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  • 4 months later...

Serving the Lord is both the ultimate high of joy and the ultimate low of discouragement at times.  It is exhilarating to be properly in step with the Lord, serving wherever He leads and places us.  Even when the work is “simple” or “ordinary” or demanding, we can find satisfaction.  And then there are the lows.  Sometimes it’s because things come against us as we are making an impact for the kingdom of God.  I’ve heard it said that if you’re not experiencing opposition you must not be on the right track!  But most of the time I think such discouragement is self-induced.  Often, we take on things – even good things – that the Lord never actually directed us to do, or we’re out of His timing in doing them.  And so when the challenges come, we’re operating in our own power/ability and quickly run out of steam as the flame starts to sputter.  Discouragement often sets in as we begin to listen to others around us who are doubtful, critical, jealous, etc.  Sometimes we start to get weary in the effort if our personal expectations aren’t being realized. 


Paul knew all about battling discouragement.  His counsel is to faithfully keep our focus set firmly in the right place.  If we’ve been led by the Spirit into what we’re doing, then we are doing the work of the Lord, not of our own. Keeping that perspective helps strengthen the heart when discouragements, missteps, roadblocks, and oppositions come our way because God won’t ever abandon us when we’re doing what He had led us to do.  Our core motivation must be to persevere in love and obedience, and remembering this clarifies the doubts and confusion.  Even when all our labors seem pointless, they are never in vain.  They are being used to build God’s kingdom, to bring joy to the Father’s heart, and to release rewards beyond our wildest dreams.  Paul reminds us to stick with it - because our efforts will all be worth it in the end!


Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?

Even when we Christian brothers and sisters around us, we can seem to come to the point when we feel like giving up.  Things are confusing - the world seems to be coming apart - family members become sick and dies - scandals with religious leaders.  These things tend to make our faith weaker, but should give us more motivation to gain in faith.  Other are getting by doing little or nothing and here I am doing all the work. 


What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?

It is not in VAIN!  I need to remember that God sees all that is being done and I do not need to worry about doing His will.  By continuing God's work will bring about blessings and all kinds of goodness to many people.


I think we get tired,  It is a battle--we need encouragement from each other to persevere  We need to remember that it is the Lord we serve and we should serve joyfully!!  It is not easy, but can be joy-filled.


We can keep our eyes on Jesus as we help build His kingdom--an everlasting work.  There will be joy and rewards!

Who doesn't want to serve Jesus who gave Himself for us that we might be with Him forever.  I seek to please Him in all I do.


1 Corinthians 15:58
Q). Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?
A). Sometimes there seems to be no end to the tedious work we do. And there are rarely any immediate benefits. We sometimes get the feeling that we are wasting our time and energy. Our faith can temporarily become overwhelmed by doubt. We feel like we can't make any progress and we become discouraged.
Q). What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?
A). This exhortation encourages and motivates us by the truth of the resurrection and its guarantee of life -- and reward -- beyond this life.
"...forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." (15:58)



Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?


The times I've been discouraged are when I know I've been called by the Lord to do something and there seem to be no results  There is also some rejection at times and even persecution. Others apathy or disinterest can be discouraging too. Weariness and fatigue can drain enthusiasm, and of course there is always the enemy who is skilled in sending opposition to wear us down if we're not guarding our hearts.


What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us? 


It's a reminder that we are "not to lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint." (Gal 6:9)


 The Lord never asks to do things which are a waste of time or in vain....but like seeds planted in the ground take time to soften and grow, so is much of His work.....planting, watering, waiting, watching, waiting some more....for HIS appointed season, and remembering to trust Him in it, and that it is HIS work we're being privileged to accomplish...we're just the hands and feet and lips moving to the rhythm of His heartbeat of love, led and empowered by His Holy Spirit.







What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us? ENCOURAGEMENT & DIRECTION; IT WILL NOT BE IN VAIN.


"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." (15:58, RSV)


Qu 5

Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?
We get discouraged serving the Lord because we hate washing dishes! The job is never done- the dirty dishes just seem to appear and we need to do them all over again.  Similarly, the work of the Lord is also never done. No matter how many sick people we visit, no matter the comforting of the mourning, the feeding of the poor, no matter how  much peace making is done, no matter how much persecution for righteousness sake, the Lord's work is never done. The harvest is bountiful but the workers are few, (mattew 9.37) We must continue to work because we will always have the poor with us. (matt 26.11) we must continue to work knowing that in the Lord our labour is not in vain for three  reasons:
  1. Kingdom-building. Christ's kingdom is built on your service, stone upon stone, act of kindness upon teaching the junior boys' Sunday school class, upon serving refreshments, upon spending time with a grief-stricken believer.
  2. Joy. Seeing your faithful service brings joy to God's heart.
  3. Reward. God will reward you for your faithfulness, even when no one else sees. His ledger book gets fresh notations every time you serve Him. In a word, your labor is not in vain in the Lord                                                                                                                               Death has been swallowed up in victory (15.53) "Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?" (15:55). No more is death seen as as the end but as the beginning  because as the words of Paul and through the action of Jesus we have a conenant with God through His Son Jesus. For we are told by Paul "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your hold household." (Note the community aspect of salvation here!) Jesus also said "I will not leave you alone I will send you a comforter." (John 15.26) All of this gives us great comfort as we read Paul's words - "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." (15:58, RSV)
Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) 

Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? 

What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us? 

It is sometimes difficult to stay focused in this fallen world we live in. With all the evil that is happening and which seems to be getting worse all the time, one can become disheartened. Then we remember Christ will have the victory and it all will be worth it in the end. Our life and work, again becomes full of purpose and hope. We know in the end our labour will not be in vain. 




Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us? 


We as believers often become discouraged do the work of the Lord, though we pray and hope for help, we get distracted in by other people or circumstances around us. We see some believers not doing anything at all and we become over worked and discouraged. Satan tries his best to convince us that God is not listening to us or our prayers are not in the will of God.

Things like this should all the more encourage us to work harder, trying our best to share the gospel and help our brothers and sisters, knowing that the Lord will return at anytime. Keeping our attention on the Lord and letting His Holy Spirit guide us, praying in all faithfulness and asking the Lord to give us knowledge, understanding and the wisdom to do His will. 


Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?

 Serving the Lord is not discouraging to me, it is when I am "NOT" serving the Lord that hampers my confidence, and may even open the door to apathy, this is why it is important, no matter our big or how small the task, do all to the glory of God.



The number one source of discouragement to me is when others aren't doing their part in ministry. So many times I have been in a ministry that has to depend on others to do their part and when one or more drops the ball it can become frustrating.

I also have the gift of helps and that usually means that the jobs that no one else want to do can fall on me. I always want to "help out" and others depend on me to do those things no one else will do. I do love to help but sometimes all those areas can get overwhelming and I get frustrated that the mundane things that have to be done are so looked down on that some people actually refuse to do them! So sad.

How am I encouraged? By knowing that God sees my heart. He always strengthens me, gives me joy and reminds me that everything I do, I'm doing for Him. That's awesome!!! Rewards will be later and they won't be for the biggest ministries, the most popular ones or the ones coveted by many for self gratification. They will be for faithfulness in what we were willing to do for Jesus. "Well done good and faithful servant!"


I think that the reason we sometimes get discouraged in serving the Lord is we see other loafing around and doing nothing. I am glad that I can be part of the 20% that has been called to help the way that I do but it does get discouraging. The thing that motivates me is knowing that I am doing it for the Lord.


Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?


When we take our eyes off Jesus, become concerned with worldly affairs, depressed with the sorrows that are everywhere.The petty arguments within the congregation, where oh where is the harmony? When we cannot use our particular gift in helping


What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?


The words of Paul reminding us that we belong to Christ's family, be sure of your faith, be focused,doing all that you can be in the Lord.


Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? THE NEED FOR IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION



What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?  OUR LIVING WILL NOT BE IN VAIN; WHEN IT IS OVER, GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED AND WE WILL BE RENEWED.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us? 

As humans, when we are not appreciated for our efforts, we get discouraged.


However, if remember that our service is to God and He rewards us for our service here on earth whether people appreciate us or not, we will not get discourage again.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord? What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?


Our notes about this verse suggests and states that we belong to the family of God. God is never disappojnted in us because in the faith we know and should understand that …in the Lord your labor is not in vain…the LORD knows all and because of that He sees what we are doing and that we are working and serving Him well. We do not work and then not work; se continue to and always work for the LORD.  We are devoted to the LORD in service to Him and others and in many cases “walking the extra mile for Him”.


Dr. Wilson wrote that “…God's work is the same way. Just a few of the ways we do His work, build His kingdom here on earth, is to teach our children about Jesus at home and at Sunday school. We serve as an usher or choir member on Sundays. We encourage those believers who are down. We make a meal for a family when one of the parents is sick. We exercise our spiritual gifts. A church is a caring body. But when loafers don't pull their part of the load, the load falls on others to do -- or it just doesn't get done at all…”


God knows all, sees all, provides all and when we "hang in there" He cannot be disappointed but instead He would grin with that “well done, my servant…” We get discouraged but God never does, as He is always working on our behalf in forgiving, cleansing, preparing, loving, encouraging “PLUS” appointing us/not disappointed in us.

  • 7 years later...

Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Why do we sometimes get discouraged serving the Lord?

What does this exhortation contain to encourage and motivate us?

I personally feel that discouragement comes when we take our eyes off the Lord and look to man. It is not for man that I labour but for God. Keeping that in mind and then we are assured our labour is not in vain.

If a cup of water given to someone can be seen as doing this for the Lord, then there is so much that can be taken as being done for the Lord. So if the mundane tasks, such as dishes, sweeping, wiping snotty noses etc., are seen as being done for the Lord then we know our labour is not in vain. That smile and cuddle at the end of the day and then even later on God's approval when we get to come before Him, will truly be WORTH IT ALL.

The Hymn writer has put it well:  { instead of just seeing it as a race see it as the things we do for the Lord (our labour)}

It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus,

Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ.

One glimpse of His dear Face, all sorrows will erase

So bravely run the race

Till we see Christ.

  • 1 year later...

When God calls us to do work that is humbling and repetitive, work that seems not to result in satisfaction of a job "well done," work that is not satisfying in any way -- it does stretch or feel good when done, work that never ends ... yeah, it's difficult.

Drudgery is difficult. Doing repetitive work over many years is even more difficult!

But it does develop Christian character. In my case, I am (slowly) learning perseverance, patience and how to use my dull labour-time to pray.

I am relieved that God will reward me in the end, for in this life, there is often no reward. He says that my labour is NOT in vain. He notices what I do. I believe He is smiling down on me for sticking this out.

I do pray, though, that this season of unsatisfying labour ends soon!

Pickled Lilly, as usual, writes very insightfully about this. To paraphrase, if the humbling (demeaning?) and unsatisfying labour is what God is asking us to do, that is, if the Spirit has definitely led us to do these tasks, then we know God will strengthen us as we labour as well as guarantee that our labours are not in vain.

Our labours, then, must be His will, not something we believed we had to do.


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