Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Quote
hanks Posted November 11, 2013 Report Posted November 11, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? The positives: Honour God, to seek what pleases God, love our LORD, worship Him out of love, words that bring glory to God, acknowledge our dependence on Him. The negatives: to do what pleases us, resent our LORD, worship Him out of duty or guilt or even convenience, careless speaking or idle words, doing our own thing without acknowledging Him. Quote
RD35 Posted November 12, 2013 Report Posted November 12, 2013 In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Positive Actions : Honor God by keeping his Sabbath, Seek to do what pleases God, Delight in doing the will of God. We are to observe the Sabbath with a willing Spirit towards God whom we love. Negative Actions: Not do as we please, Not to seek worship that is comfortable to us, Not to see Sabbath as a set of rules, not gather for worship with a sense of duty or guilt, be cautious about our speech and the words we use in our conversations. Quote
royk Posted November 13, 2013 Report Posted November 13, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? We must avoid at all costs superficial ritual practice on the Sabbath, e.g. fasting by not eating, but doing earthly things to others who are in need. This can be a daily practice also; whoever God puts in our path, honor them, respect them, listen to them, support them. Invite those in your path to worship on the Sabbath. Doing anything false with have the reverse effect on potential blessings Love all, serve all. Quote
antonate Posted November 13, 2013 Report Posted November 13, 2013 we must spend time in God's presence on the sabbath day by setting a time of worship and adoration to him. we must honor God by reading and meditating on his word and also have fellowship with believers to pray wiith them and reach out to thier spiritual needs. we must not to things that please our human desires and will instead concentrate on pleasing the Lord and fufil his desires and purposes on the sabbath day and keep the day holy. we should not give away to speak idle things instead spend time in singing and praying and edifying , encouraging God's people with our words of wisdom and encouragement. Quote
Squirt Posted November 14, 2013 Report Posted November 14, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? As Christians, we are made new in Jesus and we become spiritual creatures in temporary residence in the world. One day a week, on the Lord’s day, He calls us to separate ourselves and, turning away from the world, enter into a day of rest and worship of our God, honoring Him, worshiping Him in praise and song, and giving back to Him our offerings from the bounty He has given us. This is not intended as mere ritual or obligation, but a willing and joyful time, pleasing to Him and beneficial to us. Wherever possible, we gather together with our brothers and sisters in Christ to study the Word of God and to refresh our spirits. And we let our love for Christ include neighbors and family and friends.What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Avoid those things that give no thought to God, that do not honor Him, but in fact are dishonoring to Him. Abstain from business or selfish pleasure. Abstain from worldly activities that reflect poorly on Christians and the church of God. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 14, 2013 Report Posted November 14, 2013 Positive actions that align themselves with true keeping of the Sabbath in these verses are: Honoring God by keeping the Sabbath. Seeking God to please Him not ourselves. Delight in God. Relax, rest and enjoy God. Keep the Sabbath because you love God and WANT to be there! The negatives would be: Idle conversation. Speaking casually without thinking. Keeping the Sabbath but making it all about us and what we like. Rule making and legalism about keeping the Sabbath. Worldliness active on the Sabbath. Quote
wjcargile Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 1.The positive action alingn themselves with the true keeping the Sabbath is to: -Honoring God, seeking God delight in Him, praising Him and not waste time speaking idle words. 2. What negative action should be avoided in true keeping of the Sabbath? -Not honoring Him, doing as we please and only the things that pleases us. Quote
angelbaby Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? When we keep the Sabbath it should be God centered and our behavior should honor God, Glorify God and bring credit to bearing the name of Christ. Observing the Sabbath and doing earthly carnal things doesn't honor God ...Love Him and Love all Quote
humblejon Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Positive actions honor God by seeking His worth and will, resting and focusing our attention on pure and righteous matters, carefully talking with positive and encouraging tones, and joyfully and willingly participating in Sabbath worship. Avoid self-serving and centered pleasures, rest with God and family in mind, seeking out personal gain that does not glorify God. Quote
Delivered Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? A person who "DELIGHT" themselves in the LORD are those who delight in God's laws to do them, they are the ones who prefer to give "HONOR" unto him through acts of obedience and kindness, they are the ones who do not speak words that are false and malicious that would hurt others, these are the ones that find joy in keeping God's Feasts, God's appointed times. What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Actions that center around "SELF" will find it hard to "REST" in the LORD. Quote
Jen Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Positive actions Seek to do what is pleasing to God, call it a delight, do not pursue your own agenda but rather what honors God. Negative actions Pursuing your own desires (unless that desire is to honor the Lord on His day), looking upon the Sabbath as a burden, a hindrance to accomplishing "all that I want". If our heart is not right it will be a burden and if our heart is right it will be a delight. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? Love and obedience. What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Totally ignoring it or pretending to care, along with total insensitivity. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? Love and obedience. What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Totally ignoring it or pretending to care, along with total insensitivity. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? The prophet tells us to delight in the Sabbath, to enjoy the time of rest and to contemplate God. We should honor God on the Sabbath and not just do no work. The whole do no work thing is about not pursuing your own interests and agendas. I mean, if you're in business maybe you can't work on a Sunday because that's the way it is with other business houses being closed etc, but if you stay at home and formulate your business plan or work actively on your business on Sunday even though you're doing it at home and not officially open for business, you're still pursuing your own interest and agenda. I fully realize I'm condemning myself by writing this. What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Isaiah talks about going our own way, doing as we please, and . . surprisingly to me at least, idle talk. Sitting around shooting the breeze is something we should avoid on the Sabbath . . . apparenlty. In all the times I've read Isaiah I must have missed that one every time. Like a lot of people I often have to work Sundays. Professional musicians who make their living performing have a limited window of opportunity to actually perform . . . Friday night, Saturday afternoon and/or night, and Sunday afternoon. That's it. Occasionally Thursday night work becomes available and even Wednesday work happens for the lucky few. Monday and Tuesday? Only if you're so consistently lucky you can put your hand into a bucket of manure and pull out a gold watch! So Monday is the day I do as little as possible. I sleep off the weekend. Three days of touring and doing it with insufficient sleep each night a lot of the time means it's very hard to get my head off the pillow at the best of times on Monday mornings. Quote
JanMary Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 8:41 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? Call the Sabbath a spiritual delight and honorable. Honor Him and it. Delight yourself in the Lord! What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath When I was under the law (before I came to understand grace) I would have said not seeking pleasure on the Sabbath. At that time I would have felt guilty for enjoying the wonderful family excursion we took yesterday (Sunday) instead of going to church...the only day we could all go, as some work on Saturday and another Monday though Friday). Instead the Lord blessed us with laughter, safe travel, favor in the cost being half price, which we called to the individual's attention and were told "I made a mistake...but take it, it's a gift". We felt the Lord's presence and His delight in our delight...we saw Him in everything we experienced and saw! We honor Him every day in our lives, not just on Sunday, and love going to Church. I've learned that Grace is a Person...JESUS, and "getting a check mark in the box for perfect church attendance" doesn't honor Him or the Sabbath! Quote
WinstonY Posted December 11, 2013 Report Posted December 11, 2013 Question 10 - 5 Back biting, judgmental attitudes and harsh criticism are a form of bullying. When these types of injustices occur they bear in upon the victims, create a poor self-image and give people the impression that they are alone in the world - shut off from community. In Isaiah’s day community was what life was all about and being cut off from community was similar to being cut off from the Lord Yahweh. These then bullying acts are in a sense like excommunication . By these three types of actions then people can be cut off from the source of living water - the Lord Yahweh. Church communities can name these actions, speak out against them and declare them to be against the will of Yahweh. However, the people who use these tactics are often very subtle in their use and application of them and are often able to get the backing of the church community. In order to ‘spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry’ we need to give our self over to the Lord Yahweh, the three person Lord Yahweh, and commit ourselves to his plan of Justice to all. We need to ensure that our hands are not defiled with blood (59:3) - that of the poor. Here in this verse blood is used in a figurative sense to represent our sins against the poor. We do not give of our cash reserves as we should, we do not give of ourselves personally to the welfare of the poor - give of our time and of ourselves. We need to ensure that no one bring suit unjustly against the poor. This is very difficult in our Canadian and American system as lawyers are so expensive. Maybe we should work for free lawyer assistance for the poor and the working poor. Unfair social systems degrade the position of the poor. We need to work tirelessly toward systems that nullify some of the advantage of the power and richness of the upper elite. We need to work towards a more just distribution of the wealth that God’s creativity as provided. Ten percent of the people (the wealthy) consume 59% of the world consumption, the bottom 10% consume only 0.5%. The top 50% of the people consume 93.5% of the world’s availability resources , the bottom 50% consume 6.5%. How fair is this? The system is broken, we need to fix it. But the biggest problem is the fact that we, the rich and the moderate rich and the not so moderate rich, are not even aware of the problem of the poor. We walk right by the poor and do not even see them. Dives, the rich man , he never even saw Lazarus, he wasn’t aware of his situation! Somehow we need to break through this unseeing and focus the story on the table for all to see. For the church and the individual the problem is sincere. It is a matter of giving self over to the poor. We will not have peace in the world until the problem of the poor in the world is addressed. As long as people, churches, government and corporations are totally focused on the almighty dollar , there can be no peace. We are sitting on a powder keg and the fuse is burning. We must address the problem of poverty in a real way. The alternative may be that the Lord Yahweh will turn upon western society and say, “Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Announce to my people their rebellion.” (58.1) Just as he did in Isaiah’s time; he may say ,”For the Lord is enraged against all the nations, and furious against all their hordes; he has doomed them, has given them over for slaughter”. (34:2) But after the people have served their term, the Lord Yahweh will say: “See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Rather, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” (59:1-2) winstony Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 1, 2014 Report Posted January 1, 2014 I think that the positive actions that align themselves with a true keeping of the Sabbath is to get with God’s people and listen to the words that God has given to the preacher. Taking the day off for all activities that doesn’t bring us closer to God should be avoided. Some of these activities would be to go shopping, mowing the lawn, and cleaning the house. Quote
RebeccaL Posted September 25, 2020 Report Posted September 25, 2020 On 8/2/2013 at 4:41 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Rest, with a heart intended on showing God our love for him through worship and enjoying all that he provides. Putting aside our busyness, DIY jobs, chores, etc and focussing on the good in our lives, all of which is given to us from God. So for me, as a mom of small children, weekends are still work days - cooking, cleaning, generally running the show. But this really convicts me; I don’t want to disrespect God because wow he has given me so much, none of which I deserve. So I’m going to start setting aside either Saturday or Sunday to just be, with my heart just being thankful to God. When I die, I won’t care that my laundry was done every Sunday, but I will care that I took time to look around and see the treasures God gave me, and I will care that I enjoyed them and cherished them. Quote
crissy464 Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 Honoring God by keeping his Sabbath. Seek what pleases God Love God Listen to God, speak lightly Enforce Sabbath-keeping To participate in Sabbbath with a willing spirit towards God Quote
Irmela Posted February 20 Report Posted February 20 Q6. (Isaiah 58:13-14) In these verses what positive actions align themselves with a true keeping the Sabbath? Honour - we honour God by keeping the Sabbath Seeking God - we seek to please God with our lives Delight - relax, rest and enjoy God Conversation - not just give way to idle chatter. What negative actions should be avoided in a true keeping of the Sabbath? Making it a ritual with your heart not being in it. Making it a get together where slander, idle talk, backbiting, etc is the order of the day. Quote
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