Pastor Ralph Posted November 1, 2003 Report Posted November 1, 2003 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? Quote
aguilar-j Posted November 1, 2003 Report Posted November 1, 2003 Every thing has been created by God God is the alfa and the omega He experienced the rupture of night and day and He saw it was good and He rejoiced. This was the alfa At the end God comes back for his own creation and He rejoices and lets His people rejoice for ever and ever amen. This is the omega. Gives me hope and a purpose of living furfilling His perfect Will in my imperfect ways And day by day He forgives me and gives me a new opportunity to start over again The light at the end of the tunel today I see is not a train instead I see is the light of the Spirit that calls me to help my brothers and sisters in my own little ways, helps me to sacrifice my own selfishways and turn my life over to the care of God, leanning in His understanding not in my own and come to be aware of His comandments where I find joy and freedom from this world and turn towards the things of God. I pray that at the end of this life I can come to Him with clean hands and straight eyes. Together we can. Thank you brothes and sisters Jesus A. Quote
Jen Posted November 2, 2003 Report Posted November 2, 2003 We come to Him because He purchased us at great price. One day I was glancing through a book called What Jesus saw from the Cross. There was in it a graphic description of crucifixion and what it does to the body and it works in such a way that the person cannot faint. I almost fainted right there in the store. Thats the physical part of how we were purchased. There is a lot to be grateful for, God wants us to be, and I don't thinkI feel it or express it enough. Worthy ? Only because He created us as and doesn't want us to perish but gave Himself for us. Up to this point we are engaged to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2). The wonderful thing in the words of J Vernon McGee "is that we are going to know Christ-really know Him- for the first time". What an event to look forward to. Somehow I don't think I am looking forward to it as I should because I feel I could do better. I keep feeling that I am failing Him. One thing I have written in my notes is in an oriental marriage the importance of the groom far outweighs the bride. So its what He is and has done and is doing that counts. . I pray that we keep our hands and hearts clean for our Lord, the Lamb we fell in love with. May we all rekindle any of the fire that has left us for whatever reason. God Bless Jen Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted November 2, 2003 Report Posted November 2, 2003 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? In Israel of old, betrothal was as binding as marriage. In our society, engagement is broken with no concern--well, so is marriage today--for any and all causes! We are God's "bride" and must behave as His--totally. For no reason can we look away from Him and decide we'll do this our own way! He is our Lord and we yield ourselves to Him! I am greatly encouraged in that I know He has chosen us as His bride and He will never leave nor forsake us! If we leave Him, the Holy Spirit is grieved, but when we come to our senses and return to Him in repentance, He forgives and takes us back! How often our sinful self turns from Him! Without His forgiveness--plus the horrible suffering He endured for us on the cross--we could have no hope! How wonderful to know His love and guidance! Quote
gripofhisgrace Posted November 2, 2003 Report Posted November 2, 2003 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? I am encouraged because I know that no matter what He will never leave me or forsake me. That we are bound through eternity I am admonished because I often focus on the things of this world and forget how much more he gave to me than anyone here can I am humbled to think that He does so much for me-to the point of the cross and I am so unworthy. love susan Quote
ccs Posted November 3, 2003 Report Posted November 3, 2003 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? Admonished= I am admonished because we are no different then anyone else in our sins, we once did the things of the flesh and sometimes still do. It is only by the fact that we have been washed in the blood of Christ, by his grace through faith. It was a gift to us and nothing we could do could earn it for ourselves. Because of this it is wrong to boast or gloat to those that have not been saved yet. As Christ Quote
MannyVelarde Posted November 3, 2003 Report Posted November 3, 2003 A little late on this reply Admonished - - because the betrothed - - is a serious commitment in Jewish families. It took a writ of divorce to break that contract. We many times on this earth do not take our betrothal to Jesus serious enough and walk in the world's ways many times. I am sad, but encouraged because He forgives me for all and remembers no more. With the feast, it is a part of the covenant relationship, a meal is shared and back in ancient times, it was the highest form of honor to share a meal with your covenant partner. As we will do in heaven -- glory that we will be sitting down to the perfect everlasting feast with our LORD, our groom ! Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 We are admonished to be ready if we want to be included in the wedding feast. Our garments must be the righteousness of God in order to be accepted as a bride. The wedding supper is the climax of a life lived for God and the result of the salvation provided by Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection. Quote
Julie Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 I never quite looked at it this way before, we are betrothed to the Lamb, as Mary and Joseph to each other, as we are when we are engaged, and we must remain faithful for if not the other would not marry him or her, just as Gods people as his betrothed bride, we are to remain faithful if not there will be no wedding supper. For christ alone has the authority to remake the earth and rule it with righteousness Quote
Mary Beth Whittam Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 We must always be watching & ready for Christ our groom. We can be encourage to know that Christ is coming for us. He has not & will not forget us. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 Admonished by know that there are so many that I see each day and do not speak of our Lord to them. The Lord placed a calling on each of us to go and tell the world of him and still there is the postman the people we see each day and only say hello too. And never have I told them one thing about our Lord so sad the way we go about our lives and let so many opportunities pass us by to witness for Jesus. It is uplifting and a joyous time to know we will be with Jesus and never again have pain or sorrow in our lives we shall rule and reign with him forever and that is the promise he has given to us. I look forward to that day and pray come Lord Jesus just as the word tells us to do. Quote
TennLady01 Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 I can do nothing to be worthy of the things that are promised to us nothing to help those that are left behind but to tell them of what is too come and pray they choose Jesus during the tribulations and come to serve him so I will be with them again someday in heaven. I pray at one moment come Lord Jesus in the next it is wait a little longer please Jesus there are so many wondering out in sin. But I know from the word all will not be saved and still I must do my best to make sure all those that I know and know me will understand. God is the Alfa and the Omega, The beginning and the end. Just as he said it would be it shall be. The light at the end of the tunnel and we have come to the end of the way and we shall receive that which was promised us from the beginning and we shall be made ready white as snow and in garments of white to sit at the bridal table and rejoice in that we shall see the bridegroom and he shall be with us forever more. I am encouraged because I know his word is truth and he will never leave me or forsake me and I shall dwell with him forever and ever. The bride and groom are set forever and we shall never be parted. The old will have passed away and the beginning of eternal life is here. Praise the Lord. Quote
cct1106 Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 Encourged because no matter what God will never ever forsake us and through all eternity we are bonded and bound together. Admonished because I constantly worry about my illnesses and financial situations and my own personal deep rooted problems and I sometimes forget through all the pain and suffering, trials and tribulations all I have to do is surrender all to Him. Quote
Helen Williams Posted November 11, 2003 Report Posted November 11, 2003 Here the church is pictured as both the bride and the guests invited to the wedding feast. As those given to christ, we are the bride, and those called to be part of God's kingdom, we are the invited guest. Jesus is the central focus of God's revelation and his redemption plan. I am encourage to know that God is victorious over the enemy. It is very encouraging to know that Jesus will return for his people. He is soon to return. What a reason to praise Him! Quote
kitty Posted November 11, 2003 Report Posted November 11, 2003 If I was reproved, I would feel like I was going to be lefted out on something that would be totally wonderful. I am encouraged, because, I am the bride of Jesus. All this is for the bride and I feel like there is going to be something special just for me. Quote
linda bass Posted November 13, 2003 Report Posted November 13, 2003 I am encouraged because as a believer I am part of the bride of Christ. I am also encouraged that all believers from old testament saints to those believers who were martyred during the great tribulation will take part in the heavenly feast. What a homecoming that will be. I am admonished because I know I'm not doing what I can to bring the gospel to others. Quote
heatherdills Posted November 14, 2003 Report Posted November 14, 2003 I am both admonished and encouraged by the two themes by the strenghtening of my faith. The Bible is God's Word and here it is, the consummation of all its stories and commands, coming to fruition for His glory. Quote
dparker777 Posted November 14, 2003 Report Posted November 14, 2003 We must keep ourselves pur to be present in the glory of God. If we keep ourselves true to Christ we will spend eternity with him rejoycing, instead of eternial suffering--Seperation from God. Quote
dantanc Posted November 18, 2003 Report Posted November 18, 2003 Philippians 2:12-13 ".......Continue to workout your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Psalm 2:11 "Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling." I see that, I should live this life worthy of our Father in heaven, so that on that day I can rejoice with him. I need to take periodic self-examination if I am living and serving him as a true christian. I realise, I fail often, but I continue to strive with the help of Holy Spirit, to correct myself and furhter live for the glory of my Savior. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 As the Church"Gods People",we should always prepare ourselves to be his bethrothed bride.A new bride to be always does everything to prepare,for the wedding feast.A bride wants everything to be perfect for the bridegroom. Let our praise of God flow out of our realization of who God is and how much he loves us.Love is encouragement.God gave his only son for us,that alone shows how great His love is for us. ~~The Feast of all Gods people in heaven is the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ over evil.Praise Him and worship Him for what he has done for us. Quote
Helen Posted December 5, 2003 Report Posted December 5, 2003 I am so encouraged that I have the marvellous feast to look forward to, to be part of that praising and worshipping community of the saints, to be in His presence eternally. I am admonished in that I ask myself, "Are my garments continually washed in the Blood of the Lamb? Am I ready with my oil for when He comes?" Quote
Debora Posted January 30, 2004 Report Posted January 30, 2004 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? I am here on earth being prepared. I am filling my lamp with oil, that is reading the word to know who is my Lord and God and being continuely filled with the Holy Spirit who will guide me. I am to grow in intimate relationship with the One who is our bridegroom. In the beginning of the relationship it is like a friendship. I found it develops after I am no longer called a "slave" (one who belongs to the world, but "a friend" to Jesus). It makes me give more attention when the friend I have, Jesus, is a King and I am an heir and find out what He has done for me. As with any friend in the beginning it takes time to develop a relationship and I am still growing in mine. I likened it to a marriage for there are periods in my journey that is like a 'honeymoon phrase'. I pursue Him and then He pursues me and it is like a game of chase and seek. I look around the corner to see if He is looking at me and when He does it is like an explosion of love. He can out of the blue be looking at me and I acknowledge his presence and then there is an explosion of love. There is passion and it grows with time in the relationship like people relationships. The walk with Jesus starts with a passionate little fire and develops into a bonfire of passion. Like a marriage it takes work to develop that relationship and dept of intimacy with a spouse so does my relationship with my Lord God. In adoration, there are days when all I want to do is gaze at Him and He gazes back at me and not one word need be said, for in the silence what is speaking is love and the Lord God transmits that love and the heart and mind communicates as one without words. That is what happens when a married couple gets old together, they reach a point in their relationship where they both can sit in silence and know each other's thoughts and love becomes a silence language. It is known and felt without words. We are to be perfect as our bridgegroom is and as his church is. The church which is the bride whom is perfect. We have faults and work on repentance. In the church we are nourished and provided for with countless gifts by the Lord to help us along in as we prepare for that great unknown day, the marriage feast when we go to the Father's house, the fullfilment of the promise. God in the church, the church nourishes and provides us all done in love by love for love to be united in love with the Lamb who purchased us for God. We are bought by Him and bestowed by Him with outpourings of anointings and blessings to be made beautiful like He. He is completing his works in us. I think of Queen Esther's preparation time for the King and liken it to us preparing for our King Jesus. We are being adorned by our lover with His gifts, blessings, anointings, all to be made beautiful and like Him; everything working together till we become christlike or in the image of which God created us. Our time on earth could be likened to the engagement period? A time of drawing near to each other. A time to discover and find out about each other. A time to grow and become initimate deepening the relationship while preparing for a convenant marriage; to be the Lord God's forever, for eternity. How am I admonished : 1. I want to exam myself seriously and regularly to repent as to remain faithful to Him. 2. I want to be mindful of how I live daily and of my choices to remain faithful to Him. 3. I want to act, say and do, what is asked - to obey to remain faithful to Him. How am I encouraged: 1. The word reveals who I am in relationship to Him. I am told I am loved by God and Jesus and that I am precious and special to the Lord God. 2. We know what is marriage on earth and how much greater it will be, that is, consummation with God, as a bride, looking at marriage as an analogy. 3. When I am transformed and the bride in heaven, I will be perfect and Holy like Jesus and God and the church is. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? I am admonished because I am a sinner, and always will be. I just need to keep my focus on Him and continue to pray and worship Him. I just saw the movie Quote
Julie Ann Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 I am a "bride" for Christ. Just as I keep myself for my husband and was faithful to him before our wedding, I need to be the same for Christ. I am encouraged because I have such a wonderful marriage I know that when we get to heaven it will be far better in comparison. Quote
PressThrough Posted September 19, 2004 Report Posted September 19, 2004 Q1. (19:7-9) These verses draw together two themes from Scripture -- (1) God's people as his betrothed Bride and (2) the feast of all God's people in heaven. When you meditate on these themes, how are you both admonished and encouraged? I am encouraged to Press Through the mess here on earth. The picture is one of glory in heaven, as opposed to the lake of fire in hell. And stands as a warning. A kind of reverse physcology if you will when portrayed as a warning, in which God spelled it out for us very eloquently, the options we have. I choose God Amen!!! Quote
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