Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? IN POSSESSION AND POSITION OF THE WORD; PEOPLE EXPECT INTERPRETATION AND GUIDANCE. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? YES. What effect did this have on the church? LOSS OF CONFIDENCE AND DEFECTING. On this person's witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? IGNORANCE TO THE POWER OF THE WORD AND THE POWER OF GOD TO WORK THROUGH YOU. What can we do to remedy that? PRAY; THEY ALREADY HAVE THE INFORMATION, INVOKE ROMANS 8:26 AND LET GOD HANDLE IT. Quote
pickledilly Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 We aren’t the source of the mysteries and power of the gospel, but we’ve been given the responsibility/privilege to be stewards who manage and administer this grace from God to others on His behalf. In other words, we’re to be His hands, feet, and vocal expression of love and truth. Yes, I’ve encountered Christian workers who were not faithful to their task. It’s very difficult when you’re called to work together in unity but find that you cannot rely on others to do the same. This causes discord within your group, and ministry to others suffers. Years ago we had a pastor who became an ineffective leader over time. All sorts of power struggles developed and the congregation was overwhelmed by its own spiritual immaturity. The pastor got to the point where he pulled back from giving truthful wise advice. We had a situation of a woman who wanted to leave her husband to pursue a man whose wife had recently passed (the 2 couples had been close friends). All 3 people were members of the church and sought counsel from the pastor. One of them is my friend who later told me that all 3 left his office thinking they were in the right. How can that be, except that the pastor wasn’t faithful to truth? You can imagine the mess and hurt and distractions of this situation to the church body. And the pastor’s credibility was damaged. Other situations I’ve encountered are when people have accepted positions and responsibilities for service but defaulted on the commitment. Or gotten mad with someone and quit. Or unwisely “bitten off more than they could chew” and given up. One primary reason we become unfaithful in ministry is when we didn’t seek God’s leadership from the start and jumped into something without His leading. In my early days of serving God I thought that just because I was asked to do something in my church I should accept. (Beware when pastors teach such a thing.) And I got in way over my head with multiple obligations that caused so much anxiety, frustration, ineffectiveness, and strife at home. In more recent years I’ve also been pressured to accept responsibilities because “the need is so great” and I have experience or a skill that would be of benefit. Both reasons might be true, but if God doesn’t give me the peace and direction I’ve learned to expect from Him then I cannot accept. These experiences have taught me the need for God’s wisdom and discernment about how/where I am to serve Him. Lesson learned: don’t say yes only because there’s a need or only because you were asked. Sometimes people are unfaithful in ministry because they are there to honor self instead of God, or their faith in general falters for some reason. They may lose focus on the important because of the “tyranny of the urgent” as the voices of the world scream for greater time and attention. They may be unreliable and immature in the responsibilities of a growing faith in Christ, and so they cave in when things get difficult. Our remedy is to give careful prayerful mature consideration about what ministry to take on. He will use the Word, the circumstances, and His unexplainable peace to lead us in the right direction. (However, that doesn’t mean we’ll always have a clear view of what’s ahead!) Then we must make a determined defined decision to see it through until God changes course. Quote
parkerslope Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 1 - In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? We have been entrusted with the Word of God and its proclamation to the world. 2 - Have you ever met a Christian worker who was not faithful? Yes! 3 - What effect did this have on the church? It gave a wrong impression to the new believers and angered the older Christians. It also gave the congregation a bad reputation in the community. 4 - What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? - we are human. - we don't know what to do. - others misdirect us. - not knowing the Word of God enough to do the task. 5 - What can we do to remedy that? - we need to have much prayer over temptations to follow the world. - we need to understand better what our task of stewardship is. - we need to follow what God's Word says and not what someone else says to us. - we need to be involved in a complete study of the Bible. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 As Christians, we have been given spiritual gifts. We are stewards of these gifts. God expects us to use them for His glory. Oh yes, I have seen many. One does not have to be in a high position to be unfaithful. God wants us to be faithful in the small things so He can trust us with the bigger things. It takes much work and prayer to remain faithful. It created discouragement in the body, and was a poor witness to the unbelieving community. Discouragement, illness, little or no prayer or Bible study and unconfessed sin can lead to our unfaithfulness. Be encouraged in the Word. Study, pray, confess daily and take care of your physical body. Quote
van Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 A Christian worker in a sense is a steward because in order to show yourself approved before God you must be faithful in serving Him and trustworthy. If God can't count on your service, mankind can't either. A unfaithful Christian worker hurts the church because it can stop those in need of Christ from coming in. You can't witness truth to others if you are not trustworthy and faithful to God yourself. Some reasons for being unfaithful is working to much, children at home and too tired to work faithfully for God. I believe that we serve a God that will never give you more than you can bare. We must learn to trust God to always make a way for us to faithfully serve Him, we just have to be willing. Quote
JanMary Posted March 15, 2014 Report Posted March 15, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? A steward is entrusted to care for that which belongs to his master, or to another in his absence. The sheep belong to the Shepherd, and are in the care of the under shepherd or pastor or leader who has been entrusted to care for them in the way in which the Shepherd cares for them. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? yes, several. What effect did this have on the church? It resulted in much of the church being wounded and scattering...some never to return to church fellowship. ("If you can't trust the pastor, then who can you trust?" was heard. On this person’s witness. One was eventually forced to leave, returning 20 years later for an anniversary celebration, and preached a vengeful sermon loosely painting himself as Job, and the congregation as donkeys and robbers. His witness? His only "witness" was as a victim, still unwilling to take responsibility for his deceitful actions which resulted from fear of not having enough money on which to retire. He forgot that he was also a sheep whom the Shepherd promises to care for. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? Sin..our flesh reigning...failure to walk in the Spirit....of which we are all prone to do at times. Thank God for GRACE and mercy. What can we do to remedy that? When tempted, call upon the Lord for the way of escape, rather than following our own fallen inclinations. ("Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands, who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm take heed lest he fall into sin. For no temptation, no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads, has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man (that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear) BUT GOD is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate nature and He can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength and resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will always also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place) that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently." 1 Cor.10:12,13. The most recent pastor who is in this category, became prideful at how the church was growing, and forgot that he is an under shepherd... enlisted "spies" within the congregation to tell him of any "plots, etc". He became "nutty", and extremely controlling, having ushers escort anyone out of the church that he didn't want to be there, and eventually publicly castigated the worship leader, besmirching his character because he had been offered a position at a church across the country. (Considered it disloyal to leave him) Little of "his" church remains, and his over reaching building program resulted in debt to the contractor, and a bad reputation in the community. Quote
hanks Posted March 16, 2014 Report Posted March 16, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person's witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? All Christian workers are called to manage the resources God has provided, to act as administrators of these resources, and in this way we are to be stewards. Jesus becomes Lord of our time, talents, finances, and everything. We are His – bought at a price. Being a steward requires absolute faithfulness and commitment to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, our pastor was caught being dishonest and this did have a terrible effect on the church. It took the church over a year to recover. This reminds me of Luke 16:10, ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.’ If we are faithful in our stewardship of what is least, that is money, then we shall be faithful in handling what is most, which are spiritual treasures. I think we are all sinners saved by grace. When the temptation is too great we still sin. Our only way to remain faithful is to stay in close fellowship with our Heavenly Father in prayer and by the study of His Word. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted March 16, 2014 Report Posted March 16, 2014 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 Q). In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? A). Christian workers are stewards because we are required to faithfully administer God's gifts. # Q). Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? A). Yes, quite often. But here's something worth thinking about in Revelation 3:15-16 "15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." # Q). What effect did this have on the church? On this person's witness. A). Usually more work was put on the faithul ones because the less faithful worker was unreliable. The steward's integrity suffers as a result of lukewarm commitment. # Q). What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? A). Among the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry are fear, doubt, a guilty conscious and immoral conduct. # Q). What can we do to remedy that? A). We can pray for forgiveness, wisdom and courage while using the natural resources He has given us, including the counsel of others. Quote
WinstonY Posted March 17, 2014 Report Posted March 17, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? Question 4.1 We must remember that the original letter was not chaptered. That means that 4.1 continues on from 3.21-3.23 where it is Paul, Appollos and Cephas who belong to them (rather than vice versa) for they belong to God. Do not think, Paul writes in 4.1 that Paul, Apollos and Caphas are leaders of separate parties they are in fact servants and stewards of Christ. Paul uses two words in verse 1 for servant and steward. The word translated as servant is : hyperetes usually a subordinate helper or assistant. William Barclay in his Daily Study Bible refers to the word being used as a rower on the lower bank of oars on a trireme. This would mean that Christ was the pilot and that his workers, Paul, Apollos, Cephas and the rest of us are rowers who only accept Christ’s orders as pilot. The second word steward is oikonomous. This word indicates the estate manager who runs the estate for the master - for instance - the shrewd manager of Luke 16: 1 - 18 (although this guy was not a great example for us for he was not reliable which is when we as Christ’s stewards must be in order to fulfil the promise that we offer to Christ. When we become a Christian we promise to love the Lord your God with all your soul and your neighbor as yourself. These two are inimitably connected and we must administer these two as stewards of God. (46-47) We as Christian workers are not running a popularity contest instead we are accountable to God and to God only. In Paul’s time particularly, the stewards were delegated positions of authority and handle most of the decisions of the estate. Often a trusted steward was given a free hand until the day of judgement. (Luke 16:1-18) Are we not the same, we are given authority over the assets of God’s estate and we have free rein over the affairs of state. In the day of judgement we will be held responsible. If we are given ten talents than we must administer these with care; if we have five talents we must handle these with care; if we are given only one talent than we must with equal care until the day of the Lord comes. Well, I guess so. This usually has a negative effect. If one mistreats people under their authority than these will associate the poor treatment with the Lord and fall away from the faith. All we can do is be faithful in our own duty and administer the Lord’s affairs with honesty and earnest. Quote
WinstonY Posted March 17, 2014 Report Posted March 17, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person's witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? All Christian workers are called to manage the resources God has provided, to act as administrators of these resources, and in this way we are to be stewards. Jesus becomes Lord of our time, talents, finances, and everything. We are His – bought at a price. Being a steward requires absolute faithfulness and commitment to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, our pastor was caught being dishonest and this did have a terrible effect on the church. It took the church over a year to recover. This reminds me of Luke 16:10, ‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.’ If we are faithful in our stewardship of what is least, that is money, then we shall be faithful in handling what is most, which are spiritual treasures. I think we are all sinners saved by grace. When the temptation is too great we still sin. Our only way to remain faithful is to stay in close fellowship with our Heavenly Father in prayer and by the study of His Word. I like this. Yes, we are all managers of the resources of the kingdom . Jesus has used the manager as a character in his parables. Quote
Highohfaith Posted March 17, 2014 Report Posted March 17, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? As Christian disciples it is our responsibility to spread the word with the authority given to Jesus by the Father. According to Jesus' Great Commission, we must move forward with faithful conviction, and be dutiful servants always. This is our life's mission. Matthew 28:16-20 (NIV)The Great Commission16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? Yes. What effect did this have on the church? I don't know what effect it had on the church, however it was a pastor, and it was my pastor whom I felt was not a faithful servant . It had such a profound affect on me that I subsequently left the church. On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? pride,money, peer pressure, gossip, What can we do to remedy that? Prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, trusting that He is guiding us always, give ourselves freely to The Holy Spirit. Be a good example to others, by offering understanding, and wisdom as Paul did for the Corinthians. Be faithful at all times to the Word of God and do not be swayed in any other direction by false doctrine. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted March 17, 2014 Report Posted March 17, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? By entrusted with God's secret things (distributingh God's blessings by explaining God secrete. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? Lots of them What effect did this have on the church? The churches looses the members On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in ur area of ministry? Christianity is about Christ himself, unless we allow him to be in control of everything, the flesh will always fail us. What can we do to remedy that? Jesus is remedy, when he die his life was imparted to us so that we won't struggle with the body of sin anymore Quote
Lion of Grace Posted March 18, 2014 Report Posted March 18, 2014 A Christian leader is a steward in that they are managers of God's house, they oversee the congregation to shepherd, teach and explain the mysteries entrusted to them. They are to be faithful to this, not having favorites, shepherding the whole flock in spirit, love and truth. Have I ever met a Christian leader that wasn't faithful? Unfortunately, yes. What effect does unfaithfulness have on the congregation? First, I think disrespect is cultivated. Someone who is unfaithful when others are looking to them for leadership, creates a lack of trust and respect. Chaos breaks out because there isn't anyone to follow in truth so fractions begin to form and and personal agendas are pushed forward usually with a lot of fighting or in hurting others. Some in the congregation get caught up in the chaos, not really wanting to be in it or to take sides in it. They become hopeless and desire to escape the whole situation. In the end, the church is so caught up in their struggles, that the truth of Jesus is totally lost. There aren't even any eyes on Him anymore. The purpose of the church is displaced and it eventually will die. What effect did it have on this person's witness? Unfaithfulness makes a person's witness not believable. If one really believes something, they live what they believe. If they are unfaithful, they create doubt in others as to what they really believe and they are proven to be not trustworthy. People won't listen anymore and/or remove themselves or become disconnected from the "leader". How can this be remedied? First, there has to be accountability and there has to be other strong leadership that will stand for truth and who will not champion other leaders or "friends" even when they are doing wrong. There should always be accountability with the intent to restore, but to continue in truth. If a leader is unfaithful, there should be discussion in private as to why this is happening. It could be anywhere from being overwhelmed by work load and dropping out, or due to personal issues that are overwhelming or simply to facing the fact that this particular leader didn't really have a "call" for this particular ministry and should be re-evaluated. The problem should be looked into by trusted, faithful leaders who can help discern the issues. For example, is the leader feeling overwhelmed and dropping out because he doesn't administrate well, taking on too much personally? Is there a matter of pride to confess if they have to be the end all, be all to everyone and everything? Does he/she create their own problem? Is depression a factor? Should professional counseling be pursued? Where could this leader better function? What are his/her gifts? As for the congregation, they need to focus on the real owner of the church, Christ Jesus. Instead of fighting, complaining, undermining leaders, demanding their own way, they should look to Who is above leadership and Who cares for them and will help them. They should focus more on compassion, caring for their leadership implementing good healthy ways to move past problems. And, they need to persevere and stay committed. We can remove ourselves from areas that are unhealthy, but stay committed to the Church and truth working together to establish love in truth. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted March 19, 2014 Report Posted March 19, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? A Christian servant can be a pastor who feeds and cares for the sheep of the Lord. A teacher who edify s his fellow Christians by explaining and helping them to understand the Word of God. We as Christians are servants of Christ by bringing the Word of Christ to our fellow man. I have never known a Christian worker who was not faithful. It would ruin his witness for Christ and his fellow Christians would no longer trust him. It would probably cause the congregation to wonder how many more were unfaithful in their ministering duties. Becoming overwhelmed with our work place could cause us to forget Christ and turn us to worldly ways for our achievements and progress. Some reasons we could find, if he became involved with someone's married or divorced fellow worker. Which could cause our witness to be useless. To remedy the situation above, by keeping our eyes, mind and heart on God and His plan for us would help us stay faithful and avoid temptation Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 19, 2014 Report Posted March 19, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? We are all stewards, if you call yourself a Christian , you are stating that you are a servant and a steward. You are also stating that you are a king and a priest. As Christians everybody must be a serving king and priest, and that includes being a steward. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted March 19, 2014 Report Posted March 19, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? Yes. All of us go wrong at times, although the closer we live to God the less we will go.wrong, Rom6, 1Joh3 ect. What effect did this have on the church? It can have very bad effects especially on new Christians. It brings confusion and all the other troubles Paul described earlier On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? We are focused on ourselves. Prayer and shifting our focus to the Kingdom of God Quote
Guitar Jim Posted March 22, 2014 Report Posted March 22, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? We are slaves of Christ . . . willing slaves, but according to the Bible we've come out of slavery to the world's values system and come under the yoke of Jesus. So a pastor, elder, or deacon, whatever, is still in the same category as those they minister to. But the Christian leader is a steward, looking after and administering the flock. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. Can't say as I have. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? We should procede with caution and be careful not to get ahead of God's timetable. Sometimes our own eagerness works against us. We also need to keep constantly in mind that we're servants of God, and not the other way around. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted March 25, 2014 Report Posted March 25, 2014 FAITHFUL STEWARDS In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? In whatever position as a worker for Christ, the extinct of the requirements, apply, no matter what position or title we may hold. A steward, is always faithful, and can be trusted with whatever, they have been called to do. There interest always applies to pleasing God, and the Church. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? I have come across many deceivers who was not walking their talk. They should have been more disciplined in the ways of God, and show the world, what a real Christian does, when they have been entrusted in the area of a Steward. What effect did this have on the church? On this persons witness The church always suffer from deceivers and liars, the church has enough problems to deal with, without the world, having a bad taste for churches, whose stewards, were found unfaithful and corrupt. Some churches never recover and have to close their doors. What a shame, but God always has a Gideon or a Shamgar, that will rise up and shut the devils mouth. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? We get our eyes off of the real reasons we were chosen as a steward. Not everyone can be a steward over other people, and some cannot even keep themselves faithful. It all deals with leaving the altar and not study the Word of God, for a direction and a Word for someone, or myself. I have to just stand still and listen sometimes. I get so busy working for Jesus, that I forget about Jesus. The best way to remedy that is to get my first love back. God Bless You. Brother Mike mccue Quote
Rod Beenleigh Posted March 27, 2014 Report Posted March 27, 2014 Q. In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? A steward is a Christian who has proved to be trust worthy to manage or assist in the running of the Lord's house, the church. Q. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? Yes Q. What effect did this have on the church? Very unsettling, divisive and corrosive. Q. On this persons witness? Takes away all levels of trust. Q. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our areas of ministries? Our carnal side of our nature overpowers and in our weakness commit error. We have taken our focus away from Christ and by doing so our spiritual strength diminishes Q. What can we do to remedy that? Keep Christ foremost in our mind, recite memory verses, read prompt cards, study the Bible. PRAY!! ".. examine the scriptures daily to see if those things were so" Acts 17:11 Quote
Craig Posted March 29, 2014 Report Posted March 29, 2014 A Christian worker is a steward in that the worker carefully and rightly handles and presents the gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical truth to the world around them. The Word of God is truth and it is Gods. We are given the privilege share and present God's gospel to humanity. However, it must be properly presented and our witness as Christians must be honest and true. A truthful gospel must be presented and shared by truthful people. People of integrity. If the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't presented properly then it ceased to be the gospel of the Apostles as presented by Jesus himself. A Christian, as a good steward, must live out their commitment in word and deed. I have worked with unfaithful Christian/church workers. Their unfaithfulness stems from a lack of commitment, laziness, and antipathy. They discourage the pastor, church leaders, and other lay people by their antipathy. Their witness is a sorry and shameful witness as to their faith, character, and testimony. By and large they are fake and they damage the unity of the believers in their local church. The individual can only correct this situation through developing a true and committed relationship with Jesus Christ and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The unfaithful don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ or are spiritually immature. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 7, 2014 Report Posted April 7, 2014 The sense that a Christian worker is a “steward” is they are to watch after the flock of Jesus Christ. They are to help them in time of need. When you have a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful the church seems to go downhill. They become demoralized and then they start seeking a new church where they can be nourished. Some of the reasons that we become unfaithful in our area of ministry is we lose interest and think that the things that we are doing are not worthy of our position. This can be remedied by not thinking so high of ourselves. Quote
haar Posted April 16, 2014 Report Posted April 16, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a "steward"? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn't faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person's witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? A Christian is a steward in the sense that he has the Lord as his master but he is also responsible for the care of others under him for the Master. Yes, I have met quite a lot who do not put on their best for the Master and for others. Some even cheat and steal from the Master's table. Some of the effect on the church are that some members who are weak are disappointed and their faith is shaken and their trust in such a steward eroded. The steward also looses his credibility and trust. The remedy for this is for the bad steward to repent and be restored and the church to pray for him. Quote
blezed Posted May 20, 2014 Report Posted May 20, 2014 In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? 1. Being a servant of God. One that has been entrusted to manage the these of the church. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? 2. Yes. Some Christian worker's enjoy the title but work for form and fashion. It can be discouraging to those that are truly faithful in the work that they do. On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? 3. Mostly, because be allow other things to come first. We must remember that God is our source and must come first in all be do. Everything else will follow. Quote
dixonle Posted May 21, 2014 Report Posted May 21, 2014 Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? A steward is typically a manager…one who has responsibility over a program, a house, a church, financial resources, property, et al. A Christian worker is indeed a steward or manager of the grace of God given through the Holy Spirit through which He works to bring the good news to others as well as helping to build up the church (people) in being more faithful and devoted to the LORD Jesus. People who claim to be Christian workers and who are not faithful to the LORD are truly a hindrance and road-block to the matchless Word of God and the message and heart of He who died for the forgiveness of all our sins and gave us the command to spread His message to all the world. This attitude negative affects the church’s ability to be credible to the unbelieving world and thereby prohibits the progress in the sharing of this Christian message of hope to the world. Sometimes we get over our heads by not saying “No” to some service opportunities; not stopping to weigh the priorities of our spiritual gifts against the myriad areas of service so they match. That leads to feelings of being overwhelmed and not being faithful to the tasks we have said “yes” to being stewards/servants. Quote
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