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Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? How should disputes be settled between believers? How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?

  • 1 month later...

How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court?  IT CONFIRMS TO NO BELIEVERS THAT THEY DON'T NEED TO GO TO CHURCH SINCE THE CHURCH IS DOING THE SAME THINGS THEY ARE DOING...



How should disputes be settled between believers? PERSONAL ONE ON ONE; TWO OR MORE WITNESSES, THEN TO THE CHURCH AS A WHOLE




How might this be instituted in a local congregation?  CONGREGATIONAL AGREEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF IT.





Among churches in a geographical region? WITHIN DENOMINATIONS.

1 Corinthians 6:1-8

Q). How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? 

A). When Christians take each other to court It brings shame upon belivers for not being able to handle the affairs of their own community.


Q). How should disputes be settled between believers?

A). Settling disputes between believers could be done by duly elected church elders, deacons, board members, etc. -- or by a panel of people appointed to this task.


Q). How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?

A). Settling disputes between members can be instituted by having clearly outlined procedures at voth the local congregation and geographical region
It hurts the Christian cause when Christians take other Christians to count because it shows the outside Christian community that there is a lack of brotherly love among the members and they can't get along, they cheat each other and is dishonest, and Christian leaders are not competent to settle their own disputes within the church. Disputes between believers ought to be handled by church believers. Such as a board of directors, elders, deacons, etc. Today, in our world we elect judges to rule in civil matters instead of handling matters between Christians by the church governing body. If we were to handle our matters ourselves within the church the board should be Christians that are no respect of person but are believers who are competent to makes the right decision in matters pertaining to Christian members. Churches in geographical regions matters can be handled in the same manner, by those members elected to handle civil matters between members of the church. It will just be more people on the governing body of the geographical churches.
Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) 

How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? 

How should disputes be settled between believers? 

How might this be instituted in a local congregation? 

Among churches in a geographical region?

The world will see us as not being able to sort out our own internal affairs or handle our own disputes, and that we have a problem with loving each other. It sends a message out to the world that there are cheats in the church, those who wrong their own brothers and sisters. What a bunch of hypocrites! We hang out our dirty washing for all to see. The Jews had settled their disputes either privately or in a synagogue. This they did for centuries. We as Christians have the gifts and resources of Christ and are surely qualified enough to sort out these differences. It may be that believers who take their fellow believers to court might be more concerned with revenge or gain than the unity of the church and the glory of Jesus Christ. Every believer, as rulers with Christ, will in some way judge the world. We read about this in Revelation 2:26-27 (CEV): “I will give power over the nations to everyone who wins the victory and keeps on obeying me until the end. I will give each of them the same power that my Father has given me. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash those nations to pieces like clay pots”. So surely, if we are one day to help rule the entire earth, we should be able to do so within our own church. Nothing will be different then. We have the same principles of wisdom and justice (the Word of God) now as that which the future will be based upon. 



When Christians have disputes that lead to court proceedings, it is a public slam against all we are called and gifted to be in Christ.  Scripture describes a lifestyle of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  We’re taught to deal with other believers who transgress us one-on-one, with the counsel and assistance of a few other wise mature Christians if necessary.  We should turn to the wisdom of God as our guide and mediation, not the tainted wisdom of the world’s judicial systems.  There’s a place and need for that system, but believers are to handle disagreements with each other “in-house” according to the wise guidelines of scripture.  Otherwise, it makes Christianity look like hypocrisy that is no different from the world.


A local congregation or even an association of churches could establish a board of mediators who are respected, wise, knowledgeable Christians who would hear both sides and use clear predetermined guidelines and procedures to give counsel for settling the matter.


How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court?

Christians are to hold to the highest standard - God's standard - and be able to take care of minor disputes within the congregation.  When Christians continually to the civil courts, it is showing that they are not very wise in following God.


How should disputes be settled between believers?

We are all brothers and sisters, wanting the best for each other.  When differences arise, the church is to have someone or committee listen to the offenses and then make decision about the situation that all have to obey.


How might this be instituted in the local congregation?

The elders of the congregation should appoint, more than one, person to hear and make judgment in minor cases.  All spiritual matters must be decided by the elders.


Among churches in a geographical region?

I believe that each local congregation is self-ruling, and not under any higher authority.


It hurts the Christian cause when members take each other to civil court because it appears we as a body of Christ are no different than the world. Everything we profess to believe, as in love for one another, forgiveness, esteeming others as more important than self, generous giving and not judging seem to have no merit in a believers life when we are quarreling with one another and taking those quarrels into a public arena to be judged.


Disputes should be settled between believers within the church. First, believers in dispute should humbly address the situation among themselves and if no agreement can be agreed on, then we should enlist the help of leadership to listen and who (with no favoritism) will decide with wisdom what should be done. Then, it is up to the ones in dispute to honor the decision of the leadership, to move forward in love and forgiveness towards each other and to drop the matter!


In the local congregation this would be instituted through either the Pastor, Pastors or Elders.


Among churches in a geographical region? I believe that a member who feels wronged in some way by a decision handed down in the local church, can appeal to a higher authority in the church such as a district head. All avenues though, should be exhausted within the local church first. Sometimes, we have to admit that the church is not perfect and there is favoritism or pride involved in decisions handed down in the church. God is our defender though when we are in truth and when we go to a higher authority, they are often removed enough from the local perspective to give a weightier decision in wisdom. This shouldn't be a common practice though and used only if a dispute is of a serious nature and an outright injustice is handed down. 


The love we're known to have for each other is not there.  Gets unbelievers thinking they would have no desire to be like us.


Believers should be able to settle things on their own, first.

Then appointed men should act as a third party to help council.


Representatives of each church could be chosen to mediate in a larger area.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? How should disputes be settled between believers? How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?

When Christians take each other to court it shows that the love is not evident in the church. It also shows the community that the church is not all that it is supposed to be. Causing our neighbors to be undecided if they would come and belong to the church.

Disputes should be handled within the church membership, elders or some that are able to decide such cases.

Churches in a large regional area should bring their complaints to the church hierarchy in the region of which their congregation belongs.     


Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court?


In the eyes of the world we can't run our own affairs if we have to take our internal squabbles to a secular court.

A curious set of circumstances comes to mind here. Thirty years ago I received a letter from a fellow who claimed to have had a revelation from God concerning the local churches in our area. He wrote to every denomination that had similar worship practices, i.e. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, AOG CLC etc and revealed what he claimed God had told him. God apparently had appointed him as a watchman to guard against false teachings and other matters of worship and service. He refused to come under the discipline of his denomination, which I think was Christian Life Center but I really can't remember after all this time. Instead he re-doubled his efforts to try and convince everyone that he was a genuine watchman. After a few of these letters, I then received a letter from the head guy at CLC. In desperation he had to take out a legal restraining order to try and stop this lunatic from contacting people.

What do we do in a situation like that?




How should disputes be settled between believers?


The outlines given here suggest that it's the job of the eldership of the local church to settle disputes and to render judgements. If the elders have a bias to one party or the other they should excuse themselves from judging the case and appoint someone else wise enough to do so who is impartial.




How might this be instituted in a local congregation?


See my answer to the above question.




Among churches in a geographical region?


If there is a dispute between two local churches of a particular denomination the administrators of the denominaiton need to step in.

If the dispute is between two churches of different denominations . . . I got nothin'. ha ha!





Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? How should disputes be settled between believers? 


Question 6.1

Taking your Christian brother to court was especially hurtful in Corinth because (a) the Greeks had a tradition of litigation.  This litigation was carried on mainly by the rich people who often sued someone who was less rich than they. In this way they could spend more on lawyers and bribes in order to win in court.  As well they often pulled the poor into court and took their few possessions.  This based upon the writings of the prophets Paul would be quite concerned about.  In fact he has written about the matter in other places.  Also (B) this type of behavior did not fall into the definition in line with the teachings of Christ - this behavior falls far below the Christian standard of love your neighbor as yourself.  Christians, followers of Christ should rather bear insult and injury to body and purse than inflict pain and suffering in another.
Disputes should be handled with love.  Often, however, the one who offers the insult is not even aware of their rudeness.  Maybe all that is needed is for the hurt person to approach the hurter and explain how their actions were hurtful.  Some churches have a committee that could serve in this purpose.

How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each to court?


It conveys to the general community that Christians lack the attributes outlined in the Bible, namely love,forgiveness or even the ability to govern itself.


How should disputes be settled between believers?


They should follow the steps outlined in the Bible that a wronged brother should approach on a one to one basis if this doesn't bring a solution then one or two witnesses are brought in to hear the case. If this again doesn't produce an answer the problem goes before the selected elders. Christians should sort out their problems in house.


How might this be instituted in a local congregation?


The congregation should be made aware through Bible instruction of the avenues available to settle disputes. The pastor, elders or mature members be elected to form the panel.


Among churches in a geographical region?


Although possibly rare used it would be good to see all churches united and maintaining the standards of God's word.


When one Christian takes another to civil court it is a poor witness and testimony to the love, unity, and fellowship that a Christians are supposed to share.  It is a witness to the world that there is no difference between the Christian community and the world. 


Disputes can be settled between believers by communicating with each other in faith/community and/or before some form of church leadership and/or selected persons of the church to act as judges or mediators.  With denominational differences, I do not see how this could possibility work in today's world.  Denominationally, civil courts could be set up along  denominational structural lines.




Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? How should disputes be settled between believers? How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?



The Church hurts when Christians take each other to court because love is not shown by such action. Furthermore, the Church has abdicated its role to the civil courts.


Paul directs believers to settle cases between each other through certain appointed/ selected members who can determine cases between members of the body.


The Board of elders can take the role of judging cases between the members or else a panel can also be set up to judge cases.


The way it hurts the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court is the outside community don’t think that we can love each other. If we have a dispute in the church we should have the elders or leaders of the church decide the issue. I don’t know how we might institute this in a local congregation or on a geographical location.

  • 1 month later...

How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court?

1.  It will bring shame among Christians for not be able to handle their affairs of their own community.


How should disputes be settled between believers?

2.  Appoint, as judges, men from church.


How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?       

3.   The church has the authority to appoint judges (elders, deacons, board members) to consider disputes. 


Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court? How should disputes be settled between believers? How might this be instituted in a local congregation? Among churches in a geographical region?


Going outside the church processes is giving the wrong message to the world that we cannot or will not use our internal processes; that we do not trust our own processes.  Disputes between believers that cannot be settled one on one should therefore be reducted and dealt with using the internal church processes designed for this purpose and therefore handle their oen disputes resolutions..

  • 11 months later...

By taking each other to court, we are not showing others the love of God. We are actually turning our backs on the word of God and the teachings of Christ. We are turning to pagan ways. We should take our brothers to church. We should have either the spiritual leader (pastor) settle the problem or maybe a group of elders. We can have trained people in mediation to here these cases. They would be able to use the words of the bible and the love and justice of God to solve the problems.

  • 6 years later...

Q1. (1 Corinthians 6:1-8)

How does it hurt the Christian cause when Christians take each other to court?

How should disputes be settled between believers?

How might this be instituted in a local congregation?

Among churches in a geographical region?

An overall picture is created that Christians cannot get along with each other or cannot tolerate each other. There is no love between members/brethren. Another thing, I guess,  the thought does come up . . . They are still human, but can they not sort out their differences between each other. themselves? Do they have to use outsiders (the local court system) to do this?

Disputes between believers should be resolved between themselves. In the church body.

The leaders of the local congregation, have the authority to appoint people in this position.

i think if it is of a more serious nature and cannot be settled in the local congregation, then it would be handed over to the higher authority of that denomination. To the body/umbrella they are affiliated with,or fall under, or the leadership they are accountable to.


  • 1 year later...

I suppose it would "hurt the Christian cause" if the judge and jury knew that they both were Christians, but why would this come out in a courtroom? 


Believers should hold themselves to a higher standard than unbelievers. We need to turn the other cheek, not press forward in court. We need to swallow our pride and anger and be humiliated. If both parties were willing to be humiliated, there would be no dispute to resolve for both would rather give in than fight. The issue of Christians taking other Christians to court could be one of pride.


I was once in a church that voted to leave its denomination because the denomination had decided to ordain women and gays, change the hymnal to "inclusive language," and force Sunday School material that was decidedly on one side of the political ledger. In response, the church voted to join a related, more conservative denomination. Immediately, the old denomination attempted to seize the church building and assets. Unfortunately for them, there were several top-notch lawyers in the congregation who hatched a plan to load up the church with debt thus making it impossible for the denomination to seize it. (The denomination was unable to afford high debt payments.) All of this took place both inside and outside civil courts. 

I felt very uncomfortable during this mess. The anger in the church was palpable -- the anger in the denomination over one of it's largest churches leaving was equally potent. In the end, when the church left the denomination, it kept it's buildings and funds, but only after it went through the court system. Successfully.

Was there an alternative? I don't know for certain, but don't think so. 


This may not be a good response to Pastor Ralph's question which had more to do with individuals in the church, not the church itself.

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