Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? How are they injured by false accusations and slander? How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? What would it require of us to really “spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry”? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? Quote
hanks Posted November 11, 2013 Report Posted November 11, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? How are they injured by false accusations and slander? How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behaviour? What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? All these actions can cause immeasurable harm – splitting families, churches, and even being the cause of churches closing. We need to look upon each individual as made in the image of God and to recognise that they are precious in the sight of God – remembering that His Son died for them! This we can only do with the help of the Holy Spirit. We also need the love of God in our hearts. We personally and as a congregation can cut back on many luxuries and this money would then be available to help the hungry. Quote
RD35 Posted November 12, 2013 Report Posted November 12, 2013 In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? How are they injured by false accusations and slander? Backbiting, judgmental attitudes, harsh criticism, false accusations and slander attack the character of a person. There will be strife and division because of this on a personal level and also in the congregation. Another person will be insulted and embarrassed when his old doings will be brought out in public and this may cause permanent harm to his personality. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? First of all if we have any traces of this kind of behavior in our lives we should truly repent and ask mercy from God. When God provides us with an opportunity we should ask forgiveness from the person who is hurt because of our false accusations or judgmental attitudes or harsh criticisms. We should pray on a daily basis that God will protect us from every temptation to sin. As a woman I have found that it is very easy for me to fall into these kinds of temptations, to judge, to gossip and accuse others falsely sometimes. When we pray and ask God’s Holy Spirit to guide us daily then with God’s help this becomes easy. Every time before I talk I should ask myself “Will the Lord be pleased with my speech”. we should never encourage anyone who wants to spread dirt about others through gossip or slander. We should politely refuse to listen to them. Instead of listening, we should challenge their evidence and their motives for their accusations. If they cannot properly defend their speech, we should rebuke them and confront in love. Pray for people who have such problems. Our main desire should be that people should forsake their wrong ways, be forgiven and receive God’s salvation. What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? It involves personal involvement than casual assistance. We need to have a spirit of sacrifice and prayer and God’s love in our hearts towards the needy. We can do this with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Quote
antonate Posted November 12, 2013 Report Posted November 12, 2013 Back biting, judgemental attitudes and harsh criticism can make a person totally hurt, bitter and resentful. False accusations and slander can leave one person leave the church and also create damage physically and mentally. we need to carefully study the word of God and apply the word of God into our lives which will set our lives inorder and we will stop these attitudes. Also we should spend time in God's presence and he will give us the grace to overcome the sinful nature help us to bear fruit of the holy spirit in us. we require God's very own presence to help us to spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry. we need his holy spirit to give us the grace, the wisdom and strength to care and show compassion to the hungry. we require to love God and filled with his love we can take spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry. we need Jesus our Lord to be our guide and light and in the fullness of his presence we will be able care for the hungry. we need the strength of God and guidance of his holy spirit as an individual and as a congregation. Quote
Squirt Posted November 13, 2013 Report Posted November 13, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? Those who are the targets are injured in spirit, made to feel inferior, sometimes shamed, sometimes angered, but carrying the weight of harsh criticism instead of love. If the injured party is angered or grieved and has difficulty forgiving, then not only have they been victimized, but they have been pushed into sinning too. They are oppressed by the ill will of their brothers and sisters and often led to doubt themselves and, much worse, to doubt God. This can lead to them severing their affiliation with the church congregation rather than face the perceived shame. Or it can lead to them 'responding' among their group of friends and the dispute widens. Those who perpetrate the backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism injure themselves in their walk with the Lord. Their actions are sinful and separate them from fellowship with God. If the actions are repeated, it leads to a hardening of their hearts toward others.How are they injured by false accusations and slander? False accusations and slander spread like wildfire among neighbors, among congregations, and in circles of friends and alter the attitudes of others toward the injured persons. Either they are forced to defend themselves, even in a court of law, or they are unwittingly defamed and do not understand what is happening to them. Their integrity is damaged without cause. But it is the inward effect that is the most damaging; if the accusations are taken seriously by the individual involved, then their self-worth is brought into question in their own minds. They begin to focus on self and have difficulty opening up to God. Their trust is shaken and faith is a more tenuous thread in their lives. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? First, encourage love among brothers and sisters in Christ, not only teaching brotherly love, but demonstrating it. If someone is seen to be taking part in backbiting, criticism, false accusations and slander, we are taught to go to them in love and gentleness and talk to them about it (Mt. 18:15-17). If someone is talking to you and speaking harshly about someone else, gently ask them to stop. Let them know that you do not participate in such talk. Then pray for them to be guided by the Word and by the Spirit to an understanding of the truth. If they do not listen, then turn away from them. It is not always easy, especially if the one doing the talking is a friend. One hopes that a gentle remonstrance will work, but often it does not and then you’re forced to speak more plainly. No one has promised that walking as a Christian is going to be easy going all the time.What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? Take part in food drives, donate money and goods to food pantries and church organizations that minister to the hungry, and directly help those within our personal circle/neighborhood who are in need. Bring the needs of the community to the attention of the congregation for corporate attention. Be willing to be an active part of the solution. Pray to the Lord to open our eyes to the needs of those around us, and then look for His leading, listen for His prompting, and follow through on what He shows us. We don’t always know when a neighbor is in need, but if we ask the Lord to show us, He will. Ask in faith and truth, and listen. It is important first to EXPECT that He will answer. Jesus said, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22 When He answers, respond immediately. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 14, 2013 Report Posted November 14, 2013 People are shamed, become bitter or hopeless and fall away by backbiting, harsh criticism and judgmental attitudes. These can be particularly destroying when one person has something against another person. Backbiting always needs more people to carry on a particular grievance or malicious tale and once many people are involved the judgmental attitudes and criticisms multiply. Once these grow, there are often so many people bullying or excluding another that the victim has no hope of recovering. Mob mentality (as I call it) is so destructive. Sadly, most of the people involved in it don't even know the truth of the matter. They just follow along, doing wrong, jumping on someone else's bandwagon. YUCK! It is the same with false accusations and slander. So many people are so willing to believe anything and pass the falsehood along without even trying to get to the bottom of what is really happening. Sometimes, people can have ruined reputations where ever they go and all for nothing except that people love to slander and talk and talk and talk! People can be so mindless sometimes! We can banish this kind of behavior by not taking part in it!!! We can resolve instead to gain understanding before we judge a situation. Just because it's your friend or even a leader saying something does not mean it is true!!! Before we decide to pass a little "morsel" along we can WALK AWAY. Every story has 2 sides at least so we can be warned to not swallow only one side and run with it. I think what is required to be really "spent" for the poor would mean to give beyond our means. This would mean we give even when it seems we can't. I've given even my grocery money with no money back-up in the bank when God has asked me to give to a particular charity or ministry or person. I've just trusted Him to provide for me and my family and He has always been faithful. For a congregation it means the same. Giving until it hurts and that is for every day and every season. Not just the holidays. Also, it can be "easy" to just give funds or goods to charities as donations. We should give of ourselves....personally becoming involved (permanently) in other people's lives even if it means we have to care for them long term. It's about giving our hearts as well as our money! Quote
Jen Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? How are they injured by false accusations and slander? How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? How do you put into words the hurt these things can do to a person? They totally tear down a person, ripping apart their self esteem and their sense of well being. Rejection hurts terribly. For those of us in Christ Jesus while it can still hurt we can remember who we are in Christ. Those who don't have Christ in this unloving cruel world will look for someone or something to build him or her up. We in the church can be so smug, so pleased with our loving God and His love for us that we don't look on others as we should or we downplay our abilities "I am not good at that". Its the effort, a kind hand on the shoulder that can make all the difference. My daughter was feeling put down because she put herself through school and partly supported her family by being a waitress and I reminded her that her smile and kind words might be the only ones some of those people saw that week. She might make all the difference in someones life for ever just by how she treated them with dignity and kindness. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
wjcargile Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 1. People are injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes and harsh criticism resulting in separation from family, friends and church family. Also, the pain that is afflicted on a person carrying this burden. 2. How are they injured by false accusation and slander? Most time very difficult to prove your innocence. 3. To change our church culture to banish this kind of behavior, is to get the church involved in helping the hurting people. 4. What would it require us to really spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry? Give them food, clothing and shelter, share time and the Word of God with them. 5. What would this look like for an individual? Come out of comfort zone and help those in need. 6. For a congregation? Come together and help the oppressed. Quote
humblejon Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 These actions will especially hurt those who are new to the faith, and they will in turn feel overly guilty or resentful. Their faith will most likely be weakened and their search for God, swayed off course. If everyone knew not to judge others, that we are not perfect, and we all undeservingly obtained God's grace, people will think twice before we point the finger at some else. We need not to give a surplus or "left overs" but share our own livelihood and provisions with others. If individuals and churches chose this course, we will be greatly blessed and begin to depend more on God instead on ourselves. Quote
Delivered Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, false accusations, slander, and harsh criticism? These are the fruits of Satan, fruits that have the ability to kill and destroy, fruits that bring "CONDEMNATION" - The person most hurt by this kind of behavior is the person "HIMSELF" who is speaking forth such “HARSH” words of criticism, words that tear down instead of builds up. There is a place in the body of believers when "CRITICISM" is needed, the kind of criticism God teaches us that would be "CONSTRUCTIVE" to them. Seeing we are on the subject of “HARSH CRITICISM” on Wednesday, November 6, Secretary of State John Kerry gave an interview on Israeli television, in which he offered some of the "HARSHEST CRITICISM" yet from a high-ranking US official on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, words putting blame on Israel, accusing them of being war mongers while making out Mahmoud Abbas as heroes of peace. The church must wake up and start praying for the "PEACE OF JERUSALEM" for we are seeing the beginnings of Isaiah coming to life in our day. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? Woe to the church, the people whose culture accepts such behavior, for it is not acceptable to God. What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry" and what would this look like for an individual? It is important we have a heart that cares about the needs of others, anyone who has the spirit of "LOVE" and a heart that "CARES" has already been "BLESSED", for they have been touched by the love of God. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? When the criticism isn't true it will drive people away. Sometimes folks never fully recover from the hurtfull things people say about them. If we do need to criticise someone we need to do it firstly to them and not to everyone BUT them, and we need to do it in love. How are they injured by false accusations and slander? Speaking purely personally here, a person can be scarred for life by false accusations and slander if it's severe enough. I've had my business ruined completely by that. Fair enough it wasn't Christians who did it, but it was still done. Spreading false accusations to gain an advantage over someone in business is a contemptible way to conduct business. Even at Church I've seen people ruin someone's reputation to enbance their own. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? I wouldn't know where to start. I've seen congregations come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and superficially repent for the backbiting that was going on, only to see it re-emerge a few weeks later. What would it require of us to really “spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry”? That too is a foreign concept for most church congregations. I have seen that in action back in the early 1970s at a church I attended back then. The pastor, his wife, and his friends lived on the smell of an oily rag while helping up to 15 people at a time who were homeless, coming off drugs, etc, and all living at the manse! That guy knew all about spending ourselves in behalf of the hungry. What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? I'll use that church alluded to above because it's the only one I ever saw do that. It was like what I imagined the early Church would be like. Every one pitching in and helping everyone else. Bearing each other's burdens and praying for those in need as well as providing very real physical support in a selfless loving way. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? Their truth looks like a lie and their lives are impacted negatively. How are they injured by false accusations and slander? Not only does Their truth looks like a lie and their lives are impacted negatively, sometimes they are denied rewards and financial opportunities for the wrong reason. Legally and in general they are defending the indefensible. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? Truth starts from the pulpit. The pastor needs to send the signal that it is known, condemned, and will not be ignored. What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? A decision to do it. What would this look like for an individual? Setting aside the resources as a family For a congregation? Making it a part of the budget, sharing from the heart of the pastor, walking the talk. Quote
JanMary Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 8:40 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? We are called to build one another up, to encourage, mentor when that is possible, to love one be the antithesis of the way the world functions. We have one hateful enemy who works overtime to criticize, tear down, up root, judge and criticize us. Following his lead, we discourage and cause heart wounds which may never heal. Some have left the church over such things and never return....done as believers, we may close the door to their questions regarding salvation in Jesus. We reflect our enemy at those times of sin, rather than our Savior of love and compassion for the downtrodden, and sinners. How are they injured by false accusations and slander? I can only speak for a former church, a deacon made a false and serious accusation about me to others, which I learned about later. It was absolutely shocking and devastating. We left the church and went to another. Our daughter was falsely accused there, and it took a year before the truth was revealed and the slanderer's motive was revealed which led to her suffering consequences of her own making. We left that church however, before the truth came out, and our daughter was plagued with thoughts of who may have believed the lies. After both of those instances within 16 months, we were so disillusioned and disappointed in "church people", "Christian leadership" who failed to handle either situation, apparently thinking if ignored it would all go away. It took a long time to feel safe again, or to want to be involved on any level in a church. I'm still "careful" with church people, even though we know it was the devil who was behind both instances, and have forgiven those who slandered and lied. How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? I think this needs to be addressed from time to time from the tolerance for slander and lies, and preaching about the character of Jesus, who we are to reflect and to become as we grow in maturity. What would it require of us to really “spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry”? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? It would require us to "notice", to "listen", to take appropriate action and to follow the Holy Spirit's leading in directing resources to those in need. When we were losing our home in 1990, we didn't mention it to anyone at church (embarrassment, that we were affected by the downturn in the economy). One Sunday a woman we'd never met approached us and introduced herself then said "I don't know what's happening with you, but the Lord spoke to me that I'm to provide food and necessities for your family until you no longer need them." We were stunned! She came every week with a trunk load of everything we needed to eat, plus soap, detergent, toilet tissue, shampoo....everything! When we moved the Lord released her. How we thank God for His faithfulness through her and others who helped us pack and move. It was a beautiful thing to experience the body of Christ functioning as His hands, His feet, His heart of love. We have followed that example to others in need. Our church started "City Serve" several years ago which just received an award from the State of California as being the most effective non-profit in the state. Others joined us as they saw how successful it is in reaching those in need. It is funded by over a dozen churches (all denominations) in our tri-valley area who banded together to help the now includes job training, counseling, medical help, an emergency shelter in one of the churches at night for homeless still being evaluated, and is supervised all night by shifts of people there awake to make certain those sleeping (on mats, blankets and pillows we've provided) will not be disturbed by others who should be sleeping. The cities our churches represent, have this year been giving grants to the foundation, as it's much more efficient and compassionate in assisting those in need. The latest grant from one city was $500,000. That will go along way...but we have many in need. It would be wonderful if other churches in other areas would look into this wonderful idea. It has a board of pastors and other mature individuals, deacons, elders, overseeing the financials and operation. Contact for information on starting your own cityserve network in your area. Quote
angelbaby Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? This is serious and detrimental to the affected as they lose their self esteem , their image is tarnished ..its a sort of defamamtion and always has a negative impact on Hte person who is targeted. Many times they do not recover from the backlash and they lose many opportunities in life, they lose friends , they lose resources . How are they injured by false accusations and slander? False accusations and slander can ruin many deals / finances/ property matters and character.. It can result in feuds/ divisions in family,/ and even leaving church attendance can lead a person away from the faith as he / she tried to live as a faithful believer but was mistreated by his own brothers and sisters How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? 1. we must preach and emphasize the condemnation/ damnation that results from such attitudes 2. we must read the word of God more diligently for the HOLY SPIRIT counsels and guides us whenever we make a mistake in our behaviour. 3. when we read about the early church we must establish such programmes to banish Behaviour contrary to Christ like living and highlight the Fruits of the Holy spirit...Love , joy , peace, patience, kindness, gentleness , goodness and, self control.. these have to be developed by deliberate effort What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? It requires we give our food to the means we should assist in alleviating the hunger of anyone we see in need by active involvement What would this look like for an individual? Personal assistance and involvement is needed in any kind of help that is given and not as a casual way For a congregation? The church needs to have regular programmes to alleviate the basic needs the methodist church in lucknow distributes warm clothes and blankets in the winters the anglican church in cochin kerala has a regular feeding the needy programme ..anyone can come and eat and yet another anglican church distributes food packets to the aged and lonely every saturday for sat and sunday ..this has been cooked in the church premises by the congregation All churches do have such programmes but ti is not enough ...considering how much we have. Quote
WinstonY Posted December 9, 2013 Report Posted December 9, 2013 Question 10 - 5 Back biting, judgmental attitudes and harsh criticism are a form of bullying. When these types of injustices occur they bear in upon the victims, create a poor self-image and give people the impression that they are alone in the world - shut off from community. In Isaiah’s day community if what life was all about and being cut off from community was similar to being cut off from the Lord Yahweh. These then bullying acts are in a sense like excommunication . By these three types of actions then people can be cut off from the source of living water - the Lord Yahweh. Church communities can name these actions, speak out against them and declare them to be the will of Yahweh. However, the people who use these tactics are often very subtle in their use and application of them and are often able to get the backing of the church community. In order to ‘spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry’ we need to give our self over to the Lord Yahweh, the three person Lord Yahweh, and commit ourselves to his plan of Justice to all. We need to ensure that our hands are not defiled with blood (59:3) - that of the poor. Here in this verse blood is used in a figurative sense to represent our sins against the poor. We do not give of our cash reserves as we should, we do not give of ourselves personally to the welfare of the poor - give of our time and of ourselves. We need to ensure that no one bring suit unjustly against the poor. This is very difficult in our Canadian and American system as lawyers are so expensive. Maybe we should work for free lawyer assistance for the poor and the working poor. Unfair social systems degrade the position of the poor. We need to work tirelessly toward systems that nullify some of the advantage of the power and richness of the upper elite. We need to work towards a more just distribution of the wealth that God’s creativity as provided. Ten percent of the people (the wealthy) consume 59% of the world consumption, the bottom 10% consume only 0.5%. The top 50% of the people consume 93.5% of the world’s availability resources , the bottom 50% consume 6.5%. How fair is this? The system is broken, we need to fix it. But the biggest problem is the fact that we, the rich and the moderate rich and the not so moderate rich, are not even aware of the problem of the poor. We walk right by the poor and do not even see them. Take Dives, the rich man , he never even saw Lazarus, he wasn’t aware of his situation! Somehow we need to break through this unseeing and focus the story on the table for all to see. For the church and the individual the problem is sincere. It is a matter of giving self over to the poor. We will not have peace in the world until the problem of the poor in the world is addressed. As long as people, churches, government and corporations are totally focused on the almighty dollar , there can be no peace. We are sitting on a powder keg and the fuse is burning. We must address the problem of poverty in a real way. The alternative may be that the Lord Yahweh will turn upon western society and say, “Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Announce to my people their rebellion.” (58.1) Just as he did in Isaiah’s time; he may say ,”For the Lord is enraged against all the nations, and furious against all their hordes; he has doomed them, has given them over for slaughter”. (34:2) But after the people have served their term, the Lord Yahweh will say: “See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Rather, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” (59:1-2) winstony Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 1, 2014 Report Posted January 1, 2014 When people have backbiting, judgmental attitudes or harsh criticism they are marginalizing both themselves and the person that they are judging. They are hurt because they have maybe lost some friends because of the false accusations and maybe their reputation has been placed into question. We can change our church cultures by not engaging in such practices. We can cut it off before it gets started. To spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry would mean that we would have to get involved in the activities that include the hungry. That could mean that we would have to be placed in some uncomfortable situations. Quote
Krissi Posted May 26, 2023 Report Posted May 26, 2023 Most people who are injured by slander simply leave, embittered and disgusted -- many never return. I have known many people who will never step into a church again because of the character of those in a church. It’s difficult to explain to them that Christians are not perfect, but in the process of sanctification. The tendency for unbelievers is to judge us on our own expectations and standards, at which we inevitably fail. People within the church who have been hurt by Christians can be healed and can forgive, but that process is difficult. I am attending a church in which the minister was convicted of pilfering church funds more than a decade ago. The church was split over how to deal with his problem (this happened before I moved to this town). Most church members left. Others remained loyal to the minister and helped him start a new congregation (where I attend, now). I don’t think the issue was ever fully resolved, so it has festered and has created a gap in trust between the congregation and minister. Thankfully, he will retire within a year which is how I think God is resolving the problem for us. I pray that the divisions this has caused end as a new pastor takes over my struggling congregation. I’m not sure how “church culture” can be changed. The individuals within a church need to grow spiritually – culture is simply the sum-total of the character of the people within a church. Perhaps changing the church culture should begin with oneself. If I change, by becoming a better person than I am now, through prayer, fasting and determination, though I may be just one “point of light” I may be the one God uses to initiate change. We create change in others by changing ourselves Churches have different outreaches and ministries. Some are especially gifted with the relationships they form with homeless and hungry people -- other churches start prayer groups among the wealthy politicians. Both ministries are needed and both are ordained by God. If we are called, specifically, to "spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry" and we do not obey that calling, we have sinned greatly. If we are called to start a Christian school, open our homes to our neighbors, start a business and run it ethically, write speeches that nudge the needle of politics in a more godly direction ... it doesn't matter what the calling may be, what matters is our obedience to that calling. We must obey. Obedience is individual, ultimately, but a congregation full of people who are individually doing what God has pressed their hearts to do is a dynamic, amazing place to be ... and I pray to be in a place like this again, soon. Quote
crissy464 Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 Backbiting can create bad blood, enmity, discord, disquiet and evil among people and society. They cause hostilities between members of the same household and between neighbours and relatives. At church encourage love among the congregation. Don’t let someone talk about someone behind there back Donations of money, food, help It woud look like we cared Quote
Irmela Posted February 20 Report Posted February 20 Q5. (Isaiah 58:9b-10a) In what ways are people injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes, and harsh criticism? How are they injured by false accusations and slander? How can we change our church cultures to banish this kind of behavior? What would it require of us to really "spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry"? What would this look like for an individual? For a congregation? Backbiting, judgemental attitudes and harsh criticism breaks a person down completely. Many times, in ways that they do not recover to functioning normal again. They might already be hurting by something that people are not aware of and then false accusations may make them turn away from seeking help and certainly from trusting people enough to look for help. Their motivation to look beyond that place is broken and you find that they end up as 'loafers' or tramps. We need to get to the point where no accusations are made. Get the real facts and then try and help the person as someone created by Almighty God and marred by the evil in this world. Firstly give up the extras that we pamper ourselves with and use that to either support an organization that helps care for the homeless, or give that to a needy person. Time is also something that can be shared. Personal space is also something of value that can be shared. Hungry is not necessarily only for food. It can be for fellowship, for acceptance, for friendship etc. Compassion for those who are different and do not fit in. This could result in meeting needs of the individual, then the families of the individual, the friends and then community. A ripple effect is caused. Quote
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