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It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try.


Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1. It's OK to cheat, just don't get caught . . vs . . Do everything you do as though you are working for the Lord.


2. It's OK to push people aside and badmouth them to get ahead . . vs . . Love your neighbor as yourself.


3. It's OK to use magic to achieve your ends as long as it's white magic . . vs . . All magic is bad.


4. It's OK to consult your horoscope each day . . vs . . Don't go to fortune tellers.



It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try.


Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


Major values differences between Christian teachings and the values pushed on TV are; many TV sitcoms now push homosexual behavior to be acceptable in society today and even encourage it. We know that in scripture it is not acceptable and was not tolerated. Another concept pushed on society is the fun life, whether it is a new fast car, amusement park, luxurious cruise vacations or people running about in skimpy bathing suits. we are tough to dress modestly. Christian moral commands as in the ten commandments are taken down in public places and schools. Fortune telling on late night TV advertises that you look into your future or gain wealth, contact your dead loved ones. All these are an abomination to Lord and lead us away from Him and His love. With all the media show contents be it TV or radio, we are inundated with worldly pleasures and wisdom's. It is becoming very hard to find anything that pertains to christian belief, in fact it is becoming unpopular to be a christian now days.                  


Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1.  Same sex marriage vs. marriage between a man and a women

2.  Abortion vs. giving birth

3.  Racism vs. we all are equal

4.  Adultery vs. no sex outside of marriage



It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try.


Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1. Sex between to consenting adults of the same sex is okay vs. sex only belongs in a holy matrimony between one man and one woman. 


2. It is okay to do what you feel is right vs. you must strive to do what the word of God says is right


3. It's okay to get out of a marriage if you don't love each other any longer vs. when God puts a woman and a man together as husband and wife, no one or nothing should put them assunder, unless by biblical permissable reasons.


4. Abortion is okay as long as you have a good reason vs. abortion is never okay under any circumstance.



Four value differences between pop culture mores on television and Christian teachings is:


The diminishing and disrespect of parents vs. honoring and respecting parents -- See passages in Exodus; Proverbs; and Ephesians.


The love of money;  false richness vs. the love God; a true richness -- see II Timothy 6:6-9


The glorification of self and celebrity vs. being humble -- see Matthew 5:5; Micah 6:8 for a few examples.


The push for the acceptance of homosexuality as a norm vs. the institution of marriage as one man and one woman.  See Genesis; Leviticus; Matthew for some points of reference.






Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1. Homosexuality and Lesbian relationships - they can't help it,  they were born that way - It is sin, it is their choice.

2. Abortion - Its just a fetus - In God's eyes it is murder

3. Watching **** - its ok, it spices up marriage - vs - It is perversion, addicting and sin begets more sin.

4. Alcohol & drugs - makes you feel good - vs - taking care of your body, it is the Temple of the Holy Ghost.


All these things are of the world and they are selfish and just feed the flesh.  We, as Christians are to crucify the flesh daily.


2. Q1.  Name 4 value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed on TV.  

1.  Men and women don't seem to think ahead on TV to determine their long term family goals.  On TV many persons are not committed to a person or relationship.

2.  Many TV characters define themselves primarily by how much money they make showing that money can get in the way of growing and developing.

3.  TV characters don't seem to ask themselves how how the plans they are making will fit their values.

4.  TV people are not focused on making goals and values specific enough to apply to real life issues.

  • 2 weeks later...

this is a sad subject for me- i'm sorry that things have changed. These are only 4 out of many

1)not honoring your spouse 

2)pre-marital sex




Homosexuality is to be admired when the Bible teaches against it. Abortion is a woman’s right when the Bible teaches that it is murder. Getting drunk and doing drugs is ok when. Coveting you neighbors stuff.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1.   Worldly Attention to Money vs. Spiritual Wealth of God In Or Souls

2.   The World vs. The Matchless Word of God regarding prayer, Bible, the mention of the LORD's name in public schools and government buildings

3.   Empahsis on outward beauty especially in women vs. the beauty of the inward soul

4.   Idolatry (many gods) vs. The Biblical Truth of One God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


1.   Worldly Attention to Money vs. Spiritual Wealth of God In Or Souls

2.   The World vs. The Matchless Word of God regarding prayer, Bible, the mention of the LORD's name in public schools and government buildings

3.   Empahsis on outward beauty especially in women vs. the beauty of the inward soul

4.   Idolatry (many gods) vs. The Biblical Truth of One God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • 5 months later...


It is difficult for us within a cultural system to see it clearly, since we take it for granted. It is also difficult to discern the difference between Western culture and Christian values, since Western culture has been so strongly influenced historically by Christianity. But let’s try.


Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more.


The immoral values being pushed to us by television are many, right along side the example given of sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage is same sex marriage vs. marriage only between a born male and a born female.  There is also the same-sex mommy and daddy adopting children vs. parents of opposite gender.  There is the pushing of senseless taking of human lives, treating a life as nothing more than a useless item to be discarded.  And then there is the atrocious, babies (children), divorcing their parents as opposed to the Biblical instructions to parents to train the child properly. As many truths given to us in the Word of God there are wrongs being done.

  • 4 months later...

1) love one another versus I need to be number 1


2) Help the poor, share your wealth versus I need the best of everything


3) Idolatry versus worshipping the one true God.


4) the glory of witchcraft  versus belief in the bible and the miracles of the bible.

  • 1 year later...

Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more

there are many that you see on TV, the internet ect

1: Fake news vs telling the truth.  Many news media are certainly not reporting the truth or are reporting partial truth to sway or mislead.  just another form of lying.

2: Throw away marriages vs Gods sanctity in Marriage.  Today's society has built marriage as not permenet and if you don't like it then get an attorney and file for divorce.  

3: Abortion vs life.  Wow no need to go any farther ther

4:  Worldly values vs Biblical Christian values 

there are many more

  • 1 year later...

People think that being rich is better but Jesus Christ said “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God”, this is because rich people most of the time forget about God.  Not all the time, God has rich people Job, Solomon, just to name a few, but in general rich people feel that they have all that they need but they are not rich towards God.  Divorce is readily accepted in today’s society, but Jesus Christ taught the if a divorced person marries another then they are committing adultery.  Jesus also said what God has joined let no man break asunder(in pieces).   Fornication is accepted by the general people even promoted.  Teens can’t wait to lose their virginity.  Even sorcery is glorified by society there have been many movies about the devil and TV shows, one comes to mind that’s current Lucifer.

  • 3 years later...

Murder of babies/abortion is taken to be a choice to be made and condoned vs sanctity of life

Likewise, a choice to terminate the life of one who so wishes eg. if terminally ill, or wishes to die because of age etc vs sanctity of life

Lies or half truths taken to be acceptable if it keeps you out of trouble vs telling the truth

Living together without marriage being same sex partners or otherwise vs sanctity of marriage

Swearing and cursing as part of your speech pattern vs not using the name of the Lord in vain

Disrespect of your elders vs honor your father and mother

murder, lies, immorality, cursing, disrespect

These are but a few of the things taken to be part and parcel of everyday occurences reflected on the media as being ok. 


  • 1 year later...

There is a HUGE gap between Christian and Western values. Whatever influence that Christianity once had on Western society has been replaced, at the top, by the secular values of the elitists that run European-associated countries including the United States.

I'm writing as the Western war against Russia is taking place in the Ukraine. Here are four value differences between us and the "rest of the world:"

1.  Constantly, the West tries to push it's LGBT.... agenda on countries that do not want in their countries or see it as an admirable moral value. Finally, some countries are pushing back -- mostly African and Mideastern but also India and China. Furthermore, the West is trying to push the new belief that gender is fluid and malleable, something one chooses. Other cultures disagree. Rightfully so. Russian president Putin openly stated that Russia "protects it's children" and will never allow Western degeneracy into it's borders. There are no drag queens reading to children in Russian public libraries!

2. The green movement has moved far beyond naturalism and ecology to a full-fledged environmental totalitarian agenda. Finally, some people in the West, motivated more by pragmatism than faith, are pushing back against this green religion which competes with Christianity for the hearts and souls of the populace.

3. The Western secular support for divorce/remarriage/living-together/out-of-wedlock-birth ... has devastated families and children. I write as a divorced woman ashamed of this aspect of my past (though a victim). Non-Western cultures that value marriage and family will, in the end, put Western cultures to shame. Children are particularly hurt. Those of us who still have a strong sense of family and marriage often have larger and extended families -- secularism immediately effects natality and severs family relationships. Thankfully, there's a handful of Christians left in the West who are still having children, perhaps many, and remembering their heritage.

4. The honesty that used to characterize Western culture is a thing of the past. No longer is business done with a handshake. Everything is lawyered, a sign of distrust as well as a sign of a breakdown in commonly shared values. This has not occurred to the degree in other countries as it has in the West. In my eyes, the rise of lawyers and legalism is a strong indicator that our culture has declined to the point where Christians values are either unknown or unshared. 

I just want to say that it is NOT "difficult to discern the difference between Western Culture and Christian values." In fact, cultural secularism is glaringly obvious. Western leadership is devoid of potent Christian influence, at least at the level of leadership and propaganda. Pockets of Christians remain at the popular level, but as light and salt, they have been ineffective and have not been able to stem the tide of Christian decline. I have prayed to be used, and would be a good fit if God saw chose to put me in a place where I could quietly influence others, but this has not come to pass. Now  I pray He uses other Christians. Without Christians secretly inhabiting places of influence, acting as Christian faith's moral "Rasputins" in the courts of today's Romanovs, the West will decline into a Roman-empire oblivion, if not by nuclear war or lab-viruses, by the natural consequences of cultural degradation away from Christian faith. 

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