Sparrow12Seven Posted April 30, 2023 Report Posted April 30, 2023 Q2. (John 1:7-8) What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? How are you doing in this regard? What happened to John the Baptist? What might happen to you if you testify clearly? What might happen to the people to whom you testify? Whoa, these questions are so piercing. I. What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? John's life was prophesied - he was the coming "Elijah" - sent to prepare the way of the LORD, calling his people back to God, and to point to the long-awaited Messiah. II. In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? Well, even though it's easy to get caught up in the trappings of this world and lose sight of it, the Apostle Paul tells us, "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life." (Eph.2:10) It is His will for all of us to be saved and to have a living, loving relationship with Him. (I Tim. 4:6 & II Pet. 3:9) So when we find Jesus and receive His gracious justification, and "as we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling," we are then on the path of sanctification in which He is molding us and making us, actually "working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure." (Phil. 2:12-16a) This means that we are living in the light - through God's precious Holy Spirit - and we are under construction, but we can trust that He is actually working in us! This is the wondrous, awe inspiring truth! And He strengthens us so that we can bear witness to testify to this light - "Christ in you [us!] the hope of glory!" (Col. 1:27) - sharing Him in an honest, genuine, humble way through our thoughts, prayers, words, and actions. This is precious and amazing to me, that He doesn’t give up on me, but He is gentle and He is working in me!!! III. How are you doing in this regard? I’m still learning, of course, and have a long way to go, but I am so thankful for His kind leading and shepherding in my life and I am relying on Him to help me testify to His light in every facet of my life - even the seemingly “mundane” ones. To share our Father in this world in a more far-reaching way, I began a youtube channel in 2020 called “Living Word Aloud.” It is my goal to make the entire Bible available on audio, (also sharing quotes and sermons by different theologians throughout history “a great cloud of witnesses”) His light, free and accessible without restraints of time or place. I know it’s already available online, but I also know that each one of us has a unique group of people that might hear us when they won’t hear anyone else. That said, I still have such a long way to go to more and more effectively testify to the light of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. IV. What happened to John the Baptist? He turned many toward our Father God and the Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ. Because he obediently testified to the light of Jesus Christ, Andrew heard his testimony and followed Jesus, and told Peter they had found the Messiah. Ultimately John the Baptist was put to death because of his truthful testimony. V. What might happen to me if I testify clearly? Some will receive and some will reject the light of the LORD. In extreme circumstances, the same fate could conceivably happen to any believer. VI. What might happen to the people to whom you testify? As my LORD Jesus is formed in me, and as I am transformed, follow Him in obedience, and testify of His light in my life, I pray that the people to whom I testify would receive Him as their Savior and LORD as well. Quote
Krissi Posted January 25 Report Posted January 25 Q2. (John 1:7-8) 1) What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? 2) In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? 3) How are you doing in this regard? 4) What happened to John the Baptist? 5) What might happen to you if you testify clearly? 6) What might happen to the people to whom you testify? -- 1) Testifying to the light is speaking about Jesus; this happened, in John's case, before Jesus began His ministry. Light seems to have two meanings. First, it's the message itself, that to which you testify. Second, it's the understanding you have of the message as it is clarified in your mind. Perhaps this is correct (not sure): Seeing = understanding, comprehending the message Light = 1) the message itself; 2) understanding/seeing the message (need light to see) Hearing = understanding the message with the idea of putting that knowledge to work 2) It is impossible to testify or evangelize if the message itself is garbled in your mind. Thus, you first must “see” or understand the message before you can make disciples. The beginning of the Christian life is spent simply figuring out what the message means and only then, once a basic understanding is yours, telling others that message -- evangelizing. 3) I'm overly nerdy so my tendency is to hover endlessly over comprehension without moving to actually evangelize. I feel the Lord pressuring me to talk more ... think less. 4) Poor John. He obeyed and was murdered. This is one of the many stories in the bible that give me pause as well as cause me to wonder what God's love and care really means. The message itself was so offensive to unbelievers that they persecuted and eventually murdered John. 5) Ultimately, God speaks through me, thankfully, so I don’t have to worry too much about perfectly articulating and understanding the message. If I pray as I evangelize and then stumble over words, He speaks both through me and into the heart of the listener. As I have matured, my message has been clarified both in my mind and in my speech, still I am not responsible for how others interpret my words. The message is His and listeners must choose to accept this message … or not. Yes, I could be persecuted and killed for evangelizing as happened to John -- murder/martyrdom is a non-trivial possibility. 6) Listeners to the message either agree with or reject it. It's a binary choice. There is no grey zone though it seems that some people come to understanding slowly and incrementally (I did). People who are not familiar with the message, even in a culturally diluted form, take a bit longer to digest it than people who have had it rattling about the back of their mind for many years. As the West further secularizes, an increasing number of people will not be able to make instant decisions to accept Christ, but will muse and ponder the message, slowly inching their way toward the light. Light has to shine through the darkness before it is perceived as light. This is why "the darkness has not understood it." Quote
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