Guitar Jim Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12)What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? Currently I don't attend Church. But when I did, the major cause of division was the gifts of the Spirit. The so-called cessation of some gifts and the continuation of faith hope and love caused a very unloving spirit among many members. For a gift that's supposed to be the least of the gifts, tongues became a real stumbling block to them. What I used to notice was that when a new pastor who had charismatic leanings came to minister at a church, the next thing you'd see were all these new people coming to church and putting themselves up for election as deacons and taking on leadership roles. Before you knew what was happening there'd be a schism between the original members who were traditionalists and the newer members who were in favor of turning the church pentecostal. I've seen that happen many times. What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? Among other things, they seem to be divided over which apostle they prefer to follow. Being such a cosmopolitan church, they'd had all the big gun preachers minister there and each had his devotees, which I'm certain would have grieved the apostles when they became aware of it. What is the case of divisions today? Pastor Ralph mentioned two of the main ones in his lesson. The end time events timetable and the Spiritual gifts. There has also in my experience been divisions over what kind of worship music to use in th services. I'll go on record here as preferring the hymns that have stood the test of time over most of the newly written stuff that's often quite purile by comparison. How do we obey the command to “agree with one another” (1:10)? Allow the love of God to over-ride personal prejudice. That's a good place to start. Quote
amaningfmaily Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 The division in the church centers on those who consider themselves more spiritual than others and those who prefer a certain kind of music or style of preaching over the other. In our christian community, the division is between several different denominations of Christendom. Christians from several denominations don't associate with one another or agree or work together because of theological differences. The division in Corinth started because some members started preferring Paul's method of teaching and leadership over Apolos and vice versa. I think the christian community can come together and agree If we use the bible alone as our standard and not church doctrines and personal beliefs. Quote
amaningfmaily Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 The division in the church centers on those who consider themselves more spiritual than others and those who prefer a certain kind of music or style of preaching over the other. In our christian community, the division is between several different denominations of Christendom. Christians from several denominations don't associate with one another or agree or work together because of theological differences. The division in Corinth started because some members started preferring Paul's method of teaching and leadership over Apolos and vice versa. I think the christian community can come together and agree If we use the bible alone as our standard and not church doctrines and personal beliefs. Quote
Craig Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 I see racial and denominational divisions within the Christian community throughout our nation. I have experienced "what means to a Christian" divisions within the church at last church I was a member of. Many churches cannot even get it together on what a follower of Jesus Christ looks like. Many Christians don't even know what a Christian is. This is a major source division within many churches, particularly small family run country churches. They are big on religion but very weak on what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ as Jesus taught on the Sermon on the Mount -- see Matthew 5-7. The cause of all divisions is human ego and not truly seeking to become in agreement around Jesus Christ. Being of one mind on Christ and the church only really works if all are submitting their wills to the will of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are too many secular motivations and personal agendas going on in a lot of churches. I think there will always be divisions in this world where part of the church are spiritual and following Jesus and the other part are church attenders for whatever motivation. Pray for the church. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 There are no huge divisions in the church I belong to. Wherever there are choices to be made, someone will be unhappy. In one case, I remember that someone in the staff of the church treated someone badly. There was no apology made, nor was there any forgiveness, so that person goes to another church. Quarrels as to what leader they'll follow, caused by lack of single-mindedness. Divisions today are selfish in most cases. People are out for themselves and what they want. To agree with one another, takes work. We need to be keeping others in prayer, spending time with them, desire the best for them and seeking God's will together. Quote
royk Posted March 5, 2014 Report Posted March 5, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12)What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? What is the case of divisions today? How do we obey the command to “agree with one another” (1:10)? With 10 people we have ten different views on faith, God and many minute details of difference. It has been said, the Devil is in the details... do we debate to "win our position?" Or do we server and love without judging, saying "how can I help you?" Is it ego or humility and service that will "win the war of words that paralyzes actions" Oh God, grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change and the courage to be nothing so your will may be accomplished through my broken vessel today. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Quote
rosegarden Posted March 12, 2014 Report Posted March 12, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12)What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? What is the case of divisions today? How do we obey the command to “agree with one another” (1:10) 4. a. I do not see division in the church that I attend. We have Catechism and it is biblical and it pretty much makes us all on the same page. Our church is multicultural. I found that once I got saved color or ethnic background was not a problem. They are all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I do see a lot of people church hopping. I don't know what they are looking for. Also many churches do not believe in speaking or praying in tongues, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or that healing is for today. b. They were divided and disagreed on who to follow, who was their favorite, following man instead of following after Christ. c. Today they are divided on denominations, doctrine, entertainment, personality of the ministers,etc. Just hard to make anyone happy, they get offended easily, when they should be totally committed to Christ and His Word and should be looking to please God rather than themselves or man. d. We should agree to disagree on minor points but unite around Jesus Christ and obey the Word to love one another, be kind, patient. Keep the unity of the Spirit through peace. There is one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. Quote
Stubby Posted March 14, 2014 Report Posted March 14, 2014 The only thing I have seen is some people seem to be friends with just certain people. Although some say there is poor communication. Some of the divisions in Corinth were: quarrels or contension(who to follow) engagement in rivalry(with reference to positions taken) strife, discord. I guess where there are people there will be difference of opinions of how things should go instead of waiting to see what God wants. We have to remember that the Lord is the head of the church, not man. It is the Lord we have to follow and please, not man. Quote
CHRISTinUS Posted March 18, 2014 Report Posted March 18, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12)What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? What is the case of divisions today? How do we obey the command to “agree with one another” (1:10)? Our congregation seems to worship the building rather than the message. Christian communities in this area are rather holding on to the root of their history with the church of their community rather than truly nurturing one another in their needs. Control is definitely an issue. The divisions in Corinth seems to be based on style rather than the message. If each teacher is of the same faith, the approach in delivering the message will be according to his personal experience with Jesus. Each have a different life story and cannot be expected to use the same methods of teaching. Just as in classrooms, some students learn better one way or the other, using different mediums. Today's division are often based on personal gain or endeavour. Pride is a great contributor of divisions. To agree with one another, we need to see the plank in our eye before fixing the speck of sawdust in our neighbours (Matthew 7:3 NIV) Only true love can overcome the barriers, and many prayers for correction for God's hand to intervene. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 20, 2014 Report Posted March 20, 2014 I don’t think that I see a division on our congregation but of course there is division in the Christian community because we are different denominations. If there weren’t differences then we would all be one denomination. Some of the cause of division in Corinth was the person that they were following. They should have all been following Christ but instead they were bragging about following a certain person. I think that cause of division in our churches today is our pride. We are proud because we are a certain denomination. We can agree with one another for the essentials and I don’t think that is what separates us. I think it is non-essentials that get in the way of our coming together. Quote
dixonle Posted April 23, 2014 Report Posted April 23, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1.10-12) What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation? There are continual divisions in our church because of the differences of opinions of various individuals involved in that lends to not being in agreement and is against the command seen in verse 10. There have been schisms in this church in the past but that was a long time ago. The divisions now are problematic and if unresolved could very well go into a schism mode...this church leadership is more pastoral-led than members-led and due to that factor, divisions occur but overall work themselves out but not within the framework of unity in spirit and mind and thought. What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? Within the Corinthian church were quarrels, contentions, rivalry, pride, discourse...all types of division that could easily lead to schisms, which, as our leader has put in the notes, is "ugly and sinful"! What is the cause of divisions today? Divisions today have the same basis or foundation as existed with the Corinthian Church which all related to non-unity among the people. How do we obey the command to "agree with one another" from verse 10. Even though we do have the common bond of the LORD Jesus we people still tend to try to push personal opinions through at the cost of unity. Paul was correct when he wrote to another church (at Ephesus) to "be humble and patient with each other, approaching one another and the issues in love, unity and peace because we all have one LORD, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father over all of us." Quote
csreeves Posted May 9, 2014 Report Posted May 9, 2014 We are commanded to love one another no matter what divisions comes in the church. No that isn't quite what happens and some denominations fight to see whose the best. I feel if we worship God through Jesus Christ there should be no divisions. God stated it clearly in His Word, but we humans choose to create our own interpretations and believe we know better. I am disgusted by these peoples ways but I don't fight with for that would create more division. I wish for all fighting to stop in Jesus Name. Quote
dixonle Posted June 21, 2014 Report Posted June 21, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1.10-12) What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation? There are continual divisions in our church because of the differences of opinions of various individuals involved in that lends to not being in agreement and is against the command seen in verse 10. There have been schisms in this church in the past but that was a long time ago. The divisions now are problematic and if unresolved could very well go into a schism mode...this church leadership is more pastoral-led than members-led and due to that factor, divisions occur but overall work themselves out but not within the framework of unity in spirit and mind and thought. What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? Within the Corinthian church were quarrels, contentions, rivalry, pride, discourse...all types of division that could easily lead to schisms, which, as our leader has put in the notes, is "ugly and sinful"! What is the cause of divisions today? Divisions today have the same basis or foundation as existed with the Corinthian Church which all related to non-unity among the people. How do we obey the command to "agree with one another" from verse 10. Even though we do have the common bond of the LORD Jesus we people still tend to try to push personal opinions through at the cost of unity. Paul was correct when he wrote to another church (at Ephesus) to "be humble and patient with each other, approaching one another and the issues in love, unity and peace because we all have one LORD, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father over all of us." Quote
Commissioned Posted November 27, 2014 Report Posted November 27, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12)What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? What is the case of divisions today? How do we obey the command to “agree with one another” (1:10)? In our community the most glaring division seen in our community is, like the Corinthians, a preference for a particular leader. Today, divisions are caused because there is a lack of walking in agreement with the word of God. To "agree with one another" we would have to, for the sake of unity, to agree to disagree with the opinion of each other. Quote
JoanG Posted April 17, 2015 Report Posted April 17, 2015 Right now, the biggest battle is between contemporary and traditional services. Without a pastor, we are in a constant power struggle. We have members who allow their egos to take over instead of their brains. There is a lot of people that need constant praise and glory for all they do. those that have money feel that they should make all the rules and be in charge of everything. They feel that theirs is the only opinion that counts. We allow the church to be run like a corporation instead of in faith and to the glory of God. There is also a constant bickering of the way the worship should be done. Some people what a connectively flowing service where everything is centered around a common theme. Others want to just keep the status quo. Corinth is no different than we are today. there seems to be a struggle on what principles to follow. Who has the best philosophy to match our way of thinking. Who was the best teacher. These are still very much present today. I really think that we need to find a common ground and unite on that and pray that we can overcome our differences for all to see. Quote
Irmela Posted April 14, 2022 Report Posted April 14, 2022 Q4. (1 Corinthians 1:10-12) What kind of divisions do you see in your congregation or in the Christian community in your area? What is the cause of the divisions in Corinth? What is the cause of divisions today? How do we obey the command to "agree with one another" (1:10)? If one looks at the aspect on the whole the division is because of not looking to see what the Word says about something but each having an opinion about it. Agreeing on issues because if you disagree you will tramp on someone's toes. Division is often lifestyles eg., gay/lesbian lifestyle, living together without being married, wearing the latest fashions in clothing and often leaving not much open to the imagination that is exposed for all to see, swearing/language usage etc. Allowing the world's lifestyle to also become the believer's lifestyle. Forgetting that we are to be different. Be in the world but not part of it. (my wording) In Corinth the cause of the divisions was that they were competitive about who was following which leader. The best way to agree is to pray, ask for guidance, and see what does the Word say on the issue. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may discern what is the will of God. - what is good, acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 Quote
Krissi Posted June 6, 2023 Report Posted June 6, 2023 When divisions occur in my church -- which they have -- my response is to withdraw, not argue. I pull away from people and hold my opinions closely. But as time passes, I've noticed that church has become peripheral. I attend for the eucharist and to a lesser degree, the sermon, not for fellowship. I know few people by name ... many I don't recognize. No person in my church is in my inner circle of acquaintances. Not to be contrarian, here, but perhaps real fellowship should be worth "fighting" for. It could be the case that a church is strengthened by contention, not weakened by it. Denominational infighting can produce new and stronger churches. It's a way of sloughing off hypocrisy and stagnation. The Protestant reformation, after all, was not a clean, sweet break from Catholicism, but a messy and divisive re-forming, re-forming and more re-forming of churches within the Church. Sure, we must agree with each other on superficial stuff and stop dividing over personalities, but putting social agreement above spiritual depth and sincerity seems more of a sign of declension than strength. Quote
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