Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? Quote
pickledilly Posted April 24, 2014 Report Posted April 24, 2014 In the Seder meal that Jesus celebrated with His disciples, this cup was the third of four included in the observance. After remembering that only Yahweh chose/sanctified His people and that only Yahweh could deliver them, this was the Cup of Redemption that specifically commemorated God’s promise to redeem His chosen people by His own outstretched arm (an ancient picture of sovereign power; Exodus 6:6-7). It represented His intent to pay the price of liberation Himself to rescue His people from bondage to sin. This would/could be accomplished only through His omnipotence. Jesus was identifying Himself as the fulfillment of that promise. In Him, the debt of sin would be satisfied forever, and God’s people would be liberated from all that held them captive because of sin – including the works of Law that guarded the promises of the O.T. covenants God made with the people of Israel until Messiah came to complete them. God’s previous “old” covenant was made with Israel and did not fully disclose God’s entire plan for redemption of man (1 Cor. 2:7-8; Eph.3:4-6), but it always pointed to something and someone greater for the whole world. Jesus was that Greater One, and declared here the “new covenant” had arrived to be ratified by His own blood. This did not nullify or negate anything promised in the first covenant, it brought everything to completion. Christ was now transforming the old covenant from a yearning anticipation of future promise to a newly manifested reality of the fulfillment of that promise in the new covenant. The hope of the Cup of Redemption was now being revealed through His willing sacrifice as the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of all mankind, not just the Jews. The continual sacrifices and rituals of the old covenant could only represent this ultimate broken body and shed blood given for all. The laws and rituals of the old covenant could only represent the full work of salvation; they were never designed to accomplish it. Once given and presented on heaven’s altar, Jesus’ own blood would be the final sacrifice required – and the only one now acceptable to the Father for atonement of humanity’s rebellion against God. (If His blood was not greater than the Law and enough to make full atonement then He wasted His life and all the agony/suffering of His death.) “What are the provisions of the New Covenant?” As I thought about this question, answers could come from two different definitions of "provisions": 1) preparatory measures/requirements, or 2) endowments/something provided. 1. The New Covenant is established on only one thing: 1Cor. 11:25 - the “cup” of Christ’s blood given to secure the redemption that was foretold/promised through the rituals and sacrifices of the old covenant. His blood was the cost of our atonement before God. There is no human work we can do to achieve that atonement. We must simply release ourselves in genuine faith to Christ and His work to save us from judgment and penalty. 2. Many things are provided for those who choose to enter into the New Covenant with God. a. In general, the overall contrast that can be made with the old covenant is that old was a covenant of works and the new is a covenant of God’s grace. There is now rest from the heavy burden of keeping law and an "easy yoke" in the grace of Christ (Matt.11:28-30). The supreme Law of Love is now our primary “obligation” (Matt.22:36-40). b. Under the new covenant we are given salvation as a free gift instead of being under the penalty of old covenant law. We are forgiven and pardoned of our sins because He has saved us, not because of any works we can do to gain it. (Ephesians 2:8-9; 2Tim.1:9-10) c. The old covenant was based on obedience to Law, but under the new covenant we’re to be guided/convicted by God’s law now written on our hearts as the Holy Spirit comes to permanently live within believers. We have the mind of Christ in all things! (Ezekiel 11:19-20; 1Cor.2:16) d. The old outward effort to obey law has been replaced by the new covenant requirement of faith in Christ and His shed blood that satisfied the price for sin. This faith is an inner work of believing, trusting, living, and resting our eternal future in this incredible gift. (Rom.4:14,16; Hebrews 11:6) e. The Spirit’s inner work within is now developing the holy and blameless character of Christ in us - something impossible under the old covenant (2Cor.3:18). f. There is no longer the one category of “God’s chosen people” that belongs to Israel under the Law. In the new covenant, all who acknowledge their sin and believe in the resurrected Christ as their Savior are adopted by the Father as His own children. Under the old covenant, God’s chosen people could only have the relational position of ownership by God. The new covenant established adoption, which is now a personal intimate relationship of sonship to God. (Galatians 4:7) g. In Christ, as God's children, we have been given an eternal inheritance, which can be summarized in the one word heaven. We will one day live united with our Groom, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the presence of our Father - as co-heirs with Christ, in the full and complete deliverance from sin! The old covenant pointed to, but could not provide, such a thing!! (Ephesians 1:11) h. Our salvation/adoption has been sealed by the Holy Spirit, and all that is reserved for us in heaven is guaranteed by Him. We can live with confident hope of the new covenant glory that awaits us, rather than being plagued with constant doubts about our spiritual security and never-ending efforts to be accepted by God. (Ephesians 1:13-14) I think the list could go on and on. Hallelujah to our gracious and merciful LORD! Quote
IvoryEagle Posted May 10, 2014 Report Posted May 10, 2014 What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? "The new covenant was ratified by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, and received on our part by repentance and faith. To enable us to live under this covenant, God has poured out his Holy Spirit to live within us. It seems clear by Jesus' words at the table that the Last Supper was a kind of covenant meal, where Jesus introduces the New Covenant in his blood: "Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'" (Matthew 26:27-28) What is the old covenant? In the Old Testament, a covenant is "a solemn commitment guaranteeing promises or obligations undertaken by one or both covenanting parties." Covenants were often ratified by signs, a solemn oath, and a meal. Sacrifice was often part of the process of ratifying a covenant, also. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The new covenant was ratified by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, and received on our part by repentance and faith. To enable us to live under this covenant, God has poured out his Holy Spirit to live within us. Quote
WinstonY Posted May 11, 2014 Report Posted May 11, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The ancient children of Israel know of the presence of the Lord Yahweh, of His Glory and of His righteousness. This God, this God of righteousness was unable to look at unrighteousness. To come before God of Righteousness it was necessary to follow closely a series of laws. However it was almost impossible to live completely by these laws. A series of sacrifices were established, some of which involved the sacrificing of animals- a lamb without blemish. This sacrifice was symbolically to wipe away the sins of the people. However, it gradually became apparent to the prophets and to others that this system was inadequate and that something else must be provided for the salvation of the people. The prophet wrote: "'The time is coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,' declares the LORD.... 'For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.'" (Jeremiah 31:31-32, 34) For several hundred years the people looked forward to this new covenant but many misinterpreted the meaning. Their understanding of the kingdom of God was much different that the paradigm that Jesus presented to them. Regardless, there would have been a rustle of excitement as Jesus said the words "“This cup is the new covenant in my blood”. Great ideas would have formed but it seemed that the disciples did not understand the role of Isaiah's suffering servant would have to play. It was only after the resurrection that the followers of Jesus realized that something new had happened! Jesus had risen and the new covenant was proclaimed written in the suffering in his blood. With the new covenant there came a freedom. A freedom where there was no Jew or Greek, nor no slave or free nor no male or female we are all one in Christ. The Corinthians grasped this freedom but it seems that carried their freedom to far and proclaimed it in wild ways which might lead to the discredit of the Christians. Regardless the new covenant brought into understanding of the grace of God's gift of His only son that whosoever believes on him will have eternal life with him. we have come to believe that there are two aspects of this eternal life:1) firstly there is a life here on earth that is lived with Christ and with the Holy spirit as our guide. It is a life filled with love (1 Corinthians 13), it is a life filled with hope, hope for the coming kingdom of God- the kingdom that is like a mustard seed, the kingdom that is like the leaven, the kingdom that is like the lost coin that is found, the kingdom that is like.... 2)secondly there is eternal life with the Holy trinity after we die. Jesus is standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:56) to receive us into the kingdom. What a great and glorious day!!! Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted May 11, 2014 Report Posted May 11, 2014 What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? Jesus introduced the New Covenent, a better Covenant than all the previous covenants. Previous covenants were sealed with either God's Word or with animal blood. In this case Jesus replaced Passover (a blood covenant - the blood of a lamb) by the New Covenant where Jesus IS the Lamb and spill the Blood of The Son. What is the old covenant? Passover What are the provisions of the New Covenant? Jesus died as replacement for our sins. He died for our salvation and our sanctification. He bought us to be His people, now all people can belong to Him. In the Old Testament there are a number of gentiles who knew God and belonged to God. God even sent Jonah to save a gentile city. But now everybody knows Who He is, and all can rejoyce in rememberance. Jesus gave His Body and spilled His Blood for all Quote
Sank T Monius Posted May 12, 2014 Report Posted May 12, 2014 1 Corinthians 11:25 Q). What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? A). The phrase "This cup is the new covenant in my blood" means the cup we drink represents the covenant He made with us through the sacrifice of His blood. We renew the covenant He has made with us on every occasion when we drink the Cup of the Lord. # Q). What is the old covenant? A). The old covenant was the Mosaic covenant (see Exodus 24:7-8) # Q). What are the provisions of the New Covenant? A). The provisions of the New Covenant are eating the bread and drinking from the cup at the Lord's Table. By doing this we renew our commitment to the New Covenant he established so many years ago. Quote
JanMary Posted May 12, 2014 Report Posted May 12, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? It means that the former or old covenant of the shedding of animals blood to cover sin, has been replaced with a new and better covenant....Jesus died and shed His blood, "once for ALL". There are no longer animal sacrifices, no more priests offering them on the altar. The Temple has been torn down, the curtain was torn from top to bottom, and now each believer's body is His temple. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? Jesus was born to die....for the sins of the whole world...for "whosoever would believe in Him". When He became the sinless lamb who was slain, He took all of the sins of the world upon His body, and the separation from God was removed, symbolized by the tearing of the curtain in the temple from top to bottom at the moment Jesus gave up His Spirit. We now have free access to come into His Presence at any time, rather than the High Priest going into the Holy of Holies once a year on behalf of the believing Jews. Now the Gentiles are welcomed into God's family as well regardless of race or gender. The Provision He made available includes:. Oneness with Him, forgiveness of all sin, past, present and future, eternal life in Heaven with Him. The Holy Spirit now indwells us and leads us into all Truth, convicting us of our righteousness and convincing us of His love for us, comforting, encouraging, correcting and guiding. We are clothed with His Robe of righteousness, are in awe of Him (rather than afraid of an angry distant God). He is "building" into us the Fruit of His Spirit, so "at that day" we will be like Him. He promises to never leave us or forsake us, to provide for us, and to bring us to Himself when He comes back to get His Bride, the Body of Christ. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 It ratified the covenant He made with us. It made outdated the old covenants with Israel and brought in a new covenant sealed with His blood. Quote
Delivered Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? I rejoice in the fact that God keeps his promises, just as all five of God's major covenants made through Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus are still in force today, that the phrase; This cup is the "New" covenant in my blood, is why I may rejoice in the Lord always, for the word “NEW” does not mean "Different" or "Separate" it means "Fresh" to "Regenerate" a promise God made with Israel, however, the "New Covenant" is also for "Me" This phrase has great meaning to me because, "It is through the blood of the lamb that I am made "Alive" - have been "Regenerated", therefore, as I take and drink of the cup, I am also ratifying, giving my "oath" to Him, to be a faithful bride, as I wait and watch for His return. What is the old covenant? The "Old Covenant" is the "Blood Covenant" made "New", made "Fresh" in the lives of those who take and drink from the cup. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? God's laws will be placed upon our being, they will take hold of our hearts as we come to understand God's word, "If you love me, keep my commandments" The New Covenant has provided us with the Holy Spirit, power for us to over-come the obstacles Satan would like to trip us up by, but most of all for me, it is the love I have for my Bridegroom, a provision there are no words to describe, and as the Father said, "If you love My Son, I will love you also" Quote
Lion of Grace Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 The cup of the new covenant was the shedding of Jesus' blood, the Paschal Lamb for our sins. He atoned for our sins once and for all and made a new covenant not only with the Jews but with all people, any who would believe. This is a covenant of love. The old covenant was the Mosaic covenant God made with the Jews as a chosen people that required continuous sacrifice of animal or grain offerings for the atonement of sin. This was a covenant of law. The new covenant provides salvation through Jesus Christ for all who will believe. It is for those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God sent Him to atone for our sins which He did on Calvary. If we believe in and love the Son, through HIS righteousness, we become friends of God and the Father Himself loves us. We become children of God. Because we love the Son, we are free from the law and it's demands, but we have the Holy Spirit who lives inside us and will testify of Jesus, what He taught, and how best to live. We desire to be disciples of Jesus and because we love Him we follow Him and all He taught us while on Earth and what is still being revealed through our counselor the Holy Spirit. Everything is written on our hearts because we love Him! We have hearts of flesh that replace the hearts of stone that are cold and follow legal law trying to be righteous in self. Quote
hanks Posted May 16, 2014 Report Posted May 16, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The cup represents the New Covenant that Jesus ratifies with his blood. It is a new covenant with God, because of Christ’s sacrifice. We become His new people who have been forgiven of our sins, accepted and set apart totally to our Lord. Similar to the old covenant when the people of Israel had been set apart as His holy people. However, the old covenant was ratified repeatedly by the blood of animals offered by men; but the New Covenant has been ratified once and for all by the blood of Jesus Christ which God Himself has offered. The old covenant was broken time and again; the Israelites never experiencing true peace. But under the New Covenant we have peace with God (Romans 5:1) and the peace of God (Philippians 4:7). Quote
parkerslope Posted May 16, 2014 Report Posted May 16, 2014 What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? The New Covenant is sealed by the blood shed by Jesus. Under the Old Covenant, sin was atoned for by the shedding of an animals blood. Therefore, Jesus had to shed His blood, which is represented by this cup, to atone for our sins. What is the old covenant? The Old Covenant or Old Testament was the entire law given to Moses at Mt. Siani. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The provisions of the New Covenant or New Testament are written down in our Bible, from Matthew,chapter 1 to the Book of Revelation, chapter 22. I have been preaching on the Book of Hebrews, which deals with the transition from the Old Law to the New Law, because of Jesus becoming a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Our God wants us to observe the spirit of the Law, not the letter of the Law that kills us. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 18, 2014 Report Posted May 18, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The cup of the new covenant in His blood means that this the cup of wine represents His blood He shed for our sins on the cross. Gods covenants were sealed in blood, as Moses did at Mt. Sinia, by sprinkling blood upon the people. The Old Covenant which was a promise between God and His people, was that they were to obey Gods commands and covenants. The Ten Commandments were given to the people and also the feast days which He ordained. Only through the remembrance of their sins by the sacrifice of oxen, sheep and goats could the people come before the Lord for the remission of their sins. Being the Old Testament was was inefficient, did need to make a new and ever lasting covenant with His people. The provisions of the New Testament are that we believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, who died for our sins and on the third day was resurrected by God our Father. He commanded us to Love God with our whole heart and mind, to love our neighbor's as ourselves. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 20, 2014 Report Posted May 20, 2014 The meaning of the saying “This cup is the new covenant in my blood” is that Jesus made an agreement with us as humans that he has given us a new covenant. The old covenant was the laws that God gave Moses and those were sealed with the blood of animals. The new covenant was sealed with the blood of Jesus. The provisions of the New Covenant is that we repent of our sins and that we believe that Jesus died for our sins. Quote
Rod Beenleigh Posted May 23, 2014 Report Posted May 23, 2014 What does the phrase mean; "This cup is the new covenant in My blood"? What is the old covenant? The old covenant required continual sacrifices and shedding of blood for the temporary forgiveness of sins where the new covenant is the shedding of blood once for all time. What are the provisions of the new covenant? Jesus Christ acts as our mediator, forgiveness of sins, Holy Spirit indwells us,eternal life in heaven/ new Earth. Quote
Craig Posted May 27, 2014 Report Posted May 27, 2014 I Corinthians 11:25: The new covenant between God and his people was ratified or sealed in the sacrificial blood of Jesus on the cross. The old covenant is laid out in the Mosaic Covenant God gave Moses on Mount Sinai to establish a relationship between the Israel and himself. The new covenant between God and all humanity is that Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for the forgiveness of human sin. Whoever repents of their sins in Christ and calls upon his name shall be saved. Read John 3. "For God so loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NLT). Quote
Guitar Jim Posted May 27, 2014 Report Posted May 27, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? Jesus signified that He was making a new Covenant, sealed with his very blood, with mankind. What is the old covenant? The old covenant involved Israel's obedience to God's commands. If Israel obeyed God, He would be their shepherd and take care of them. However, Israel broke the covenant and worshipped other gods so many times that it nullified the covenant and a new one was needed in which God could give of His Spirit to everyone who accepted Jesus as their Savior. What are the provisions of the New Covenant? God paid the penalty for our sins in the form of His only begotten Son's death and resurrection. We have to accept that sacrifice on our behalf and then live our lives directed by the Holy Spirit, who indwells us when we become believers and followers of Christ. We are baptized into union with Him. Quote
haar Posted May 28, 2014 Report Posted May 28, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? This cup is the new covenant in my blood means that the blood of the Lord Jesus shed on the cross sealed a new covenant between us God where by faith in Christ we have our sin forgiven. The old covenant was sealed by the blood of animals sacrificed for that purpose. As in case of Moses, the Israelites undertook to obey all the laws read to them and blood was sprinkled on the to seal the covenant. Quote
dixonle Posted July 10, 2014 Report Posted July 10, 2014 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? The covenant was discussed throughout the Old Testament as Moses and others carried God’s Laws and Promises throughout as guidance of God’s people to the right kind of living. Through Jesus’ sacrifice for and His atoning of our sin, Jesus became the new covenant: the new way of becoming freed from the slavery of sin and the guarantee of a different life through repentance, faith, and the forgiveness of Jesus. Jesus assisted in even another way at Pentecost to give to us His Holy Spirit to live up to the promise of being with us at all times. Even in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament, when we break the covenant of God through sin, we have His promise that He has provided a way out through forgiveness of our sins, erasing them from His remembrance and freeing us unto eternal life. Quote
blezed Posted August 12, 2014 Report Posted August 12, 2014 What does the phrase mean: “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? New agreement between God and people sealed with His blood. Old covenant sealed with sacrificial animals, people could only approach God thru the priest. All people can approach God and communicate with him. Quote
JoanG Posted July 22, 2015 Report Posted July 22, 2015 Christ became the ultimate sacrifice. Because of the blood that he so willingly gave, he ransomed our lives for God. He made it possible for us to get into heaven. He did away with all the other animal sacrifices that were once required by God's people. The Old Covenant meant that the Israelites had to follow the Mosaic Rules. God promises to take care of his people as long as they were faithful to him. However, due to sin, there was always a separation between God and the people. With the New Covenant, we are no longer required to be Jewish to be God's people. We just need to accept Jesus as our savior. We need to live in the ways that Jesus taught. We need to have faith that God will take care of us. Quote
Irmela Posted June 9, 2022 Report Posted June 9, 2022 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:25) What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in My blood"? What is the old covenant? What are the provisions of the New Covenant? Much has been said about the above subject. Some have said lots some have said little. "This cup is the New Covenant in My blood." What a solemn moment for the disciples when Jesus uttered these words, before He gave them the wine at the supper. Years ago a covenant was renewed between Yahweh and His people, the children of Israel , after He had led them out of Egypt. After Moses read it out to them they all with one voice agreed to keep the covenant. (This was the Old Covenant . . . the blood of bulls and goats was shed, this was sprinkled on them to seal the covenant) Many times the Covenant was broken. A New Covenant was promised, and here Jesus spoke about it. When a Covenant was made, a meal was shared and blood was shed. Jesus shed His blood to seal the New Covenant. We in turn receive it by repentance and faith. Never again does a sacrifice need to be made. It was once for all time. Jesus as the sinless, spotless, LAMB gave Himself for this. We in turn by faith accept forgiveness having repented from our sins and have Salvation because of this. Quote
Krissi Posted July 14, 2023 Report Posted July 14, 2023 The old covenant was made with Israel. God made covenantal promises to Abraham. “I will establish my covenant between me and you …” But a covenant obligates both parties – the Israelites and God – not just God. In the old covenant, Israel's obligation was to obey God’s voice in particular circumstances as well as keep the laws and statutes God had given them. Israel was not to worship other gods, but only Yahweh. Confession and sacrifice were part of keeping to what God had told Israel to do. In Exodus, the Moses and the leaders ate a covenantal meal before God. “They saw God and they ate and drank.” Only after this meal, Moses was given the Ten Commandments. Jeremiah predicted the New Covenant “Behold, the days are coming … when I will make a new covenant … not like the covenant that I made with their fathers … (the) covenant that they broke. … (In the New Covenant) I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts.” The essential difference, as I see it, between the old and new covenants is this: In the old, God is “out there;” in the new covenant, He is in our hearts. This fundamentally changes the way believers approach, relate, communicate and know God. In the new covenant, He is both without and within. The Lord’s supper is the recollection of the new covenant, a ritual during which we recall our sins, confess them and approach God as from without to restore His “withinness.” Quote
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