Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Quote
pickledilly Posted April 10, 2014 Report Posted April 10, 2014 Koinōnia means communal participation with what is shared in common, a unified spiritual fellowship together. The blood and body of Christ were not given in sacrifice for a select group or community of people on earth. (Part of the reason the Jews rejected Him is that they expected an exclusive deliverance.) Christ gave Himself for every single person who would ever exist that would publicly confess He is Lord and privately believe in the heart that God raised Him from death in victory over sin (Romans 10:9). And so every believer is part of one community, a Body that Christ has established and continues to assemble. We are one family and each believer is a “sibling” with an equitable share in one Savior, one Father, one faith unto salvation, one Spirit, one baptism, one hope for eternity. As we share in the gift of His sacrificed blood when we come together in the remembrance of the Lord’s Supper, we take part in the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ that secured redemption for each of us. We are not to come with divided beliefs on this core issue of our faith, as we share in Christ’s victory over sin and His defeat of death. We are not to come with rituals, traditions, and unbiblical or pagan religious practices that compromise the unity and holiness this sacrifice has established for us, as we now share in Christ’s anointing and His personal intimate relationship with the Father. We are not to come with any arrogance or divisive attitudes of superiority as we equally share in His inheritance and glory! What I see in participation with His blood and body is the divine call to be willing to die to our own lives of the flesh in order to walk in the unity of His life, to be broken and poured out so that we join together in seeking to accomplish God’s grand will rather than our own selfish desires, and to bond together in sacrifice of all that we are and have for the glory of God alone. Quote
parkerslope Posted April 26, 2014 Report Posted April 26, 2014 What does koinonia mean? Koinonia means to "participate in" something. Like participating in, becoming a part of, what is being done. Participating in the Lord's Supper means to eat the bread and drink of the cup together in one group in Jesus name. What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? It means that I am immersed, with Jesus, in His blood sacrifice for the penalty of sin. What does it mean to "participate" of "share" in the body of Christ? It means that I have put my sins into His body for forgiveness. Quote
Bondservantmccue Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 Question 3 (1st CORINTHIANS 10:16-18) What does koinonia mean? "Communion" "sharing" "participation" In means sharing something in common with others. What dos it mean to "participate" or "share " in the blood of Christ? As a BROTHER and sister in the same relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, we share in the meaning of the blood covers our sins. We cannot mix that precious blood with any pages worship. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? The share which one has in anything What does it mean to “participate or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Rom 8:17 now if we are children then we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. As an heir of God whatever belongs to God is ours by inheritance, His nature, His grace, His power belong to us. Quote
Sank T Monius Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 1 Corinthians 10:16-18 Q). What does koinonia mean? A). koinonia means sharing something in common with others. # Q). What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? A). It means that I have a claim upon the blood of Christ shed for me and for all my Christian brothers and sisters. I am a shareholder in the cross. Quote
hanks Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Koinōnia – Sharing something with others. When we participate or share in the blood and body of Christ we speak of fellowship with Christ, of taking part and becoming involved in His glorious ministry for us. We have all been saved through the offering of His blood and body on the cross of Calvary and that we are therefore members of His body. All believers, though many, are one body in Christ, represented by that one loaf of bread. All partake of that one bread in the sense that all have fellowship in the benefits that flow from the giving of the body of Christ. So, when believers drink of the cup and eat of the loaf at the Lord’s Table, they are in a spiritual way, having fellowship with our Lord and Saviour; remembering His death and entering into a communion with the risen Lord. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Koinonia means participating in and sharing in with others. To participate or share in the blood of Christ is experiencing a unity as believers. We all share in redemption through the body of Christ who was sacrificed for us. We are now a complete body and all members are equally a part of the body. The example of the loaf of bread is a visual we do well to take in. There is one body (the loaf) and we each have a part in that. We each partake of the body in unity. In Christ, we are many but we are one too no one being more important than the other. All united in Christ. This is the same when we drink the cup. We are united in the blood of Christ and Christ is present when we drink. One bread, one body,One Lord of all. One cup of blessing which we bless. And we, though many, throughout the Earth... We are one body in this one Lord. Quote
JanMary Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? United in Worship, shared fellowship, communion and above all, intimacy What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? As we take Communion we share both in receiving the Body and Blood of Christ and all that He has given us through His finished work on the Cross, as well as sharing in koinonia / fellowship with our brothers and sisters who share our faith in Jesus. Union with Jesus, union with brothers and sisters in Christ...God's family gathered around the supper table which is a type and shadow of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb which we will duplicate in reality in Heaven. "Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!" Quote
Delivered Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What Koinonia means to me is that of commonness that unites believers together, that of a "PARTNERSHIP". What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ or in the body of Christ? What it means to me is -- It is because of the blood of the Christ that I am called into "PARTNERSHIP" with Him, therefore, my soul is not comfortable eating or sharing the cup sacrificed to idols, my heart speaks, it makes no sense to me, for there is no common ground or bonding together, there is no joy. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Greek koinonia translated to English means to "participate", "communion", "sharing", sharing something in common with others. We are shareholders in the cross. A participant and sharer in the sacrifice Christ has made for us. When we Christians gather together to celibate and share in the sacrifice of Christ, the bread we break represents the participation we have in the body of Christ. In the sharing of the wine, which represents His blood, we are participating in the sacrifice He has made for us. Quote
WinstonY Posted May 4, 2014 Report Posted May 4, 2014 Question 3 Koinonia means to participate or share in or to have communion with someone inor especially in a group. In the Christian sense it means to oartake in the eucharist celebrations of the tradition. As we do thiscommu ion thre is cr.eated a Koinonia not only with Christ but also with the community that is sharing with you. There ic a sharing of a common meal, The sharing of a common experience and there is the shaping of the common love with each other-this grows every time the eucharist is served. Another form of Koinonia is worship. When we worship together we again have Koinonia. Here the 'eye' gets lost in the 'WE' AND the We get lost in Christ. Our Western culture has become so individualastic we ha forgotten our common roots. We as Christians need to order our lives in such a way that Koinonia becomes a crucial part of our lives. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 4, 2014 Report Posted May 4, 2014 Means communion, sharing, participation. When we are members of a body, we need to look around us to see if what we do may hurt someone else. We can't be a participater and commune with Christ as a body and commune, share with others in sacrifices.... Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 6, 2014 Report Posted May 6, 2014 To describe the believers relationship to the blood and body of Christ. The meaning to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ is to take the symbol of the blood and bless God for Jesus. Quote
Craig Posted May 7, 2014 Report Posted May 7, 2014 Koinonia means sharing or participating in something common with others. As applied to the Christian walk it means sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Participating in communion symbolizes this koinonia among Christians. Participating in communion symbolizes the unity in Christ that all believers have in Christ. Christians are one in Jesus Christ. The sharing of one loaf of bread and one cup of wine during communion symbolizes the unity of Christians have in Jesus Christ. Quote
van Posted May 7, 2014 Report Posted May 7, 2014 Koinonia means to share in something with others. Paul uses this word koinōnia to describe the believer's relationship to the blood and body of Christ which Christ Himself sacrificed for us.The bread representing is body which was broken for us, and the wine representing His blood which was shed for us. Quote
Rod Beenleigh Posted May 11, 2014 Report Posted May 11, 2014 What does koinonia mean? The word koinonia speaks of a partnership, close union, and brotherly bond. In secular Greek it means a common enterprise, partnership or association. What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? To feed and nourish our fellowship with Christ Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? A community of like minded people. Participation in a common activity. What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? By taking communion we share in the sacrifice of Christ made on our behalf. It is an acknowledgement that we accept His sacrifice for our redemption. We are baptized into union with Christ. An outward demonstration of that is to partake in the Lord's Supper. Quote
haar Posted May 27, 2014 Report Posted May 27, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? koinonia means participation, sharing or communion, having a common stake in something with others. In this case participating in Christ sacrifice with other believers through the Holy Communion where bread (one loaf and one ) are symbolically shared to demonstrate the unity of the body. Quote
dixonle Posted June 24, 2014 Report Posted June 24, 2014 Q3. (1 Corinthians 10.16-18) What does koinonia mean? What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? “Koinonia” refers to a sharing or participation together which in this verse is stating that we are all one in Christ, and we join together in Holy Communion, publicly stating through this action of faith that we are “one” with the LORD. This sacrament is a time set apart to remember and celebrate what Christ did for us on the cross. We share together in His sacrifice for our sins/forgiveness/reconciliation/redemption. Quote
blezed Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to “participate” or “share” in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Koinonia mean participation, sharing something in common with others To participate or share in the blood of Christ or the body of Christ shows believers relationship, sharers in the sacrifice of Christ for us. Quote
JoanG Posted June 20, 2015 Report Posted June 20, 2015 Koinonia means to share or participate together on common ground. To share in the blood of Christ is to remember together that Christ's blood was shed for us on the cross. As his blood poured out of his body, all of our sins were washed cleaned. The body of Christ is a reference to the new church that was established by his death and resurrection. He is the head of the church but we as a collective make up the body. Quote
Irmela Posted June 1, 2022 Report Posted June 1, 2022 (1 Corinthians 10:16-18) What does koinōnia mean? What does it mean to "participate" or "share" in the blood of Christ? Or in the body of Christ? Koinonia means to share with, to participate, to have communion. To participate or share in the blood or body of Christ means to have part in, to be part of the sacrifice . To be one with. To be united. This means to be united with horizontally and vertically, with Christ, the sacrificial LAMB, and the one's participating in the "communion". Quote
Krissi Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 Though the word "Koinonia" is found only once in the Old Testament it is in dozens of verses in the New Testament. Obviously it's an important concept for Paul, but why? I'm thinking about the circumstances of the writing of the Corinthian letter. Paul, as a Jew, knew that being a Jew or Israelite was an identity that created unity. (This is why many Jews today fear "out-marriage" because Judaism as a religious identity is balanced precariously the three-legged stool of blood, belief and common history; all these are threatened.) The church expanded the concept of the "chosen" to include people who didn't share Jewish blood or history, but saw themselves as the continuation or fulfilment of Jewish faith, a faith had been substantially changed by Christ Himself. So the church, without a common genetic and social history, had to constantly remind believers of their shared identity or unity in the face of social/cultural centrifugal forces that pressured it to splinter. I'm a part of a Christian tradition -- Anglicanism -- that uses one "common chalice" and one loaf of bread during the eucharist. The minister breaks the loaf into pieces in front of the congregation, as Pastor Ralph mentioned. I've always thought it was a beautiful ritual ... one cup and loaf for many believers. The government's cruel and incompetent response to covid included changes in this ritual. Though the common chalice is back, now, many believers are more afraid of common disease than they desire to celebrate our common life in Christ. It's tragic. What it means to participate or share in the blood and body of Christ during the eucharist is beyond what I can write or understand. There exists a sliding scale which starts with the idea that the elements are purely symbolic, includes the Lutheran doctrine of "consubstantiation" (which seems like a compromise) and ends with the Roman view of transubstantiation. I'm closer to the symbolic end of this continuum. For me, to share in the blood/body of Christ is to remember or recall a powerful ceremony of what Christ had done on the cross with other believers. Quote
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