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Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don’t use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you – and everyone else – were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people’s lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?

  • 3 months later...

Sometimes believers start to think that we have gifts/abilities that are superior to others and we’re something so special there’s no real need for anyone else.  But no one person could ever be capable or sufficient to oversee, execute, and provide all the necessary functions and purposes of the Body of Christ!  Once we let go of that prideful opinion of ourselves we recognize the truth of this scripture – that His Body is comprised of many members who are each uniquely given natural talents and spiritual gifts that are different from each other but all important and useful to God for His master plan and for unique needs within the Body. 


When we don’t encourage believers to discover and develop their spiritual gifts, or when believers sit back and ignore/refuse/neglect them, the entire Church Body loses out and suffers as those needs of the Body go unmet.  Everyone has a “part to play”, just like every part of a physical body has a reason for existing.  No one is superfluous or unnecessary in the work of building up the Body and fulfilling our mission to declare the gospel to the whole world. To accept the idea that anyone can just sit it out or coast through would be like accepting the idea that you can cut off a foot or rip out fingernails or stab yourself in the abdomen without suffering any pain or consequence or loss.  Jeremiah 29:11 isn’t just about how God has a good plan and future of blessing for us; it’s also about how God has a good plan and future of purpose for us. Every believer who does not use their spiritual gifts = unmet needs and purposes within the Body and God’s Kingdom.  And that person will likely have a stagnant spiritual life.


So, if everyone had a priority of employing our spiritual gifts, yes, the entire congregation – and the entire universal Body – would be much richer.  We would grow in unity as we each focused on how we are intended to fit into God’s overall plan together.  Practical needs would be better addressed for those who are experiencing difficulties in life.  Imagine the impact the church would have in our communities through such profound, and unbiased demonstrations of authentic love and support toward each other!  We would all gain greater spiritual knowledge, wisdom, faith, wholeness of body and spirit, discernment, and understanding of Scripture through the ministries of brothers and sisters who are spiritually gifted in those areas.  I think our unity and influence would be a force that can’t be ignored and a magnet for the unsaved to see what God is truly like and really all about.  The gospel message of salvation would surely be more effectively shared and spread.


How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? OTHERS HAVE TO CARRY AN EXTRA LOAD OR SOME MAY BE FORCED TO DO WITHOUT THE IMPACT OF THAT GIFT.


How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts?  VERY RICH; PEOPLE ARE HAPPY WHEN ALL IS FOR ONE AND ONE IS FOR ALL.



What might happen in people's lives? THEY HAVE A REASON TO SHOW UP SINCE OTHERS DEPEND ON THEM.



What might be the community impact of your congregation?  UNITED AND ENGAGED.


Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people's lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?



We are hurt when people do not use their spiritual gifts because the gifts are given for the benefit of the church and if they are not used the church is lessened. It is this lack of using gifts that is hurting the church at this time. There are many gifts, many that are not spectacular. Like service to the church. Martha served and her service was recognized. Jesus  served as he washed the disciples, Jesus said he came to serve not to be served. So this minor gifts are probably the most important to the church. So yes we would be much richer as a congregation if eveyone used their gifts to  a higher degree. 


How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?

We are hurt by other people in our "body" when they are not functioning well.  Even if they do hot exercise their gifts it will hurt others.


How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts?

I do not believe that the priority use of Spiritual Gifts was for the enjoyment of the congregation.  I believe the gifts were to be used in seeking the lost and establishing who Jesus is along with eternal life.  We are rich as Christians, but that comes by faith.  When there was not written down any standard to go by, the spiritual gifts was used to set the standard that God wants us to go by.


What might happen in people's lives?

Christians would have increased faith and joy, understanding more of who God is and His plan for the church.


What might be the community impact of your congregation?

I would hope that it would have more sharing time with everyone.  And the community would see the church rejoicing together.


It makes the body lame.  We all need to minister and be ministered to.


It would be wonderful!!  What a witness to the unbelieving community!!


Much more fruit & changes in towns, villages and cities.

1 Corinthians 12:27

Q). How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?

A). I am hurt by those who don't use their spiritual gifts because we are members of the same body. "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it;" (1 Corinthians 12:26-27)


Q). How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts?

A). When all members of the church are using their gifts, the entire congregation becomes healthy and more effective in doing His work.


Q). What might happen in people's lives?

A). People's lives might become more fulfilled as the congregation uses all of its spiritual gifts.


Q). What might be the community impact of your congregation?

A). The congregation gets richer and healthier. And a great revival takes place.

Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don’t use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?


The gifts are God's love and grace being manifested to us in the here and now.....when People refuse to use their gifts it shuts off His flow of "live" interaction with us. It deprives the body of special nourishment which only He can give through His believing children.


How much richer would your congregation be if you – and everyone else – were to use their spiritual gifts?


The beautiful thing about our congregation is that people are using their gifts....It is a very loving and "alive" body of believers....on the way to our church we pass another with a sign outside: "Interesting talk, killer music, no weird stuff".....we visited once before that sign went up. Cold unfriendly people. The bulletin we were handed said "What to expect: Someone will come out and welcome you, then someone will give a talk, followed by some loud songs. When you see people heading to the door, you'll know the service is over."  The interesting thing printed in the bulletin was "we're an evangelistic church desiring to reach the entire valley."  My thought? The Holy spirit is who they are calling WEIRD, and He's not welcome...it would be a miracle if they reach ANYONE! I learned it's a denomination which teaches that the gifts ended when Jesus ascended. So very sad.


What might happen in people’s lives?


What is happening at our church is that people are being healed and delivered and set free, worship is glorious and the Holy Spirit's presence can be felt, Encouragement flows, loving ministry occurs, and lives are being changed. It's a beautiful thing!


What might be the community impact of your congregation?


Our church started something called CityServe, inviting the churches in the valley to join us in serving the community in practical ways. The Mayor is stunned at all that is being accomplished....from folks going in the evening to clean the crisis pregnancy center, to holding summer camps for the military base and providing a place for the children to have fun while learning about our Jesus. About 12 other churches have joined with us and the community is being impacted in a huge way! Unbelievers are seeing and experiencing the love of God as we serve them. I thank the Lord for leading us there to worship and to serve!

Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) 

How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? 

How much richer would your congregation be if you - and everyone else - were to use their spiritual gifts? 

What might happen in people's lives? 

What might be the community impact of your congregation?

Since each believer and their spiritual gift are all members of Christ’s body; therefore if one believer and their gift is not functioning properly, it is to the detriment of the whole body. What affects one believer affects all. This analogy is seen in the human body. If a human body has a fever, it is not confined to one part of the body, but the whole system is negatively affected. The same with a church body. The congregation can only be fully functional if all its members are actively involved by using all their spiritual gifts. There must be a real sense of solidarity in the Body of Christ. If one of our fellow believers experience any hurt or any recognition we should feel sorrow or joy accordingly for that person. Regarding the consequences of functioning at full strength; there will be no limit as to what can be achieved and we would have an enormous impact on the community – a shining light for Jesus!



I believe people get hurt when others don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another because everyone has their own part to do in the body of Christ. If those parts are not working and being utilized, then the body can't function as a whole. I see abuses in the church in this all the time. Some parts feel their gifts are "more important" than others and become prideful and look down on other gifts. I see worldliness coming in and "people" decide who has what gift to give according to income or education and then there are certain people denied the opportunity to operate in their gift. I see gifts rated and people elevated and others looked down on. I see whole social systems created in the church based on gifts. The body can not be a whole with these atrocities going on. ALL gifts are important and I question if certain believers/leaders who live like this really do understand the Bible and what it says about the Body of Christ and gifts because these problems are contrary to what is taught by God Himself. 

If everyone used and were allowed to use their gifts then the church would prosper. Each person would be fulfilled in their God given role and each person could be content in doing God's will. There wouldn't be any discrimination or error from men and social status would cease because each gift and person would be of true value.

What might happen in people's lives? People in the church would have a passion for the gift that God gave them and each person coming into the church would have opportunity to be mentored to in a variety of ways. I also think that there would be less "burn out" and more peace because there wouldn't be any one person or group trying to do it all. They would stick to what God alone has given to them to do and would recognize God's sovereign will to allow another person their place in His grand design.

The community benefits also because some people have gifts that are more outreach oriented. Not everyone's gift is for utilization in the church but come from within the church to go outward. I also think that Churches that recognize and utilize all gifts and persons are a good example to communities and represent the Christian Church well. This makes the Church credible and can grow the Church. Unity is the source of all kinds of blessings.


Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don’t use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you – and everyone else – were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people’s lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?

Those who do not use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another are not only hurting themselves, by not strengthening one own spiritual growth, but hurting others by not edifying and strengthening their spiritual growth. If we were to share our gifts the whole congregation could become one in unity in Christ. The people's lives would be much richer in the understanding, knowledge and wisdom of Christ. This, in turn would encourage the community to become believers by witnessing our rich life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   


I am hurt by people who don’t use their spiritual gifts because I won’t be able to learn more about Jesus. When people use their spiritual gifts then there is unity in the church. We don’t have people trying to fill a spiritual gift that don’t have that gift but we need that gift to continue on as a church. If the church uses their spiritual gifts then the whole community benefits because we will be able to minister to the community.


Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people's lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?

Every one has a gift unique for a particular service for the body of the church. I he doesn't use this gift, a vacuum is created as the particular need of the body will be be denied.


The congregation will be much richer spiritually as every one uses his gift to nourish and build the whole body achieving the desired unity of the body.


How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?


Just as our body reacts to a malfunction of our bodily system with pain, even acute pain at times, so it is with misuse of a gift or a gift not developed or a gift deemed as "unnecessary at this time"


How much richer would your congregation be if you --- and everybody else --- were to use their spiritual gifts?


The congregation would be spiritually stronger.


What might happen in peoples lives?


They would grow spiritually, they would feel oneness in the body, they would blossom as a Christian.


What might be the community impact of your congregation? 


Instead of being a fractured, weak and aimless group it would be dynamic, outreaching, vibrant and beneficial to the whole community.

How do the leaders of our Church educate our congregation on how to achieve this?

  • 3 weeks later...

1 Corinthians 12:27:  God gave believers gifts to administer and carry out the mission of the church.  That being to systematically spread the gospel throughout the world and built and grow churches and the Christian community throughout the world.   Thus, God though the Holy Spirit has given believers spiritual gifts in addition to their talents to carry this mission out. 


When church members recognize and utilize their gifts churches will be dynamic, loving, and a true joy to be a part of.  However, when only a portion of the church is willing to run with their gifts that church will be ineffective for the Kingdom of God and will often be divided.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27) How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people's lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?

As members of one body of Christ, we “all” have an effect on each other for good feelings and not-so-good feelings; we have an impact of one another in the same way a link in the chain as on the wholeness of the chain.  Should one link become weak or missing altogether, the chain therefore becomes weak and in effective to fulfill its role. 


The same is true in the Church.  The more the local church, the regional church, all the way to the Church Universal, all work together united in the LORD, we are effective and have a strong voice in our communities. But as people do not pull their weight, do their part, the Church’s force and effectiveness in the community weakens.


As the Church works together, people in the community get presented the Gospel of Jesus, and more people come to know the LORD as Master and Savior of their lives and therefore more lives are changed.  We all need to work together to insure that the impact of the world is with a unified effort and therefore the Word of God does “not” become diluted.

  • 1 month later...

How are you hurt by the people who don’t use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another? How much richer would your congregation be if you – and everyone else – were to use their spiritual gifts? What might happen in people’s lives? What might be the community impact of your congregation?          

  • When we don't use our spiritual gifts, it hinders the growth of the church.   We become less effective.  We are all part of one body that has many parts.  Each part of the body is needed.  When one part of the body does not function, the whole body does not function.  If we all work together using our spiritual gifts we will have a healthier church.
  • 11 months later...

People that do not use their gifts are denying the rest of the world the assistance from God and the Holy Spirit. I personally feel that all people are given gifts and talents that are to make the world a much better and holier place. I feel that the more people that use their gifts, the more the influence of God and Christ will shine through everyone's life. Churches will once again become the beacons that they were meant to be.

  • 6 years later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

How are you hurt by the people who don't use their spiritual gifts for one reason or another?

How much richer would your congregation be if you -- and everyone else -- were to use their spiritual gifts?

What might happen in people's lives?

What might be the community impact of your congregation?

At present I cannot really answer the questions as I am not functioning in any congregation. I am helping and encouraging friends from where I was previously located but have not endeavoured successfully to start afresh where I am at present. 

Before, some yrs ago where I was in a congregation very active in the community, it was amazing. 

Many were using their individual gifts. Yes, some got hurt, by jealousy shown by others, who were too scared to move around freely and use their gifts where needed.  

I guess from my experience I can say that it is very important for everyone to use the gifts bestowed on each individual for the proper functioning of the body where the Lord has placed you. 

  • 1 year later...

How would I know if/how other people aren't using their spiritual gifts? I can assume this because we're all on the road to sanctification -- none of us are fully using our gifts. I know my own spiritual gifts aren't fully and constantly "maximalized." So if I have been hurt by other people, I didn't know they hurt me.

A congregation of individuals who are fully utilizing their gifts would be amazing. I can't imagine it. The Holy Spirit has no limitation on what He can do within us if we let Him work through us which is what a gift does.



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