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Note: This is not the time to criticize others’ use of spiritual gifts, but to look for positive examples of the use of spiritual gifts.

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts – or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

  • 3 months later...

I am sure of gifting for teaching, discernment, and leadership.  I don’t know for sure that I’ve been given them for the exact descriptions in our lesson, but I do think the Lord has used me in ways beyond my own ability to identify and speak a word to things in people’s lives that they don’t realize as problems or influences.  I don’t go looking for things to comment about; this happens in personal conversations.  Just last week I visited my home church and a woman I hadn’t seen in many years came to greet me with a hug.  She stunned me to tears with her reminder of a challenge and encouragement I gave her from God’s Word for a personal situation at least 15 years ago that she said “changed my entire life”.  I’ve been told I’ve spoken wisdom that made a profound impact – sometimes things I don’t even remember.  This is utterly humbling and I KNOW that it hasn’t been of me.  To God alone be glory for anything good that has come through me.


Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know? YES, THE GIFT OF HEALING.  IN THE PRESENCE OF HOSPICE; GOD REVERSED THE PROGNOSIS.



How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?  WHEN PEOPLE HEAR OF OTHERS THEIR EXPECTATIONS ARE HEIGHTENED.


I have from time to Time spoken in tongies. I feel that I have the gift prophecy, prayer amd descernment. My great grandfather, who had been a bit of a character, was slewn in the spirt as he was coming home from the back forty. Afterwards he had the gift of prophecy amd of prayer.

I think that the church is helped only by the sum of all the spiritual gifts of all the people.


Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts --- or someone you know?

No, I do not believe that they are in effect today.  I do believe that miracles happen every day.


How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation and community?

It hasn't because I do not believe it is in effect today.


He might have, but I don't think so in any of those listed so far.


If someone uses His gift, each member of congregations grow and God is glorified! 


Note: This is not the time to criticize others’ use of spiritual gifts, but to look for positive examples of the use of spiritual gifts.

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts – or someone you know?


The gifts listed in this passage are the Manifestational gifts, given at random by the Holy Spirit, through whomever is available.


They are different from the specific Motivational gifts given permanently to individual believers, such as are listed in Romans 12 and I Cor 12:28: Prophets, apostles, evangelist, service, teachers, exhortation, giving, administration, mercy, wonder-working faith, workers of miracles, discerning of spirits, healing, intercession, speaking in unknown languages. (which require an interpretation when given in public church service), interpretation of tongues. These gifts  are the ones we "flow in" usually without having to think about it..such as teaching...if you have that motivational gift, you find you have a desire to teach, or giving...you are always thinking of new ways to give and to give extravagantly, etc)


Yes, and in all humility He has used me and I'm always amazed and surprised! I've been privileged to be given messages of wisdom on a number of occasions, and words of knowledge as well. Frequently He has given me specific scripture verses to encourage others. Two weeks ago when 2 other ladies and I prayed with a woman in church who had been diagnosed with spinal disintegration at age 16, resulting in deformed feet and knees and chronic back pain, I had a word that her healing had begun as we prayed and it would be a progressive healing. The pain stopped instantly. She said she was overwhelmed by God's love as we prayed.  The following week she said while at home intense pain came back for a short time and then stopped. When she looked, her knees and feet were healed, and she showed me what the Lord had done for her! WOW! was all I could say, and Glory to God!


He has given me prophetic words also on a number of occasions, which were fulfilled later and were a great encouragement to those who received them, and to me, to have been used of the Lord in this way. My understanding is that any believer, if available, may be called upon to "manifest" one of these 9 gifts at the Holy Spirit's leading. And though I have a prayer language I have never been called upon to use it in a public setting, nor to interpret another's tongue, but have been in services where this has been given and have been blessed and encouraged each time.


I thank the Lord that I have also been the recipient of many of these gifts during my 40 years of walking with the Lord. Several have been beautifully life changing!


How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?


My prayer is that retelling this miracle will encourage and help someone who reads it, perhaps someone who needs healing and doesn't believe God heals today: When I was a new Christian and was in a roll-over car accident resulting in a painful back injury, I turned on the t.v. one day,  crying from the pain and frustration of being immobile. Demos Shakarian, the Pres. of Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship was being interviewed on a Christian program, and all at once he turned to the camera and gave this word of knowledge: There is a woman watching right now who's lower back was injured in a car accident recently...the pelvic area. The Lord is healing you right now! Get up and do what you couldn't do before." Then he turned back to the interviewer and they continued with their conversation. At the moment he spoke, the pain in my lower back/ pelvic area stopped, I heard clicking noises in my back, and bewildered and not believing that God loved me enough to heal me, I stood up...twisted, bent over, bent sideways...and my back was completely healed and has been so for 40 years! I called the program to report that I was the one who had received the miracle and asked them to thank Mr Shakarian for being obedient to give the word of knowledge.


Even greater than the healing and freedom from pain, He used the miracle to demonstrate on a very personal level that He is aware of me and my needs and desires at all times...each time He has ministered to me via gifts through others, He reaffirems His great love for me and gradually healed my broken heart fromt the years of abuse and neglect.



As for the other gifts I've been the recipient of, each has built up my faith, my trust, my hope and my love for the Lord...To experience a "word in due season" is so amazing...to see and hear His precious personal words in the moment is indescribable. As a result I "listen" for His voice and to sense His "nudge" to speak it out when it's given in order to be a blessing to others and for God to be glorified.


In the congregation, the same thing happens...faith, trust, hope, inspiration, are the result and He is always glorified! All of the gifts are expressions of God's love and grace and are to be "administered" in that spirit, and it is the same Lord who is served. 1 Cor 12:5)



1 Corinthians 12:8-10

Q). Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know?

A). God has used me to help some people with their emotional healing. Over the years different people have said that I have helped them feel better emotionally. I don't seem to realize how I've helped except to pray for them. I trust that it's the Spirit working through me to be able to help some people with that type of healing.


Q). How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

A). It has helped by assisting people to become more connected to others and to themselves. It is my hope and prayer that they are being drawn to God and receiving His grace, mercy and salvation.


"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Yes, God has given me some of these gifts to glorify Him. I have been given specific verses or words of encouragement and have shared them with other people. They then confirm to me that those verses or that message was an exact answer to their prayers asking God for guidance in certain areas of their lives. I have also been so spiritually in tune with some Pastors in churches that I have heard or experienced throughout the week exactly the same message they give the following Sunday. I have shared with them my experiences afterwards to encourage them to keep seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit because He is confirming their call and message.

I have had dreams and visions of different incidences that later actually occur. These have not only been a call to pray for life saving intervention, but they have encouraged individuals that God has been mindful of them in life threatening situations. One time this involved a young man who doubted God and was walking away from Him. I had a dream he was in an accident, rolling his car and being ejected from the car. I immediately prayed and later learned this young man had indeed been in an accident just like the one I described. He was so overwhelmed that I had a call to pray for him that night in such a supernatural way he reevaluated His life with God. I once had a vision of a Pastor I knew with a bullet proof vest on. I was startled, but prayed instantly for his safety. He had been on a trip and came home telling of an incident when he was out preaching in a dangerous environment and someone had threatened his group with a gun. We both were very moved by God's goodness and protection in such a miraculous way. I have many instances where I have interceded for individuals because of dreams or visions that were fore warnings and calls for prayer. I had one for my very own daughter too who I am convinced was spared being crushed by a semi because of a dream I had that woke me to pray for her. She later called me and described how close she had come to being in an accident with a semi on her way home from work the very next day!

I do also, speak in tongues usually as a prayer language, but have spoken in a group and have had another individual interpret that message.

I also have received repeated messages via scripture, devotionals and through other people that have become so repeated I know that God is revealing a particular message for either the church as a whole or for leadership either to encourage leadership or to give thought for some correction in the church if it has strayed from a Biblical grounding. 

I'm also gifted with "helps" and love to do service in the church and can be found volunteering for the things no one else wants to do. Usually menial labor. I think I have the greatest love for this gift because I think of Jesus and how He washed the feet of the disciples and I just feel a particular closeness to Him when I do those acts of service.

I also love to teach any age group and think this is also a gift.

God is good!


Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts – or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

Honestly speaking I have been ignorance about the gift of the Holy Spirit

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) 

Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts - or someone you know? 

How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

We have a women in our congregation who clearly has the gift of faith. She has the ability to trust God in all the difficulties she has faced in the time I have known her. She has been bombarded with all sorts of problems, one after the other. Health problems, family tragedies, and financial problems, they all seem to target her. Yet through all this she is always smiling and always trusting our Heavenly Father to come to her rescue. This is the type of faith that believes firmly in God’s promises, and it is this faith that rubs off onto the other believers in our congregation and I’m sure in the wider community. It is more than a type of optimism or a form of trust. It is the type of faith that God will move in apparently impossible situations. It makes any ordeals I might be going through seem very trivial in comparison, and makes me realise how blessed I am, and strengthens my faith.



Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know?

There have been a few times that God's spiritual gifts have been felt in my life, they started when I was a small child, this is one that I would like to share with you.


Because we were building a larger home for our growing family, that we decided to put our house up for sale and we decided to try and sell it ourselves, we had it appraised and did all we could to advertise its sale, however, when the time came that we must have it "SOLD", and because not one person came to see the house, that my husband and I thought, maybe God wanted our neighbor, who just received her license to sell real state, to list it, we were however disappointed when her suggested asking price was lower than the banks appraisal.


NOW - it was about this time while our neighbor was getting her papers ready, that my heart began to beat hard with excitement, and even though the “House for Sale” sign, at the top of the hill, leading to our private road was still partly covered with snow, and as I looked outside, and all looked cloudy and bleak, that the beat of my heart became even stronger with anticipation -- someone was coming today, to buy our house, that I quickly went and told my husband, who at times does not know what to do with this wife of his.


While my husband was with the real state lady, I was looking out the window for a car, but, there was no car, all I could see was snow and trees that had no sign of life ---- a few minutes later, when the papers were almost ready for us to sign, I decided to take one more look out the window, as I looked past the snow that was gently falling, I saw a car pull up and stop in front of our home, when I saw people get out of the car that I called to my husband to come quickly, that I heard a knock at the door, as I opened the door we heard them ask, “Is this the house for sale”


Because we had not yet signed the papers our neighbor left and we showed them the house; they loved our home and thought the asking price was more than fair; it was just what they were looking for.


A lesson I learned that day was how important it is that I walk each day in faith, that my walk be one that pleases God, for without faith it is impossible to please Him.  It was not because of “MY” great faith, it was because of “GOD” that my faith was place in, that God delights in doing the unexpected.


How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

 It built my faith up, therefore, being part of the congregation; faith, strengthens the body.









Note: This is not the time to criticize others’ use of spiritual gifts, but to look for positive examples of the use of spiritual gifts.

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts – or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

I must admit that Lord has not used me in any of the nine gifts, at least not to my knowledge, well I do pray in tongues on occasion.

I do not know if my gift of praying in tongues has helped or not.  


I think that God has used me in one of these nine spiritual gifts because there are things that happen around me that I can’t explain. Some people will see the light and I don’t know what I had said or done to make that happen. But I do know that whatever it is, it has built up the church.


Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

Not really me but I have heard of those God has used to heal others. Members of our congregation have however colectively prayed for different sick persons in our church and they have received their healing.



Has God used you in one of the these  nine spiritual gifts--or someone you know? How has this gift built up and strengthen your congregation or community?


Personally I cannot specifically recall any but a close friend has great faith in prayer, in persistent prayer and intercession.


This gift has encouraged others and to strengthen our congregation.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Holy Spirit has given me the core gifts of preaching, teaching, administration, and leadership.  I have used my gifts in some of the following ways: as a Sunday school teacher to various age groups; Director of Mens' Ministry; Deacon; small group facilitator; outreach and prayer coordinator, and as a preacher/pastor in order to encourage and build up the churches I have been a member.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?


I have been anointed and used by the LORD with the gift of faith.  I have worked on the strengthening of the same over a lifetime of study and devotional reading which includes but is not limited to in-depth Bible study.  Over the years and with continual study as indicated coupled with prayer time, I have been used by the LORD to start, facilitate and teach numerous Bible Study Classes not only as part of the Sunday School program in various churches but also within the context of small group ministry which exists outside the Sunday church programs, which typically took place in people’s home but most recently over the past 2 years has been hosted in my own home by my wife and me.


In these specific situations, much advancement has been made in people acquiring a more serious approach to Bible Study as well as a experiencing personal and spiritual growth in their own lives with the LORD and with family and friends.

  • 1 month later...

Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts – or someone you know? How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?          

  • Yes, God has used me and someone I know in the use of spiritual gifts.  It has helped to encourage and build others up.  For instance, one that may be lacking in faith when they see another that is full of faith will help them to be more faithful.  We all have a spiritual gift, it is just the matter of finding/knowing what your gift is.  When we work together, we can build up and strengthen our congregation or community.
  • 11 months later...

I feel that God has used me to help heal people. I was able to use my skills as a nurse to sense something was wrong and was able to get them help immediately. I have the ability of prophecy and have used it in different situations to help people to make the best decisions that they could. I have discernment of Spirit where I am able to help people cleanse their homes and surroundings. I have used this ability in my ghost hunting practice.

  • 6 years later...

Q3. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)

Has God used you in one of these nine spiritual gifts -- or someone you know?

How has this gift help build up and strengthen your congregation or community?

Yes, I have had many  dreams and visions, words of encouragement and discernment at times to share.  In fact I gave my heart and life to the Lord after a dream and vision that I had, where He appeared to me and spoke to me. I share this with much gratefulness in my heart for the mercy He has shown me and  His love. He has spoken audibly to me,  on several occasions. These episodes in my life have helped keep me close to Him in all the experiences I have been through in my life so far. I know He is there and I know He holds my hand.

I have experience healing, where someone lay hands on me and prayed. Whatever the doctor had seen disappeared and was no longer there upon further examination. 

I have also been encouraged on several occasions with a Word of knowledge, and also had strange feelings that something unusual would happen (which then did) and because of my prior feelings I was able to cope in the situation.

Yes, these gifts certainly are still in operation in this day and age. They were not just for the early days.  

  • 1 year later...

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