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Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with? How might prayer help you grow? How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?

"Envy" is a strong, passionate emotion, but it is primarily characterized by love for oneself rather than love for others.(notes) This passionate emotion has been a problem with me. I never thought that it was  characterized by love for oneself rather than love for others. 


How might prayer help you grow?

As I pray and study the word of God envy has become less  of an issue and I have come to less envious.



How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?


​walking with the spirit and being more exposed to the fruit of the spirit than the flaws can be better handled


Probably the number one thing on this list that I struggle with is irritability.  I’m on the go with “things to do and people to see” so much of the time that I sometimes get frustrated with people who “just don’t get it”, or drag their feet or put up obstacles.  I have to remember that those frustrations do not make it OK to then be irritable or unloving when I get home!  Prayer is certainly an important answer, as it causes me to refocus priorities and to humble myself before God as an imperfect person myself.  Staying in the Word and walking in the Spirit definitely affect my mindset, help me to recognize when I’m going off-track, and enable me to make a better choice in my attitude.



For me, keeping score is my weakness. When others hurt me or wrong me I really have to work everyday to take the offence to Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to help me overcome bitterness in the situation. I have to often make a conscience effort to choose to love and forgive every day until I can move on with a clear conscience. I don't know why that is a stronghold for me, but I have become very aware of it these last months and I have chosen to faithfully bring those things to the Lord for help and for help to forgive others and to not keep score in my mind when I encounter those who have hurt me. I really desire a new countenance in those situations.


Prayer for me is imperative! I really need to be prayerful when offences come to my mind! Through prayer, I can take them to Jesus and LEAVE them there right away before they grow in my mind and harden my heart! Freedom!


This to me is walking with the Spirit. I'm aware of my sin, take it to Him, call on His power for help, confess and turn from a bad habit and He ALWAYS, ALWAYS helps me!!!


I have also become increasingly aware that if I don't love others, then I don't really love Jesus. This has been a profound revelation that really gave me the desire to turn from keeping score I desire to REALLY love Jesus!!!


Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?

I guess my most challenging one would be envy.  I seem to want what others have that are better than mine or I want to know what other know without learning it.


How might prayer help you grow?

When I begin to feel envy, I need to give a quick prayer for help - Holy Spirit.  My prayer life needs to include all my flaws to help overcome them.


How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

If I can keep my mind focused of spiritual things and not on things for "my consumption".


1 Corinthians 13:4-6
Q). Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?
A). I have the most trouble with Irritability and Keeping score.
Q). How might prayer help you grow?
A). It might be helpful if I pray as Jesus encouraged me to do in the Lord's Prayer.
Q). How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?
A). When I'm walking with the Spirit my mind is focused on God's will and I am less likely to indulge in self-centered attitudes and actions.
"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the **** of the flesh."
(Galatians 5:16)


Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?


My love falls short of "enduring long" ....especially in one situation where the Lord promised an outcome with an individual and it's been 35 years. In that case if I'm not really focused on my attitude, I'm "touchy" and "resentful". When I'm tired or anxious I forget to "be mannerly". (Very tired and irritable today from the heat and broken air conditioning in the car. A lady and I slightly bumped each other while walking out of a store and I was so focused on ME that I just went on and heard her apologize behind me..I felt sad that I hadn't thought to apologize to her!)


How might prayer help you grow?


It's the only way we grow....I can't change myself, only God can do that, but I must cooperate with Him, and that begins by recognizing that I'm falling short and then asking for His help and surrendering to allow His Holy Spirit to "live" through me.


How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?


After I read "Practicing the Presence of God" I began to really endeavor to stay in constant touch with the Holy Spirit...and failed over and over again every single day. Then I realized I was "working it" and was exhausted. Now I surrender in the morning, ask Him to order my steps and my stops, and to give me a gentle nudge when I'm wandering off on my own again...that's been my solution, because I'm now listening for His voice, His correction if needed, His encouragement, His "winks" or "hugs", and the flaws are being minimized, by His grace because I've moved out of the way...."Trying" kept me focused on me....not a good thing! Now that I've asked Him to be in charge, the pressure is off and I'm enjoying our friendship once again.


Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?

Arrogance, self seeking, boasting, Irritability and keeping score.

How might prayer help you grow?

I believe confession and repentance it will help me because God He is pointing this issue to me so that I can grow

How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

A lot because I won't gratify the desires of the flesh

Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) 

Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with? 

How might prayer help you grow? 

How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

My main problem has been with fellow believers. I place them on a pedestal expecting perfection from them, not realising that I am very far from perfect myself. So I become disappointed when I see Christian believers acting in certain ways. I must pray for help in overlooking some of the things believers do, acknowledging that we are all at different stages of maturity, and that perfection exists only in God. Walking in the Spirit will allow me to make allowances for the faults and behaviour of others. I need to love my fellow Christians more and neglect any imperfections, just as they neglect all my imperfections. 



Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with? How might prayer help you grow? How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

Patience is the test of agape love I would have. With many demands placed on the shoulders to get things done on time and in some type of order. Especially if one feels physically ill. Yes, when you feel the worst patience is usually in very short supply.

I feel many times to just time out and say a few prayers to Lord helps a whole lot. It may not decrease the pressure but sure helps with patience when you know the Lord is there to help.   

Starting the day out with praise and worship to the Lord helps keep the day in order, if I start out walking in His spirit. Keeping habits of praying first off the bat getting up helps, and of course many times short prayers during the day help us to keep walking in the spirit of the Lord.  


Irritability & pride

a prayerful life will pave the way

walking in the spirit means my eyes are on Jesus, not my self. I need to question my motives.


Q1. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3) What is the result of the greatest imaginable manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit done without love? Is it possible to operate a gift of the Spirit from a selfish or wrong motivation. Which make us more spiritual -- Gifts of the Spirit or Fruit of the Spirit?



Yes but it shouldn’t be so. Love should be the motivation

Should be both, that is having the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit should make us very spiritual. Having the gifts of the Spirit without the fruit of the spirit does not make spiritual at all.


Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with? How might prayer help you grow? How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?



I have a challenge in almost all of them, particularly- I not patient, not as kind as I ought to be,  I am easily angered etc


Prayer is acknowledging that we cannot do it with our own power and thus asking God to help us. I therefore believe He can empower us to be able to love as he does. The Spirit will empower us.


I think that the ones that I have the most trouble with is irritability and the delighting in evil. Internally I do delight when somebody that I dislike is having trouble and when somebody bugs me it is hard for me to shut it off. Prayer always helps me grow because I am not as bad as I use to be but I am not there yet.


Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have most trouble with?


Envy in as much as I would like to be gregarious, to be able to more comfortable in crowds.


How might prayer help you grow?


In passing on to God my feelings of lack, to ask more often for His help in all situations.


How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?


To be ready always to call on the Spirit for help in trying times.


Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?


Envy and irritability.




How might prayer help you grow? How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?


I need to be more content with what I have and not be so concerned with others who have more than I do and who came by it more easily. I'm talking about career advancements, not material possessions. Thankfully I don't envy people better off materially than I am or I'd be the most miserable personon earth.


I also need to be less irritable. Prayer to God, asking for patience will definitely help me in these areas, as will allowing the Holy Spirit to control and temper my irritablilty. I've been told I'm a pretty calm guy, but that came from someone who was accustomed to violence in her previous relationships. There's more to having a loving attitude than the absence of violence. Just because I'm not violent doesn't mean I can't learn greater patience and become less cranky at times.

  • 2 weeks later...

1 Corinthians 13:4-6:  Irritability is the aspect of agape love that I struggle with the most.  I pray when I am irritable that I don't be unkind and mean spirited to those who are causing the irritation.  I am aware of it and I am working on downplaying it in my life through the Holy Spirit.

  • 2 months later...

Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with? How might prayer help you grow? How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?       

  • Patience is the agape love that cause me the biggest problem.  In my prayer, I always ask the Lord to start with me to make me a better person in whatever my down falls may be.  As I matured in my walk with God I have learned to become more patient.     
  • 2 years later...

For me unfortunately and embarrassing to say, is that I have issues with with every last one. I hate being like this. I have these family members that is always moving in my home for the last 22 years and I get so upset. How can I leave them in the street though?  I just feel that I am being invaded by aliens every six months to a year. My emotions have really took me to places I never dreamed I would go. And I know the Word of God say to help those in need especially your family. When I feel emotionally drained I just go to my room to avoid saying something I will and have regretted.

I used to blame everyone and everything for my actions and emotional outburst. I am learning that I can't justify what I do on nothing. I read the Word of God,I Fellowship with Jesus, meditate, and get mental support from my Women's Bible Study class, and Pray for change in the renewing of my mind.I do know that if I abide in Him, He will abide in me.  I solicit from you ALLL to please keep me in your Prayers IN the Name of JESUS, FOR A CHANGE IN MY HEART!! AMEN!! Feel free to comment on my response!!

  • 5 years later...

Q2. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6)

Which one or two of these tests of agape love do you have the most trouble with?

How might prayer help you grow?

How will walking with the Spirit help you deal with these flaws?

I tend to get irritable and  impatient with myself and others if something is not properly done. A task not done as instructed by a supervisor and then I have to continue working on that slipshod product. I will easily then just do the task myself from A to Z.  I also get irritable with others who display this kind of conduct.  (Then I have oodles of patience)

I also tend to look at strangers with suspicion, especially when their character is highly praised and the outward that I see is flashy or totally the opposite. 

I know that if and when this situation arises and I immediately pray about it and stay in prayer, it is easier to get through it without the irritability to rear its ugly head.  Also I am then able to accept that person for who he/she is and just know that just as I am, they too are, still a work in progress.

Walking in the Spirit sure does help. I see people and situations in a different light. It is as though I see the world through God's pair of glasses not just my earthly eyes.


  • 1 year later...

I have problems that don’t exactly make this list … at the same time I am guilty of every item on the list.

My biggest problem is a lack of trust, not only in God, but in other people (including myself, at times). Trust and love are co-related. People who have not known earthly love, or consistent love, have difficulty believing or even understanding God’s love. People who have been deeply hurt or disappointed have difficulty believing and trusting the love of other Christians.

Agape love should exist between God and Christians. God is a person. He is a friend. He is ever-present in our hearts. He, ultimately, is responsible for growing within us His agape love and increasing our love for Him.


Prayer is the key to everything in our spiritual lives. There's a sort of desperate prayer, a prayer from the gut, a cri de coeur as the French say (cry of the heart), which seems so authentic and true that I know I've connected with God. 

But there's also a selfless prayer, a prayer not about me, but about others, a crying-out to God for help in a situation. This, too, connects with God.

Every time I go through a hellish time on earth and am reduced and humbled enough to pray like this, I grow.  I'm in one now.


Certain phrases such as "walking with the Spirit" are so blithe they irritate me. There are walks. There are times of standing put. There are jogging times and even leaping times. The speed at which we move isn't necessarily contingent on our own spiritual growth, sincerity or prayers. Sometimes God has to work both ends (someone or something else) which delays our forward motion. Sometimes the changes in our heart are not fully known.

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