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Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

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I’m so far from maturity, but I do think it’s appropriate to classify myself as maybe a middle-aged adult both in terms of hunger for the Word and in terms of jealousy and quarreling.  As to the Word, maintaining disciplined consistency of study and application to life is my biggest desire.  Learning from God’s Word is joy to me, especially when I allow for the quiet stillness that’s needed to realize what the Spirit is teaching me.  As to jealousy and quarreling, I must beat those down once in a while, but overall have learned not to struggle with them too much.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word?

Somehow I still look like a Corinthian who act like a five year old baby. When it comes to my hunger for the word I think I'd rather pray hard and ask the Holy spirit to make me experience this hungryness.


In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult?

In jealousy still a bit but praise God when it comes to quarreling I ran away from it.


What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

Need more time with the Lord, devotion and quiet moment, RADICAL OBEDIENCE.

Ever since God gave me a wake up call on October 28, 2013, which so happens to be my son's birthday. I woke up that morning like every other doing my usual. But, this day was different, I couldn't breathe. I was in ICU for two days and hospitalized five days with Chronic Respiratory Failure, and of course it came from smoking cigarettes, which I wasn't supposed to be smoking being a minister. God definitely got my attention! God breathe life back in me. Now, the greatest gift to me besides Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is LIFE! How do I classify myself, hungry for God's purpose only. He has set me aside just for himself to do His will. God has set me free and filled me with His Holy Spirit. Don't a day go by without me thanking Him for His grace and mercy because He is the God of a second chance. I just can't stop thanking and praising Him enough because my children didn't have to make the decision to take me off the respiratory. Thank you Lord I praise your Holy name! I tell my testimony everywhere I go because without Him I wouldn't be here to tell you this.

Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word?

I am still a baby christian, who allow myself to be controlled by my own desires. I am too ignorent towards the word of God.

In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

Reading this passage make me realise that i have a confession to make, and to repent from my sins. The word of God says if we confess our sins He is just and faithful to forgive our sins.

Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) 

In behavioural terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? 

In terms of jealousy and quarrelling? - Infant, child, teenager, adult? 

What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

I remember the time when I had not grown up spiritually and lacked spiritual discernment. I had been born again and had the Holy Spirit dwelling in me, but I had not grown in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. I read the Bible but had no hunger for the Word. By the grace of God this has all changed for the better. I know I still have a long way to go, and the Lord still has much work to do in me. But I can truly say I have over the years felt and experienced a spiritual growth in myself. I know I have been set free from sin (Romans 6:18) and that I’m dead to sin and alive to God (Romans 6:11). I realise sin still remains in my life because I daily battle with it; fortunately it does not get the upper hand any more. Throughout our Christian life we are all being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18). We are progressively becoming more and more like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We have a new heart, indwelt by and controlled by the Holy Spirit. By putting our trust in Jesus, His Spirit takes control of our lives and remains in charge until we die. We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Our stubbornness and disobedience can cause many unnecessary detours, delays, and heartaches, but He will accomplish His work in us. "He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus" (Philippians 1:6). It is unfortunate that we still see jealousies, quarrelling, gossiping, strife, and bitterness in the church, but we know that these are not the behaviour of strong spiritual Christians and like the early believers in Corinth they are mere infants in Christ. 


1 Corinthians 3:1-3

Q). In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word?

A). I hunger for the Word in about the same way as I hunger for some of my staple foods.


Q). In terms of jealousy and quarreling? -- infant, child, teenager, adult?

A). It's difficult for me to objectively grade my own score card. But I believe I would be more or less considered an adult in terms of jealousy and quarreling. However, I have many others ways that need improvement.


Q). What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

A). I must continually place God's will above my own desires to grow to the next stage. "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me" (Luke 9:23).

I classify myself as far as hunger for the Word....as an adult. I LOVE God's Word and actually really do read it all day long and I love to study the Word! When God opened my eyes to see the Word years ago, I was so hungry for His truth, once I found it I was amazed and still am!!! I just can't stop eating!!!


As for jealousy and quarreling, I have come a loooong way in that too! I'd classify myself as middle aged. I still struggle with some of that, but I've grown immensely in allowing God access to those areas in my life. I'm quicker to give problems over to Him for solutions instead of stewing over them, getting worked up and leading to sin in my life. I have greater trust in Him that He has a plan for MY life and I don't concentrate so much on other's lives which can lead to jealousy and discontent.


To grow to the next stage, I need to keep on washing in the Word and keep on trusting God in areas I struggle with and I need to keep confessing those areas asap so they don't become strongholds in my life.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word?

I have become a bit remiss, in the last couple years in terms of reading and studying the word. I do read my Bible( but no where often as I should) which in my IMO, should, should be everyday. Actually, for a long while I followed Pastor Ralph's Bible reading plan: One chapter from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament and one from either Psalms of Proverbs daily,. plus did additional reading of the Bible outside the plan.However, I have not been reading lately. I DO pray throughout the day. I DO have a personal relationship with God,in which I talk and listen( the promptings of the Holy Spirit) to Him throughout my day.. I do hunger for righteousness.  But, my problem is: I have become remiss in studying and reading the word!!! It is very important to eat the 'solid food' all the time, we cannot grow on 'milk' alone In order to grow we must read,hunger, discern and study the Word of God.


supporting verse or theme :


Luke 14:34


"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?


We must keep our saltiness!!!

In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult?

I have had a problem with envy my whole life. I have definitely gotten better since I became as Christian 9 years ago, but I can still fall back into the envy 'stage' at times. That's when the Spirit draws me back, and makes me aware of what I am doing!. I would say I am in the 'child' ( not quite yet a teenager, but not a baby either)i have experienced growth but it is slow. With quarreling I believe I have reached the teenager stage. I used to ague over every little thing, in essence I was an angry, bitter person. God has changed me the most in this area,but I can still have my "buttons pushed" on occasion. And, lose my temper, however, it is rare compared to when I was younger, and before I rededicated myself to the Lord!

What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

Continued trust in the workings of the Holy Spirit, and KNOW that at all times He is working in me to lead me to perfection. Be a willing and open participant. Listening and discerning His prompting. Lots of PRAYER  for help in your troubled areas!!  Don't give up, run a good race and have patience and the Lord will change us!
Trust in the Sovereign Master,  God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit,  not in the human/worldly messenger. have a personal relationship with Jesus, so at all times you will be able to communicate with Him and He can show you HIS way!




supporting verse: ( this pretty much says it ALL)!


John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


question 3.1


I have a great hunger for the word.


Recently, perhaps partly due to Dr. Ralph, I feel that I have come more mature in jealousy and quarling.


I need more prayer and continuous study of the word of God in order to put behind me my individuality and to grasp with both hands the community of the church





Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word?


In the Spring of last year, after being a Christian for 40 years, I suddenly had no desire to read the Bible. I'd read through the Bible at least a dozen times, written Bible studies for others, read scripture every day and then one day said "Lord, I'm putting this Book down, until You give me the desire to read it again. It's old and cold and lifeless right now. Several months later, in June I contracted a virus which was incapacitating and I was confined to the house,  only able to move from the bed to the couch and back....one day I was overcome with the desire to read the Bible again. I had been given a brand new Bible which hadn't felt like my own...no markings in it or underlining's...just felt strange. The Holy Spirit said "Start at the beginning again", so I read Genesis, then Exodus, and on through the entire Bible in 3 months. I devoured it...outlining every chapter, highlighting every promise, as if it were the first time I'd read the Bible. I had been learning about Grace during the time I stopped reading. Now, as I read, I had revelation and insight about Grace...the person of Jesus...in every chapter and book of the Bible. I still wake up every morning with His hunger to read..and the desire to know Him more intimately. How I thank Him for ridding me of the "motions" of Christianity and replacing it with His "motivation." It's made drastic changes in my life, my faith, my outlook on life, how I see Him, how I see myself and others! 


In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?


I've definitely grown in those areas during my 40 year walk with Him....Losing our business and our home and all that we've gone through in the area of loss and humiliation pretty much crucified jealousy, and has been replaced with sheer gratitude for all that we do have. That and 19 years in a Christian 12 step program helped me heal from the traumas of childhood molestation, sexual, verbal, physical abuse, poverty and neglect....in that process I learned that quarreling is always about pride and the need or desire to be right or to win.  The emotional scars have been healed and I no longer want or need to be right (superior), because the shame and inferiority are also gone. I haven't arrived, and thank God that He works in us until "that day when we see Him face to face"...but I'd say I'm in the adult area now...which is appropriate for being 71! :) 


In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? VERY HUNGRY AS EVIDENCE OF PARTAKING OF THIS BIBLE STUDY AND OTHER SELF GROWTH ACTIVITY.




In terms of jealousy and quarreling? -- infant, child, teenager, adult? NO JEALOUSY/QUARRELING



What will it take for you to grow to the next stage? TOLERANCE FOR THOSE WHO DO


 (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

At times I go for days that I read the Word every moment that is available. Then at other times I almost have to force myself to read my daily Bread. It usually goes hand in hand with how busy I am at work, where my focus is.

Jealousy and quarrelling is not a problem.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

In behavioral terms, classifying myself in hunger for the word of God, starving for even more of the truth and understanding. It brings my heart joy and comfort.

In terms of jealousy and quarreling, adult. What will it take for me to grow to the next stage, patience, love and understanding.  


3.1  In behavioral terms how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the word?


I am an adult having been born, raised and will die in the faith.  The next step for me is to die and carry the Cross daily and increase in prayer.


This has been a hectic week and have not had much time for this study but I have read all the statement and remarks from others.


I am able to see my self way back from the beginning of my spiritual birth even up to this present time. My comment is: I'm not all God wants me to be but praise His holy name, I'm not near what I used to be.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? “As long as I am in this earthly existence I’ll need to cultivate my hunger for the Word, because there are so many other means competing for my attention. So I must keep focused on Christ and depend on Him to help me with this. Asking Seeking and finding follow one another.” In terms of jealousy and quarreling? -- infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?

“An awareness that I am not alone in this no matter the sinful reaction. That Christ is availabe to me in every instance of jealousy and quarreling. His presence living through some physical member of the Body of Christ and available to me in every such instance. As an infant and child by faithful, obedient godly parents and teachers, as teenagers through carefully selecting the people I associate with that they like adult friends are functing members of the Body of Christ, working for each others good to help us reach that higher ground."


As for hunger for the Word--adult!  It seems the Holy Spirit reveals more & more to me each time I am in the Word.  I know now I'll not outgrow that hunger.


Behavior--probably sometimes like a teenager--still focused on self rather than on others and following the Holy Spirit each hour of every day.  Like the rest of you, I'm still growing!!  Praise God!


I've reached a stage in my life whereby I feel out-of-whack when I don't read the Bible for a day or two. When I do read the Word, I feel whole again and I have a better day. I'm constantly aware of God's presence in my life and talk to Him anytime I need to, as I go about my business.


As regards jealousy and quarreling, I still do feel jealous once in a while and it makes me feel ashamed but I'm quick to present the feeling to the Lord, asking for forgiveness and strength to deal with it. I remind myself that jealousy shows that I feel the other person does not deserve what the Lord has given them and that if that were the case, I ask myself,what then made me feel I was deserving of all that I was asking the Lord for? that is terrible hypocrisy. And I really would rather have what God has planned for my life - which was specially tailored for me - than someone else's.

I avoid quarreling because it's easily a slippery slope to losing yourself and doing something you most likely will regret later. if someone will not talk sensibly with me, I walk away. 


Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult?


In terms of hunger for the Word? Teenager, I'm afraid.


In terms of jealousy and quarreling? At the moment I don't go to church so there's no one to quarrel with. I don't really get jealous all that much so I'll say: Adult in that category.





What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?




Carnal vs. Spiritual

Question 1 In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would classify yourself in terms of hunger for the WORD?

I love the meat of the Word, I give myself many hours of praying and reading the Bible. I teach The School of Christ also to many others. When the man of God preaches and hits me I say ouch and forgive me Jesus. Climb a little higher and don't look back.


In terms of jealousy and quarreling? I got over that year's ago. I can't maintain my closeness that I have with God if I have these issues in my life.


In am a full grown adult living a life of a Believer that loves Jesus more than life itself.


I want more of God in every area of my life, no one can maintain the FULLNESS of God, He is to big. I want to stay so full of Him, that there is no room for the things of this world to live in me.

How Bless. 


In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult?

1.  I hunger for the word but sometimes allow my priorities to be everything but God's word.  I have really grown when it comes to jealousy and quarreling in the church.  I will not participate in any of it.  I feel that I am not going to compete with Christians in the church.  That's one place we should not have to concern ourselves with jealousy and quarreling.


What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?    

2.  When it comes to hunger for the word, I did to not be so busy doing worldly things and set aside time for studying everyday.



Q1. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) In behavioral terms according to these verses, how would you classify yourself in terms of hunger for the Word? In terms of jealousy and quarreling? – infant, child, teenager, adult? What will it take for you to grow to the next stage?


I often find myself comfortable where I am in terms of hunger for the Word. I am far from able to quote verses, but I live as conscientiously possible in what Jesus expect of us. I often find there is great pride in people who can quote, but I see them act otherwise. I don't try to compete with others at which level of spirituality I function, I just discipline myself in keeping God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit present in all I do. I analyse my conduct after situations and repent for what I missed. I am much at peace with what I have been blessed with and I continue to pursue my journey as truthfully as possible as a Christian.


Persistence with the study of the Bible allows me to broaden my understanding of how amazing, and great, and omnipresent God is, was and will be in all matters. I don't battle with control and easily accept what comes to me in challenges, sickness, and trials. Keeping God first in my day and my thoughts is the discipline I pursue to grow to the next stage.


I would like to think that I have a strong hunger for the Word. I like to go to the Hebrews or Greek to get deeper meaning of words or verse but I have a problem with recall. Although this doesn't stop me it is frustrating.

In terms of jealousy and quarreling  I would classify myself as adult.As to growing to the next stage would like to find a local friend to travel the spiritual way as encouragement and mentor.

Rod Beenleigh


In terms of hungering for the Word I would said I am an adult.  I spend time every day in God's Word over prayer and seek to apply his Word to my life.


As for quarrelling and being jealous over others possessions and achievements; I don't engage in it.  I don't desire want is not mine.

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