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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God? Christians practice this in different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God? Which of these might dishonor God? Which of these keep the spirit of one “who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it”?


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  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Isaiah 56:2)

Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honour God?

Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest.

Which of the various options might best honour God?

Which of these might dishonour God?

Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?

I feel that as Christians we are not obligated to keep the Sabbath – it was given to the Israelites as a nation. As Christians we have the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, to worship and serve Him and to rest as well. It honours our Heavenly Father in that it is a day of rest from our employment and allows us to focus on Him. It is a day in which we can bring glory to God. It is not a day intended to prohibit any urgent works and definitely not filled with a lot of legalistic deeds. 



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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?
    It is a day when we gather as a church body to witness that He is God, to worship Him, sing His praises, and study His Word.  We bring glory to Him through our witness and praises; He brings refreshment to us, and our worship helps us to be obedient to His will.
    Matthew 18:20 (KJV) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
    How awesome is that!?!

Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God?
    Sunday worship and rest:  As Christians, Christ is our Sabbath rest.   Christ died on the first day of the week; the early Christians worshiped and studied the Word on the first day of the week.  
    The Sabbath worship was set apart (Exodus 31:12-17) for the Jews under the Law, though it was sanctified by God when Creation was completed and God rested on the seventh day.  
    Psalm 46, and particularly v. 10, seems to me to fit here as an integral part of a day of worship: “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Which of these might dishonor God?
        Item 4: “No worship and no rest”
    In His infinite wisdom, God said that man needs a day of rest.  Do you doubt His wisdom?
    He desires us to rest in Him, to fellowship with Him, to honor Him.  He knows that when we spend time in singing and praying and studying with others who also believe, we are strengthened, uplifted, and we go into the week better prepared to face whatever happens.
    The choice of whether to rest is not always under the individual’s control, but worship is from the heart and is possible at any time, so even when circumstances prevent you from resting on the Lord’s day, delight in the Lord and worship Him.  

Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?
    The first two options are set aside for worship and rest with the only difference being the day/people–Sabbath/Saturday: Jews under the Law; Lord’s Day/Sunday: Christians under grace, until Christ comes again when we will all worship together.


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 Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?  God gave the Sabbath as a day of rest (Exodus 31:13-16), a day to cease from labor (Nehemiah 13:15-18; Jeremiah 17:21-22; Ezekiel 20:12, 20). It is enshrined in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11).

Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God? Sabbath worship and rest

Which of these might dishonor God? no worship, no rest

Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"? Sabbath worship and rest

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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?


  The old testament is full of instructions to keep one day apart to worship the lord and rest...The Jews kept sataurday but later the early christians honoured the day Christ rose from the dead ..the first day of the week i.e. Sunday..jESUS also observed the sabbath and went to the synagogue regularly on the sabbath ..the gives us the example that God is pleased if we keep away one day to just worship him...praise him glorigy him meet together to pray and fellowship....but no body stops you from doing it more frequently...but at least once a week and whenever you wish to keep that day...it may be a friday in the middle east which is thier public holiday and sunday is a regular day of work. God wont be annoyed if you keep Friday as a day of rest...He just desires that you honour Him at least once a week.


Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God?

Read the above which covers this also.


Which of these might dishonor God?

No worship ...definitely ...rest is immaterial ..but worshipping God is what we have been created for and He demands this of us. we have been created to worship and glorify God


Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?...

worship and rest ...whichever day you keep it .

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Keeping a sacred day of rest honors God because He commanded that we do. He gave us the Sabbath as a day of rest just as He rested by example after Creation. It is a day to cease from everyday labor and is given as a command because that is good for us and God is all about what is good for us. We must though, also look at the word "sacred". Blessed is the man who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it. Morality and piety must be present. We should not only keep a command and take our rest but we should present ourselves humbly and with high regard for the Sabbath in the presence of God and taking our rest in Him.

This can be rather lost in some churches today as people meet for exclusive social connections (leaving others out) or for business purposes or who go to church without reverence and hearts and minds fully on God. How often do we see the root of sin fully established through gossip, discontent, complaining, haughty pride and arrogance on any given Sunday? All those desecrate the Sabbath and we need to highly guard our hearts against this and honor God with a pure heart of worship with our hearts and minds on Him. Thank you Holy Spirit for this lesson! A wonderful reminder!!!


Of all the options listed:

Sabbath worship and rest

Sunday worship and rest

Sunday worship/no rest

No worship/no rest

I would say either Sabbath worship and rest or Sunday worship and rest best honors God. I don't think it's Saturday or Sunday that counts but that we come before God and observe the rest He commanded us to take with a humble and right spirit before Him.


Sunday worship/ no rest and No worship/no rest dishonor God as they are in rebellion of what God commands for our own good. Our society has become SO busy and goal oriented for success we have forgotten God altogether. We may go to worship on Sunday (fitting that in) but if we don't rest in Him we usually are just going through the motions. No worship and no rest to me means God has either been placed last in life or He is long forgotten.


Which keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it?

The original meaning of Sabbath was the 7th day of the week observed by Jews as a day of rest. (Sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday) 

But, the word was also used to indicate other scriptural periods of solemn "rest" or cessation of usual activity. (Sabbatical year: a year of rest for the land observed every 7 years.)

Christians used the word Sabbath as a day set aside for solemn rest and devotion. We commemorate the resurrection of Christ which took place on the first day of the week (Mark 16:9) being Sunday.

The emphasis here is more on "rest" or setting aside a time to cease from our usual agenda and set aside a time of devotion to seek and praise God. The day doesn't matter. Our focus should be on God and not desecrating the time we have set aside to thank and worship Him. It's the first fruits of our time. Many will give the first fruits of their income, yet totally not give of their hearts and minds to Him on any given Saturday or Sunday! We should come humbly before Him in thanksgiving and praise just for Who He is, our thoughts on Him and nothing else!

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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?


Well, for starters it's the fourth of the Ten Commandments.




Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God?


(1) and (2) each honor God. The choice of the rest day is a denominational option.




Which of these might dishonor God?


No worship, no rest. In our time, today, things are going on 24/7. We have to work weekends sometimes as a matter of course. I remember various Christian sports persons many years ago who refused to play their sport on Sundays. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that instead of being a witness for Jesus by doing that, they opened up Christians to ridicule because the world in general didn't understand the whole Sabbath concept even though in those days many more people attended Church than do today.

It's very rare for even devout Christians to actually do nothing in pursuit of their own interests on the Sabbath. I forget where it's written in the Bible, but the pursuit of your own interests on the Sabbath was something God spoke against through one of the prophets. That was how God viewed breaking the Sabbath law.




Which of these keep the spirit of one “who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it”?


Options (1) and (2) keep the letter of the law. Keeping the spirit of the law could involve taking time on Sunday to worship God without actually resting completely for the rest of the day. As I wrote above, in our modern world we sometimes have to work on the weekends just to keep our jobs. I know I have to. As a musician I work when EVERYONE else is not working. It's just what I have to do. This lifestyle is something I have to work around as a Christian. My contact with people and the opportunity to interact with them as a light in the black, so to speak, happens on the weekends.It's actually a very lonely life, the way of the itinerant touring Bluesman.

What I do is to have my devotional first thing every day. "Seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (daily requirementsof food, clothing, etc) will be added unto you." Thanfully Pastor Ralph has provided me a way to do this by offering his online Bible studies which I have been using now for a few years. Over my morning coffee I do my daily Bible study, then go about my day. It's not ideal but it'll have to do. I worked a day job when I was able to, before work injuries ended that as an option for me and I was led into music as a career but The Lord Himself. Whether I'll always play bars and clubs remains to be seen.


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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?
It gives honor to God because it displays to Him my trust is in him, that I understand and I know He has my best in mind, that is why He made a day for me to take time and to rest, a day that I may recover from the stressors of life. 
Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. --- Which of the various options might best honor God?
For the Nation Israel, for the Jewish apostles, for the Jewish believers who were filled with the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost, and also for Yeshua, (Jesus) they kept the Sabbath on Saturday, for the Jew, the day begins the evening of yesterday, and if they followed the example of Yeshua, they kept the holy day without desecrating it, for Blessed, (happy) is the man who strives to live a righteous life, for he truly is the one who does not desecrate the Sabbath, he is the one who has found true rest.
For the Gentile believers, not being Jewish, they may keep the Sabbath on ANOTHER DAY - - - -  The 7th day, the Sabbath day, was the day God set apart for the nation Israel, a day the Jews were to give honor, it was to be a sign, a memorial between them and God. 
However, the fundamental truth still holds true for the Gentile Christians, Blessed, (happy) are they who strive to live a righteous life, for this is how they give honor to the Sabbath day, it is their sign, their memorial between them and God, for they have truly found rest in God's Son. 
Which of these might dishonor God?
The one that dishonors God are those who live their lives not caring about others, are those who do not produce any fruits, are those whose lives do not strive after that of righteousness, are those who think by keeping the Sabbath day, (Saturday or Sunday) by not working (legalism) that they are keeping the day holy, when in fact they are the ones who are desecrating God's holy day, for it ISN'T THE DAY that gives honor unto God, it is their lives that are desecrating the day, their lives are not a vessel of honor, a sign they have not found true rest in God's Son.
Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?
The one’ who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, is the one who offers their life as a living sacrifice up to God, they are the one who give honor unto the day, unto God, they are the one who are blessed, for they know the Sabbath was made for man and it is in that day that they may find rest.


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1. Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?

-God gave us a sacred day to rest. (Exoudus 20:11) God blessed the sabbath and made it holy.


2. Sunday worship and rest, best honor God.


3. No worship, no rest, dishonor Go.


4. Sunday worship and rest, best keep the spirit of ones who gather on Sunday to worship and praise our Lord JESUS CHRIST.

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Resting is both good for our physical bodies and spiritual well-being. It is good to focus a day on God and His great care He has provided us.

Both#1 and #2 aree options that honor God. I see Sabbath more of a state of mind that is at peace and abides with God, more than just a particular day on the calendar.

Worship yet no rest devalues the worship just engaged in and the fourth options totally disregards God and show ingratitude (or lack of trust) in God.

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Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God? Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God? Which of these might dishonor God? Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"?


It shows our love for Him and our obedience that springs from our love for Him.

Sunday worship and rest might best honor God however I have found from my own experience that life doesn't always cooperate.  I have been a caregiver for a few years now and although it is not as demanding as it was I learned that taking care of someone on the Sabath does not dishonor Him but more turning it into a legalistic thing might.  For me desire to honor Lord's Day was intense and I felt it was becoming legalistic.

As far as desecrating it I think we mostly know what pleases God and what doesn't and if there is a fine line there do your best to rest in peace.  Sometimes I believe He looks at our attitude more than our fine line actions.  It is easier if the husband and wife are together on this. No pat answers for me.  God looks at our heart.  Maybe we should examine our heart also.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13

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Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God? Christians practice this different ways:

(1) Sabbath worship and rest,

(2) Sunday worship and rest,

(3) Sunday worship, no rest, or

(4) no worship, no rest.


Which of the various options might best honor God? 1-3


Which of these might dishonor God? 4



Which of these keep the spirit of one "who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it"? 1-2


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On 8/2/2013 at 8:35 AM, Pastor Ralph said:



Q2. (Isaiah 56:2) Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God?

It is a demonstration of our devotion to Him. He worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th... He has called His children to live in "Rest"....taking a day to rest physically and to live in emotional rest 7 days a week. ....working while resting in Him, playing while enjoying Him, spending time with Him unhindered by the day to day stresses of earning a living   is a wonderful gift to us and to Him.

Christians practice this different ways: (1) Sabbath worship and rest, (2) Sunday worship and rest, (3) Sunday worship, no rest, or (4) no worship, no rest. Which of the various options might best honor God?

Setting a day aside for worship and rest....many have to work on Sunday, so any day can be a day set aside for worship and Sabbath rest.

Which of these might dishonor God? Which of these keep the spirit of one “who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it”?

The Lord started talking to me about this four years ago....I finally understand that I was dishonoring Him by not "resting" even when I was "resting physically.....my mind was always fretting or planning or "elsewhere." Then I got hit with a 3 month virus and could do nothing but go from bed to the couch and back. When I could do nothing but physically rest, I began to "rest" mentally....and to enter into true worship and enjoying Him...just sitting in His Presence, meditating on His Word, letting His Spirit direct my thoughts without the pressure to hurry up and get things done, which honors Him. Now I can't wait to spend several hours in the morning when the house is quiet and it's still outside, just soaking in His Presence, and the best part, is that I sense He's enjoying me at rest, rather than keeping the law of "getting a check mark in the box for "doing my devotions". My spirit and mind are not all "fogged" in, so I'm able to hear Him more clearly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Question 10-6
Worship would certainly be a positive action for keeping the sabbath.  Also prayer, meditation with God, and study are also good positive actions.  Relaxing actions with family would also be looked upon favourable by God.  As well, if one donated themselves time and money to the poor would be a plus.
On the negative side any form of self-seeking would break the commandment.  Attending worship ‘only’ because it made you ‘look good’ in the eyes of the community and you are able to take personal gain from that.  Working on your financial portfolio would also be a form of gain.  Anything that puts self first and God after would be negative.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Keeping a sacred day of rest honors God because we put everything aside and make God the main focus of the day. I think that both the first option and the second option best honor God. But I think that if you can’t keep one of those days then you still need to keep one day a week to honor God and put all work aside and focus on Him.

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  • 9 years later...

Jesus summed it best -- the Sabbath was made for our benefit and should not another legal duty we are compelled to obey.

It's easier to keep the letter of the law than the spirit of it. This is the case for all laws, not just the Sabbath. Having said this, the Sabbath is mentioned in the commandments which suggest that the principle behind it is timeless, not historically conditioned or part of the old covenant superseded by the new in Christ.

When I was a child (raised in a very secular family) I obsessively read diaries of early American pioneers. I recall reading about a family who didn't do anything on the Sabbath except read the Bible. Their children weren't allowed to move their antsy butts off their chairs. This sounded hellish to me and turned me against "religious people" for many years. I didn't want anything to do with a God that forced children to sit and listen to Shakespearean (King James) English for hours on end.

As a Christian, "rest" means doing something different than the usual grind. My "adult" son -- who became a Christian a few weeks ago!!! -- spends Sunday afternoon in the gym. That's rest, for him. I'm certainly not going to tell him that he needs to do nothing on the Sabbath because he's already keeping the spirit of the law, intuitively.

There used to be Sunday "Blue Laws" in the United States and perhaps in other parts of the world. Today, certain companies shut their doors on Sunday out of principle to the Sabbath. That's good, in my wee opinion. I do think that people need to rest in some manner. Those who have desk or sedentary jobs need to get out and talk a walk ... those who have physically demanding jobs need to sit down and put their feet up. The point is that  weekly we need to set aside a day to consciously try to mend our bodies and refocus our minds on Him. That's the meaning of the Sabbath -- it's a day to re-set our lives for Jesus.


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  • 1 month later...

#2 Sunday worship and rest. This is the one I’ve lived by most of my life. A day to go to church to worship and praise God

 #2 Sunday worship and rest woud honor God.     Christ died on the first day of the week; Christians worshiped and studied the Word on the first day of the week. Most people work all week, they need a day of worship and rest 

No worship no rest

Sabbath worship and rest

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  • 11 months later...

Q2. This is a question I have grappled with for years! Some years ago I became friendly with some Seventh Day Adventist people and their devotion to the Bible and its application was amazing. There were some theological differences but I resolved those with God quite easily. However on the subject of the Sabbath I struggled. Eventually on speaking to my Pastor I decided to continue what I was doing and what our church was doing, which was to honour God on Sunday by resting and worshiping God. My pastor felt the day didn’t matter what mattered was our attitude towards the day. If we used a day to do what God intended us to do it didn’t matter if it was Saturday or Sunday. Those who don’t worship and rest are dishonouring God, because He has given us this day for our good and it is a command of God’s. 

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