Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? Quote
hanks Posted November 11, 2013 Report Posted November 11, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? It is our sin that causes separation from God. We are then out of fellowship with Him and our prayers are not heard. God is holy and He cannot ignore, tolerate or excuse sin. Because of our sin we flee from Him instead of running to God. His righteousness and purity compels us to hide from Him. We are the cause of the separation and this can only be corrected if there is a complete and genuine turning away from sin and we truly repent. We have to confess our sin and turn and put our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Quote
RD35 Posted November 12, 2013 Report Posted November 12, 2013 How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? As long as we persist in rebellion God will not hear our prayers. If we are not having answered prayers it is not because God is weary of listening to us but we have become weary of listening to God. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? Sin is causing the separation from God. It can be corrected by true repentance and changing of our hearts. Quote
royk Posted November 13, 2013 Report Posted November 13, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? God knows our heart to the core. We can hide nothing. We can't be on an "energy wave compatible with God's love if we are not loving and forgiving and repenting." its like trying to hear an FM radio station tuned into AM. It just doesn't work. With prayer, repentance, humility, love and meditation we can reconnect, if we are sincere, if we know what this means if we know how it feels. Spending humble, repenting, time with our creator. Now is the only time we have Quote
antonate Posted November 13, 2013 Report Posted November 13, 2013 God's eyes are open and his ears are attentive to prayer of his righteous once. when a person does not obey God's word and does not walk in the ways of the Lord it can hinder God to answer thier prayers. Sin causes separation from God. it can be corrected by true repentance and to turn away from sin and walk in obidience to God's commands. Quote
Squirt Posted November 14, 2013 Report Posted November 14, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? Sin causes a separation between us and God. He is holy; He turns His face away from our disobedience because He cannot look upon sin. The more we sin, the easier it becomes to continue and the more unconscious we become of our sins. We lose the sense of what is right and wrong. As long as we continue living in this state of sinfulness, God ‘does not hear’ our prayers.According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? We cause the separation ourselves by our sin. We must confess our sin, agreeing with God that we are wrong and turning from it, putting it away from us forever. Only when we repent of our sin does He turn to us again and answer our prayers. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 I'm not sure how to answer this! First, we all sin (everyday) but God in His graciousness has with compassion heard and answered our prayers even though we have not "earned" His kindness. I think 1 Peter 3:7 and Isaiah 59:2 are more warning against rebelliousness which to me is repetitive sin from a hardened heart. If we knowingly, continually, return to any particular sin, WE choose to turn from God and separate ourselves from Him with consequences. But who can understand the mind of God and who He chooses to have mercy on? Quote
wjcargile Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 1. How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? -It separates us from God. He will not hear us if we continue in our sins. 2. We are causing the separation from God. 3. How can it be corrected? Stop sinning and obey God's commands. Quote
angelbaby Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? God knows our heart and what we actually are ..He is definitely a loving God and forgiving God and when we sin He knows how we sin whether it is rebellion or incapability to correct ourselves though we want to . ..we need to seek God more by Reading His word which gives us strength to resist /overcome sin ... true repentance and drastic measures to correct your wrong will help Prayer ..prayer and prayer can work wonders We have a faithful God ...though we stray He rescues us and He DOES answer our prayers ...that is His graciousness. Like This Quote MultiQuote Quote
humblejon Posted November 16, 2013 Report Posted November 16, 2013 Our choices to sin and rebel against God has created a wall of separation between our Father and ourselves. Thus resulting in God discipline us instead of bestowing upon us the blessings He has promised. We must truly repent and turn way for sins! Quote
Jen Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? If we have disobedience or lack of repentance then our heart is not right. We will not be sincere in our prayers, nor will we ask for what is in God's will and He will not hear us. We are causing the separation from God with our sin and unrepentance. We must confess and repent. And God who is faithful will hear our prayers and forgive and cleanse. 1 John 1:9. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? God will not hear through disobedience and hipocracy. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? We are through our iniquities. How can it be corrected? Repent. Quote
Delivered Posted November 17, 2013 Report Posted November 17, 2013 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? It is the prayers of a "RIGHTEOUS" man that God's arm is extended to save, our actions reveal what is in the heart, God is well pleased with virtues that extend from hearts that have been changed from pleasing self, to pleasing God, and He promises redemption as a reward of grace, He promises an ear that will hear, but woe to the ones whose hearts are full of hypocrisy, outwardly their actions may reveal to man they are holy as they proudly attend all religious services, and offer up prayers that may be seen before men, making sure others know how much they give to the poor; God is not to be mocked, He knows what is in the heart and He will hide his face from those who kindle God's anger, instead of lives that cry out for His grace. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? The "WHO" is, anyone who would allow a wall of iniquities, "SINS" to continue in their life, anyone "who" will deliberately deviate from what God says is good and instead will continue to walk in their "SINS", therefore "THEY" have chosen to build up a wall that God sees as perverse and wicked, a wall that calls for God's judgment - The cause of this wall is not singular "SIN", it is plural, a building up, deliberately deviating from what is right is actually denying the sovereignty of God. How can it be corrected? It can be corrected by first recognizing why that wall of division is there, why I do not feel the awesome presence of God in my life, recognizing that it is my fault, it is I "WHO" allowed "SIN" to take root, sin that is so offensive to God that He hid his face from me; But thanks to God's mercy, there is hope for the troubled heart that calls out in "REPENTANCE"- allowing the saving grace of the Savior to once again wash over the heart, as it no longer desires to go their own way. Quote
JanMary Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 8:42 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? Disobedience and rebellion require God's loving discipline and training (if He ignores these, we are not really His children). As in training our children we withhold rewards in order to motivate them to want to obey. I've experienced His delayed answers to prayer in my own training in righteousness as I learned He's not a deadbeat dad or a sugar daddy. He's a wise loving Father, in whom we are developing a relationship, of integrity, trust, honor, submission and obedience which result in blessing. Peter admonishes men (1 Peter 3:7) to live considerately with their wives with an intelligent recognition of the marriage relation, honoring the woman as physically the weaker, but realizing that you are joint heirs of the grace of God in life, in order that your prayers are not hindered. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? How can it be corrected? My own iniquity and rebellion caused the separation. His training and loving kindness led me to repentance and to desire to remove the angry barrier I put between us. Quote
WinstonY Posted December 11, 2013 Report Posted December 11, 2013 Question 10-7 There is a ‘yeah but’ involved in 59:1 - 1. In verse 1 Yahweh is declaring that He is faithful, that he did not break the covenant, instead we see in verse 2 that it has been Israel that broke the covenant and he does it at the peril of Yahweh hiding his face and that he will not hear, indeed their prayers. The sins that were so grievous that Yahweh hid his face are enumerated in the following verses. They include murder, lies and falsehoods and injustice and falsehood in the legal system (notes) as well there is added words to the text concerning mischief and begetting iniquity. In verses 12 and 13 Israel confines to rebellion and treachery against God and turning their backs on God. These are grievous trespasses against the Lord Yahweh and are not to be taken lightly. The people of the 6th century and we today need to be concerned. God, the creator of all people , rich and poor, cannot bear to see his people oppressed and beaten down. It does not go on forever. He leads his people out of captivity and oppression in Egypt, he lead them out of exile in Babylon, he lead the blacks to freedom in America, he rescued the Jewish people from the hands of the Nazis and he will deliver the poor today from their oppression. To correct the situation, to have God hear prayers and turn his face to the people, than the people must turn from their iniquities and turn to the Lord Yahweh, we must acknowledge for “See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear”. (59:1) winstony Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 2, 2014 Report Posted January 2, 2014 Our disobedience and lack of repentance prevents our prayers from being answered because we are caught in those sins. That is what we are thinking about when we pray. We are the ones that are causing the separation from God. He always wants to love us and be with us. We can correct this be repenting. Quote
crissy464 Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 When our hearts are tender toward the Lord, sin will bother us. It will make a tender heart uncomfortable in the presence of the Lord causing it to repent. Just as sinning clogs up your spirit and prevents prayer from flowing, repentance opens your spirit so that prayer can return. Repentance separates us from God. He won’t hear us if we continue our sins Verse 2 is talking about us the people Sins create a barrier between God and his people It can be corrected by praying Quote
Irmela Posted February 20 Report Posted February 20 Q7. (Isaiah 59:1-2) How do disobedience and lack of repentance prevent our prayers from being answered? Our iniquities, i.e., our immoral bad behaviour have separated us from God, and our sins have hid His face from us. This prevents our prayers from being answered. According to verse 2, who is causing the separation from God? We ourselves, as we give in to immoral behaviour and harbour sin in our hearts. How can it be corrected? By repentance and turning away from sin. Calling on God in true repentance. He will hear and forgive. Quote
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