Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? Quote
pickledilly Posted April 8, 2014 Report Posted April 8, 2014 Our human nature of pride and self-centeredness always leans us toward sin in rebelling against God to choose what we think or want over Him. We trust ourselves more than we trust Him. We naturally tend to rely on our own understanding and wisdom rather than submit to His. And satan knows that’s where he can steal, kill, and destroy. That’s where his opportunity lies to push us over the edge into all kinds of devastation and loss. In reliance on human knowledge and wisdom, we’re extremely vulnerable to his influence and temptations as well as our own weaknesses. This passage teaches us that we need to guard our thoughts and perceptions of how “strong” we are to battle temptation. When we let our guard down and think we’re strong enough and invincible, we’re at the highest risk of falling. No human being can escape this on our own because it’s inherent to being human. BUT GOD! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). God is always faithful and always stronger than the temptations we face! For those in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells, He will give power to stand against temptation that we have no ability of our own to resist. And He has promised in these verses that even as He allows temptation and trials to come against us, He has already provided the way of escape for His children. He is our answer to enduring and overcoming. So, we have to recognize our inability and gratefully submit to His unlimited capability. Quote
parkerslope Posted April 26, 2014 Report Posted April 26, 2014 What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? God has given us the power to choose between good and bad. Therefore when we face a decision time, we have to choose to resist or to sin. God does not want to have us choose Him automatically, but for us to want to choose to follow Him. What does this passage teach about our temptations? We all are tempted, but God will provide us a way to escape out of the temptation. What does it teach about God's help in temptations? When we are tempted, God is with us and will be with us throughout each temptation. God will help us find a way past each temptation so that we can overcome it. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Temptation What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? As long as we continue to justify our pet sins and not face them, they will keep us from being the man or woman of God that we could be. There is no temptation that God has not given us the way out. What does this passage teach about our temptations? Most of our temptations are because of our own evil desires. Everyone is tempted, not just certain individuals. God will be with me in all my temptations and will never let me down. What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? He will not let more come upon us than we can bear. He is always there to guide us through the temptation if we put our lives in His hands. God Bless. BROTHER MIKE. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? Pride ourselves on our knowlege and spirituallity. What does this passage teach about our temptations? The only temptation that has come to us is that which everyone has in common to human life.(The wrong desires that comes into your life aren't anything new and different. What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? God he will not permit you to be tempted more than you ca can stand. He will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to stand it. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 1 Corinthians 10:12-13Q). What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation?A). The real problem with temptation, James says, is our own evil desire: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own ****, and enticed." (James 1:13-14)#Q). What does this passage teach about our temptations?A). Our temptations are not unique to us. Temptation is part of the human condition. But God won't let us be tempted beyond our ability to resist.#Q). What does it teach us about God's help in temptation?A). God will help us find that "way out" if we seek him. He will give us the ability to endure the temptation. Quote
JanMary Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? We have a fallen nature which is naturally drawn to "the darker side".....we may be curious, or bored, or not wanting to miss out on what others are doing and seem to be enjoying. We have an enemy who assists in presenting temptation to us where he knows we are vulnerable or were vulnerable in the past when he came calling. What does this passage teach about our temptations? Temptations are not beyond human resistance and are common to all. What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? God is faithful to His Word and can be trusted to not allow us to be tempted and tried beyond our ability to resist or endure, and with the temptation He will always provide the way of escape that we may bear up under it patiently. Quote
WinstonY Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Question 2 We are driven by our desires. A desire for food, a desire for stuff, a desire for sex. These desires are essential to the continuation of the race. They are pleasureful by the grace of God. Sometimes the gratufaction of these desires becomes an obcession to us. When this happens we are focused on the act rather than the grace of God that has provided this wonderful pleasureful act. Now we have a sin for it becomes as if it were an idol ratjer than a gift from God. As these desires get out of hand they were considered as evils by Thomas Aquinas. Gradually as we become more fond of our pleasures and begin to abuse them the good in the desires begins to desipate and thete is less goodness in the pleasure. If the pleasure is eating than tje abusr becomes glutteney-this leads to s loss of good in the desire and an evilness has begun. (My understanding of Aquinas). This lessening of the good causes us to face temptations. Oftdn our temptations are the lessening of the good desires that have disapated into temptations and we must struggle with the aid of God through Jesus Christ against these temptations for God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity to withhold. Quote
hanks Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? One area in our human make-up which may cause us to fall is complacency. We may feel that we are mature, knowledgeable, and spiritually strong believers that cannot fall. We become self-confident and less dependent on the Word and the Holy Spirit and this leads to careless living. As carelessness increases, openness to temptation increases and resistance to sin decreases. When we feel most secure in ourselves - when we think our spiritual life is the strongest, our doctrine the soundest, and our morals the purest - we should be most on our guard and most dependent on the Lord. It is up to us to be vigilant and to live a disciplined life. We must acknowledge our Heavenly Father who is at work in us, and put our faith and trust totally in Jesus Christ. There is no room for arrogance and self-confidence. We should remember Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Paul assures us that none of our temptations are unique. The testings, trials, and temptations which we face are common to us all. When it comes to God’s help in temptations, Paul states that God does not promise to deliver us from temptation or testing, but that He does promise to limit its intensity. Furthermore, God will provide a way of escape, enabling us to bear it. With this in mind we should never become despondent or discouraged when passing through temptations and trials, remembering that no problem is too great for our Heavenly Father. As we know, some problems in life are never removed, but we do learn to accept them and to prove His grace is sufficient. Paul asked the Lord three times to remove a physical infirmity, which the Lord did not remove, but He did give Paul the grace to bear it. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 We as humans, have a fallen nature. We are driven by our own desires and to be fulfilled in those desires which lead us into sin. Our natural state is not one of goodness. We tend to walk in darkness and self absorption. This is the way of the world. We love self and desire to gratify self. Since our desire is to gratify self, we come into many temptations that lie to us and tempt us in ungodly ways. So we are tempted to sin. This passage teaches us that all are tempted to sin, but when we are tempted, God will help us and provide a way out for us. He will help us to remain steadfast under temptation. It is also good to note that being tempted is not sinning! Only when we rebel and take part in a sin from the temptation are we sinning! So we are wise to flee from sin and the temptation to sin and take our way out. That also means renewing our minds after being tempted too because a seed of temptation planted in our minds that is entertained there can lead to going back to sin! This could be anything from a temptation to moral failure, hatred in our hearts, arrogance towards another, love of money etc. so we need to renew our minds turning to the Holy Spirit for help. What we know about God is that He will be our ever present help in times of trouble and He is very faithful to help us!!! Quote
Delivered Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? This question takes me back to when the Second Adam (Jesus) was tested by the Adversary (Satan) - Satan waited until after the Son of God had finished fasting for 40 days and nights, when the flesh was, is, at its weakest stage that Jesus was tempted with, "the desires of the old nature" - "the desires of the eyes" AND "the pretensions of life" - However, the Son of God being filled with the Holy Spirit overcame all the temptations Satan presented to him as He spoke his final answer, "Get behind me Satan, for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord God, and it is him only that thou shall serve". The Son of God came to do the will of the Father, this takes me to the root of the testing, let us also be motivated with that of doing the will of God. The same testing was used in the Garden of Eden with the “First Adam”, ---- When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, (desires of the flesh), that it was a delight to the eyes, (desires of the eyes), and a tree to be desired to make one wise, (pretensions of life), that she and Adam (who was with her) took and ate, they together followed after the will of their "FLESH" instead of doing the will of God. So the question being, what about our human make-up that causes us to face temptation? My answer would have to be, we who believe in God's Son must be filled with the Spirit on a daily bases, so that we will be ready to face temptations when they come, there will be many times when we will be at our weakest and will need the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome, “REMEMBERING” that the power of the Spirit is generated through our "WILL" – our will to give honor and worship to the Lord God, for it is He who sent His Son, the "Lover of my Soul" What does this passage teach about our temptations? We are a new creation, therefore, let us “NOT” set our hearts on doing evil as they did when they made the golden calf and “Indulged in revelry” that of sexual play and idolatry ( Corinthians10:6 - 8) Let us walk the walk of faith, and do the will of God. What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? It is in my heart that I believe what the word has said, “We will not be tempted above what we are able to stand” it is through knowledge that I understand, it is in Him that I (we) have power to overcome, and to those who overcome, those who pass the test, they will receive their rewards. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? Our human make up that causes us to face temptations is that it is part of our human condition. Each of us has his or her particular weaknesses and over whelming desires. Plus our fall from the obedience to God in creation and in the garden of Eden, thus our condition was cursed. The passage in Corinthians 10:12-13 teaches us that temptations are not uncommon to man, God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. He tells us He will provide a way out of the temptation. Trails and temptations help us to rely on God for strength and toughen us up spiritually. Quote
Craig Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 Human-beings are a fallen race in rebellion against God. Sin, as defined by God's Word contained in the Bible, is the way of life for humans. When people repent of their sin (the sin of this world), walk away from world, and strive to follow God's way it goes against our nature. We are tempted to do what is natural for natural man. Temptation is common to all people because it is the way of this satanic world order in which we were born into. Therefore, every human-being is susceptible to sin and temptation to sin. However, God strengthens us to endure temptation and to overcome temptation. God will show us a way out of temptation. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 4, 2014 Report Posted May 4, 2014 We are all sinners tending towards that which comes naturally. We are all tempted. No temptation is not common to man. We can choose to follow our natural instincts or rely on God to bring us through. He knows what we can bear. Jesus has gone through temptations himself, so He understands us and will provide a way out so we can stand up under it. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 6, 2014 Report Posted May 6, 2014 I think that the human make-up that causes us to face temptation we are either finding an easier way out or we trying to find a comfortable way in this world. We are trying to always satisfy ourselves. This passage tells us that we are going to facing temptation but that God will always give us a way of not yielding to the temptation. Quote
van Posted May 7, 2014 Report Posted May 7, 2014 Temptation is a part of human condition. Being human, we will be tempted and it's not a Sin to be tempted, it becomes sin when it is carried out or thought on too long. Temptation is of the devil, it is not of God. God tempts no man. God also provides a way out for us through the temptation if we trust in Him. Quote
Rod Beenleigh Posted May 11, 2014 Report Posted May 11, 2014 What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? In our fallen state we are prone to many weaknesses or sins and therefore this opens us up to temptation. What does this passage teach about our temptations? There is no temptation that hasn't been experienced by humanity. What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? God is faithful, God is trustworthy, He will not allow us to tempted beyond what we can bear. He will also provide a way of escape.Flee and thank God for his protection Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 12, 2014 Report Posted May 12, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? We're part of fallen humanity. We don't have the ability to just ignore temptation. We're under the power of sin. As Christians we have the Holy Spirit in us who enables us to resist temptation but we still have our human side that wants to give in. That's the way it's gonna be until we die. What does this passage teach about our temptations? Even if we think we're all alone in facing a particular tenmptation we're not. All temptation is common to man. Somewhere in the world another Christian is facing exactly what we're facing. What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? God provides a way of resisting temptation. However it's not always easy to take the road God provides. Quote
haar Posted May 26, 2014 Report Posted May 26, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? Temptation comes from our own heart desires. But God has given us the power through the holy Spirit to fight and win temptation and will not abandon us or allow temptation to floor us but will help us to fight to win. We must thus not just easily throw up the towel and give in. Quote
dixonle Posted June 23, 2014 Report Posted June 23, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? Sometimes in our wisdom, we get too confident, or over confident, that we have it all together and that sets us up for the fall. If we are not prepared or lost within our “smartness”, the fall can have quite tragic consequences. We are not immune for the temptations “or” from sin. Temptation is a reality for us all, as it was for Jesus, except He never gave into the temptations, like we do a lot. The devil is smart and know where our vulnerability is, and he will slip in almost unnoticed and overwhelm us with the surprise temptation. But God promised throughout His matchless Word, that He will never leave us, that He will always be with us to help in our times of need. He will never allow the temptation or trial to be more than we can handle as He will give us what we need to overcome the situation. All we really have to do through our faith is to rely/lean on Him and seek His wisdom and strength. Quote
blezed Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? 1. Everyone is tempted. It is part of human nature. What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God’s help in temptation? 2. The passage teach us about temptation to sin. God tests us, but he never tempts us to do wrong. Temptation is part of the human condition, but God is with you in your temptations. He will not desert you. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability to resist. God will provide a way out so you can endure the temptation without falling. Quote
JoanG Posted June 20, 2015 Report Posted June 20, 2015 I feel that old habits are hard to break. I find myself actually thinking about and falling into old habits at times. I remember how much fun they were or how much I gave up to follow Christ and I find myself wanting to go back to them. I realize that God is not testing me but it is actually the devil. And I also realize that God it there with a way our of the temptation if we are willing to listen and follow his advice. We need to be honest in our prayers and thoughts and feelings. Quote
Irmela Posted May 31, 2022 Report Posted May 31, 2022 Q2. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13) What about our human make-up causes us to face temptation? What does this passage teach about our temptations? What does it teach us about God's help in temptation? When we become proud and think we are capable of standing on our own, we need to be most careful, for then, we are most likely to fall into temptation and lose the battle. Alone we cannot make it. the tempter knows when we are most vulnerable. In this passage we find that though we are tempted, we need never face that temptation alone. !) No temptation will be meted out that has not been used before, i.e., someone else has had to endure that same kind of temptation. 2) We will not be tempted beyond that which we can handle. 3) With the temptation, God will provide a way of escape. 4) The escape will enable you to endure the temptation. 5) Most importantly, GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!!!! God is always there, hands on, to help us in the temptation. We need never face it alone. Quote
Krissi Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 Paul says there two sides of our nature which constantly war against each other. His idea is that our sin nature is never completely defeated (until His return?) Sin is a shape-shifter -- it keeps reappearing in different, more subtle guises. So as the years of being a Christian pass and we mature in Him our ability to see our own sins lessens because those sins, in themselves, have become more subtle as well as interwoven and disguised in goodness. Teasing apart sin from good is strangely difficult. I had always read this passage as if it spoke of trials not temptations -- Pastor Ralph has shown I was wrong. God tempts us with evil. He does not merely look the other way while Satan is tempting us, thus "permitting" evil temptations; to say this is to deny His sovereignty and power. God is sovereign. He is sovereign over evil. If He wanted to protect a person from being tempted or experiencing evil, He would and could. It is simply the case that He neither stops evil in our lives nor stops temptation. Even the verse which says He'll only let us be tempted so far suggests that He had wanted evil in our lives to that point. So, yes, He tempts us with evil though He does not want us to succumb to it. It is a mystery that God puts evil in our lives, limits it and then provides an escape. Yet this is what scripture says so it must be true. The Hebrews verse is instructive -- we are tempted, we are surrounded by evil; we struggle to not succumb to that temptation and flee evil; that struggle may cost us our lives, "the shedding of blood." Escaping evil may make martyrs of us. This is God's will. I find it extremely difficult to square the continuing presence of evil in a Christian's life with a loving God. I pray to understand, or at least have peace about this. Quote
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