanley Posted October 28, 2003 Report Posted October 28, 2003 In Revelation the theme "We Have Overcome by The Blood of The Lamb.Also I would add "Victory In Jesus Our Savior"!We are covered by The Lambs Blood Of Life.If we die physically serving Christ Jesus we have ever lasting life with Him in Heaven.(NIV)The critical blow to satan came when the Lamb,Jesus Christ,shed his blood for our sins.The victory is won by sacriface_Christ death in our place to pay the penalty for our sin,and the sacrifices we make because of our faith in him.As we face the battle of satan,we should not fear it or try to escape from it,but we should loyally serve Christ,who alone brings victory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If we choose to love our lives and the things of this world,we become an idol to our ownself encluding worshipping ourselves and the idols of this world.We can not be true followers of Christ Jesus.We have to surrender all ,Mind Soul and Body to our Lord and Savior in order to have victory with Christ Jesus.Amen! Blessings Linda Quote
linda biloni Posted October 29, 2003 Report Posted October 29, 2003 It means that the blood of the Lamb takes away the sin of the world and insures victory for the believers in Christ. Satan is overcome. We have victory in death because we have remained faithful to God. Satan loses that battle! The blood of the Lamb takes away sin. By loving our life, we are holding on to something temporary instead of eternal. We are finding joy in what life has to offer instead of the joy and peace that God offers, which will also cause us to suffer the disappountments that come about when life doesn't live up to our expectations of joy. With the love of God, we won't be disappointed. Quote
heatherdills Posted October 31, 2003 Report Posted October 31, 2003 Revelation 12:11 means that we, as brothers and sisters, have conquered sin by Jesus Christ and by faith and selflessness in our testimony. The blood of the Lambhas to do with this because He died to save us from our sins. Loving our lives prevents spiritual victory today because it makes us unworthy of following Christ. Our lives are His because God made them to begin with. We are merely instruments in His divine will. Quote
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