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Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to “receive” Jesus? What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?

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To receive Jesus is to believe in Him and his Words.  It is to accept Him as our Savior.  Our spiritual relationship to God is our Salvation as our inheritance.  Those who do not are lost to him.  And it breaks his Heart.


What does it mean to receive Jesus?

In God's eternal mind, He has played out His plan of the sacrifice of the sinless Jesus, to pay the price for all sin of all people.  Then, He gave the right to all people to accept the payment that Jesus made.  By accepting this grace, we needed to be born again, by being buried with Jesus in immersion and then being raised up out of the water into a new life.  This immersion meaning that we have washed away our sin with pure water, as in the blood of Jesus.


What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus?

To believe in Jesus means that we are to put our complete trust in Jesus all the time, and to believe everything that He says is true.


What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus?

We have been adopted into God's family.  We now bear the family name.  God, our Father, will listen to our prayers and take care of our needs in life.  We are not to worry about anything, but to trust that God will provide for us what is necessary in every situation.


Of those who do not?

Those who do not accept Jesus and believe in Him, do not have a relationship with God.  There have remained outside of God's family, within the grasp of Satan who is controlling their spiritual heart.


I liken receiving as to inviting someone into my home and in this case inviting Jesus to live in my heart because I accept as true what He has said.  

God bless


Numbers 6:24-26


Forgot the other two parts. 

Those who receive Jesus as Lord and Savior are adopted into God's family for all eternity.

Those who reject Christ are doomed to a Christless eternity.


God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26


To receive Jesus is to open ourselves and recognize Him as our Lord and Savior.  To believe in Him is to trust fully in Him.  These are what makes us children of God and experience a new spiritual birth into Gods kingdom.   For those that do not receive and believe will remain in spiritual darkness.  


What does it mean to “receive” Jesus? What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?     

  • To receive Jesus mean that you have gain the right to become children of God
  • To "believe in" Jesus imply that you trust in Him fully.
  • The spiritual relationship to God for those that receive and believe in Jesus is that we have the right to become children of God.  We are spiritually reborn receiving new life from God.  Those that do not receive and believe in Jesus will not see the kingdom of God.     

Forgiveness with redemption from sin is a gift secured by Jesus and given by the Father.  Any time you are given a gift, you must accept possession of it and personally receive it in order for it to truly be your own.  To receive Jesus Christ is to accept Him as who His very name declares Him to be – the one-and-only Anointed One of God who came to earth to become the exclusive Way that bridges the great impassable gap between holy God and sinful man.  It is to let go of any confidence or hope in yourself for salvation and rest the full weight of your confidence and hope on who He is and what He has done to make this possible.  It is a sure and certain trust/belief with one’s heart, as opposed to an intellectual belief with the mind alone.  We often believe things that we may not actually depend on. But the meaning here is to believe with a confident faith that becomes the foundation that shapes our thoughts, words, actions, motives, desires, and hopes – the entirety of our lives and futures.


Those who receive and believe in Jesus are welcomed and accepted in a new spiritual relationship as we become born of the spirit as God's children.  Before this, we were spiritually dead, but with this transformational believing, new spiritual life is birthed in us by the Holy Spirit.  This re-establishes the spiritual relationship/connection with God that He created us for.  And as members of God’s family, we have the assured hope of eternal life with our Father in heaven.  God has not provided any other way for those who do not receive and believe in Jesus to be given the right to have this new life and relationship.  They remain in spiritual deadness, outside the family of God.


I believe to receive Jesus is know we have eternal life. I also believe we must recive Him as Lord and Master. We must die to self. Many Christians have received Jesus as savior but have not died to self. Very little has changed in their lives. They go on living as usual. Luke 9:23 says if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. I think the key word there is daily.


Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to “receive” Jesus?


When we receive Jesus it means the Holy Spirit has  brought us to the place of understanding that we need and want to have salvation and eternal life, and we say "YES" to His invitation.


What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus?


Many believe that Jesus existed on earth, exists in Heaven, is the Son of God, but it's head knowledge alone. To believe in Jesus in the way the questions is asking means that we know Him personally, believe in Him experientially, belong to Him.


What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus?


Those who receive and believe in Jesus are sons and daughters of Almighty God....He is our Father, Jesus is our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit dwells within us as Guide, Comforter, Strengthener, Standby, Helper, Friend, and Who empowers us in the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit, and to live the Christian life.


Of those who do not?


Those who refuse His gift of eternal life and forgiveness, are dead spiritually, and will die the second death after being judged for their sins, and sent to hell for eternity, apart from the presence of God.


Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to “receive” Jesus? What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?


1 John  5:11,12 (KJV) And this is the testimony that God has given to us eternal life and this life is in his son. He who has the son has life and he who does not have the son of God does not have life.


It's interesting that being born anew and receiving Christ is only by the will of God (John 1:13, 3:27, 6:44). So its about responding to God's calling on ones life. By embracing Christ we are now members of his body (Eph 3).

"We have been made heirs and have been adopted into the family of God. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure (Eph 1:5 NLT).


Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to “receive” Jesus? What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?

*To "receive" my king, in my opinion, is to submit to his authority, his power, his love. To receive JESUS is to be part of something big, something special, , ,to be in God's spiritual family!

*To "believe" in JESUS is to trust in him. To trust whole heartedly GOD's promises. To believe in JESUS's name is to have the up most confidence in his authority, power and unconditional love.

*Those who receive and believe will inherit everlasting life and a spiritual family forever! Those who do not receive and believe, , , , death, loneliness, no family and separation from the FATHER and JESUS too.


To recieve Jesus means to have him as your savior to believe

that he came to for give us of our sins.  The ones that take holf of this

salvation that Jesus give us free it cost nothing you just have to

receive and believe in him.The one that does not believe or recieve most

of them can not get this because you can't see him you have to have

faith. And you can't see faith. :rolleyes: 

Q3 (John 1:12-13) 

What does it mean to "receive" Jesus? 

What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus? 

What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? 

Of those who do not?

To receive Jesus means to believe in Him. This is not just belief in facts about Jesus, but a personal trust in Him as my Lord and Saviour. It means I am to trust Him completely for the forgiveness of my sins and for the gift of eternal life. I must repent and humbly come before God admitting that I am a sinner in need of salvation and that Christ alone has paid the penalty for my sin and offers salvation to me. It means having a personal relationship and dependence on Christ. There is then the wonderful promise that anyone who receives and believes in Jesus will be born again and enter the family of God. By contrast, those who do not believe in Christ are not children of God or adopted into His family, but are ‘children of wrath’: ‘‘among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.’ (Ephesians 2:3). 



Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to "receive" Jesus? What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus?


To me It means that the soul understands - it is through the Jewish Messiah, the Christ, that one is able to be in touch with God his Father, the veil has been torn, therefore to “receive” the Son brings one into an intimate and personal relationship with him, this is why we are called the Bride of Christ.



To receive Jesus is to welcome his presence, his will, his way...those who love me follow my commandments, they listen to his voice the sheep knows the shepherd. The hire hand does not care for the sheep. To receive Jesus is to believe in the one whom the Father sent. Believeing in his divinity that he took flesh and dwelth amongst us, that he left a road map through his word for us to follow and follow Him to eternal life. Our spiritual relationship is dwelling in His word and exuding those words by our very lives.

Those who exclude themselves from a relstionship with Jesus chooses a different path but God continues to call us back to Him even to our death he stills calls...but we choose..


To recieve jesus means to have him as your savior

to believe that he came to forgive us of our sin. The

ones that take hold of this salvation that jesus give us it free

cost nothing you just have to recieve and believe in him.

The one that does not believe or recieve most of them can't

believe in something that they can't see. Jesus is a spirit.

You have to have faith and most of them can't recleve this. :rolleyes: 


What does it mean to "receive" Jesus?


To receive Jesus means to respond to the call of the Father Who by His grace reveals His Son, Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God (Matt 16:16). This response involves a commitment of my whole mind, heart and soul to the new found Savior Who has given Himself for me.


What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus?


To "believe in Jesus" implies more than an intellectual assent to His existence. It implies a trust in Him as Savior due to the fact that we are lost and hopeless without Him. This belief is continued as we abide in Him. 


What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not


We are adopted into the family of God by this new birth and are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Those who are not are descendants of Adam and Eve in need of rebirth that washes away their sin and delivers them out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of the Son Whom the Father loves.


To receive Jesus is to accept and welcome him into our lives.  To believe in Jesus is to realise that he truly is God, not just a prophet. Those who receive and believe in Jesus become Sons of God by adoption.  They are therefore close to Him and live spiritually rich lives, abandoning material lives as far as possible.  Those who do not are blinded by the material world.  This is extremely sad for their souls.  We are called to try to awaken them as an act of mercy.


Belief in Jesus is a personal belief.  It requires a total commitment to Jesus.  We open up ourselves to Jesus and accept what He is and we trust in Him.

It is a privilege to believe in Him because not Everybody does.  Many hear but do not believe.  We become born of God.


Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to "receive" Jesus? What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?


To ”receive” Jesus is to welcome him or accept as the Son Of God, our Lord and Saviour

To “believe” him means to trust him as our saviour.

To all who received him and believed in his name have been given authority and power to become the spiritual children of God.


To receive Jesus, who is the Word of God, means to acknowledge His claims, place one's faith in Him, and thereby yield allegiance to Him. To accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Those who receive Jesus, the Word, receives full authority to claim the exalted title of "God's children". Following the act of faith, there must be a continual action of believing which is a need of perseverance in believing. For John, to believe, saving faith is an activity, something that people do., True faith is not a static belief and trust in Jesus and His redeeming work, but a loving, self-abandoning commitment that constantly draws near to Him as Lord and Savoir. Those who do not, will not know the love of God, learning who He is, and the trust they can have in Him. The peace and joy.


Q3 (John 1:12-13) What does it mean to “receive” Jesus? What does it imply to “believe in” Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?

When we receive Jesus as our savior we are accepting that he is "God's only begotten son" and acknowledge his authority as such.

We are believing in Jesus when we know he is worthy of our trust and we have complete confidence in him.

We are all part of God's creation in the physical sense, but we are not children of his until we are spiritually born again by believing in Jesus Christ, then we are adopted into God's family, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Those who do not accept or acknowledge Christ are spiritually dead. They are part of God's creation but not part of his family.  


All who takes Jesus as Lord of there life are reborn spiritually receiving a brand new life from God. If you take Jesus Christ as your saviour you have to have faith that your life will be change inside out.

Being reborn spiritually will make you feel alive and put you in Gods family. This fresh start in our lives is available to all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.To the ones who accept the Lord is in his family for the ones who don't are walking in darkness and will not have eternal life with our heavenly Father.

(John 1:12-13) What does it mean to "receive" Jesus? What does it imply to "believe in" Jesus? What is the spiritual relationship to God of those who receive and believe in Jesus? Of those who do not?


To receive Jesus is to acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and receive His authority over our lives.


To believe Jesus is to put our trust, our hope and our faith in Him and follow His ways. 


When we receive and believe in Jesus, we are given the privilege to be called sons of God. As Jesus said, if you are not for me, you are against me.

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