hanks Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? There is much we can learn and emulate from these 144k. We are to keep ourselves free from idolatry and immorality. We are not to be deceived by worldly pleasures. We must follow our Lord Jesus in unquestioning obedience and devotion. We are told in Matt 10:38 that “anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me”. In John 10:4 we also read, “his sheep follow him because they know his voice”. Again in 1Pet 2:21 we read that he expects his people to walk in his footsteps and not go astray. We are to look to Him for leadership and direction in this fallen world. We are to be blameless. In a world saturated with lies and deceit, we must stand out as emblems of truth, honesty and integrity. We are to be the ones redeemed from mankind – the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. Quote
l.a. Posted September 13, 2010 Report Posted September 13, 2010 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? I believe that the 144,000 is told to us so we have an example of how God esteems those who follow His example and live their lives according to His teachings. To keep yourselves free from worldly idols (possessions, power, sexual immorality, etc.)and keep your eyes on that which is yet to come. Quote
PASTOR D Posted September 19, 2010 Report Posted September 19, 2010 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? CHASTE - by remaining true to God and His Son Jesus. . . Free of the world and its ways. . . COMMITTED - following Jesus wholeheartedly. . . TRUTHFUL - as well as SPOTLESS as a result of the washing of our robes (spirit and soul) in the Blood of the Lamb. . . Quote
Ramon Posted October 25, 2010 Report Posted October 25, 2010 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? Answer:The 144,000 provides us a clearer picture,of a group of believers ho hold on to the end..,those who have been given a seal of the Holy Spirit,as Jesus has promised The Father will Give ,when He will ascend and sit in the Right Hand of the Throne. Eph 1:13- In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. So therefore we must emulate them,and hold on the Faith that bring us into the Throne of Grace,Faith in Jesus,who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.Amen. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 7, 2011 Report Posted February 7, 2011 The 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to take in that they are: Redeemed from the world No longer of the world, they are sealed in the Holy Spirit. They are priests and servants in the Kingdom of God. They have been purchased by the blood of Christ and are made righteous. We too, are sealed in the Holy Spirit and live by the spirit of God. No longer of this world, we live for the Kingdom of God, living, moving and breathing by the spirit of God for the purposes of God. Chaste They have kept themselves pure from all sexual immorality and have not defiled themselves with the pagan "world" system. We also, are new creatures in Christ and lead lives of purity, setting aside all those things of the world that cause us to be impure. We no longer conform to the world, but conform to be more like Christ. Following the Lamb wherever He goes The Lord is their shepherd. They not only heard the word, but have taken up their cross and followed Christ. They walk with Him in obedience. Even to death. We too are instructed to remain in the vine. We are to not only be hearers of the word but doers of the word. We abide in Christ and He in us. He is our good Shepherd and we also take up our cross and follow Him into a life that has spiritual merit, not worldly merit. Producing first fruits They were fruitful in their labors. Bearing testimony and adding to the Kingdom. They were faithful witnesses producing fruit for the harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. We too can be faithful witnesses in all we do. We are called to teach, preach and testify about salvation through Christ. We lead our lives in a way that is an example of Christ and the lifestyle He taught us to live. We are to add more to God's Kingdom and we are also called to equip the saints, helping to grow all to maturity so more disciples are made to continue the work of declaring the good news of Jesus Christ. Honest The 144,000 lived a life displaying honesty and truthfulness. A key characteristic of any Christian. We too, are to have integrity in all we do, displaying a life of excellence for the world to see we are set apart and leading lives pleasing to our God. If we don't, the world only sees we don't take our God seriously and do not respect Him. Then we are hypocrites in their eyes. Spotless They were blameless before God washed in the blood of the Lamb. This is our faith. Redemption through the blood of Christ. Bottom line. There is salvation through no other name. We are purchased by His blood and made righteous through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Anyone believing and declaring the name of Jesus will be saved. Hold on though! You WILL be changed! Hallelujah! Quote
dlite80 Posted March 10, 2011 Report Posted March 10, 2011 Christians should be blameless and spotless before our God, through whose blood we have been made His righteousness. We should be a people who are true to the Lord and who will follow Jesus- spiritually faithful, heart focused and undivided totally to our Father God in every aspect of our lives. A people of truth who stray from sin and unrighteousness and hate every form of it. When we cleanse ourselves from all sins and impurities we become part of the 144,000! We become overcomers of this world and satan, and enjoy the unfathomable joy of being in the presence of GOD Almighty- singing new songs to the Lord (the fact is, only a true follower of Christ will understand and be able to sing such a wondrous song, for they will sing it with all their heart, might and soul). Quote
tammie7 Posted June 13, 2011 Report Posted June 13, 2011 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? The ways that the 144,000 privide ideas for otherr christain is the way that live the life for God they kept his commandment and lift his name when other would not they was not afraid to say when something was wrong or not being done right. Quote
Marloes Posted June 26, 2012 Report Posted June 26, 2012 They haven't been with women - standing for no mixing with pagan things. And they haven't lied. Quote
van Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 The ways Christians are to emulate the 144,000 is to walk Christ like. Live according to God laws. If we are His disciples, we are to follow Christ lead. Quote
tgandy Posted May 31, 2013 Report Posted May 31, 2013 The 144,000 represent the Church. They belong to God. He owns them. The 144,000 are veterans who have proved their loyalty to God. They are now safe. They have come through the trials and are the first born. Because of the life they have led they will live with the Lamb for eternity. They bear his mark and have cast themselves on the mercy of God in Jesus Christ. Quote
Craig Posted June 12, 2013 Report Posted June 12, 2013 Q1. (14:3-5) In what ways do the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate? The 144,000 provide an ideal/example for all Christians to emulate in the following ways: They were sexually pure; they followed Jesus wherever he went and they did not lie -- they were honest and truthful. The bottom line is the 144,000 were born-again, Spirit-filled Christians who picked up their crosses and followed Jesus despite any circumstances. They gave themselves over to Biblical purity and ethics. They reflected their Father in Heaven. They lived out their faith and loyalty to Jesus Christ as a way of life. They gave their entire lives to Jesus Christ. They overcame this world. Quote
JoanG Posted February 26, 2015 Report Posted February 26, 2015 The 144,000 provide us with the ultimate goals in life. They avoided all worldly temptations. They follow the path that Jesus and God supplied them with on a daily basis. They have dedicated their works to God as an offering for His Glory. They honor God with their truthful life. And they are spotless because of their bein truly washed in the blood of the ultimate sacrifice and truly living a life that honors Jesus. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 20, 2016 Report Posted June 20, 2016 Some of the ways that the 144,000 provide an ideal for all Christians to emulate is by praising God and falling down before his throne. They had respect for God and sang him hymns. Quote
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