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Q2. (19:16) What are the implications of Christ's title: "King of Kings and Lord of lords" for your life? For the everyday world that surrounds you?

Jesus is the King of all kings! None can sit before Christ Jesus and demand that He worship them! Nor can lords of this world demand to lord over the Lord Jesus! ALL must acknowledge Him as Lord of all--King of all! None can stand in His presence. We will all fall on our knees before Him in worship of His holy majesty!

He is Lord of my life. Oh yes, I try to wrest my life from Him at times, wanting my own way--to my shame. But I cannot live outside of His will in the joy He brings when I cheerfully submit to His will. When I do submit, I find that He uses that submission to draw others to want to know Him! How wonderful it is to stand and see what He does with our little efforts to serve Him! Amazing! :o


I rejoice in this question.

The implication is joy, joy to the Lord

Everything has changed in my life

no more "have a nice day" instead

is (May the joy and peace of our Lord

be with you and me today), people

really look back and thank me, they

leave, and later on they call and say

thank you, that was really beautiful.

Of course is beautiful does not come

from me comes from the King of Kings.

I live my life looking at the great opportunity

of today and ask God to help me to help

some one in the Spirit and He does,

there are many who know of our Lord and

few that walk in His ways and I see this

as a great opportunity to bring the message

to them, with great enthusiasm and love.

Thanks be to God, what a great vision of hope

working with others, be a farmer, sow seeds

and watch His works I go in my knees and

praise Him, sing songs of joy, there is only one

that moves me from iniside.



It is the most perfect title for Jesus. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. It is said to call Him LORD means to say "I will humbly be His bond servant, obedient to all He commands to serve Him." WOW - - what a pleasure it is to serve this most gracious and loving God :rolleyes: .

He is the head of everything and we can seek His will and wisdom in all we do everyday. His attributes are ours to share and it all enables us to be abassadors for His Kingdom. It gives our life meaning and joy. EPH 6:19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, [20] for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

Not only are our lives changed on this earth because of He is Lord of my life, but what I love about the words King of Kings and Lord of Lords - - is that it sums up what happens in the end - - we win - - in Daniel 7 - - verse 26 - then the court shall sit in judgment and his dominion shall be taken away to be consumed and destroyed. The kingship and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven sahll be given to the people of the Holy ones of the mOst High: their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall seve and obey the. - - Jesus truly will be the King of Kings. REJOICE - SHOUT HALLELUJAH!


King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is above all and all will bow to Him. We bow to Him now but I wonder if I have really given Him all His title deserves. I know I haven't. He is Holy God and yet He condescends down to us. John Mac Arthur says because He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings all the forces of hell cannot defeat the Lamb. That is very reassuring because all the forces of hell are against us. It also means we can have victory everyday and in every situation in Him.

I remember in Iran the shah called himself king of kings. Well he died ( I pray in Christ!) and the Lamb of God is alive.

May you all have a blessed day.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,

And to present you faultless

Before the presence of His glory

with exceeding joy,

To God our Savior,

Who alone is wise,

Be glory and majesty,

Dominion and power,

Both now and forever.



God Bless!!!



King of Kings, Lord of Lord.

One who is all powerful, all knowing, who deserves our obedience and submission.

We are studying "Traveling Light" by Max Lucado in my Sunday school class. He says that we tend to look on God as a kindly grandfather, a genie in a bottle or a far to busy Dad that we see on Sunday" . I believe that is true. The truth is he is King of Kings, Lord of Lords and my "all in all"


<_< The things surrounding us are passing and should merit little attention. People who are not under God's grace and protection will discover all the things they have counted on and trusted in are gone. Those who have accepted Jesus as "King of kings and Lord of lords will be secure in the only thing that counts in the New World, faith in God and the salvation He has provided through His Son which is available for the taking.

King of kings, Lord of lords, Christ has all authority, Christ is above all others ,I am to obey our laws and others who have authority over me for example my boss, I am to use Gods word in all matters, if I am told to do something that is outside the boudaries of Gods word then I am to gracefully decline.

For the world that surrounds me some are as I and others will do what it takes to gain something, they will place others above the Lord, they will place themselves above the Lord.

Q2. (19:16) What are the implications of Christ's title: "King of Kings and Lord of lords" for your life? For the everyday world that surrounds you?

"King of Kings and Lord of lords" for your life?

Jesus is highly exalted; He is over all and all powerful. the righteous victor, faithful and true to his choose ones he keeps his promises.

For the everyday world that surrounds you?

That every knee and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phil. 2:10)

Every one that repents will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and crown Him with many crowns, knowing that He has concurred the evil one and is the King of the earth.


He is the Lord of Lord there is none higher than him he is the King of Kings becase he is the only true King the son of the living God. It makes my heart leap with joy at the though that he came to earth to die for me and was buried and ovecame death to rise again to return to the right hand of God. What a blessing it is to have him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in my life today.

The world around me should know that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and without him there is no hope.


It makes my heart leap with joy at the though that he came to earth to die for me and was buried and overcame death to rise again to return to the right hand of God. What a blessing it is to have him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in my life today.

He is the Lord of Lord there is none higher than him he is the King of Kings because he is the only true King the son of the living God.

The world around me should know that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and without him there is no hope. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace and he takes me by the hand and leads me through that promise land what a day glorious day that will be. I am so excited to know that we have been given this choice to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


All powerful, all knowing. He is the authority and is above all others. We are to give our total submission forsaking others.


This title indicates our God's Sovereignty. Most of the world is worshiping The Antichrist who they believe have all power and authority. Then suddenly out of heaven rides Christ and His army of angels-the King of kings and Lord of lords. His entrance signals the end of false power. THis means that I don't put my hope in the things of this world becasue this world as we know it will not last. God's kingdom is everlasting. Where do your allegiance lies? :unsure:


In my daily life the term "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" in Jesus, means to me that in everything I do or say that I put Jesus first. I show that Jesus is Royal. And He should be treated as one. Not only that but that He should be included in my actions, in what I say, and what I do.

In my everyday surroundings, Jesus isn't always first. He is a name that is used as a slang. So I try to let Jesus be my number one, in perspective. I try to not let the cuss words get me down. I try to let other people know, I don't appreciate them cussing in front of me. B)


Christ's title that He is "King of kings and Lords of lords" means that He is to rule every aspect of my life. I can't just pick and choose what areas I want Jesus to rule over and what areas I want to have control over.

Jesus rules over all governmental authority on earth whether they know it or not or choose to acknowledge it or not.


The implications of Christ's title: "King of kings and Lord of lords" for my life are that he is my all in all. He is the supplier of my needs and my strength. For the everyday world that surrounds me He is the reson it exists. He controls every situation to bring about His ultimate glory.


He is to be the center of my world at all times, all things I do should glorify him & praise him.

Anything that will not bring glory and honor to Jesus should be eliminated.

This is a place of the trials for Christians, we must pass through in order to make our choice to honor God or to disobey him- the world is temporary do not be of this world.


I believe that Christ is the only son of God, he would have died for just me. I believe tha the Bible is the undisputed word of God. I believe that I would be faithful to Jesus until death. I know that I am not created prefect, and that I will fall short, but I can take it to my Lord, confess, lay it at his feet and all is forgiven-- this doesn't mean that I can contuniullly sin--but that I must learn from my failures turn from sin, live everymonent as if he will return in the blink of an eye.

I must be always on guard, but if and when I stumble I can turn it over to him & beforgiven.

:D ' King of Kings and Lord of Lords' to my life, is to surrender all my thoughts and actions to be acceptable to the Kings rule, in each and every aspect of my life. As I am in this world, I strive to represent and follow the King's guidelines when I interact with the world.

This title indicates our Gods sovereignty~~"The King of Kings,"Lord of Lords".

His entrance signals the end of the false powers.

There is no description or expression that the human mind can devise ,because God is greater than any name we could give him.

~There is only one God under many names~~AMEN

  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus is the ultimate authority for everything relating to this world, whether people know it or not.

We look past other authorities to see how they line up with His. They may have been put in place by Him, in which case we are to obey them cheerfully and supportively (even if we do get a ticket sometimes!) But where they require us to depart from His ways, we choose His. His banner over us is love (Solomon), His desires for us are beneficial (at least in the long run,) and His law is wonderful in our eyes (Ps 119). We respond to Him in love and obedience with confidence.

My Christian friends and I are one in Jesus, and "Behold how good and wonderful a thing it is brethren, to dwell together in unity." :D:rolleyes::):lol:

My other friends don't know what they are missing, <_< and it is my mission in life to be to them as Christ in order "to win some".

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (19:16) What are the implications of Christ's title: "King of Kings and Lord of lords" for your life? For the everyday world that surrounds you?

His title says who He is and tells me who I am in relation. Those who have relationship with Jesus, who is king, know that they are heirs. Knowing the ruler as friend before King helps for then we know Him in nature and we are blessed to have such a King and Lord as He with attitude and attributes as His are. He does not change and is the truth and what is written and experienced will be forever.

It is good to be on God's side in life than on the enemy's side in life. In the everyday world it is havoc and chaotic. Almost opposite to what is said in the Bible is the world in how it operates as a whole. To have Christ in my life makes life bearable and beautiful and He gives me hope. To have Him at all times to walk with is a blessing indeed compared to being in the world and not knowing Him. I have been on both ends for I did not come to the realization of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit alive and present in this world until I was in my latter mid thirties. I am in my forties now. I thank God for all He has done for me and will do for us.

The promise of salvation is of great significance in Christ's title: "King of kings and Lord of lords" for my life. For He is faithful and true and has testified to John and what was said is truth, so salvation is ours to claim and each day we can call out in our needs to Him because of His title we can call on God too through Jesus. How wonderful is the name given to Him as "King of kings and Lord of lords".

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (19:16) What are the implications of Christ's title: "King of kings and Lord of lords" for your life?

He is the King and Lord of my life. He is number one and none come before Him. He is the reason I can get up every morning with a smile on my face, even though all I see or hear is war and hatred and pain. I know that one day this will all end and there will be eternal peace and happiness for every child of God.

For the everyday world that surrounds you?

If the world would just take the time to understand the Word of God and what it promises us, this world would not be at war with each other, there would be no prejudice against others, and no hatred. What a wonderful peaceful world this would be

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