Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Quote
Squirt Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? They will be mighty, righteous and holy; given a double portion of honor; given future blessings, called by a new name the LORD will bestow; firmly established in fellowship with the LORD and joyful. They will be the ones who bring God’s light to the Gentiles...this is already being carried out by the Church.Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Yes. The blessings and promises are all “Yea” in Christ.If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? The watchmen on the wall are to call on the Lord unceasingly in reminder until Jerusalem is restored. We’re told to prepare for His coming again. We’re told to pray without ceasing. We’re told to pray for governments, for enemies, for the lost, for brothers and sisters, and pray for Israel. He has chosen to work through His people. Notwithstanding His sovereignty, His absolute power, God allows us to participate in His work on earth through our prayers. I’m reminded of a National Geographic article on lightning. Roughly paraphrased, a cloud-to-ground lightning strike appears to strike downward, but there is a corresponding charge upward from the ground. The bolt that appears to first originate in the clouds is a negatively-charged branch that does not become a powerful lightning strike until a corresponding branch, positively charged, rises from the earth. The two connect and enormous power is released. It is this result that we see with our naked eye. Our prayers are the upward branch that make the connection with His will. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer). Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done. Quote
hanks Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer). The final state of the Jewish people as promised by God will be that salvation will come upon them with the brightness of light piercing the darkness. Then there is promise after promise until they will be known as the “Holy People”, and as the “Redeemed of the LORD” – we will see every nation looking up to them. Finally, there is the promise of a glorious future and also the assurance that Israel will never again be looked upon as nation forsaken and desolate, shamed before the world, subject to foreign domination, or despised as unknown and unnamed among the kingdoms of the earth. Yes, Christians will be included in these blessings. God had allowed Israel to reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah to make them turn to the Gentiles to offer them what they had refused. They will eventually see the light. Both prayer and the answer to prayer are powerful and effective. The one does not cancel the other. That is, prayer offered in faith by a forgiven believer is a powerful and effective means to approach the throne of God. And, God “rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6), for his answers to prayer are indeed powerful and effective. In Matthew 6:10 we read, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Quote
RD35 Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? The Jewish people will be restored and those who had derided Israel will witness her restoration. She will be given a new name and a crown of honor will be bestowed upon her. The Lord will take Israel as His bride and no longer will she be called desolate or deserted. Yahweh promises peace and restoration to Jerusalem. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Yes, Christians will be included. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Intercessory prayers are called for so that the enemy may not win in his tactics to destroy the church. The enemy is like a roaring lion ready to devour souls. God has appointed Ministers may do their duty as watchmen. Ministers are watchmen on the church’s walls, to take notice and give notice of the motions of the enemy. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer). Your Kingdom come Your will be done. Quote
angelbaby Posted November 18, 2013 Report Posted November 18, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Israel will be vindicated , restored to glory They will be mighty, righteous and holy; Given future blessings.., called by a new name the LORD will bestow; Will be given honor and beauty ..the splendour of a crown Firmly established in fellowship with the LORD as contrasted to forsakenness & have the Joy of being the Bride of Christ. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Yes..Like the watchmen looking for the return of the Lord to Jerusalem , we are urged to continue to pray until this takes place. The original fulfillment, of course, was the return of the Jews from Babylon but the ultimate fulfillment will come when Messiah Jesus returns God promises peace and restoration to Jerusalem which we must continue to pray for in the Last Days. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Thy Kingdom come..Thy will be done. Quote
Jen Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, andpersecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will betheir final state? Will Christians be included in these blessings?(Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore hispeople, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Where inthe New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed?(Hint: the Lord's Prayer). Their final state will be glorious. She will be vindicated before the nations of the world, she will be seen as righteous before all the nations of the world, as a trophy of God's grace, she will be a priestly nation before all the nations of the world, she will be known as God's delight before all the nations of the world, God will rejoice in her before all the nations of the world. For those who hate Israel, guess what! God loves the nation of Israel and He will do what He has promised. Praise the Lord! Yes Christians will be included in these blessings! I enjoyed Squirts analogy to lightening. Very nice! If we love God we will want to intercede for Israel. When we intercede we bring Him glory. We are a unified people under the headship of the Lord Jesus. We are the church. We are redeemed by grace and we show our undivided devotion to our God and His will being done on earth. Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
Delivered Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Israel will in the last days be unto God a kingdom of priests, a holy Nation. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Israel was blinded, stumbled, so that the Gentile's may be grafted into the true olive tree, in order that they being grafted in would provoke Israel to jealousy, the jealousy God was talking about - WAS NOT - through the actions of those "so called" Christians who burned Jews alive when the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in 1099, or the Christians who forced Jews to believe or be tortured, or by the evil actions by Hitler who was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, or by the Christians who were part of the Ku Klux Klan, etc, (THIS IS NOT THE JEALOUSY GOD WAS TALKING ABOUT) the jealousy God was and is talking about are by those whose lives have been “CHANGED”, lives that are honorable, ethical, joyful, a humble people unto God; God is calling the Gentile believers to be a holy people whose lives would make Israel jealous as they witness what Israel's Messiah can and is doing in the lives of a once godless Gentile. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Intercessory prayer is called for because it is in our hearts to do so, it is a joy to talk to God and to let him know what our hearts desire is, hearts that will not give up until we see it fulfilled and He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth, for that is the hope of all who believe and are looking for the Messiah to come. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer). Matthew 6:8 The Father knows the things we need before we ask, however, it is important that we commune our needs verbally to God, it is a good thing to lean upon the LORD, it is a good thing to go to him with "PRAISE" on our lips as we present our needs before Him, it is a privilege, a perk so to speak being a believer, part of the family of God. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 Hallelujah! Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? "Full inclusion; if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again" Will Christians be included in these blessings? Yes, After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by nature, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree! (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Like the scaffolding in building a home, prayer will continue to support the work of the Lord. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? You Kingdom come; Your Will be done... (Hint: the Lord's Prayer). Quote
royk Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer) Some say this [2010-now] is the period of the 5th great spiritual awakening in the USA. This is a period where "everyone" is praying in an organized manner. So can we hope it to be so today, as 2013 is preparing to be 2014? Will Jesus come to save us from this mess of which we are all responsible for? What hope is there but to pray for peace, in a world where more crazy people are "losing it and killing innocents?" These are the best of times and the worst of times; it is a supreme test to be vigil, not give in to the world, an do intercessory prayer. We are all desperate for God's love, since nothing else is really worth it in this fallen world. At least this passage give us some direction on something good to pray about Lord, we do not understand your plan, and we just pray to hear your will for each of us, so that we may slowly and humble do your will as well feel your calling to us. Oh mighty God, please give us each the focus we need to execute your will in our lives! Amen. Quote
JanMary Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 8:44 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Israel's imputed righteousness and vindication will go forth as brightness! Her salvation will radiate as does a burning torch! They shall have a new name! She shall be beautiful and prosperous....a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of the Lord. She shall be protected and owned...married to the Lord. They have a wondrous future in Him, as we do. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Absolutely! The Jews were set aside due to unbelief, so that the Gentiles could be saved....they are the original olive tree....and when they are alive in Christ, we, the Bride of Christ, will be grafted into body, one Lord. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? God limits Himself to the prayers of His people....prayer moves and gives His hand permission to function in the earth, whose authority and dominion rests in the hands of believers. (Given to Satan at the fall in the garden, but reclaimed by the Cross and put into Christian's hands as He intended before the fall.) Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Quote
wjcargile Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 1.The jewish people have been humbled, scorned and persecuted through the ages. According to this passage, what will be their final state? -They will return to Israel. As we speak large numbers of Ethiopia Jews are returning to Israel. This program called "aliyah" was just completed this month November 2013, after many years of returning weekly by plane. Also, Jews are continue to return from the former Soviet Union, Europe and other Arab Land. -We also, note that Israel are surrounded by her enemies, Iran has treaten to wipe her off the map. There will be peace as God has promised. 2. Will Christian be included in that blessings? -Yes. 3. If God purposed to restore His people, why is intercessory prayer called for in (Isa 62:6-7)? -We should not just take God for granted, even though we have His promise. Intercessory prayer should be continued until His purpose take place. How many times have we heard "Well I prayed about it" (NEXT)? We should be as persistent as the widow in Luke 18:2-8 THEN JESUS TOLD HIS DISCIPLES A PARABLE TO SHOW THEM THAT THEY SHOULD ALWAYS PRAY AND NEVER GIVE UP. 2. HE SAID: "IN A CERTIAN TOWN THERE WAS A JUDGE WHO NEITHER FEARED GOD NOR CARED ABOUT MEN. 3. AND THERE WAS A WIDOW IN THAT TOWN WHO KEPT COMING TO HIM WITH THE PLED, 'GRANT ME JUSTICE AGAINST MY ADVERSARY.' 4. "FOR SOME TIME HE REFUSED. BUT FINALLY HE SAID TO HIMSELF, 'EVEN THOUGH I DON'T FEAR GOD OR CARE ABOUT MEN, 5. YET BECAUSE THIS WIDOW KEEP BOTHERING ME, I WILL SEE THAT SHE GETS JUSTICE, SO THAT SHE WON'T EVENTUALLY WEAR ME OUT WITH HER COMING!' " 6. AND HE SAID, "LISTEN TO WHAT THE UNJUST JUDGE SAYS. 7. AND WILL NOT GOD BRING ABOUT JUSTICE FOR HIS CHOSEN ONES, WHO CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT? WILL HE KEEP PUTTING THEM OFF? 8. I TELL YOU, HE WILL SEE THEY GET JUSTICE, AND QUICKLY. HOWEVER, WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON EARTH? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has promised? "Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven." Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? At the time of Jesus' return and thereafter the Jewish people will be blessed by God. It will be a never ending golden age. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). Yes. Christians are adopted into God's family through their belief and faith in Jesus Christ. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? God chooses to work through the prayers of the saints, the believers. He calls for the faithful (here the watchmen) to pray for the things God has purposed to do, to be done. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). Well, thanks for giving us the answer, Pastor Ralph! Seriously: throughout the New Testament, Paul and other writers ask for prayer to support their endeavours. God had purposed to use Paul and the other Church founders to build His Church. But He still expects the believers to pray to Him and ask HIm to help and support those He has annointed to the task. And yes, the Lord's Prayer kicks off with us asking God to bring about His Kingdom and for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Quote
humblejon Posted November 21, 2013 Report Posted November 21, 2013 God's people will be redeemed, vindicated, restored, and once again be a blessing to all the nations. Gentile who eventually follow Christ, along wit the remnant of Israel will enjoy themselves as citizens of this new kingdom.. Prayer and intercessory is still needed since people need to watch and remember the Lord's promises. Those who overcome will be rewarded not backsliders. In Matthew 6:10, We are to pray " Your Kingdom come, [let] your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 21, 2013 Report Posted November 21, 2013 The final state of the Jewish people will be: 1. Vindication. Those who deride Israel will see her restoration. 2. Blessing. Fortunes will turn and they will be established and given a new name. 3. Honor and Beauty. A crown will be given as an expression of love and affection. 4. Fellowship. Once forsaken, now the Lord will delight in restoring. He will redeem His bride. " My delight will be in her." 5. Joy! Israel's husband will rejoice over his restored bride. She will find great joy in His faithfulness, love and tender compassion. YES! Christians will be included in these blessings! JOY! We are the bride of Christ! How wonderful!!! Intercessory prayer is to be given until the 2nd coming of Jesus. We are to take no rest from prayer until God's will is accomplished for all people! Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. There is much to still be accomplished on we pray! Quote
blezed Posted November 30, 2013 Report Posted November 30, 2013 The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? 1. Israel will be vindicated, have future blessing, honor and beauty, fellowship and joy. Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). 2. Yes, all people and all nations. If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? 3. It is good when others intercede on your behalf. Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord’s Prayer). 4. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Quote
WinstonY Posted December 15, 2013 Report Posted December 15, 2013 Question 11-2 The final state of the Jewish people will be one of vindication and salvation. (62.2) This vindication will be obvious to others (3). Israel will forsake her barrenness and like Sarah , Hannah and Elizabeth became fruitful. Here in these verses Isaiah harkens back to the words written in 40:3-5, 10 and 49:22. In verse 12 Isaiah proclaims for the Lord. They shall be called God’s holy people Verse 11 is an interesting notice that Yahweh has proclaimed: “See, your salvation comes ; his reward is with him and his recompense is before him”. (11) Surely from a Christacentric point of view, Jesus is the salvation that is coming in verse 11. Paul writes that “salvation has come to the Gentiles so this is the blessing given to Gentiles. It seems as if it is necessary to keep reminding God of that which was promised - Isaiah writes, “You who remind the Lord take no rest and give him no rest until he establishes the Jerusalem. Jesus also reminds us of the necessity to be persistent in our prayers when he tells the parable of the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8) and concludes “will the God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him night and day? Will he delay long in helping them?” winstony Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 7, 2014 Report Posted January 7, 2014 According to this passage the Jewish people will be the cream of the crop. Christians will be included in these blessings. Even though God knows our problems and He knows how to handle them, He still wants us to talk to him. Therefore He is telling the people that He wants them to talk to him even though He has a plan all worked out. Quote
Krissi Posted May 28, 2023 Report Posted May 28, 2023 Pastor Ralph asks,"If God has purposed to restore his people, why is intercessory prayer called for?" I have seen many answers to this question including Prayer is for us, not God. It's ultimately about building a relationship with God, not getting answers to specific prayers. Though God's plan will be actualized, we don't know what it is, so we always pray tentatively, in ignorance. He guides our ignorance toward His truth. Some believe that our prayers actually influence the arc of history, that we can change what happens -- ask God to alter His will? -- with prayer. I intercede for many people because I care about the outcome of my prayers. I do not know if God bends His divine ear toward me and actually answers my prayers, or if He changes my prayers to be in line with his plan and will. I intercede because I don't know what else to do. These prayers matter to me and in some way matter to God, though the outcome may have been predetermined. God asks us to pray that His will be actualized (in the Lord's prayer.) Amazing! Obviously God's will shall come to be whether people pray or not, yet He asks for our assent. At times, I feel as if I'm being pulled by a gigantic divine tide that I can't see or understand, that my little prayers are mere drops in His moving ocean. And yet I feel compelled to pray even though my prayers may only be pulling me along with the tide. Quote
crissy464 Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 The Jews will be righteous, honorable holy. They will be restored Future blessings Yes, Christians will be included. The watchman here seem to be looking for the return of the Lord in Jerusalem and will not rest until they see Him. people are urged to pray until this takes place. The original fulfillment, of course, was the return of the Jews from Babylon but the ultimate fulfillment will come when Messiah Jesus returns God promises peace and restoration to Jerusalem which we must continue to pray for in the Last Days. Your Kingdom come You will be done. Quote
Irmela Posted Friday at 08:52 AM Report Posted Friday at 08:52 AM Q2. (Isaiah 62) The Jewish people have been humbled, scorned, and persecuted through the ages. According this passage, what will be their final state? Will Christians be included in these blessings? (Hint: Romans 11:11-24). If God has purposed to restore His people, why is intercessory prayer called for in 62:6-7? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has purposed? (Hint: the Lord's Prayer) God will be able to rejoice and delight in His people. Christ's righteousness is displayed and a new name is given. Previously she was forsaken (because of adulterous behaviour, going after other gods) and now she will be called Hephzibah, meaning, my delight is in her, and her land will be called, Beulah, that is owned and protected by the Lord. I do believe it will be Jews and Gentiles alike, who are Christ followers, who will enjoy these blessings.. The intercessary prayers will continue until Messiah's earthly kingdom is established. Matthew 6:10 and 11:2, clearly say, "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". This was part of the prayer the Lord Jesus taught us to pray. Quote
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