alisicia Posted October 23, 2004 Report Posted October 23, 2004 I did'nt beleive the traditions of men. I didn't fall for that "Rapture Theory," I survived the comming of the antichrist. I didn't have the "Mark of the Beast" in my forehead nor in my hand. knew who the kenites were. I knew God's overall plan. Quote
dragonslayer Posted March 9, 2005 Report Posted March 9, 2005 regarding the question about how we can know for sure our names are written in the book of life, i John 5:13 says ,that I can know as in positively that I can have eternal life .also romans 10;9-10 says ''that if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart I am saved .Don't need any more assurance than that for me. and like the brother or sister I just read their relpy ,said, we walk the walk and talk the talk .we Lift up His Name everywhere we go. we pray His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I hasve know since 1973 ,at 10 to three in the morning that I AM GOING TO hEAVEN gOD BLESS ALL. Quote
Skroehr Posted April 8, 2005 Report Posted April 8, 2005 It's actually a little disrespectful and sinful to NOT think that your name is written in the book of life. If we believe our sacraments of baptism and reconcilliation, and if we believe that we are saved through Christ, than you are also accepting and believing of your salvation. If you're thinking otherwise, it's time to get back to the basics, and do a little meditation and examination of your own personal faith to figure out why you're not trusting the word of God. Quote
Katzen Posted July 9, 2005 Report Posted July 9, 2005 I can have assurance, because John 3:16 says that all I have to do, is be born again...believe in Him, and I'll not perish. It continues in verse 18 to say that there will be no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. Quote
chenista Posted September 19, 2005 Report Posted September 19, 2005 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? In order to be written in the Book of Life: Cannot defile the body Cannot work abmonination Cannot make lies Cannot worship false idols Cannot take words of the book (Bible) away Cannot use scripture out of context (defling the body - using the Lords name in vain) Do unholy works as the dead are judged out of the things written in the books according to their works Exd 32:33 And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. You must overcome and be clothed in white (sanctified, crucified with Jesus on the Cross) You must labor in the gospel with other fellow laborourers Assurance: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." Quote
Barbara1 Posted October 10, 2005 Report Posted October 10, 2005 My sassurance is that I invited my Lord Jesus into my heart to guide and correct me. That I beleive that Jesus is the only son of God our Father in heaven , and because I beleive Jesus is alive in heaven. Quote
johnd Posted April 14, 2006 Report Posted April 14, 2006 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? The only assurance or as I understand scripture the only requirement to be included in the Lambs Book of Life is a belief in Jesus. As a sinner I have committed my life to Christ and believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins (I'm writing this on Good Friday which makes this all the more meaningful) and then Christ rose again and is alive in heaven now. My walk with Christ will produce good fruits as the Holy Spirit guides me. I look forward to the glorious day when I meet Jesus. Your brother in Christ, John. Quote
sister Posted April 22, 2006 Report Posted April 22, 2006 Q4 (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us--not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I can't look into the Book of Life to see if my name is there, but I can see in God's word and in Revelation 3:5 Jesus promises to him who overcomes his name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life and Jesus will acknowledge him to the Father and his angels. We are not worthy to have our names written in the Book of Life but Jesus paid the price for our salvation and that is the reason I have the assurance my name is written in the Book of Life. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted June 5, 2006 Report Posted June 5, 2006 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? FOR IT IS WRITTEN IN THE WORD THE PROMISES OF GOD: LUKE 10:20Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. JOHN 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. ROMANS 8:16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: ROMANS 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with [him], that we may be also glorified together. EPH 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: HEB 12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect Quote
csreeves Posted April 24, 2007 Report Posted April 24, 2007 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I was traumatized as a child and was only creating chaois which was all I knew. I was in a psy. hospital and God just filled my ever being. I followed him through the mountaintops and then I went on "The Walk to Emmaus" and on that spiritual journey I saw Jesus saying Well done my child. He has given me hope in a life that was hopeless and a peace which knew no peace. I know that I know that where I am goig. Quote
roywilson Posted April 26, 2007 Report Posted April 26, 2007 I began going to an evangelical church at age seven where I first heard the Gospel message. I asked Jesus into my heart, water baptized and thought I was set. As time passed, I realized how desperately sinful I still was. The church I grew up placed a great deal of emphasis on works rather than grace. I worked the best I could but would never get to the place where I felt I would ever be acceptable to God. I went to a church where the secret rapture at the beginning of the tribulation was taught and that only those who were living right would go in that rapture, at least that Quote
stonedcoldsoberbytheblood Posted April 26, 2007 Report Posted April 26, 2007 My assurance is that God knew me while I was in the womb. He knows who I am right now. He knows my weaknesses and fears. He knows that I am His child. He knew that I would be in this forum today. He knows that I have confessed and drawn nigh to Him. He knows that I repent on a daily basis -- for holiness, to be like Him. He knows that with all my heart and soul (and my weaknesses) that I love Him. He knows that I love others (with or without struggling) and he knows what my sacrifices are in order to accomplish that. He knows that I want and continue to go to battle to do better at loving the world and spreading the gospel, even if I am strapped down and can't cross an ocean! Fear of not being included in The Lambs Book Of Life are just weapons the enemy uses to intimidate me. As long as I boldly confess to the world, to the devil, and to myself: "I am who He says I am" I am in there! Fear of being imperfect is not Blessed assurance and fear of not being included is just what it is. Fear, and not from God. For all the things God knows about me, the question I ask is, do I believe my name is there? Yes, I do. Quote
Craig Posted May 10, 2007 Report Posted May 10, 2007 I have repented to God for my sins in the name and blood of Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord. I have invited Jesus into my life. I have given Him my life. I trust and have Faith that by calling upon the name of Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord my name will be in the Lamb's Book of Life. I trust and have faith that what Jesus said regarding salvation, Jesus means. However, it is only by the grace of God Almighty that I am saved and I believe that. Quote
plethra Posted June 3, 2007 Report Posted June 3, 2007 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I have assurance that my name is in the book of life because I have repented of my sins. The bible tells me that Jesus is the way the truth and the llife and no man cometh unto the Father by me. It also says the if I will repent he is faithful and just to forgve me of my sins. I believe what the Bible says to be truth and nothing changes that. I know I am saved and my name is in the Book of Life. Christ gave Himself on the cross so my name could be there. Thank You Jesus!!! Quote
JustJeff Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 I take nothing for granted in the flesh. While I am filled with the Holy Ghost I am still a man and subject to man's passions and weaknesses. I am working out my salvation with fear and trembling for scarcely will I be saved even if I am righteous. So, the answer to your question is I am the Lord's and I am now in His book but, until I reach the end of the narrow road, I like to believe that I am written in pencil. Quote
Bro Steven Posted December 9, 2007 Report Posted December 9, 2007 My Lord and God is no lier he said that whom so ever call upon the name of the Lord shalll be saved!!!!!! and I call ed upon the lord and he wote my name in the book of life.. and i know this because he blesses me and he punishes me because he is my heavenly father. Praise God for his Son who takes away the sins of the world!!!!!! Quote
Linda Spilman Posted December 28, 2007 Report Posted December 28, 2007 Q.4 I'm placing my assurance of my name being in the book of life because of Jesus' blood. The sacrifice was made on the cross and the price was paid. I have been bought and desire to honor His sacrifice. Of course I sin, repent and continue to focus on what it cost for my name to be in the book. Quote
mags Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 It tells us in the Bible:- that if we believe in our Lord and repent then we are savfed and will be written in the Book of Life. I love Ephesians 2:8 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.' Ephesians 1:13-14 says that 'after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation - having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, ...' I have heard the message, believed it and am, therefore, sealed in Christ. I believe it because God has said it and I love my Lord whom I love to spend in His presence! Quote
masika Posted July 23, 2008 Report Posted July 23, 2008 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior by faith, and through His dead Am sure that he took my sins on that cross, and my name is written in the Book of life I live daily by obeying God's word, and trusting Him in everything I do. Quote
randall greene Posted November 5, 2008 Report Posted November 5, 2008 John 3:16. I have excepted Jesus as my personnel Saver and King. Quote
Delivered Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? This is a most SERIOUS question we should all ask ourselves and know the answer to. My name is written in the Book of Life because I believe in God Almighty, the God of Israel, and that God loved the Gentile people also, He sent His only Son, Christ Jesus was born of a virgin, a Jewish mother who was faithful to her God as prophesied. I believe that Christ is the anointed One of God, Israel Quote
Sue D Posted August 13, 2009 Report Posted August 13, 2009 Rev 20:12-15 -- Question 4 -- What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I grew up in a very good Bible teaching church. So I knew - in my head at least - the Gospel. Our church had camps during the summer -- during the 1st year of camp -- Jr. girls camp -- our counselor had all of us share when and where we had gotten saved. One girl was admitted she wasn't and accepted Christ as her Savior that evening. There wasn't time for all of us, I knew I hadn't yet, but I was waiting to hear what a couple of other girls were going to say -- didn't think they were saved either. But when we got back home, our counselor asked if we'd been baptized -- so a bunch of us went forward to be baptized. The next summer I ended up staying home for my sisters wedding. Our pastor suggested that if anyone wasn't really sure of their salvation, to talk to God right where you were and make sure. So I did -- I knew I was a sinner and believed that Christ had died and rose again for my sins -- nothing I could do would get me to Heaven. I believed that Christ's death and resurrection was a gift of salvation that I needed to accept. I thanked Him for His gift of salvation. Immediately I had deep inner peace -- I also went forward to be rebaptized as some of the other young people did. Because salvation is to come 1st and then baptism. Scripture also says that the Holy Spirit seals our salvation until we get to Heaven. We can't loose it here on earth. There is a lot of 'easy believism' around these days. When a person's actions don't reflect the salvation that is claimed, maybe a person should be gently and lovingly asked about it. We need to be and show concern for others. Quote
royk Posted November 11, 2009 Report Posted November 11, 2009 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? The books written in the hand of Paul, breathed by the Holy Spirit of God, make this very clear. I am chosen by Him, I am His child; He has bought me with His blood. He is my Kind and my friend, He is my all in all, and more than that. He lives and has given me eternal life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
Commissioned Posted March 1, 2010 Report Posted March 1, 2010 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? The assurance that I have that my name is written in the Book of Life is based on the fact that Jesus bore my sins upon the cross. My sins have been forgiven and I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I have placed my trust in Him. Quote
alexandria Posted May 5, 2010 Report Posted May 5, 2010 Q4. (20:12-15) Here is a serious question for each of us -- not one we should respond to with pat answers. What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? i have the assurance that my name is written in the book of life because jesus is the way, the truth and the life, when you accept jesus as your SAVIOR and you change your life and try to live like jesus, and you accept that he made the ultimate sacrifice when he died on the cross for you, you never forget and his promise was simple, be born again (change your life, give up sin) and follow me. Quote
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