Skroehr Posted April 8, 2005 Report Posted April 8, 2005 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? It's not really that frightening. The only reason I fear it, is because of shame for things that I've done, but I believe those deeds are known at the time they occur(ed), so it's an irrational fear. Besides the fact that Jesus died for our sins, and the judgement and left us clean, along with a covenant of faith and instructions to receive forgiveness when we transgress, there is also the sacrament of reconcilliation. People fear final judgement because they continue to sin, and worry that at any given moment, they will be caught by death unclean. People fear hell. Quote
Katzen Posted July 9, 2005 Report Posted July 9, 2005 It's frightening, because people sometimes doubt that they'll get to be in the Book of Life, due to something they've done in their past. The judgment seems frightening also, because for some of us, it's really beyond our full comprehension. Quote
chenista Posted September 19, 2005 Report Posted September 19, 2005 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Those who lived before Christ are judged by their works. Those who lived after Christ are judged by the level of their understanding (faith). When the book is opened, if their name is not in the book (they do not acknowledge Jesus through faith and repent) they are cast inot the lake of fire - this is the second death. The second death is not applicable to those who of the first ressurection - the second death has no power - they are the priests of God and of Chirst and shall reign with him a thousand years. Death and hell are also cast into the lake of fire and whosoever was not found written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire. People resist judgement because of pride - Quote
Barbara1 Posted October 10, 2005 Report Posted October 10, 2005 ILt is frighting because it is final. That there is no way of avoiding it . I think people ressist the idea of a final judgement because they don't know God's word or that they have lost their love for God that they once had and allow thesmselves to be deceived. Quote
johnd Posted April 14, 2006 Report Posted April 14, 2006 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? I guess there is fear of the unknown and it will be scary to see all the sin we have committed during our lives mapped out in front of us. The idea of final judgment appears to be resisted by people because it is final and there will be no more chances. Quote
sister Posted April 21, 2006 Report Posted April 21, 2006 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Thinking of going through the judgment is frightening. Having the books opened and being judged would frightened anyone. Once we become believers our name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. Revelation 20:15 Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. All of us deserve to go to hell. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus Romans 3:23. Quote
csreeves Posted April 24, 2007 Report Posted April 24, 2007 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? FEAR is the greatest drawback for non-Christians for there is a God sized hole in each person and they know deep in their souls what to do, but to them punishment is more normal than freedom for if you haven't been there you (or I) can't imagine what a blessing it will be. Quote
roywilson Posted April 26, 2007 Report Posted April 26, 2007 Fear of the Judgment comes as a result of one Quote
stonedcoldsoberbytheblood Posted April 27, 2007 Report Posted April 27, 2007 Anything final means its over with. Done deal! Completed! That can mean fright or that can mean comfort, excitement and joy. Depending on the level of confidence, investment involved, promises made, commitments, study findings and so on. There is urgency to anything final. Think about it: an exam, a wedding, a real estate purchase, locking the seat belt on the airplane, and all the rest of lifes situations. Final always seems to be based on time. We tend to need to move quicker in order to wrap things up. To finish that exam, to say our vows, to fly off to a new country, etc. But, for these decisions, there is no reflecting. Its a sealed deal! You either 1) feel confident and know that you made the right decision or 2) didn't make the right decision. And if you didn't, its too dog gone late! You reap the repercussions, maybe immediately. May be in time. With final judgment, your time is up. Death comes crawling out the wood-works! Hopefully, anyone resisting death or final judgment is a declaration that they need to get things in order. Right now, right here, TODAY! Isn't that what all this warning is about anyway? Inadvertently, a definition of finale is- the temporal end; the concluding time. Quite frankly, people resist the idea because they are still living-dead here on earth. I say that because Ive lived here dead already. My decisions lead me nowhere. It wasn't until I commissioned my life to being a disciple of Jesus that I got anywhere, with confidence that is. Or even joy. I still find death in my life, almost daily. It isn't going to depart, until that day. But being crucified in Christ and with instructions (for living) from the Word, I am not at all frightened about judgment. In fact, it should be a peaceful event all Christians look forward to. It is plain and simple: it comes with instructions, it leads & guides and it prophesies--JUDGMENT DAY! Two words never penetrated as much depth as these. I may be a babe in Christ and absent-minded on quoting scripture but these two words are packed with all I need to bring in sheep. I can see how it would scare the hell-out-of-the-lake of someone else. I can see how the lost would be frightened. There is no skimming on this. If earth and sky fled from it, it's surely the most powerful future event of our lifetime. Consequently, what would the Holy Word of God mean without judgment day? Resisting the idea of that final day is derived from decisions we make/made in the natural. Fright means our decisions are not in line with God. Isn't it time to wrap things up? Quote
Craig Posted May 10, 2007 Report Posted May 10, 2007 Like Eve, the vast majority of humanity has believed the great lie pedaled by satan -- God surely wouldn't punish you for disobeying Him. Self-centeredness has blinded people to their spiritual condition and they just do not want to believe that God will punish them or that there is a judgment day. Finality is also difficult for many to handle. That's probably why reincarnation is so popular in many religions throughout the world. People want do-overs. Quote
plethra Posted June 2, 2007 Report Posted June 2, 2007 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? I think it would be frightening to stand before a holy God knowing how imperfect I am and how unworthy I am to stand before HIM. Judgement says to me that HE will judge me for what I have done and haven't done. Do any of us really do enough for the Lord Jesus Christ? I think not. There is no retake in this judgement. You can't go back and undo what you have done or do what you should have done and didn't. This is the final exam. ILf you don't pass then you fail. There is no retakes. This is it. Have you stood for Christ? Did you do what you should have? Was your live pleasing to God or pleasing to self? I think this is a frightening time. What were your motive for what you did? All this will be brought to light. Quote
JustJeff Posted September 11, 2007 Report Posted September 11, 2007 When it's over, it's over. When God renders His final judgment there will be no turning back to Him, no more forgiveness, no more mercy. The prospect of this is horrible and yet, it's gonna happen. Worse yet, man in his infinite pride and stupidity will curse God until his final breath and the naive will continue to insist that God is love and can do no such thing. I have much sorrow for the loss that will come. Quote
Bro Steven Posted December 9, 2007 Report Posted December 9, 2007 this is scary to some due to the fact that it is final and there is nothing that follows after the judgement. People dont want to except it the fact that God has the final say so and many wonder if they ever done enough things to meet God's expections. Quote
Linda Spilman Posted December 28, 2007 Report Posted December 28, 2007 Q.3 In reading the notes for this section it wasn't the different beliefs concerning the 1,000 yr. reign that caught my attention. It was the sentence about the books being opened and the pure justice of God's verdict. That's what makes it awesome - He is all knowing. My husband attended a funeral where the minister said, " This is one date (death) that all of you are going to keep and you can't send your lawyer". It is so frightening because it is so final - the books cannot be changed. Maybe it's hard for people to believe in God's judgement because of the God is love theory and our concept of justice is influenced by the media and what we think is right. Pure justice of God's verdict - those few words say so much. Quote
Jewell Posted December 30, 2007 Report Posted December 30, 2007 It is frightening because it implies eternal pain. People resist it because they don't want to believe that it is a possiblity that it is so final. Quote
mags Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 It is frightening because we are human and come to this idea with human thoughts. We know and understand that our sins are washed through Jesus' blood, but we still remember and dwell on it. We have a harder time forgiving ourselves than God does forgiving us. It is also frightening as we all know people who aren't saved - we fear for our families and want God's mercy for them not His judgement on them. The judgement is final and there are no second chances. We resist as we don't want to leave anyone behind but it is not for us to decide. Quote
masika Posted July 22, 2008 Report Posted July 22, 2008 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? We will all stand befor Almighty God and give an account of our lives. If our life were jugded by God today, what would He say about it? How would we measure it against His will for us? We should live each day with the full awareness that we will appear before God to give account for how we used our life. How will our life measure up? Quote
randall greene Posted November 5, 2008 Report Posted November 5, 2008 We will all stand befor God and give an account for our lives. It is frightening because it will mean enternal pain and suffering for thoes that are not saved, freinds and loed ones. Quote
Delivered Posted July 28, 2009 Report Posted July 28, 2009 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? It is frightening because it is so real, judgment is coming and we should be as those under the altar, crying for justice to come. For those who know NOT God the judgment scene is frightening, but to them who know God, they know God is holy and He expects us to live lives of righteousness. God had no pity on the angels that sinned, God had no pity on the ungodly people of the world, when he destroyed them with a flood, God did not have pity on Sodom and Gomorrah. There is a good reason Christ tells us to Quote
Sue D Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Because even though Bible tells us that God sees our heart and knows our 'being', we Still think there is a 'part' of us that is secret -- the thought that Everyone is going to see the 'inside' of us can be frightening. We want to think that Somehow it won't Really happen. We resist the idea of a final judgment because our society doesn't hold anyone personally accountable for their actions. We blame someone else for our actions. Nothing is Really final -- there is Always tomorrow to fix a problem. Someday -- and probably sooner than later -- we won't be able to escape the reality of what God is telling us in His Word. Quote
royk Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Perhaps I need to get closer to God and for sure I do. Still reading this doesn't seem frighten me; so I try to imagine it actually happening now, then it will be frightening, i.e. being in it today would mean some of my beloved family members would be treated like goats; what a horrible thing for my children. Like Isiah, I would tremble before the Lord of Lords for my lips are unclean an I live amongst many who have unclean lips. As a 'heart-less geek' I say bring on the final judgment for all of us now; but as a human being, I say, please Lord give us more time to impact the lost loved ones of my family. Lord show me how to be the light they need so they'll come to you when you call them through me, or any other way you choose call them. Let me be perfect to your Glory; let your love light shine through me. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? This awesome scene of judgment is so frightening because we do not want to believe that all of our deeds will be judged. People seem to resist the idea of a final judgment because they want to carry on without the thought of their actions and non-actions being judged one day. Quote
alexandria Posted May 5, 2010 Report Posted May 5, 2010 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? this awesome scene of judgement is so frightening because people are being judged and sent to hell. jesus then opens the many books until he comes to the book of life and then he judges people according to their works so it seems that faith alone can not get us to heaven but the works we do while on earth also. people seem to resist the idea of a final judgement because they are afraid they might not get to heaven but hell instead. Quote
hanks Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Q3. (20:11-12) Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? This is a sad and solemn scene. The whole universe will flee away from the awesome Judge on the Great White Throne, for they will not be able to tolerate the stark glory of God. We see that everyone who rejected Jesus Christ will have to give an account of their rebellion against God. They will be exposed for what they are, and all their sins will be made known for all to see. Our salvation , as believers, is assured. Unbelievers resist this idea Quote
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