Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try. Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. Quote
jeffdadams Posted February 28, 2014 Report Posted February 28, 2014 Obviously the sex issue has already been mentioned and I believe it is a very large issue being forced on particularly the younger audiences. Dishonesty or justification of your actions, where people are encouraged to act in a way which is not within the teachings of Christ. Material gain, the shiny new sports cars and other NEW products. It has become a "keeping up with the Jones'" world. This encourages people to find their happiness in material rather than spiritual things. Medications is pushed on us through the media. This drives people to think that a "pill" can fix anything. A pill will make you happy and then everything will be okay. I guess the next one that comes to mind are beauty products. These often times go hand in hand with the sexual component. If women will use this makeup, they will look like the young lady advertising the product. This can also feed into the male psyche, with the male thinking if his wife will use this make up or diet pill, she will look like the model on the commercial. Most of this society is concerned with the long range plans of God, they are focused more on their own "instant gratification." Fortunately, I think I see the tide turning in some aspects of our culture. Many are realizing the importance of a relationship with Christ and the promises of an eternal life. They are beginning to see the corruption of the world, both local and abroad. I often wonder how corrupt God will allow this world to become before he's tired of it. We should be ready at all times for the return of His Son. Quote
pickledilly Posted February 28, 2014 Report Posted February 28, 2014 Christianity - vs - Western culture 1. Marriage is defined as union of one man and one woman – vs – Marriage is redefined as union of any 2 consenting people regardless of gender. 2. The way to success is honesty, integrity, and concern for people – vs – The way to success is ruthless, relative, and self-focused. 3. Wrong is wrong no matter what – vs – Wrong is only wrong if you’re caught. 4. True beauty comes from within – vs – The beauty you desire is in this procedure or this product. 5. You are responsible to care for your body with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest – vs – Just take this pharmaceutical drug to fix your problem. 6. Be financially responsible with your resources – vs – Get these credit cards, or call this lawyer to start bankruptcy proceedings for debt relief. 7. Learn to be content – vs – Upgrade today to the newest more expensive model! 8. Parents should be loving responsible respected role models for their children - vs - Parents are inept idiots who don't have a clue. 9. God is to be honored, revered, and obeyed - vs - God is a joke, a lie, no more than an irreverent curse word. 10. The way to heaven is through repentance of sin and placing faith in Christ - vs - The way to heaven is through being a good person, doing good deeds, and striving to live whatever you believe to the best of your ability. 11. A hamburger is desirable because it’s delicious – vs – This hamburger is desirable because of the scantily clad provocative woman who is eating it. [Of course, eating a hamburger isn’t a Christian teaching, but the concept fits! ] Quote
tintanman Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 Just a few I could think of; 1. The way of humility vs lording over other 2. Godly wisdom vs the truth is out there 3. The narrow way vs anything goes 4. Grace vs good deeds Quote
brothered Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 1. Abortion is encouraged V. Childre are an hritage unto the Lord. 2. Homosexuality being promoted and protected V. God's plan for one man and one woman. 3. Legalization of drugs V. A sound mind. 4. Stock-pileing food V. Matt.6: 25-26. Quote
Highohfaith Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. 1.) Value of human life - to much violence. To me this is one of the most unaddressed issue of our time! It is the most important to me. I believe there is to much violence in movies and TV. Media violence promotes a culture ( as seen in many school shootings, and recent events) of violence. I believe in every way that media plays a huge part in the violence occurring in our society. Especially on young,impressionable minds ( again, seen in many of our school shooting of the recent decade)! 2.) To much emphasis on external beauty ( age, weight, hair, etc) vs. values of the heart. Pride vs. Humility. 3.) Materialism-every commercial is about us purchasing something, and usually something expensive!! Promotes a mindset of "Keeping up with the Jones" ,relying on things of this world to make us happy instead of relying on our faith in our Lord Jesus for all our need.A "quick fix" mentality, that material good will make us feel more happy. Every once in a while I will see a Public Service commercial, I recently saw one about bullying. But, certainly not often enough! 4.) Conformation and competition as opposed to camaraderie. Hate vs. love TV shows like "REVENGE", simply denote in it's name that it is about revenge ( not a Christian value in any way), not forgiveness and love. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. Marriage between same sex Drunkeness in consumption of alcohol Promiscuity Lying Quote
joey felipe Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. 1. Same sex marriage vs marriage of the opposite sex. 2. Legalizing the use of guns vs anti-gun ban law. 3. Patronizing imported products vs home grown or local products. 4. The idea of legal separation or divorce vs the preservation of family. Quote
JanMary Posted March 1, 2014 Report Posted March 1, 2014 It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try. Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. 1. If you're unhappy, divorce your spouse and get another.....vs....Marriage is a sacrament and a covenant between men/women and God. 2. The one with the most "toys" wins (Greed and hoarding)....vs....It is more blessed to give than to receive. 3. Foul language, violence, nudity, sex......vs.... modesty, holiness, meekness, and chastity. 4. Dysfunctional, disgusting "reality" shows filled with hostility and vengeance....vs.....wholesome family values, unity and love for one another and forgiveness. 5. Blaspheming and ridiculing God, cursing His Name......vs....honoring and lifting up His Holy Name. 6. Fanatical obsession with body image, as the way to happiness.....vs.....Finding our identity in who we are in Christ. 7. Obsession with anti-aging (only the young are beautiful and acceptable).....vs....honoring our elders, seeking their wisdom. (sadly, many Christian Bible teachers and preachers on T.V., have had countless face lifts and other "youth" surgeries, to hide the fact that they too are growing older) 8. News channels total focus on the frightening, weird, obscene, violent, inhumane, cruel and illegal to the exclusion on any good "news".....vs....whatever is true. worthy of reverence, honorable, seemly, just, pure, lovely, lovable, kind and winsome, gracious, virtuous, and excellent, worthy of praise....fix your minds on them. Quote
van Posted March 2, 2014 Report Posted March 2, 2014 Same sex marriages vs the marriage of one man and one woman. Christian teens talking about Christ vs world teens cursing, drinking and partying. Christians value God fighting their battles vs worldly violence against each other. Christian teaching values putting God first vs. world teaching loving you first. Quote
AndyE Posted March 2, 2014 Report Posted March 2, 2014 Blaming others for our mistakes vs asking God's forgiveness and moving on. Success measured in what we own vs how close to God we are Living through the dramatization on TV vs living life yourself Taking everything the multimedia says as the truth vs knowing the truth through the Gospels Quote
Sank T Monius Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 1 Corinthians 1:17-18 Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. # A). Four value differences between Christian teaching and the cultural values I see are: - Immodest dress code vs modest dress code (See Romans 12:1) - Taking care of self vs Helping others - Reliance on astrology vs Reliance on the word of God - Emphasis on material things vs emphasis on spiritual things Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the value you see pushed to us on television? 1) abortion vs. a child given a chance at life 2) Homosexual minister vs. a man of God 3 ) a new bible to justify sins vs. the Holy Bible with nothing changed 4) kids taught homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle vs. a normal female and a normal male, with attraction for opposite sex, even a animal has enough sense to know this. 5) there is no heaven and no hell vs. there is a real heaven and a real hell I could go on, but I will leave it at this. Praise God for the opportunity to voice what i believe and am trust. I think I am beginning to hear wedding music. It must be Jesus about to come get the Remnant Church, for the wedding. Brother Mike Quote
hanks Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. The love of money. Today there is an absolute frenzy in acquiring more and more wealth; no matter how it is obtained. It is a complete ******* after material riches. We read in Hebrews 13:5, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."” As a Christian we should not be putting our trust in uncertain riches but rather in the living God. Disappearing morals and deteriorating values. A few days ago I read a newspaper article about the high rates of infidelity. It stated that over 55% of men from France and Italy admitted to cheating on their partners. Also that one in three women cheated. Other European countries were quoted and they were not much better. I’m sure this type of behaviour cannot only be isolated to this region only but must be occurring worldwide. So we see today a tolerance and acceptance of promiscuity. This reminds me of Galatians 5:19-21, “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God”. There is no more the fear of God. The world is living as if God does not exist. Christians have a reverential fear of God; being completely aware of His awesome power, His holiness, and His glory. We read in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”. But today, the world is a turning away from Him and His Word. There are even pressures to remove any mention of Him in nearly all aspects of private life. The use of improper and explicit language. We see all day on the TV or in films the use of our Lord’s name used insultingly. Again we read in Deuteronomy 5:11, “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name”. God says He will not hold guiltless those who take His name in vain. Besides the abuse of our Lord’s name, we hear all day long people with foul mouths; on the TV, in films, ar work, or wherever. This comes across as an overall disrespect for fellow human beings. What the world has become we read in 2 Timothy 3:2-5, “People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them”. Quote
WinstonY Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. Question 2.1 The wisdom of the world is different than the wisdom of God . Paul quotes Isaiah 29:14 and Psalm 33:10 saying that God will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. God’s wisdom is not the wisdom of the world, it is the wisdom of the unknown God that humans are unable to understand without a catalyst. That catalyst is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As Christians pray and talk to the Lord, read and study the word, live their lives in Christ then begin to get a sense of the joy that exists in living a life of co-operation with the Lord; loving the Lord, and our neighbor as ourselves. As we live and devlop this life in Christ we than begin to appreciate and understand other values which are not of the world. One of these is sharing and looking after one another. As we begin to love our neighbor we begin a wish to share our ‘stuff’ with those who are more unfortunate than we are. This sharing with others is a service provided to Christ as we respond to his parable of the Sheep and the Goats where the master said “In as much as you do it unto one of the least of these my children you do it unto me”. This sharing than begins to replace the “mine, all mine”, and “more, I need more” theme of the corporate structure that encourages waste and spending on self. As we share with our neighbor we develop an awareness of those around us who are in need. The corporate world is like the rich man in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) who walked by Lazarus every day and did not even see him. He wasn’t aware of Lazarus’ presence, it was all about the rich man. We also in the world tend to be focused on self and do not even see those who are in need, the poor, the handicapped, the lonely , those in pain. We in the developed world are not aware of those poor in the poorer regions of the world. We often feel that these are lazy no good and useless. Whereas they may be oppressed, persecuted and ill. As we become more aware of those around us, we begin to in humility regard others as better than ourselves. If this is the way of thinking then a number of things happen. We will do nothing from selfish ambition .(Phil 2.3 ) What we work and strive for will be the good of others rather than self. We will work for God’s justice for the people and we will proclaim the good news of the Gospel. The oppressed will be set free, the sick will be healed, there will be release for the captives, the blind shall see and the lame walk and the year of the Lord shall be proclaimed. (Luke 4:16-21) Quote
Spen Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more?1. Free Speech VS Watch your words don’t hurt others2. Violent behavior is glamorized VS Don’t be angry, be self-controlled. 3. Self-determination and self-glory VS Self denial by seeking what is best for others and for God’s glory.4. Consumerism and competition VS Be grateful to God for having our needs met without ourhaving to be winners and others be losers. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more. Homosexual Abortion being legalized People are looking for signs Quote
Delivered Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on by mans wisdom? Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage, name four more. 1. Sex between man and man is okay, vs. Woman was created for man. 2. The philosophers of this age have made laws that condone the torture and murder of a baby while in the womb, and mans wisdom of today are now trying to make a law that would give approval to putting to death the baby - even after being born, vs. life is a gift given by God, therefore it must be protected and given much value to, a God fearing nation would make possible all ways for adoption, for those who are not able to care for the child, it is called "love one another" 3. Lying is acceptable and even condoned, as we see laws of this nation being passed and accepted that are built on untruths, “LIES” vs. keep far from a false matter, that of lying. 4. Swearing and cursing the name of God has become almost a way of speech in our culture, vs. Do not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain. How sad it is that we could go on and on with more of mans wisdom, vs. that of God. Quote
Sissydoodlebug Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on by mans wisdom? Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage, name four more. 1. legalized abortion - It seems the world is more concerned about saving and protecting pets and wild animals than protecting and saving the human child, especially the child still in the womb. Where it should be the safest most protected. 2. legalized drugs/alcohol - I see them as the same they both destroy families and individuals. If you drink alcohol you are more likely to get promoted? Seriously wrong. 3. Immorality - Our world seems to reward bad behavior. The more depraved a "star" behaves the more attention they receive. 4. Idolatry - Making idols out of actors, musicians and sports players. It's okay to like but they sure never be esteemed to the point they are worshiped. Quote
parkerslope Posted March 3, 2014 Report Posted March 3, 2014 Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television? example" sex between consenting adults i okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage, name four more. - 1. Homosexuality and same sex (man to man) marriage. - 2. Abortion - the killing of babies in the womb. - 3. Hate crimes - you cannot say anything negative about any minority group. - 4. Anything to do with Christian values is denied any place in the public square. Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 I don't think there is one of the 10 commandments that are not under attack from tv ideas. Some of the main instructions in the Bible being disregarded. 1) Honour your father and mother. All respect to others is blown away with a me only attitude on tv. 2) All forms of sex that is not Biblical is being promoted on tv. 3) We are in a microwave world. Everything is now. We can't wait for anything. Love, kindness, peach, patients and selfcontrol is not promoted. 4) Fear of the Lord is a thing that is forgotten on tv. Using His Name in vain, rebellion and so much more is the in thing Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 I don't think there is one of the 10 commandments that are not under attack from tv ideas. Some of the main instructions in the Bible being disregarded. 1) Honour your father and mother. All respect to others is blown away with a me only attitude on tv. 2) All forms of sex that is not Biblical is being promoted on tv. 3) We are in a microwave world. Everything is now. We can't wait for anything. Love, kindness, peach, patients and selfcontrol is not promoted. 4) Fear of the Lord is a thing that is forgotten on tv. Using His Name in vain, rebellion and so much more is the in thing Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 Homosexuality is not a sin Abortion is not murder Post modern thinking: If I think it, it must be true. The greatest are those who have made it (by a worldly standard.) To be humble is to be weak. If the grass looks greener on the other side...go get it at any cost. Adultery, switching partners is fine if you're not happy. It's ALL about our own happiness. Our bodies are to be flaunted for all to see. Our worth is in our sex appeal. Men are to be weaklings in our homes. Raunchy humor and shocking language is funny. Gosh....I could go on and on. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 4, 2014 Report Posted March 4, 2014 Marriage to same sex Promoting sexy clothing vs dressing modestly Promoting lying vs truth telling Promoting women's rights vs saving the life of a helpless baby Violence is promoted vs gentleness and love and concern for others. Quote
dee dee nat Posted March 5, 2014 Report Posted March 5, 2014 Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television: 1. Adultery: Today we turn on the television or pull up a movie and more than likely we will find Adultery; in the movie industry we hear alot about couples getting divorces and the cause is usually because of this. 2. Divorce: Becasue of such acceptance of partnerships, this is also on the rise and widely viewed. The core of family is no longer based on Bible teachings but based on what we watch on tv. 3. TV will and has dictated how our younger people and children view the proper behaviour of life. For many they are in tuned to the internet or tv. They are teaching each each other how life is to be, rather than the teaching and discipline of parents. Obey your father and mother is very seldom heard of as the normal course for the younger people. 4. The value of not judging each other is lost. With the high rise of suicide and battles going on among each other, that cause violence viewed on tv and in shows, we sit and become judges of what we see and hear. Quote
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