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Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose? Was he able to be authentic in doing so? What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

  • 2 months later...

Paul knew that in order to gain the ear and attention of a wide diversity of people, he had to relate to them where they were with a point of connection to their “world”.  (Same is true today!)  His charge was to take the gospel to the Gentiles and to the Jews, and he was uniquely qualified.  As a Christ-follower ministering to Gentiles, he was free from the legalistic observance of Jewish law.  But even with this liberty, he was willing to set aside his freedom from Law when necessary to minister to the people of his heritage and to humbly subject himself to Jewish rituals and customs in order to have opportunity to show them the truth.  I don’t see a problem with this because every law and rite revealed the coming Messiah and pointed the Jews to Him, not a false god.  Paul's participation was voluntary, not mandatory (which was done away with in Christ).  He could participate as an act of worship to Yahweh, who had now sent Messiah and fulfilled the promises of ultimate redemption from sin and liberty from captivity to Law, so this was not mere role-playing!  I believe Paul was completely authentic in relating to them this way because he was always first submitted to the Law of Love.


I’m not a vocational missionary, but in the mission trips I’ve participated in over the years, I’ve seen this.  You must go in with a respectful attitude toward culture and even beliefs – though your mission is to ultimately be an influence for change.  Without establishing a point of connection that opens the door to relationships and trust, a missionary cannot effectively impact varied people groups with the hope of the gospel.  That doesn’t mean compromising with evil, but it sure can mean setting aside some rights in Christ for a time.  We have to be willing to get outside our comfort zones and sometimes accept constraints we don’t actually have as Christians (ex. women covering our heads in Muslim culture or not wearing shorts in public when in Central American culture).  Even at home in our churches and the world around us, we have to do this in order to minister to people who are not “like us” from varied socio-economic stations in life and diverse belief systems.  The most important factor is humility and love for the sake of the gospel.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? Paul became all things to those he came in contact with because; he did not want to become a stumbling block to anyone.


What was his purpose? His purpose was to save, (to protect) and encourage them along their road of "FAITH" - Paul understood the great dangers that were behind idol worship, of which they came out of and practiced.


Was he able to be authentic in doing so? Absolutely he was authentic; the authenticity seen in Paul's life was his great love for his Lord and for others.

Love when it becomes one with a person, is the greatest power of motivation there is, even over death.


What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? The difference was, Paul was not "role-playing" - Paul's goal was not to please man, Paul wanted to do all he could to protect, to save these people from the forces that be, salvation is the beginning of the race we are about to run, for at the end of the "journey of life", we will all face the Lord and we will be judged -


Again I say, "Choose today whom you will serve".


Paul was out to do one thing--bring as many souls as he could to salvation.


He wants to get to know those he is witnessing to in a way they'll be able to understand the gift of salvation.


Yes.  It was his love for Jesus that let him love the lost.


He wasn't pretending to be someone he wasn't.


Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose?


To fulfill his calling...to preach the Gospel until his life was poured out like a drink offering. To plant churches and to encourage the saints wherever he was being led to travel.


 Was he able to be authentic in doing so?


Yes! There was not a phony bone in Paul's body....his motives were pure and Christ centered in order to further the Kingdom of God.


What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?


Role playing is pretending to be someone you are not, acting as you suppose they would act and saying what they might say. Paul's chameleon stance was simply sharing the part of his testimony which the hearers could most identify with.


What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?


I find that I do as Paul did at times....If my hearer has shared about having been sexually abused, I share that part of my testimony of healing and deliverance from the shame and horror which result from that type of abuse. Or my hearer might be extremely skeptical about the Gospel, so I might share how that's how I heard the Gospel in the beginning and how the Holy Spirit revealed the truth of the Gospel in a way which I could understand. If one has mentioned financial issues, I might share how we became homeless and how the Lord has provided for every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I don't consider that roleplaying because all of those things, and countless others are a part of His work in my life, such as overcoming the trauma of divorce, betrayal by one close to me, and so on. It's coming along side with compassion and being able to identify with the hearer.


At times it requires being inconvenienced or giving up time when I had a different plan. Humbling myself in sharing difficult things if the Spirit leads, when I'd rather not. Basically it means giving up my will for His Will, my plans for His plans, my time for His timing...and the rewards are always far greater than what I was about anyway! There is unspeakable joy in sharing Christ with another, or in encouraging someone along their path, in service to our King!


Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? TO DRAW ALL MEN TO CHRIST.



What was his purpose? TO AVOID LOSING ANY



Was he able to be authentic in doing so?  NOT WITHOUT QUESTION, BUT HE DID



What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? HIS INTENTIONS AND HIS HEART



What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to? TIME


Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose? Was he able to be authentic in doing so? What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to? 

Paul's purpose in being all things to all people was to win souls for the Lord .

I would say from the success that he had that he was authenic.

I differnce is that Paul was in christ as he bevame a chamelom.

I am willing to give of my time and momey.

1 Corinthians 9:15-22

Q). Why did Paul "become all things to all men"?

A). Paul will do anything necessary to win people to Christ. "...I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." (1 Corinthians 9:22)


Q). What was his purpose?

A). His goal is their salvation, their rescue from a way of life that will destroy them forever if they don't turn from it.


Q). Was he able to be authentic in doing so?

A). In the face of those who demand consistency, he is a puzzlement. But if they can understand his evangelistic purpose, they can understand what makes him tick.


Q). What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?

A). Paul was being strategic in carrying out his purpose of saving souls. It was not mere role-playing. People who engage in role-playing are usually doing it to win the approval of their audience. It's done from a self-seeking motive. Paul's chameleon ministry was done for the sake of winning people to Christ.


Q). What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

A). I am willing to give up an appearance of being 'spiritual' or 'holy' in order to allow God to use me in reaching people where they are at in their life's journey.
Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22)

Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? 

What was his purpose? 

Was he able to be authentic in doing so? 

What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? 

What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

Paul’s was committed to Jesus for spreading the gospel and he would not allow anything to interfere with this. To be able to do this he became all things to all men by not offending any Jews, Gentiles, or those weak in understanding. His sole purpose was to bring them to Christ, and in doing this he never once compromised the gospel by changing the truth in any way in order to satisfy anyone. So he was sincere and authentic in his actions. We read that he did not put up a front because some even thought of him as a weak leader. Paul followed in the footsteps of Jesus, adapting himself to the culture and circumstances of the people among whom he preached the gospel. Yet the gospel itself remained unchanged. In the same way I overlook any cultural differences in my country by rather bringing all to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 



Paul became all things to all men because he wanted to reach all for Christ. If he was among the Jews, he followed the law so as to not offend them and keep them open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Likewise with the Gentiles, he was like the Gentile and did not follow the traditions and laws that were so treasured by the Jews. He knew he and the Gentiles had freedom from the law and he did not require them to live like the Jews.


His sole purpose in this was so many would come to believe.


Paul was very authentic in doing this. While he did not offend the people he was living among and was trying to reach, he did stand firm in the truth when it came to the religious leaders or even other Apostles like Peter when he started to refuse to eat with the Gentiles. Paul could distinguish when he needed to comply with tradition so as not to offend anyone, but he also knew when to speak the truth boldly. He never abandoned his (or others) freedom in their faith, but he did work towards the greater good by complying in the non-essential areas like some of the traditions of the Jews. 


Paul's ministry and mere role playing differ because Paul was very rooted and grounded in Christ and what that meant for those he was ministering to. His purpose was to eventually lead them to truth. If he had to follow a silly tradition to get there he would, but his motivation was to win them for Christ. Mere role playing is not rooted in anything and that is what makes it so wishy washy.


To reach some to Christ, I have had to give up my set opinion of different cultures. I've also had to let go of "christian lingo". Though other Christians may know what I'm talking about it can be a BIG turn off to non Christians. I've had to learn to "fit in" to different scenarios but without compromise to my basic beliefs. I've learned I can't be hard core religion if I want people to stay for a Gospel message and I've had to give up arrogance and be a respecter of people. Though they are not saved, I can love who they are and who God created them to be and has intentions of using in the future for His kingdom. I've had to look past "now" to "what will be." Most importantly, the highest premium is on "time." It's hard to give time to someone who demands so much of me and who isn't on a Godly page with me or who presents daily challenges to my patience and faith. To really love and care for others comes from the Holy Spirit and I pray to be strengthened in those areas to be an effective witness.


Why did Paul become, "all things to all men"?

That he might win some for Christ.


What was his purpose?

That he might reach some with the gospel.


Was he able to be authentic in doing so?

Yes, because he realized that he was still under God's law.


What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?

When Paul was reaching out to the Jews, he was "authentic" in being a Jew to make them understand what Jesus meant to him.  To the gentiles, he lived like the gentiles to make them understand the difference Jesus would make in their life.  All the while, Paul is still under the New Covenant laws that are in our New Testament.  Paul did not like to despise lifestyles, but instead put forward the one the leads to life eternal.


What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

My lifestyle - My income - My family - My education - My opinions - My personal time.

Paul did whatever he had to do in order to win souls for the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ called Paul to the ministry he wasn't just doing a job. He choose to do it free of charge. Sometimes in life we have to give up certain things for the sake of the Kingdom of God, and obedience is always the best way to go even though most of us will try to run instead. Believe me, God will stop you in your tracks. When God calls you to the ministry just have faith and love for God and you will be alright. What's important is what God wants, not want we want.



Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose? Was he able to be authentic in doing so? What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

Paul became all things to all men, if he was with the Jews, he was a Jew, if in the presence of Gentiles, he was a Gentile. The purpose for this was to save as many people as possible.

Paul was very authentic with doing this. He became as one of them when he was preaching and ministering to them.

Paul's chameleon ministry was not role playing, he became as they were, to teach them about Christ  and their false ways.

I would be willing to give up a life style, to give up everything in order to minister for the Lord, knowing that He would totally supply all my needs. 


Paul “became all things to all men” so that he could win them over to the Lord. He was trying to get as many as he could to receive Christ. I thought that we was authentic in doing so.

The difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing is that Paul had set out to save those that had not heard about the Lord.


Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? What was his purpose?


To win as many as possible whether Jew or Gentile , weak in faith, new believer or those spirit  led to listen.


Was he able to be authentic in doing so? What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role playing?


I believe he was that by reaching out in various ways, in various circumstances,  allowed a common grounds of communication to develop, thus being able to introduce the gospel.

There was no pretence, play acting or guile in Paul. He was authentic!!


What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?


Oh, that I would have the confidence to give fully of my life instead of just a small measure, such as time.


1 Corinthians 9:15-22:  In this passage Paul says that he becomes all things to all people in order to bring them to Jesus Christ.  I think that Paul was authentic in doing so because his motive was for people to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Paul felt comfortable in identifying with Jews or gentiles.  It wasn't a matter of playing a role, but a matter of knowing how to relate to these two different groups of people.


I will give up what is required in any given situation or relationship I am presenting the gospel in or group I am ministering with. 


Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose?


To win as many as possible to Christ. If he'd only preached to the Gentiles he wouldn't have saved any Jews and vice versa. If he'd avoided contact with Gentiles and their customs as the Jewish law commanded his ministry wouldn't have been so effective.




Was he able to be authentic in doing so?


Yes I think so.




What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?


Paul was willing to suffer any consequences for the stand he'd taken in being all things to all men. Someone just role-playing would have quit once the going got tough.




What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?


Well first of all I really don't have a clue who the people are that God has called me to minister to. I've been involved in various ministries over the years but nothing ever came of any of them. I thought I had something going in Christian music but it flopped. I though I had something going in Powerlifting but that was totally derailed by the enemy. I thought I could be a good ambassador for Christ as a truck driver, talking to the people I delivered to but that was also taken away completely with a succession of work injuries that eventually saw me pensioned off at just 43. Nowadys I play guitar in pubs and clubs and witness to no one. The people who compete against me for gigs have banded together and branded me as a thug and other less desirable things because I'm a better musician than over 90% of the others doing what I do. They can't out-play me or out-perform me so the lie about me to shut me down. I've been put out of business FIVE times since starting my professional career in 1997. So now I have to play to drunken idiots and stoned hillbillies in country venues.


Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22) Why did Paul "become all things to all men"? What was his purpose? Was he able to be authentic in doing so? What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing? What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

So as to win all to Christ. His purpose was the salvation of all.


Paul's chameleon ministry is different from role-playing in that he was sincerely/ genuinely after the salvation of the people he came in contact with.


I pray that God will help me to be able to give up comfort, assets etc so that I can reach the people God wants me to minister to.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (1Corinthians 9.15-22)  Why did Paul “become all things to men”?  What was his purpose?  Was he able to be authentic in doing so?  What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role playing?  What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?    http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/topic/1358-q4-becoming-all-things/


Paul was called to minister to all people not just a select group because all people were important to God to receive the gospel that would change their lives forever. He therefore willingly and voluntarily gave himself to others to minister to them and provide to them the individualized and special gospel message meant for them to hear. Paul was always authentic because he did not claim or boast as to anything for or about himself but all to the glory of God.


As stated above, Paul continually pointed to the LORD Jesus to give Him all the glory because He was the one doing the saving and not Paul.  This is more than role-playing; it was actual obedience to the LORD and pointing others to Him for their salvation and a new way life even into eternal life.  Paul used whatever means possibly (by that I mean leaning on and obtaining the necessary strength from the LORD) to deliver and share the Word of the LORD and to win people to Christ.


  • 4 weeks later...

Why did Paul “become all things to all men”? What was his purpose? Was he able to be authentic in doing so?

1.  Even though Paul was a free man, he made himself a slave to all to win as many as possible.  His purpose was to save souls.  Yes, he did accomplish that. 


What is the difference between Paul’s chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?

2.  Paul was willing to meet people where they were to save them.  In other words, to the Jews he became like a Jew, to win the Jews, to the weak He became weak to win the weak, etc. 


What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?  

3.  My time, talent and treasure.        

  • 10 months later...

Paul wanted to show all men that they could give their lives to God and Jesus. He lived as they lived but he dedicated all his work to God. He went onto live with them daily to show them what their lives could be like. I feel that he was very authentic. He was not role-playing. He did not return to his daily routine after each encounter.


I feel that God will let me know what I need to do to make my ministry successful. I am willing to do what it takes and what God needs me to do. For I know that God will reward me for all that I do in his honor.

  • 6 years later...

Q4. (1 Corinthians 9:15-22)

Why did Paul "become all things to all men"?

What was his purpose?

Was he able to be authentic in doing so?

What is the difference between Paul's chameleon ministry and mere role-playing?

What are you willing to give up so that you can reach the people God has called you to minister to?

Paul "became all things to all men", that is he identified himself with them, so he could win some.  He basically puts himself in their shoes.  He tries to feel what it would be like to be a slave, a master or scholar, a Jew or Greek etc.

JanMary explains what I am trying to say, in her answer 6 May 2014, when she testifies to people or shares her experiences with someone, she identifies with them, and shares that part of her life which they can understand at that present time.  They can understand that she is sharing from experience and not sucking it out of her thumb.  Those of us with varied hardships in our life's-walk can testify from personal experience and others can identify by trying to put themselves as best possible in the other persons shoes. the condemnation you at first feel, is stripped away and you are filled with compassion for them. your approach changes and you can easier show Christ's love as He would have you do.

I do feel Paul was very authentic in his approach to his converts.

A chameleon remains a genuine chameleon, whether it is green, brown or whatever color it changes to. Paul remained Paul whether he was filling the shoes of a Greek or Jew, a slave or a free person. When you are role-paying you are acting as if you are someone else, you are no longer genuinely yourself.

God knows what I gave up. It is all in His Hands, and that is where I plan to keep it. His will be done.

  • 1 year later...

A metaphor for personality I've used to clarify my own thinking is this: I am a paper target like the ones used for shooting practice, having a bullseye surrounded with decreasingly important concentric circles. 

The bullseye is faith. That's our core, the unchanging part of personality. The next concentric circle that abuts the bullseye could be class, cultural background or something deep and constitutive, like being creative or intellectual. Every concentric circle moving outward is less important than the ones interior to it. These circles of personality vary among us. Yours are not mine. 

Paul could be all things to all people because his bullseye was very secure -- his faith was large and clearly outlined. He wasn't worried about fudging the concentric circles. His authenticity was located in the core, the bullseye. The rest was periphery and thus expendable.

We are allowed, in fact encouraged, to ditch the periphery and hone in on the core. When you do this, you remain authentic even when adjusting to the habits of others. Having said this, I do think that those of us who exist on the boundary between Christianity and other religions -- including secularism -- are always in danger of slipping over the edge and engaging in role playing, as Pastor Ralph put it. There's a way to be authentic among people who are different. This is hard to describe. It includes being true to who God created you as you are. As long as you avoid sycophantic behavior and are comfortable in your own skin, the particularities of who you are do not need to be displayed. 

"Lion of Grace," a poster upthread, mentioned Christian lingo as something she gave up to reach others. This didn't effect her faith but widened her outreach. That's a good example.


In a way, it's very clarifying to be with people who are very different than you. It's easier, that is. When you associate with people who have similar peripheries, it's easy to lose focus on the core and get caught in the weeds of comfortable relationships ... of similarity. I have wondered if explains why God sends missionaries to foreign countries when there are so many people who do not know Him within feet of home -- perhaps it's to clarify what's important so that the outer circles are not distracting. It purifies the gospel message. It cuts a missionary away from what's not important. Frees him or her.



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