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Everlasting punishment is difficult to accept as I think of lost loved ones and friends as well as the people of this world.

The torment in verse 10 is eternal.We must not gloat over the suffering of the wicked.These people have not yet come to the realities in what Jesus Christ has done for them"IF" they would only except his salvation,they would not meet that destination of torment.Many people think they are better off with out Jesus Christ.They are satisfied with what the world offers, not realizing what is comming in the end.They shut their eyes to facts,in this there will be a terrible ending for them who serve the wickedness of this world.

Lord God have mercy on them.Help us to bring them to Jesus Christ.Amen

  • 3 weeks later...
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We hate to think of people we know suffering such punishment.

It is a consequence of choices made during life on earth. We can receive the Christ, or we can reject Him. He is Truth, Love, everything one could want or long for. He is the Ultimate. We all long for the perfect partner in life, and Jesus is that! :D

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (14:10-11)

Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept?

To give admittance to or approval to everlasting punishment is difficult because:

1. Christians may lose loved ones ... some family or friends ... to everlasting punishment

2. Christians may even be unsure of their own destiny; no blessed assurance

3. Christians may know the consequences of disobedience and know they are not perfect and faulty and the possibility they may face at their own end is everlasting punishment

4. Christians may try to get away with things they should not be doing but do anyway

5. Christians may have a false image of God; that He would not do such a thing

6. Christians may not have heard the truth and believe other teachings

7. Christians may not know the truth, nor accept it themselves and form their own theology

8. Christians may not accept it because it is harsh teaching. Jesus offended even his disciples with his teachings. God had a plan from the beginning that is being carried out and in forward motion. It is done and all that is written will be done. God and Jesus mean what they say.

In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

God commands we do as He says and we are told what happens if we do not do as He commands. God is straight forward. God is serious. He created all things and made the rules for all to live by. We follow them or not. If we do and sow, we are blessed and reap rewards. If we do not we suffer everlasting punishment.

God's kingdom is an eternal paradise where no evil will reign nor be allowed. If no evil is to reign or to be permitted in eternity then it is shut out or not allowed in. You either receive an invitation or not.

The other eternal place is of everlasting punishment. Those who were not invited to God's kingdom. A place for those who were disobedient, who did not repent. Those who did evil in the sight of God. Those who disrupted God's creation, did not worship, revere or respect God their creator but destroyed what he created and receive in the end what they sowed; they reap destruction. They reap destruction, everlasting punishment for their wickedness which is what they sowed.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept?

Because we have been taught since childhood that God is a God of love, so many ask how can a God of love condemn a person to eternal separation from Him. God does love us and He is definitely a God of love. He gives us many chances to accept His Son as our Savior and be eternally His. He also gave us the ability to make our own choices. We either choose Him or reject Him, the choice is ours to make, not God

  • 4 months later...

It's hard to accept everlasting punishment, for some, because God loves us and will forgive us of everything. We only need to ask. But if someone dies first or refuses to accept Gods mercy before it is to late, then they will suffer the consquences - which is eternity in hell. It is a just punishment because God has given us enough warning and information about it coming.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

Everlasting punishment is not difficult for me to understand. God's plan is not mysterious or secret. Through drawing close to Him in an personal relationship, He reveals the more depth's of His Truth as I grow. And I understand Abba Father to be all about Love, even in His Wrath.

I can't speak for why other people refuse to accept Christ. I'm not even going there. For me to try and guess why people hate Christ put's me in the same frame of mind as them, if I dare go there. And I do not, will not go back there. I lived without the Lord evident in my life for long enough. I'm not here to give my opinion of why or why not somebody else does or does not love Christ, or what they believe period.

  • 1 month later...

the rain Rev 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches; he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Rev 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. (8) But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderes, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (9) And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. Christians are not afraid of eternal death, because they don't fit chapter (9), and they will not be deceived by the antichrist. However; if, those of us who claim to be christians and fit chapter (9), and jump into bed with the antichrist, then let eternal punishment be considered just punishment.


  • 4 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept?

Speaking strictly for me, and I have a LOT to learn yet, it seems inconsistent with the perfect mercy and forgiveness preached by God himself through his son, Jesus Christ. It seems that at any point, up to and including eternity that salvation can be achieved through acceptance of the Trinity and true, honest repentance, contrition, and penance.

In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

If in the course of eternity a soul never became enlightened, and refused to repent and return to God the Father through the son, and if a soul eternally rejected the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Seems unlikely, but I suppose it is possible. I just don't understand why anyone would follow the beast all through the whole of eternity. It has no logic.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

It is indignation, it means that we have worshipped false idols and stepped outside of faith. the torment is that we receive no end to our guilt and shame, blame and blasphemy. It means we have been filled with spiritual pride and failed in humility and of repentence.

The patience of the saints is that they keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. They who die (die to flesh and the ways of this world) in the Lord (the Lord lives within them with His words written upon their hearts) rest from their labours (because the labors are for God thereafter) and their works do follow them (freely you give, freely you receive - free will).

  • 3 weeks later...

I think it's hard to accept everlasting punishment because of our knowledge of God's love and mercy. Some feel that their punishment was being put here on earth. I feel those people never saw the blessings given to them.

Eternal punishment would be considered just, by those who were and are persuctuted or had their right to freedom of the word taken away from them. We as christians are looking at that right here in America today.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

I find everlasting punishment difficult to accept. My friends and family (including my wife) are good caring people but they are not believers and hence they will suffer everlasting punishment. How can a God of love do such a thing?

Our Lord will be a God of Justice. We must trust in our Lord and through Jesus we have salvation. We must be strong and faithfull witnesses. I'm finding this question very difficult and therefore not providing a good answer.


Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

Everlasting punishment is so difficult for us to accept because God has given us so much freedom to choose who we will serve. God has loved, forgiven and shown mercy to us. So many verses in the bible that tells about God's mercy and love. So we just have to have faith and know that God is in charge and he knows and understands.

Eternal punishment might be considered just because the decision to accept or reject Jesus as savior and Lord is made by the individual. It is a personal decision.

  • 1 year later...
Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

Eternal punishment is hard for me to understand why anyone would ever not receive our God for his great works are always on display until he returns like a lion.Punishment lasts for a while and then stops when we learn our lesson. Eternal is exactly what it says forever and forever.


From Genesis to Revelation, God has revealed to humanity that there will be individual judgement and reward based on our behavior. Like Eve, many Christians just cannot believe that a loving God could possibily punish anyone. However, God has always laid out His plan of salvation for humanity along with the consequences of rejecting Him. God is loving and just.

Is it just for God to have sacrificed His only begotten Son, Jesus, on the cross for a sinful and mostly ungrateful people?

God has made it clear and fair across the board -- Jesus is the way, the truth and the life -- no man comes to the Father, but through Him. Equal access to all. I get what I accept and I get what I reject.

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

For one thing I don't think we have an understanding of everlasting. We live in a world full of temporaries. Everything around us is temporary from relationships, to jobs, to to homes, even our churches. There is very little commitment in any area of our world. People say I love you forever and in two weeks have become enemies. People say they are joining a church because they bellieve in what the church teaches and that God is leading them to be there and 6 months later you cant find them. Everlasting whether it be life or punishment is beyond our grasp. Punishment is also something that we don't seem to understand either. With all the retoric on raising children and how to and how not to punish children we have no clue just what punishment is. We think God is a great big loving God who won't do any thing to hurt His people and that is true, but those being punished are not His people because they choose not to be. As loving as God is He is also a God of wrath. We choose not to look at that side of God too much.

Eternal punishment is a just punishment because God is a just God. Everything He does is just. God has given to every one the opportunity to serve Him and we make the choice. He said - I set before you life and death Choose this day...Choose life! It's our choice.

  • 3 months later...

I feel that Christianity has lost the concept of hell because it is no longer being preached (yeah, I know, no religion bashing). Therefore, if you cannot be taught about hell, how can you accept the punishment of hell? No way.

God is the Judge and we will be judged for our choices in this life. If we do the crime we must do the time. Each and everyone has to make the decision to serve the Creator by obeying Him via His commandments. If we choose a life of sin and rebellion against Him then we have failed Him as His creation and are not accepted of Him. We are worthy of His jutice.

  • 2 months later...

Many christians believe that a loving God can not allow us to be in eternal punishment, or they believe that we go to Church we read the bible we give our money God can't let us go to hell the place made for the Satan and angles!!!!

Eternal punishment is just for those who reject Jesus here on earth. God doesn't want any body who didn't want him on earth.


Q.2 It's difficult to accept the reality of eternity and it's easier to focus on and to understand that God is love. Also Satan and our ego deceive us with the lie that surely God will make an exception for me! Until we get beyond this way of thinking it's hard to accept that God's justice includes eternal punishment. God is eternal and God is just - focusing on this helps me get myself (thoughts and speculations) out of the way and be ready for His coming.

  • 2 months later...

Everlasting punishment is difficult for us to understand because we have experienced God's mercy and love. If God is a loving and merciful God why does He condemn people to everlasting punishment (hell)? This is a question I have heard often over the years. But our God and King is a just God who would love nothing more than for all to be in heaven with Him - it is what we choose.

It is not the outworking of impersonal laws of retribution but the response of a righteous God to those who refuse his love and grace.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

There are many people who scoff at the idea of eternal punishment, but they are scoffing at what God says. The fire will burn forever and those who are lost will be there in the fire for eternity whether they want to believe it or not. In eternity their scoffing will quickly change to weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. We must take what our Lord says in the Bible seriously. hell is real! There is no way for the horrors of hell to be adequately described in human language. Many people do not realize the danger of eternally losing their souls. This is very serious!

One of the many warnings Jesus gives us is the true account of the rich man and Lazarus.

  • 3 months later...

I donnot know why it is hard for Christans to except. If we are willing to except everlasting live for ourselves, why not everlasting punshiment for unsaved sinners. I really donnot think about it, because this is between unsaved sinners and God. I do tell unsaved sinners that they will be sent to the lake of fire forever.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?

I think we accept it but don't want to think of our unsaved loved ones as going through that. We think of the punishment by world standards you do your time then your released. Their are those who say they are Christians and don't believe in hell but they need to reexamine their faith because Jesus clearly says there is many times.

Its just because they turned their back on the creator. If one has earned eternal life the other is justly sentenced to eternal punishment. Their wicked and can not enter Heaven so that's the only place for them.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept?

God the Father never taught Israel to turn the other cheek, to pray for their enemies, they believed that God

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