Sue D Posted August 3, 2009 Report Posted August 3, 2009 Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? Because sometimes we think in terms of so many 'good' people dying without Christ. They shouldn't have to suffer like the really horrible people. The fact is though that hell was originally only for Satan and his followers because of their rebellion against God. Bible also tells us that "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." At the moment of physical death, there are only two places to spend eternity -- either in Heaven with God or hell without God. Bible describes hell as a place where a person does Not want to spend Any time. Unfortunately there are Many folk who choose Not to believe Bible -- that life ends at death -- no eternal Anything. Christians have a hard time grasping that a loving, gracious heavenly Father would send anyone to everlasting punishment. The fact is that Christ doesn't send anyone there. A persons' non-acceptance of God's gift of salvation Does. In our society there are are degrees of sinfulness. The horrific crimes would deserve horrible punishment such as eternity in hell. But God sees disobedience as sin -- stealing a paperclip is just as much sin as a horrendous serial murder. And there are those who believe in degrees of punishment in hell. Sue D Quote
royk Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? For any that we love dearly, and to know their soul will fall into the black hole of "outer space for eternity" this seems like such a horrible way to "die" Jesus told us to love all, so these two together should motivate us to seek to connect to "all" in the most effective way to help them reach out to Christ. We await his guiding hand to show us how to do this. Quote
Commissioned Posted February 25, 2010 Report Posted February 25, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? Everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept because we are the carriers of the gospel while we are here on earth. The time to be a witness for Christ is now. As the song tells us we are to work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. We must work while it is day Spreading the Word of God As we walk along the way Willing to do His Will Spreading the Word of God Till it reaches throughout the hills We must witness to everyone we meet In every song we sing We must tell them of a Soon Coming King The harvest is plentiful But the laborers are few There are so many jobs In God's vineyard For all of us to do We must witness to everyone we meet In every song we sing We must tell them of a Soon Coming King Once we've done all that we can we can be sure that God will do the rest. For those who refuse so great a salvation they will not be able to refuse eternal punishment, it will be their just punishment? Quote
the prophet Posted April 29, 2010 Report Posted April 29, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? We Christians, like even the secular non-believers, sometimes like to think of God as a benevolent dictator, someone who, because He is pure goodness, could only have good things in store for good people. Although God is Holy, He sent His son into the world for a purpose--the purpose of saving fallen man. Since the fall into sin, mankind has needed a Savior from our sins. There is a Heaven but there is just as certainly a hell and God, in His love, wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Eternal punishment is a just punishment for those who have heard the Gospel but have not responded in faith. Jesus gave us the Great Commission also so that we, His family of believers, can get the word out to all the lost before it is too late. Quote
hanks Posted May 11, 2010 Report Posted May 11, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? The doctrine of eternal punishment, though unpopular with liberal individuals and difficult to accept, is nevertheless clearly taught in the Bible. Both Jesus and John often warn us about the certainty and severity of the punishment for sin. I think it is the severity and finality of this punishment that makes it not easy to understand. We cannot imagine a loving God allowing such things to happen. But we forget our God is a just God and will not tolerate evil of any kind. We note that God is the one who Quote
l.a. Posted September 13, 2010 Report Posted September 13, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? I think that the thought of 'anything eternal' is sometimes hard for us to wrap our minds around. We live in a world where the concept is theoretical. Many also cling to the idea that God is always willing to forgive, and this is true, but God has promised that there will be justice for the evil and corruption in the world. "'The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentence." He gives us our whole lifetime to turn to Him for guidance and protection. But the reality is Christ is coming back, like a thief in the night, so you need to be prepared. Along with promise, is warning. Ultimately, you have the free-will to live for God or for the world. Even in the world we cry for justice; even in the flesh, we understand that justice is right. Quote
PASTOR D Posted September 21, 2010 Report Posted September 21, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? The thought of everlasting punishment is difficult for humans to accept because we spend our entire life being aware of God's mercy and at the same time squandering the mercy God affords us. . . I also feel that we refuse to accept that punishment will be everlasting because everything in this world has an ending - we somehow thing that there will also be an ending to the things that are beyond this life. . . Eternal punishment can be considered as just punishment for those who have taken advantage of the grace and mercy of God and in fact have rebelled against Him and refused to comply with His will and purpose for their lives. . . Every day that we are alive is a day and an opportunity to repent of our sin and turn to God - if this is what any person or people refuse to do - they must then fact the consequences for such choices and decisions. . . Quote
Ramon Posted October 25, 2010 Report Posted October 25, 2010 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? Answer:Everlasting punishment is so difficult for us Christians to accept,because of the severity of it Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 7, 2011 Report Posted February 7, 2011 Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for Christians to accept? I think because of a lack of understanding of the "whole" of scripture or in understanding the character of God. We see that God is "loving" and He is, but sometimes God being "just" is not taught. We preach "Come as you are" and we can, but the "fear" of God is often overlooked. We dismiss respect for Him and HIS way. I even see Christians quoting parts of verses that make God's love and mercy evident, yet skip the second part of the same verse that has our requirement of action to it. Also, today "tolerance" is more the word than THE Word. We think being peacemakers is peacekeeping. Peacemaking is confronting sin, dealing with it, repenting of it and thus attaining lasting change. We have peace in God and with each other because we become more Christ like. Peacekeeping is just tolerating everything going on. We say "turn the other cheek" but Jesus never promoted complacency when He said that. He required we confront sin in love (in ourselves as well as others) but also that we forgive. We don't excuse and wink an eye at wrong, yet we don't condemn. We reach out in truth and love to restore. We never give up and we continue to persevere but not to accept sin in ourselves and others, but to run the race in excellence or be that example of unconditional love so others have opportunity to see and change and win. God's very nature is love but He IS just. Giving His own Son up for us was to satisfy being just. It was also ultimate love shown to us. God didn't say, "Oh well! They sinned....I tolerate that because I love them!" No, someone paid a price for our sin. Jesus. He satisfied the "just" part of it all. When we practice tolerance, as though no one could ever go to hell because God isn't just....we really are enemies of the cross....because the cross was all about justice and all about the horrific price Jesus paid for the sin (some would say we can tolerate). Only saying "God is love" is totally overlooking the price paid and the whole scenario of the sinless life Christ lived! There is no need of a Savior if God the Father just tolerates sin. That is a lie from satan for complacency in wrong living. There is a wholeness to understand in it. We are to have fear of God (respect for God). That's the beginning of wisdom. God holds eternal life or death in the balance. It's a scale. Those choosing Christ tip the scale in favor of life. Those choosing to not believe, tip the scale in favor of death. Eternal punishment is just punishment because sin is death. Christ is life. If we believe on Jesus, we have eternal life. If anyone refuses to have their sins paid for and covered by His blood....there is eternal death. Everyone will ultimately hear this truth and we are urged to pay attention to this truth. Those who have eyes are to see and those with ears are to hear. Be wise in your choice. Quote
dlite80 Posted March 10, 2011 Report Posted March 10, 2011 This subject has plagued my mind for a long time! However, in the past few years, I have been gaining perspective of God Quote
tammie7 Posted June 13, 2011 Report Posted June 13, 2011 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? It is difficult for some christain because they say that God is a mercy God and when they say taht they will be punish for ever. But these people who was not for God and rebell was given the choose but they choose the otherr side this is way they will be punish forever with out mercy. Quote
Marloes Posted June 26, 2012 Report Posted June 26, 2012 If God is a God of love, it's difficult to understand that He sends people to hell. Let alone that this is forever. Forever is so definitive. Anyway, people have the choise. And God is a fair judge. Quote
van Posted May 5, 2013 Report Posted May 5, 2013 Everlasting punishment is hard for us to accept because we see God as a loving Father and creator. Not a Father that would cut us off from Him forever. But, if we break any one of God commandments then punishment is considered just because He gave us His laws and we chose to break them. Quote
tgandy Posted May 31, 2013 Report Posted May 31, 2013 A punishment the lasts forever is very difficult to understand. We are unable to think in infinitives. What is forever? We do not know. We do know that if we separate from the Father by sin it will be our choice and it will be forever. Eternal punishment is considered just punishment for those who turned their back, for those who were not the "Matthew 25" Christians. The only thing we leave this earth with is our character. When we come to the end of this life and we are still one with Christ, we have been tested and refined. We are God's coins and we are blessed. Quote
Craig Posted June 13, 2013 Report Posted June 13, 2013 Q2. (14:10-11) Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment?   Most Christians are so focused on the love of God that they forget about the consequences of free will and accountability for their chooses. There is an imbalance in some Christians view of God. God is love the Scriptures teach us. However, God is just and will judge all of created humanity by a set standard of love and justice. Justice demands accountability for actions both good and bad. God has presented though His Word to each generation the results of following Him or following the world and the Satanic values its based upon. Most of humanity through the ages have openly rejected God to follow something else.    God created mankind in his image to have a relationship with Him and to manage the earth for Him. To do good to all creation. God has gone to great extremes including sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die and shed His blood to redeem us from our sin and wickedness. However, the majority of humanity through the ages have continued to be consumed with wickedness and sin and rebellion against God. The Scripture teaches a person reaps what they sow. After Adam and Eve's rebellion against God, He has constantly developed convents with man to create a loving relationship with Him. To provide humanity with life. However, man has gone after Satan and taken on his ways.  So, in reality each person ultimately decides life or death, heaven or hell for themselves. God has given humanity an opportunity through the various convents throughout the ages to accept Him or reject Him and enjoy or suffer the consequences of that decision. God has clearly spelled out His plan of salvation for humanity throughout the ages through His Word and His people to the world. As Paul put in Romans 1, man is without excuse.  A loving God has provided various means to establish a close and intimate relationship Him for now and through eternity. Most people have themselves their God and have rejected the one true God. Man has condemned himself through his own selfishness. . God is God and we are his creation. God sets the standards not us -- thank God .  Suffering the consequences of our own actions be it spending eternity with God or separation from God for eternity is a just punishment because really we have made the choose.  A thought, why would a person who has rejected denied and rejected God throughout his/her life on this planet want to spend eternity with God?  Again, it wouldn't be because they loved God, but for the selfish motivation of self preservation and the avoidance of suffering. Eternity with God is about love not self. So, if a person has rejected God and all He has to offer, then eternal separation is just punishment, because in reality it is what the person is asking for.  Quote
JoanG Posted February 26, 2015 Report Posted February 26, 2015 Christians are taught about the loving forgiveness of God the Father. They understand that Jesus died to save all who believe in Him. We are taught that our sins were washed away long ago by the blood of Jesus during the crucifixion. We are taught that God is a loving and forgiving God. Â With all of these teachings, it is very hard to accept the fact that God would send someone into eternal punishment. But then, this thinking has spurred other thoughts in my mind. Â God gives us ample time and opportunities to give up our sinful lives. All we need to do is repent. However, I am sure that there are a lot of people who refuse to do this. There are those who do acts so evil to their fellow man that there is no way for them to repent. In those situations, I would say that eternal punishment is what they really do deserve. I am thinking of those that abuse children, those that deal with child ****, muderers, any one who does not believe in the sanctity of life. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 21, 2016 Report Posted June 21, 2016 Everlasting punishment is so difficult for us Christians to accept because we know that we have a loving God because he sent his Son here to die for our sins. Since we know that He loves us that much how could he torment somebody forever and ever. But this is a just punishment because He gave us everything to come to Him and they still denied Him. Quote
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