Pastor Ralph Posted November 1, 2003 Report Posted November 1, 2003 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? This is frightening because it IS awesome!! The thought of having every event in my life--my actions and thoughts open to all--can not but cause me to draw back! Is anyone so perfect that he/she has not done things that we wish we had not? Of course not! Yes, we know we have been forgiven when we have repented and asked His forgiveness. And, we cannot but fall on our faces in gratitude to Him that He does forgive us! But how our hearts wish we could have been totally pure and never need to be forgiven at all! Yes! That is but our pride taking over! And again, I need to be forgiven! In other words, this horrible judgement of the unrepentant is what I deserve! Only His loving willingness to take my punishment allows me to be acceptable to Him! So, we see this event coming for those who have not repented--and our hearts cringe--especially for those loved ones who reject Him and face His judgement without our Advocate! God help us to reach as many as possible before that awesome Day! Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 It is frightening because it is so final and unchangeable. Everyone is held accountable for things they could have changed if they had only listened. People want to believe a kind and loving God would not punish in this way but the knowledge of this punishment is widely spread, the solution proven and the results predicted. Quote
aguilar-j Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 We are basically fear based people We love control of every thing We are human beings that only think on the flesh and cannot foresee the realm of the spirit. When we lose touch with the physical and cannot control it fear sets in. It comes to mind when one time as a kid I confessed my sins, what I thought there were all my sins, and I remember the feeling was exhilarating only to see it taken away by my next wrong doing My life turned for the worst and I kept running into places that today I do not ever want to go back to It was God that in the night of the second of February of 1990 saved me and brought me to Him. It took another six years of learning and living diferently to come to my Lord and Savior and totally surrender He cleaned me and gave me new garmets, He has forgive all my sins and I live my life for Him. Still lingers in the back of my mind at this moment DID I FORGET SOMETHING? DID I HARMED SOME ONE WITHOUT ME KNOWING IT? If I have I want to confess and come clean again is by His grace that I am here and yes still today when the question is raised How will you be at the final judjment? Scares me and only hope that The infinite Love of my dear God and by His compassion I will be forgiven and then can participate in His eternal Glory. Let's pray for the Spritual healing in every one and let's bring as many people to our Lord and Savior as we can in His name today. Your brother Jesus A. Quote
juwulz Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 While it is so easy to generalize, for myself, I confess my sins to the Lord and know that I am forgiven. When it comes to "judgement day" I wonder if there is still that insecurity lingering in the back of my mind that maybe I left something out. Or that though I try hard to walk in a Christian way, I am human and imperfect, and make mistakes, though I know I am loved and created in the image of God. So there is a dichotomy going on in the back of my mind when it gets down to considering final judgement. This study has caused me to spend a lot of time in introspection and prayer and I am so grateful for that. On a side note, thank you Pastor Ralph for your time and energy. This is such an awesome subject to contemplate and learn from. Our Lord is such a loving Lord, and I learn more and more daily from every persons' posts. Thank you for this opportunity to share and learn. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted November 4, 2003 Report Posted November 4, 2003 Frightening - - because we are convicted that we missed the mark somehow. It makes us think if we have confessed everything, are we really going to make it. Did we forget to confess and what about the sins we don't even know about that we have commted. The mercifulness and fairness of God is never in question, but the fear is from within ourselves. Are we sincere, did we confess it all, and then there are those we loved still not saved. So the question prompts me to get very serious about prayer and sharing - - this great message of a just, loving, gracious, merciful Savior, Jesus. Time is short and the fields are ready for the reaping! Quote
Jen Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 It is frightening because it is true. It is the Word of God and it will happen. I'm struggling with this because there are unbelievers in my family. Its the reason I pray for people who have hurt me. How could anyone want this kind of punishment for anyone. Its the reason I decided I could not support the death penalty because we are sending some people into a Christless eternity. Maybe they choose it but I cannot bear it. There is no joy in me reading this and thinking about my own selfishness and pettiness. I keep thinking of Pauls verse "That which I would do I don't and that which I wouldn't do I do. Oh wretched man that I am who can deliver me from this body of death." And thats just what I am a wretched person. I have Christ. Am I so selfish tht I don't care that others don't. But I do care but the flesh is weak. Why do people reject the idea of a final judgement? Is it the Santa Clause mentality that we have about God? Is it because the idea of final judgement and a God of love don't jive in our minds? Or is it just a blindness like scales over our eyes. I don't know the answer but some people are in for a terrible terrible beyond description reality when they die. Here is John Phillips description of it (Exploring Revelation) "There is a terrible fellowship there....The dead, small and great, stand before God. Dead souls are united to dead bodies in a fellowship of horror and despair. Little men and paltry women whose lives were filled with pettiness, selfishness, and nasty little sins will be there. Those whose lives amounted to nothing will be there, whose very sins were drab and dowdy, mean, spiteful, peevish, groveling, vulgar, common, and cheap. The great will be there,men who sinned with a high hand, with dash, and courage and flair. Men like Alexander and Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin will be present, men who went in for wickednesss on a grand scale with the world for their stage and who died unrepentant at last. Now one and all are arraigned and on their way to be damned: a horrible fellowship congregated together for the first and last time." Some of it sounds to much like me. God Bless you all. Jen Quote
Julie Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? For being afraid of not doing enough, not hearing the words "well done my child" Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? For the Lord is not in them Quote
ccs Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? It will be a time to see whose name is in the book of life. Are you saved? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior, the one who is and was and is to come? Everything will be burned up, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw. Have we built on the foundation of Jesus Christ the foundation that will endure? If our name is written in the book; then we have accepted Christ and are a Christian and are not in danger of being cast in the lake of fire. But we will be judged for our life here on earth and rewarded; Good, bad or indifferent. (1 Cor. 3:5) each of us will receive our own reward according to our labor. Have we shared the gospel with others, have we planted seeds of the good news, or watered it by our actions and words? (Matt.25:14-25) We will be judged by how we use our talents in this lifetime to win those to Christ. Those who bury their talents will be cast into outer darkness, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? This is it! Those that did not repent there will be no place for them and those that accepted Jesus and have not shared his love with others to win them over to Him, well, there are no more chances. Quote
cct1106 Posted November 5, 2003 Report Posted November 5, 2003 This is very frightening but awesome. Everyone is to be judged. You stand before God Almighty and there are 2 books that are opened, you do not know which book you are in. Why? Because although you feel and believe that you served God and lived your life as a true Christian and Child of God you wonder if through your lifetime you have altered or failed at something that you should not have. The only way you will truly know is when judgement day comes. Quote
TennLady01 Posted November 6, 2003 Report Posted November 6, 2003 It is frightening because we are still human and we even though we have excepted Jesus as our savior know those that have not excepted him. Some of our family have refused to except him and know that he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Son of the true and living God. We do not want judgment we want mercy forever and the human mind does not want to except the fact that this is what will happen and it is forever and ever. No turning back no more chances for us to even repent of things that we have done in our lives. We as Christian need to practice what our brother Paul told us he did. We must die daily, ask forgiveness and pray we know God is just and willing to forgive all who ask. 1Cr 15:31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. We still as humans do not want to see those that did not except Jesus during the time given to them to do so end up in hell. We fight the idea of the reading of the books of life because we know it holds all that we have done for all to see. As a Christian there should be no fear for when God forgives he forgets I do not think it will be written there if we have been forgiven of it. Thank you Jesus for taking our sins upon you so we can stand before the final judgment without fear. Fear is not of God and as a Christian we should not let it be entertained in our minds. 2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted November 6, 2003 Report Posted November 6, 2003 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Almighty God and we are to have fear of God and not of man. The judgment is final it is not something we can change or help others to change it is the end of everything and we will be with Jesus forever. We resist the idea of final judgment because we do not want to think of leaving anyone behind and we ourselves do not want to stand before the Almighty God. we think of him in mercy and kindness not as a judge that is hard for our minds us being human to conceive. Quote
kitty Posted November 11, 2003 Report Posted November 11, 2003 This scene can be frightening if a person doesn't know what is going on. People may seem to resis the idea of a final judgment because they feel they still have time. Quote
Helen Williams Posted November 12, 2003 Report Posted November 12, 2003 This is so frightening because this will be a terrible time for the unsaved. There is no turning back or trying to make the right decision because this is the final judgement. Everyone has had the opportunity to choose eternal life or eternal death. We seem to resist the idea of a final judgement because of God's patience and long-suffering. Some might even think there is no final judgement, when we have to give account of all the deeds done in this body. God is giving all of us a chance because he wants all to be save and not perish. The final judgement is true and real. Where we spend eternity is determine by how we live according to the word of God. Quote
linda bass Posted November 13, 2003 Report Posted November 13, 2003 The great white throne judgment is frightening because a person's every thought, word, and deed will be exposed for all to see. I also believe those in judgment will be shown the times they rejected Christ when they were given a chance to respond to the gospel. That way they can't say 'I never knew' or 'nobody ever told me.' Another reason it is so frightening is that the punishment will be forever. Those who rejected Christ will burn in a literal lake of fire forever and ever. This is only my opinion but I believe the lake of fire will be a cold fire rather than a hot one. By this I mean they will feel the fire from deep within themselves not just on they outer bodies. Also another frightening reason is that those cast into the lake of fire will be in their physical bodies which can feel pain as opposed to just being placed there as a spirit alone. I believe people resist the idea of a final judgment because they want to believe that God is basically good, that He can't possibly punish someone for eternity. Sadly, there are believers who basically hold to the same belief. They feel that any punishment someone receives for rejecting the gospel is only temporary. Also many believe the false teaching that it is still possible to accept Christ even after they have been judged and sent to hell or the lake of fire. Quote
heatherdills Posted November 14, 2003 Report Posted November 14, 2003 This awesome scene of judgemnt is so frightening because it is final. One is either in the Book of Life or one is not. The other books held judgement of those not in the Book of Life and had every deed done to be judged. People seem to resist the idea of a final judgement because we see God as loving and forgiving. We do not fathom that at this point of judgement that these people have had every opportunity to accept Christ, but their hearts have been hardened against Him. Quote
dparker777 Posted November 14, 2003 Report Posted November 14, 2003 It is hard to realize how just God is. We don't want to believe that anyone will be lost- it is hard to realize tha someone you love & care for may be lost forever. We were given freedom to choose our own path- why then would God punish us for our choices after all he allowed us to follow that path. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 The awesome scene of judgment is so frightening because the most of us do not understand it.A lot of people are only taught about the "Doom part" ,and what is going to happen if you do not change your way of living.People need to be taught the Love of God,His peace.On the other hand christians should stand out for the good in their life"Let your light shine",the light of Jesus Christ.Focus on Jesus Christ and all the rest will fall into place. Satans power is not eternal~he will meet his doom! At judgment,the books is opened. In them are recorded the deeds of "everyone",good or evil.Now,we are not saved by our deeds,but our good deeds shows clear evidence of a persons actual relationship with God."The Book of Life contains the names of those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ to save them,that is our assurance."Our only hope"Amen. Quote
shawn746 Posted November 21, 2003 Report Posted November 21, 2003 All will know and all will see what we did for HIM Quote
dantanc Posted November 22, 2003 Report Posted November 22, 2003 Many of us, human beings, living as good citizens in our contemporary society are proud that we never had to face a judge or judgement, for any crime or omission that we have committed. But this judgement before the great throne of God by the Omniscient God, is so frightening because, eventhough we are sure the the Lord has lovingly wiped away all our sins, when we accepted him as our personal Savior,still to be exposed before all the people and being directly judged by the Omnipotent himself. And that is final for me and all my dear and near. However our Lord has sifficiently forewarned us, showed us the provision He made for us to reconcile us, sinners, with Him. Quote
Helen Posted December 6, 2003 Report Posted December 6, 2003 The scene of judgement is frightening because it's a fact of life and puts the responsibility right square on our shoulders. It is frightening to consider people we love not having their names written in the Book of Life. People resist the idea of final judgement because they don't really know Jesus, and because they prefer to have all the say in their own lives. Quote
Debora Posted February 3, 2004 Report Posted February 3, 2004 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? It is frightening because it is, day of judgement! Each person that has ever lived and all of God's creatures, Angels too, will be judged. Each knows what they have done and probably each will be able to see themself more clearly than ever before in the full presence of the Almighty. Each person that has ever lived will go on to a place of either, eternal happiness or eternal torment. No other options in God's plan. Are we all not doubting Thomas now and again? I am, but I notice as time goes on I do doubt less and less which gives me hope that one day I shall never doubt again. I grow stronger each day and stand firmer on the word as time goes on. It makes me when I read and understand what is God's plan to make greater efforts to do as He asks; to obey what is written. It becomes frightening for I know that as hard as I try to do His will, I cannot do it perfectly and not always do I do it, as I should do it, as I would want it to be done or, how He wants it to be done. Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? The other day on the internet in a Christian Chat room we were in a debate room discussing what happens to a person after death. Many views were presented and the discussion continued. About fifteen minutes later a person who I noted did not participate in the debate but sat in the room typed a line to me. "Do you really believe what you are saying?" This person was the one who actually started the debate and the person believed that when a person dies that is the end of the story, there is nothing afterward. So even those who hear from many at one time in an environment of faith will still not believe. They may come from a different set of doctrines taught and Jesus warns us of false Teachers, Apostles and the reason why they resist the idea of a final judgment. I think of my days in a nursing home as well, as a Care Partner. I would sit and visit people who are elderly in a nursing home or in their homes. There were two types of people that I noted in my observation as a Care Partner. There were those who were dying and had faith. There were those who were dying and had no faith, no belief in God. The ones with faith died peacefully. Some in their sleep would pass on and their face was blissful or serene. Their pain was not as visible in daily communications of means such as in sounds, words and actions. The person without faith who was dying however their pain was more greatly known and they were generally the miserable ones and the challenge. The ones without faith when you talk to them they are frightened of death and greatly more so than those with faith. It is the fear of the unknown that grips them. They will kick and scream until their last day. What we as humans do not know or understand can instill fear in us. Those who have a personal relationship with Christ have encountered Him and know in their Spirit and soul that there is something more to expect in life after death. Their soul and spirit are more at peace. It is a visible difference when you compare the two sets of people in the same state of life, that is upon their physical death. It is the fear of the unknown that will resist or deny "a final judgment". Some go to their death bitter and angry at God because of how their lives are filled with pain and suffering. So, a person may resist the idea of a final judgment because they do not believe there is a final judgement, they do not believe in God or are angry at Him. I think of five stages there are when a person has to deal with a major crisis in their life such as a disease, death of a loved one, loss of marriage or financial losses. There are stages a person goes through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Psychologically where one is at could play a factor in whether a person will resist or deny the idea of a final judgment. They may have justified their lives based on their life experiences of what was handed down to them over time with a naturally given viewpoint of anger, bargaining or depression. These five stages can go back and forth between each stage for long periods of time in a person's life to even many years where they can be trapped. Some never receive medical help. So mental health may be a factor to people resisting the idea of a final judgment. Most Chrisitians we can hope are aware of a final judgment and have heard or read about it in Church or through their Bible. Interesting enough are those who share their theory of the Chronologies of the Millennium and Christ's return. For all, each view, have in their presentation a theology containing a "final judgment". So, then it is unbelievers who will resist the idea of a final judgement if Christians are supposedly taught otherwise. As well,those who have never heard about God or His Word and have never attended Church would not have heard of "a final judgment". Those who are ignorant of the word and who do not take to read the word themselves, to study the word would resist the idea of a final judgment especially if they were mislead from the pulpit or not given the truth from their church they attended. Or, they themselves created their own picture or a half formed theology. Could be some cannot face up to reality, or the truth. Or, could it be they are guilty and trapped and try to fool themselves by their thinking. They might not be able to reach out for help and deny or resist the idea of a "final judgment". Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 29, 2004 Report Posted March 29, 2004 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? We know that God is a God of love, but we also know He is a God of wrath. To face Him at the time of judgment is indeed a frightening thought. To be judged unclean by God is to be separated from Him for eternity. I cannot even begin to imagine how or why I ever resisted. b] Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment?[/b] If they allowed themselves to believe in the final judgment then they would have to stop living their lives the way they are living right now. Just the thought that loved ones might be facing this final judgment one day, is a horrific thought for me. I pray that everyone not only hears the Word of God before it Quote
Julie Ann Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 This scene is frightening because even though I am a born again Christian, I know the wrongs I have done and I don't want others to know them. Which is also why people resist the idea of final judgement because they don't want to think about others learning their darkest secrets, even though all our good deeds will be revealed also. Quote
PressThrough Posted September 21, 2004 Report Posted September 21, 2004 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? I don't find this scene frightening. I look forward to that day, not because I am sinless. For I do sin at times, and by which I am very sorry for the poor decisions I make, but I grow up and learn from those times, as well as the good times. I look forward to that day because I get to go home to my Abba Father A few people I have testified of God to, get down right mad at the thought of what I call a Loving God riding around on a horse judging people. That is an exact quote said to me. In Gods' defence I explain that Gods children do not have to worry about judgement, and that if their name is in the book of life, for having accepted Jesus as their Savior and follow Him, then the other stuff is blotted out. So for those who fear it, the fear is because they do not want to believe that they need a Savior and try to justify their selfs. I think they really do believe there is a God, but they don't want to make a choice. They want God, but also want to live as the world does without consequence for having not made a choice. I do also explain to them by their refusal to accept God, that they have made a choice, and encourage them to study their Bible and to ask should they have questions, that I will do my best to help them get understanding, and if I lack in understanding of the questions, then I will look it up with them in The Word and find the answer, while showing them how to do the same. That is if the question wasn't just some off the wall question designed to throw me out of line with The Word and trap me into an unGodly conversation!!! Quote
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