Pastor Ralph Posted October 23, 2003 Report Posted October 23, 2003 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted October 26, 2003 Report Posted October 26, 2003 Right now we are still living "in the world" where generally speaking is about our living together with all kinds of people from all walks of life with different kinds of views and beliefs - believers and unbelievers at that. Not "of the world" means that as professing Christians, we should not live as the world lives who doesn't know Jesus in their lives, satisfying their fleshly and worldly desires without the fear of the Lord. Rather, we should serve as salt and light to them, sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus the Christ - the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We should live our lives by example - what we confess, we also do and act on it by God's grace. There should be a difference shown from a life "taken out of darkness into His marvelous light" - a life "in the world" but not "of the world". Hallelujah!!! Quote
jesus4al Posted October 29, 2003 Report Posted October 29, 2003 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? Rev.18:4 "Come out of her, my people," ... This is not a request. This is a command. As to the 'How' and 'When' ... M't. 11:15 "Those who have ears, let them hear." All that we have is today. I believe that we choose to sleep today or we choose to obey, today! Psalm 63:1 Seek HIM early. Love ...Bro. Al Quote
ccs Posted October 29, 2003 Report Posted October 29, 2003 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? Where do you think the balance lies? We are made separate by God Quote
MannyVelarde Posted October 29, 2003 Report Posted October 29, 2003 Jesus never intended for us to be a hermit from the world, because how would we tell them about Him? We should not take on the world - - to live as the world lives. To accept what the world teaches. In first John 4:1 - - we are told to test the spirits....we should measure all we do and say against the word of God - - sometimes it is not a comfortable position to be in. We should not condemn the world, but we should lovingly point to what is sin and what is tru for God. We are aliens of this world and the world is commanded right now by Satan. We need to be Holy - - set apart from the world Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted October 30, 2003 Report Posted October 30, 2003 I think we need to live in this world bearing our banners as being one of those who stand out as being different. I don't think we should isolate ourselves from the world but use our lives to show unsaved people what the difference is between a believer and a non-believer. I am reading Jerry Jenkins' book "Soon"where the Christians, in order to remain living and working for God, had to go underground. Tthey had powerful forces looking for them in order to destroy them and their testimony. The way the world explains away God's miracles in the book make for intersting reading. I am wondering though how long I could hide my Christian beliefs. My esponse of "Praise the Lord" when I hear a good report would have to be changed. My response to a need "Would you like me to pray with ou" would have to be curbed. I would have to hide or give up my 15 to 20 Bibles. Actually the focus of my life would be moved and the adjustment would be difficult. My prayer is "Come soon Lord Jesus". Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted October 30, 2003 Report Posted October 30, 2003 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? We cannot and must not distance ourselves from the political process! Because Christians have been too silent, our country is turning from God, on Whom our nation was founded, to anything goes if you feel like it! As Christians, we MUST stand for His principles. How? By being the "salt and light" that Christ said we must be--standing up for His law and standing behind our elected officers who demonstrate their reliance on Him! We must be in prayer for these leaders, as well as pray for God's will to be done in the world before it is too late! If we draw out of the world, we cannot be salt and light for God to them! Yes, we must not be "of" the world, but lead to the truths of God that are not negotiable--if we want to bring our country back to Him! The balance? Each person must follow God's lead in his/her life as to how we can serve Him best. When we do that, we will find when and where we must be--in, but not of the world, or withdrawn from it, in order to spend time in prayer for our world. Quote
aguilar-j Posted October 30, 2003 Report Posted October 30, 2003 As christians we have been given a new covenant and as part of the covenant we must live in this world, not only preaching, but living by faith, as little as we have. We came from darkness and today we live in the light of the Spirit by God's grace. I let every one know that I am a Christian by the way we hold a conversation and by the way I act, and I do every thing in His name The balance is with in God and I am learning to let go and let God. I learned that life is difficult With man many things are not possible With God every thing is possible. Please let this little group be in prayer for the relief of the many people that suffer the fires for those who lost their lives and for those that still with us. Thank you. Be with God always. Jesus A. Quote
gripofhisgrace Posted October 31, 2003 Report Posted October 31, 2003 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? God put us in the world for a reason. He did not hide us in caves or give us our own separate planet. He gave us this world so that we might testify so that all may become believers. We must live in this world but we must keep our priorities straight and remember our focus is on God and Godly living. How do we fufill the command: , "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...." I think it means that when it is the appointed time for each of us, we must make that split second decision to let go of this world and go to God. susan Quote
Helen Williams Posted October 31, 2003 Report Posted October 31, 2003 There is no middle in this case. We are or we are not. We live in this world but we are a peculiar people. We are a light to a dark world. We come in contact with a lot of people but we are to influence them not be influenced by them. We are about winning soul. Even though we live in this world we do not have to do as the world do especially if it is against the word of God. What is your stand in this world? Do you stand out or you a part of the crowd? We really need to separate ourselves now because there will come a time of separation. GLORY BE TO GOD! Quote
Jen Posted October 31, 2003 Report Posted October 31, 2003 We are born into this world so we have no choice. As the other person said (don't remember who) we weren't put on another planet. but I know that since I have known the Lord my desires are different and I don't desire the things I used to and I don't "fit" in.. When I think about the prophets many of them seemed like hermits. I think its sometimes a price we pay for being christian so I don't know that that is wrong but they were salt and spoke Gods truth and that is what we should do and our lives public and private also should because God sees what we do and because we should want to do whats right and love the truth. Paul says in Philippians "only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ" Its easy to spout off words but it requires work ( however it furthers our process of sanctification). I pray tht you will all lives lives that are worthy of the gospel of Christ and me too. I just know I have a long way to go. Sometimes I have wondered if God has given up on me but He says He will complete the good work He started in me. God Bless Number6:24-26 Jen Quote
jaunita Posted October 31, 2003 Report Posted October 31, 2003 [One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes] HAHAHAHA!!! Sorry but I had to laugh! "hermits?" yes, that would be great! but it ain't happening. I have to admit, there are times I wish I could find a nice comfortabe cave, set up house and stay there, until the Lords return..esp. in the world as it is today. (don't tell me no one else taking this study, has never felt the same...remember, all liars.....!) If the only reason we got saved was to go to heaven, God 'woulda' struck us dead, when we got up from the alter. We are told to occupy until He comes. We are in this world, in the sense of occupying it, but we definitly are not a part of it! I have found the world and its system, a mystery to me anymore; I don't understand 'it'..and it sure doesn't understand me, as a Christian. Salt and Light...yes I see in the Word, we are to be just that; But again, I don't believe the Word means we are to 'take-over' by conquering the world..this sounds too much like 'dominion teaching' which I don't adhere to. We're not going to 'cleanse' anything...only the blood of the Lamb, can cleanse anyone. We are, as it says in Mark, to 'preach the Gospel, (good news), lay hands on the sick, cast out devils, etc. ["Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? When?] We are called out of the world at the time of our receiving salvation; But just as the children of Israel, were taken out of Egypt, it took God 40 yrs. to take Egypt out of them. I believe today though, we have no '40 yrs.'...God is calling all believers to leave the world, and its ways behind...for the time of His great appearing is almost upon us. Praise God! love you all..jaunita Quote
ckghayden Posted November 1, 2003 Report Posted November 1, 2003 Positive self-talk and big bank accounts will provide no security for the proud from a fall. Do not be materialistic or go along with shifting ethics we see on tv, magazines, or movies. Instead, reach out to others, to be the hands of Christ in their lives. Hold life precious and do not devalue human life. We are not living for Christ if we have selfish motives. If we respond to God's offer of mercy by trusting in Christ's sacrifice of Himself and declaring Christ as Lord in our lives we do not ever have to face the wrath of God. Quote
TennLady01 Posted November 2, 2003 Report Posted November 2, 2003 We live in this world we do not separate ourselves from the people. It is our calling to reach the lost for Jesus to do that we must still talk to them and be around the ones of this world. We are different and must stay different for we are Holy and called to do the word of our Lord. We must live in this world but we must keep our priorities straight and remember our focus is on God and Godly living. How do we fulfill the command: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins." I think it means that when it is the appointed time for each of us, we must make a decision to let go of this world and live our lives for Jesus and do what he has called us to do. He commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel unto every one. We are not to be of this world even though we are in it. We are different and they should see we are different Holy and Righteous not by our on power but that of the blood of Jesus. Thank you Jesus for giving your life so we may live Holy and Righteous before God through your blood. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted November 2, 2003 Report Posted November 2, 2003 We are not to be a part of the sin of this world but we are to live in this world until we are called home by our Lord or the rapture. We are not to pertake in the sins that are going on and all that is evil in this world. We need to separate ourselves from the sin and tell other about Jesus this is our calling. We are Holy and Righteous only through the blood of Jesus and that is why we are called saints of God and we live in this world to lead others to the truth. Quote
kitty Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 According to Mt 5:13-16 salt and light to the world. We should by our showing our actions and by our talk. This is how we should be salt and light to the world. We should not take part in the world's activites. Such as going to bars. Watching *****. Reading dirty magazines or books. I believe this is also where we should come out of the world, so we will not take part in the sin of the world. Quote
Liza Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 We are to stand out of the evil and godlessness like lights in the darkness, and we are called to be salt in that we are involved like Jesus in the lives of people who are sad and hurting. Our walk and talk should set us apart as God Quote
heatherdills Posted November 6, 2003 Report Posted November 6, 2003 Thye balance lies in not being full of the world, but involved enough to help people find their way to Christ. We should fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people," as soon as we accept the Lord, Jesus Christ, as our savior. We can do this by altering our lives to filter out the things that are not pleasing to the Lord and to start showing others the errors in their ways. (Not judge them, but give counsel when asked.) Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 12, 2003 Report Posted November 12, 2003 "Come Out My People is a Command".A call to leave the city. We are to be in this world but we must not let sin corrupt us.We must not fall as Babylon.We do not come to terms with the world in sin.Compromise with worldliness is fatal. Hear the voice of God to keep us from sin.Stay in His presence in worship and praise.Pray always,walk in His loving presence for guidance and direction.How can we keep from the evil system? 1.People must be more important than products. 2.Keep away from pride in your own programs,plans,and successes. 3.Remember God's will and Word must never be compromised. 4.People must always be considered above the making of money. 5.Do what is right no matter what the cost. 6.Be involved in businesses that provide worthwhile products or services-not just things that feed the worlds desires.(from: NIV,Life Application Study Bible. Be not a slave of sin in this world"seperate Yourselves"Be a light to the people of this world.Where ever you go walk in His presence,may your shadow be like Paul's.Amen Quote
dparker777 Posted November 14, 2003 Report Posted November 14, 2003 If you read & study Gods word there will be no questions about balance. Christ walked in the world wveryday but was not of the world. As a student of Gods word you know right from wrong, when to walk away. When you know what is going on around you is not Gods will you should walk away- be not of this world. Quote
dantanc Posted November 15, 2003 Report Posted November 15, 2003 God's invitation to come out of "her", is typical of loving God in His call to sinners of all ages that they turn to Him, which is repentence. Unless we are in this world, yet living purely, we can not witness to the lost souls. And our Lord asked us to do so and we can only witness with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even one soul saved is precious to God.!!!! Quote
Helen Posted November 30, 2003 Report Posted November 30, 2003 This is the old balance that the Pharisees could not get right. They did not understand the priority of love for a brother, responsibility to parents etc. Without love, no amount of sacrifice of any kind has meaning. We are in the world, including the workforce (with its responsibilities) the political state of the nation, and the people around us, including those set over us. We are to adopt a positive and godly attitude, and be a light and salt in all these many areas, at the same time not participating in ungodly attitudes and motives, suggestive dress etc. Seeking God daily helps us get it right, remembering first love, counting our blessings, hating sin and that which separates us from God, not grieving the HolySpirit, but pleasing and delighting our Lord (as distinct from fellow man) and doing it all passionately, for our God is passionate about His children. Quote
Debora Posted January 29, 2004 Report Posted January 29, 2004 Q4. (18:4) We Christians are instructed to be "in the world" but not "of the world" (John 17:15-19). One interpretation has been to be hermits, ascetics, to distance ourselves from the political process, and to adopt stringent dress and behavior codes. Another interpretation is to be "salt and light" (Matthew 5:13-16) in the world so that we might bring about cleansing and change through God's spirit. Where do you think the balance lies? How and when should we fulfill the command, "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins...."? The balance lies in listening to what the Spirit says and knowing the word. We are to be sanctified by the word like John and live in the world but be not of the world. We are out of her and do not share in her sins if we are faithful and true and live our lives according to God's ways in daily life where knowledge of how to live comes by reading the word. If someone infringes on your values (truths, morals, standards of the word) then a line has to be drawn while living in the world. So, one must know the word to know where the balance lies. For example, do you stand up and speak out when you are forced to change your values, yes. Do you become silenced, no. To come out of her and fulfill the command, would be when you are forced in situation by authority you are under to do what you know is not right. Which may result in leaving a job, a church or family business so you do not defile yourself and remain faithful and true to your sanctification by the word; so you do not share in her sins. How easily can we be fooled if we are ignorant of the word. We are given a commission to go out into all nations and not become a hermit. We are His light to all peoples and we are to go and make a difference in the world, not to be of the world. We can be drawn into something that is sinful innocently without awareness if one does not know the truth or the word which puts ourselves into jeopardizing our own soul. We are each accountable and responsible for our selves and in the end to be judged. We are to be the salt. Salt is of the goodness of the earth which God created all what he did, he saw was very good. Pure salt made of sodium, Na+, in its elemental state is of crystal form in the earth. The bonding of many sodiums, Na+, is what makes salt which is held together by ionic bonding. A salt molecule is made by many sodiums joined together in a shape called, what is a lattice structure. Ionic bonding in lattice structure form is a very strong bonding of all types of bonding giving the salt molecule, strength. We are to be as he made things perfect, like salt and says we are the salt on earth among people then. To be salt is to be people of strength, united (like many sodiums are to make salt) and totally bonded to God (and each other only) and no other god. Salt has a characteristic as a substance to be used as a preservative. So we too then must support and stand up with each other and not hide away in a cave but, preserve the Christian identity in this world so the gospel, the Word, does not fade away into nothing or 'get trampled on'. We are to live fully in the midst of corruption and a world that is luxurious for we are commissioned by our Lord God. Jesus tells us, we are to love rather than be aloof to the people in the world. Pray for and love your enemies. We are to serve God and God says what we must do, and that is to do His will like His Son Jesus did, whom we now follow. And Jesus instructs us to be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves as we are sent out into the world among the wolves. Many needy people need to hear about Jesus, many souls are lost; we are for them as God's servants to reach the others in the world. But we do not fear when we go out, nor hide away, for He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. Amen and Hallelujah! Quote
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