Pastor Ralph Posted February 5, 2014 Report Posted February 5, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 29, 2014 Report Posted May 29, 2014 In a corporate setting, neither prophecy nor speaking in tongues is allowed in my church. Even if they were, it would be doubtful that our pastor would allow time for an orderly exercise of these gifts in large meetings. He does prefer to tightly control our services, and there have been many times when I sensed a missed opportunity for the Spirit to take over. In small groups, there is more encouragement and acceptance of sharing insight/revelation in discussion participation, but I don’t think calling it prophecy would be accepted. And I surely desire the Lord’s wisdom in this matter, but at present I understand tongues as a gift to be exercised for proclaiming God’s Word and His Gospel in situations where people are present who need to hear it in their language that differs from our own. Quote
parkerslope Posted May 31, 2014 Report Posted May 31, 2014 In your particular congregation, which parts of vs. 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? I do not believe that "prophecy" and "tongues" are needed today, because anything they would give us, is already in the Bible. When I see those who profess to use a Spiritual Gift, it is always to make them gloat over what they have, not for a spiritual reason. Quote
charisbarak Posted June 1, 2014 Report Posted June 1, 2014 This is a tough question. I see everything at our church done in an orderly way, but we don't deal with speaking in tongues or prophesying. It doesn't seem to be a problem there. If we do go to another church where this is done correctly, like Hayford's church, we can be ready to accept the differences in the body of Christ. Quote
WinstonY Posted June 2, 2014 Report Posted June 2, 2014 Question 4 Verse 40 sounds very much like our church. Verse 39 are not gives that our church pursues. Quote
Jwalane Mofokeng Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? Prophesy Quote
Lion of Grace Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 I have recently felt instructed to go out of my church and have been sent to another, so I have two comparisons. In the first church, these passages on the order in the church are taken very literally, including the misperceived idea that women should remain silent and learn from men. The services were tightly controlled, though I don't think it was because of the Pastors per say that this was done. There were no opportunities in the service for any speaking in tongues, interpreted or not, nor were there opportunities for prophecy. There were some Bible studies to attend that were biblically in order where everyone could share what the Holy Spirit had revealed to them in the study, but most studies were controlled by teachers and their agendas or points they wanted to get across to the "students". Exhortation was frowned upon by leadership and the church was out of balance wanting only encouragement no matter the true circumstances. It was a well oiled machine though with many ministries. I think allowing prophecy and tongues would be the balance they need. The church I've recently attended has a more healthy view of spiritual gifts in everyone including women in the church, has a pastor that has a shepherd's heart who tries to encourage people in their gifts discerning those gifts in others and allowing and even desiring those gifts to be used. This church though, can struggle more with order (as in some being manifested in some people much louder than in others or not fully being understood and misused) but there is a good balance in recognizing everyone's gift as being valuable. Prophecy is listened to humbly out of the general church gathering. I've never heard anyone speaking in tongues in public but know there is prayer language going on and openly talked about. Quote
JanMary Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 On 2/5/2014 at 10:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? I feel extremely blessed to be able to say that our church functions just as Paul suggested, in the full power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, with the gifts operating, the Holy Spirit in control, verses 39 and 40 in practice, in a safe and "sane" environment where the Lord is honored and glorified and the people are growing in Him and in His Word, physically and emotionally and spiritually being healed and delivered. I'm certain Satan hates this church! We are blessed to have female pastors on staff, (one whose husband is also an ordained minister but who works in the secular world as well as serving in the church, because he fully understands that the calling on his wife's ministry is key and he supports her ministry fully...what a breath of fresh air that is!) Our church supports missions, has an outreach which now includes 17 local churches who've joined us in serving the community in practical ways while taking Jesus outside the church walls. A huge sanctuary has just been completed, debt free, because giving is a joy to this congregation as an act of arm twisting or gimmicks here (as we've experienced in other churches, sadly) Quote
Sank T Monius Posted June 4, 2014 Report Posted June 4, 2014 1 Corinthians 14:39-40 Q). In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? A). What's most needed is acceptance of speaking in tongues as a valid spiritual gift. Quote
hanks Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? All I can say is that our Lord is not a God of confusion or disorder. Therefore our meetings must be held in an orderly fashion in reverence to Him. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Because of the abuses that sometimes occur in connection with the speaking of tongues, strict control is required. And just because a thing is sensational or spectacular does not mean that it has any place in the church. In order to be acceptable a ministry must result in spiritual growth – a building up the people of God. Chaos and discord in a church meeting is certain proof that the Spirit of God is not in control. Where His Spirit rules there is always peace. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 On 2/5/2014 at 10:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? In our congregation to keep people in biblical balance is that most gifts are displayed after the praise and worship service. It is important that all be quite during prophetic speaking and in tongues, provided they do it in order. If some speak in tongues with no interpreters then they usually speak low and to themselves. Quote
Delivered Posted June 7, 2014 Report Posted June 7, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? In order to please God and to build up the congregation, the most needed part is that the working of the Holy Spirit not be hindered from the body of believers; therefore, make sure all things are done decently, in a dignified and proper manner as God commanded, because its root is to be that of "Love" - love will bring order and peace to the congregation. Quote
haar Posted June 11, 2014 Report Posted June 11, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? Both prophesy and tongues are not used in my Church during public worship. But from what I have been exposed to from the notes in this study supported by ample scriptures, both are still possible in our days pending when perfection comes with the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this cas orderliness is required where only one at a time should prophesy or speak in tongues. In the latter, there must be interpretation. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 12, 2014 Report Posted June 12, 2014 We have got a ridged order of worship. So that they thing that is needed is to be able to be spontaneous in our worship service. I have been to some congregations where this was allowed and then it would got out of hand. So I have been in a church that has the balance that Paul is writing about. Quote
Rod Beenleigh Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39- 40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into Biblical balance? Our congregation is very staid, even raising an arm is deemed to be charismatic, prophecy and speaking in tongues are not pursued. Quote
dixonle Posted July 29, 2014 Report Posted July 29, 2014 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? Paul stated that God is not a God of disorder but of peace and most often ignoring and/or resisting disorder. Christians seem to have opted for all forms of worship. Where there is a presence of disorder that may appear as chaos, I believe and am much more comfortable with the John Wesleyan (United Methodist) approach based on a methodic and orderly format of corporate worship. That is not to say, that creativity, joy, unpredictability experiences are ruled out, but a Biblical approach to worship is definitely foundational to corporate worship, praise, and prophecy! Quote
blezed Posted September 24, 2014 Report Posted September 24, 2014 In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? In our church, speaking in tongues is not part of our worship service. Our church service is conducted in a good and orderly way so that we can worship, be taught and be prepared to serve God. Quote
Irmela Posted June 17, 2022 Report Posted June 17, 2022 Q4. (1 Corinthians 14:39-40) In your particular congregation, which parts of verses 39-40 are most needed in order to bring your congregation into a biblical balance? I am not anywhere in a congregation at present, but have been in the past where tongues, interpretation of tongues and words of prophecy, were exercised. In the beginning the meetings were blessed. Unfortunately something was allowed to enter and what was fine and good, became not so fine and good anymore. Quenching the Spirit needs to be avoided at all cost. I pray for God's leading. I so need to become part of an assembly again. Quote
Krissi Posted August 3, 2023 Report Posted August 3, 2023 My congregation, an Anglican spin-off, is so tightly regulated by liturgy and ritual that I can’t imagine anyone speaking up or doing anything “untoward.” We could use more spontaneity. Much more. Though the congregation is composed of genuine believers (and a handful of Sunday Christians), the minister represses any spontaneous expression of faith. The entire worship service is under his control, or at least controlled. Mid-week Bible studies led by laymen are more open yet spiritual gifts are not exercised. There are no small groups. One extreme manifestation of “fitting and orderly” is a worship service that is choreographed and ritualized. I had expected most people on this forum to come from more "spiritually libertarian" congregations, as did Paul, but after reading through the comments, this is not the case. Quote
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