Pastor Ralph Posted August 2, 2013 Report Posted August 2, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What is missing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? Quote
RD35 Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? God prohibits it because the people are only following rituals of building Him a temple but their hearts are not for him. God hates empty religions expressions. What is missing from their worship? A heart for God. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Yes I had this earlier, I used to blindly follow orthodox rituals without a real heart of God, I followed rituals with precision thinking these would lead me to God without much concentrating on a change of my heart. But thanks to God He saved me and I am on a learning process with Him. As I try to seek Him more and more and learn his word, He is teaching me new things and making me humble, teaching me things that make me a true worshipper worthy in His sight. Thank You Lord. What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? a humble and a contrite heart. Quote
hanks Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does He seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What is missing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? God was upset by the sacrifices offered by wicked and hypocritical Jews. We see that the Israelites had fallen into the trap of elevating the temple and all its rituals of worship into substitutes for the true worshipping of our LORD. They needed to come humbly before God, to be honest in spirit, and to tremble with reverential fear at the Word of the Lord. Jesus Himself, challenged the Pharisees who used the symbol of the temple to protect their own spiritual corruption. Even, with us today, without reverence, a humble heart and a contrite spirit, and without trembling at the Word of the Lord, our worship cannot be pleasing to God. Yes, to my shame, I have sometimes come before the Lord in haste, or with other concerns. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted November 19, 2013 Report Posted November 19, 2013 If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? It is for Him, but He is not recognized. "1 This is what the LORD says:'Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? 2 Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?' declares the LORD." (66:1-2a) What is missing from their worship? Now the prophet comes to the point -- the heart condition of the worshippers. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." (66:2b) Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Not intentionally. What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." (66:2b) Quote
royk Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What ismissing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? 2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. What a longing to have a mind and heart like the poor and contrite of spirit, fearing God fully and deeply in Awe of HIM. Let it come upon me. Let me have serenity, courage and wisdom to execute in this word for HIS Kingdom. Let me tremble and fall to my knees in full humility to say "thank you God for life today. Let me know your will for me today, in Jesus name, Amen. Quote
JanMary Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 On 8/2/2013 at 8:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? When Jesus died on the cross and cried "It is finished!" He had fulfilled every jot and tittle of the law, fulfilled every requirement of God's justice and punishment/ wrath regarding sin. He ushered in again the age of Grace (He is the person of Grace) which existed before the law was given at Mt Sinai. We will worship Him with no need for symbols and temples which were the foreshadowing of His earthly reign as Sovereign Lord, eternal King, Savior! (Our bodies are now His temple) What is missing from their worship? The indwelling Holy Spirit. They are hypocrites, putting on a facade to appear to be worshipping. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Years ago during a time of rebellion and sin, I showed up at church, sang the songs, but the barrier I'd erected in my heart, prevented true heart worship, though I probably appeared to be worshipping. (impossible to do while blocking Holy Spirit's presence) What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? He is looking for ones who are of a broken or wounded spirit who tremble and revere His Word! (Those who know we need Him every minute of every day...for the next breath, rather than hypocrites and Pharisees who focus on the idolatrous practice of trying to keep the law...which was only meant to mirror our sinfulness to us and our need of a Savior...He is the only One who was able to keep the law perfectly, so we've been set free from that impossibility. Quote
Squirt Posted November 20, 2013 Report Posted November 20, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? The temple is within: when Christ died on the cross, the veil separating the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom and we were granted access to God ourselves through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Israelites were performing the ritual of worship without actually worshiping God. Their offerings were worldly, surface action performed for appearance’ sake rather than honoring God. They were prideful and self-serving. They offered sacrifices from duty rather than from the heart. What is missing from their worship? Heart, worship, abandonment of self, focus only on the Lord.Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Yes. It has often happened in the past, and still does when something during the service seriously distracts me. There have been times when I rushed into prayer time with the Lord without first actually coming into His presence. There are times when, in prayer, I lift up someone in need but my thoughts are on the person I’m lifting up rather than on the Father.What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? A humble and contrite spirit, and a reverential awe of God Quote
Jen Posted November 21, 2013 Report Posted November 21, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in thePentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What ismissing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missingfrom your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? They go through the motions but love for God and devotion to God are not there. Their hearts are not right with God but filled with wickedness. God is not looking for proud, self righteous, haughty people but people who are contrite, humble and who fear the Lord (have reverence). God Bless! Jen Romans 15:13 Quote
angelbaby Posted November 21, 2013 Report Posted November 21, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? What is missing from their worship? Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? Prescribed temple worship was prohibited becasue their hearts were arrogant What is missing from their worship? A humbe and contrite heart was missing .....and what they did amounted to worshipping pagan gods...when he callled no one answered and when he spoke no one listened and they all went ther own ways. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? Yes many times ...heart is elsewhere while worshipping or God is taken for granted in the Prayer What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? A humble and contrite heart ; a quiet and gentle spirit who trembles at my word. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted November 21, 2013 Report Posted November 21, 2013 The orthodox hypocrites had taken what God commanded and what was good and pleasing in His sight and made them into mere rituals. God sought sacrificial offerings from the people as a sign of repentance and restoration to Himself for their sins. The orthodox hypocrites placed heavy burdens on the people through the law and often times prospered in it. God wanted relationship/restoration and to grant forgiveness. The hypocrites made it about sinfulness/guilt and ritual. The warning here is about practicing the externals of religion seeming as though "our" goodness and sacrifices or works are redeeming vs. having a heart open to God, asking for forgiveness and restoration and basking in HIS grace as He gives it. What was missing in the ritual worship/sacrifice was a real heart for God. There was a lack of heart felt repentance and a deep desire for restoration. Our hearts must be close to God. Not just an outward show of religion "at" Him. The kind of heart God is looking for is a pure and contrite heart. One who is in agreement that God's word is good and we have erred by not following it. "He who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." Quote
wjcargile Posted November 22, 2013 Report Posted November 22, 2013 1. God prohibit this worship in Isa 66:3. -Because they were just going through a ritual, their hearts wasn't in their worship. 2. What is missing from their worship? -They did not have a heart for God. 3. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? -Yes, there have been times when my mind was in other places during worship. 4. What kind of heart is God looking for? -(66:2)A humble and contrite heart. (Ps. 51:17) "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART, O GOD, YOU WILL NOT DESPISE." Quote
humblejon Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 God is not prohibiting temple worship in 66:3 but condemning those who practice without a yearning in their heart to trust and obey God's word. At times, I find myself going through the motions and left infill filled, guilty, or angry. Only when I enter into worship ( reading the Bible, signing, praying, etc,) I must humble myself and bear my failings to God. That is the sacrifice God desires!! Quote
Guitar Jim Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? God is not prohibiting temple worship; He's condemning the people who display an outward godliness while their hearts are far away from God and concerned only with self-advancement. God is saying through Isaiah that they're better off not worshiping Him at all than showing up every week and going through the motions of their religion. What is missing from their worship? A heart longing for God and a humble and contrite spirit. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? I'd be lying if I said no. What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? God is looking for a heart that trembles at His word and earnestly seeks Him. God wants people who will walk humbly with their God. He doesn't want proud arrogant people who think they're doing God a favor by worshipping Him Quote
Delivered Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 Q5. (Isaiah 66:1-4) If God prescribed temple worship in the Pentateuch, why does he seem to prohibit it in 66:3? Elohim does not want a temple built by those who want to go their own way, by those whose hearts are far from Him, by those whose sacrifices are wicked and looked upon by God as an abomination. What is missing from their worship? Circumcised hearts were missing, hearts that do not"Fear God" Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? I may have had the distractions of life with me as I go to worship God Almighty, but never has my heart been far from Him. What kind of heart is God looking for (66:2)? God is looking for those that are poor, hearts that are humble, those of a contrite spirit, who are remorseful of their sin, those who tremble at the word of God, and desire to be obedient, their act of love for Him. Quote
WinstonY Posted December 15, 2013 Report Posted December 15, 2013 Question 11 - 5 Looking at the question from the 21st century it seems as if the prophet is looking ahead to a different time and a different age. Down through the centuries there has been fighting and strife caused mainly by corrupt people and the corrupt institutions they have created. In order for this new state of affairs as described in 65: 17-25 to come into effect there has to be a whole new change of heart by the world. Though much of the speech is figurative (such as the wolf and the lamb) there will certainly need to be a great change brought about by the Lord Yahweh We, of course, in our limited capacity cannot understand what can and will happen but we know that these changes can only be brought about the gracious arm of Yahweh. But it is called a new heaven and a new earth because it is the new creation brought forth by Yahweh. God created a heaven and earth in the first creation of Adam and Eve, a second new creation and a new earth was brought about by the advent of Jesus, his ministry, his death and his resurrection. Finally there will be this new heaven and new earth called for by Isaiah and by Revelation. At the time Jesus will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the older things have passed away. He has made everything new. (Rev. 21: 4b-5a) We do not know when, where, or how this will happen or if it has been happening since the advent of Christ. We must only believe for this God and we can say, ‘for you are our Father’ (63:16; 64:8) The newness of the new heaven and the new earth is the justice given to all by Yahweh, His divine justice. Isaiah hints of eternal life when he suggests everyone will live to a ripe old age. There will be no more strife - the planter will reap and the builder shall live. (22) Verse 24 says, “And they shall go out and look at the dead bodies of the people who have rebelled against me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.” This seems to refer to the times when because of the people’s iniquities and transgressions God would not listen to their prayers and cries for attention. Now all will be righteous and response from God is immediate. winstony Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 14, 2014 Report Posted January 14, 2014 I don’t think that God is prohibiting worship in the temple. He is trying to make the point that they are to be worshiping Him with their heart and not the things that they do. He wants them to turn to Him fully. Maybe the temple was a distraction for this to take place so He told them not to worship in the temple. Quote
Krissi Posted May 31, 2023 Report Posted May 31, 2023 God isn't really impressed by the sight of bloody animals and other sacrifices, but is looking at the heart of the person who brought the sacrifice. He searches for contrition, humility and sincerity and if these characteristics are missing, all He is left with is a dead animal. Yes, I have been distracted in church many times. Too, I have to determinedly focus on the words of the liturgy, at times. Occasionally I daydream about the people in the church -- who they are, what they're thinking, etc. None of this pleases God. -- Although Pastor Ralph did not ask this, I want to say that I find the line between my effort and God's provision difficult to draw. "Has not my hand made all these things?" Yes, in one sense. But my mind/hands/fingers have created too! Pastor Ralph wrote: "Even when you build a temple, don't pride yourself on it ..." In a deep, invisible sense, anything a person creates is of and from God because He originally created that person and continues to sustain him or her. But, from the standpoint of that creative person, work, thought, practice and skill went into the work of art, writing, surgical incision, balanced books, etc. Is it wrong to look at something at which you worked very hard that actually "turned out" and be pleased? Is being pleased at what you create the same as being proud? Quote
crissy464 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Posted July 7, 2023 God prohibits it because the people are only following rituals of building Him a temple but their hearts are not for him. God hates empty religious expressions. A humble heart was missing, worship 66: 2 = a humble heart Quote
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