newwine50 Posted July 11, 2019 Report Posted July 11, 2019 Q4. Becoming Flesh Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God “becoming flesh” so important to the basis of the Christian faith? God had to become flesh because He had to make the covenant with Himself. No person could keep a covenant with God. Man always broke it. So God had to become man to keep the covenant. When we are in Christ we have kept the covenant. When we try to keep the covenant outside of Christ we always fail. What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to "become flesh"? We would not be reconciled to God which was the whole purpose of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. The word of the devil would not have been destroyed which is what Jesus came to do by reconciling us to God our Father. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? Too many to mention here. We are to reign in life through His abundance of grace and His gift of rigthteousness. In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? I went from darkeness to light. I went from death to life. I came to know God and Jesus whom He sent, which is eternal life. Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted February 29, 2020 Report Posted February 29, 2020 Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? The basis of the Christian faith is our redemption from sin by grace through Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, atonement for sin was achieved by spilling the blood of an innocent animal without defect. In the New Covenant, Jesus IS the Lamb of God destined to be sacrificed for our sin. But if God did not “become flesh”, if Jesus came empty handed without His Deity, then our “savior” would be just a human god with all the imperfections of the flesh and his sacrifice would be of no value in the eyes of God. It would not earn us the righteousness to have the authority to be children of God. Therefore we might as well just eat, drink, and be merry. What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to "become flesh"? Christ’s life would be meaningless, an empty existence devoid of the good news; the crucifixion would be an ordinary punishment for an impostor and blasphemer; and there would obviously be no resurrection. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? I now know the contentment that Paul refers to; I know love and I have peace in my heart. In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? My life has been changed from the pursuit of the “good life” associated with “eating, drinking and merrymaking that includes infidelity to one where I can truly say that I have ditched my life of debauchery for one of love and contentment. Thank You Jesus. Quote
Raymond Soriano Posted May 5, 2020 Report Posted May 5, 2020 Q5. (John 1:18) What does it mean that Jesus is the “Only God” or the “Only Begotten God”? It means that Jesus is the only and one who exists from the beginning until the end and can claim as the Son of God. Does the Apostle John seem to make a distinction between God the Father and God the Son? Yes. What does all this mean for our understanding of the Trinity? There is a One God in three nature, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Quote
brianthedisciple Posted May 5, 2020 Report Posted May 5, 2020 Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God “becoming flesh” so important to the basis of the Christian faith? If He didn't become flesh, or walk in and experience, everything a human could ever experience, He could not identify with humanity, he could not be in the place of dying for our sins. Consequently, I would still be held accountable for all my sins, past, present, and future. There is no hope for me. What would Christ’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to “become flesh”? Simple. Nothing. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? Salvation. After that, forgiveness from the many things I have done, both in ignorance and with knowledge. In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? I know that Abba, Father, loves me. That because of Jesus, He looks on me with a smile on His face, and not with a disappointed, angry look. Quote
Lousand1 Posted August 26, 2020 Report Posted August 26, 2020 On 8/7/2014 at 2:23 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God “becoming flesh” so important to the basis of the Christian faith? What would Christ’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to “become flesh”? In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? I hae been a Christian for so long, I can't remember what life was like before accepting Jesus as my pesonal saviour. I have been through some major health problems but Jesus was with me throughout it all. I was in a medical induced coma for several weeks with Covid-19. I woke up and realized I had slept through the winter. I have regained my strength and my voice and I can't stop telling people about my experience. I am a firm believer that Jesus is real and that He still heals. Jesus is so real to me, much more now than when I first became a Chistian. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted June 17, 2021 Report Posted June 17, 2021 Christ had to be made a human being, that He came from Abraham according to the flesh; that He was one of their own people. Redemption couldn't not have been possible otherwise. Christ had to suffer to redeem; and that He is now able to help and deliver all who are tempted. If Christ was just a phantom, we as gentiles we be at a real disadvantage- we wouldn't be partakers of the heavenly calling nor be part of a chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy Nation and nor be part of a purchased people. Christ appearing to Thomas is sure testimony that Christ was no phantom. The grace of perseverance! Christ has given me graces to live a sanctified life. Christ was made like unto His brethern not that nature of angels. On the road of holiness since I was young, God has given me graces during times of disappointment,heartaches and dilemmas. Due to the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection; I have been quickened and raised together with Christ, sitting together with Christ in heavenly places together with Christ Jesus. Quote
Irmela Posted March 24, 2022 Report Posted March 24, 2022 John 1:14) Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? If that was not so there would so far not have yet been help for us, sinners. We would not be redeemed. The debt would still be unpaid. God having come as "flesh", having laid aside all glory, majesty, power , and becoming as weak man and endured ALL as man does, YET WITHOUT SIN, was necessary for the debt of our sin to be paid. It was a pure and spotless sacrifice that was called for. What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if He were only pretending to "become flesh"? It would have all been a sham. All for nothing. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? Without it I would have been traipsing in the world, lost. He has showered me with love, which I did not deserve. He has been there for me, in many lonely hours. In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? Where I was running after man's favour, and losing out. Never attaining acceptance, I am now accepted in the Beloved . Quote
Teshome Tena Posted February 1, 2023 Report Posted February 1, 2023 Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? As recorder in John Gospel becoming flash have many folds to Christian faith these are 1/ To take away sin from man Jesus must become flash in John 1:29 says, the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. 2/ in john1: 17 it says, for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, if Christian need to save and have eternal life they must need grace. 3/ when Jesus become flash and crucified, Christian become free from fear of death and Satan power as recorded in Heb – 2: 14 children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 4/ as john 1:4 in him was life; and the life was the light of men. Jesus become flash to give light to human being 5/ as John1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Jesus become flash to remove darkness from man. 6/ As john 1: 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God? Jesus become flash brings to the believer to become son of God 7/ As John1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Jesus become flash that his followers sees his glory. 8/ john 1:51 And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man And Heb 10:10 By which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. For reconciliation of heaven and earth (man and God) Jesus must become flash. What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to "become flesh"? Jesus not become flash all his life, born, crucifixion, death and resurrections are not real and no salvation, no eternity to human being but as bible said the word become flash. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? Jesus grace changes my life from Sons of disobedient to son of God, from death to life, from sin to righteousness, Quote
Sparrow12Seven Posted May 5, 2023 Report Posted May 5, 2023 Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? What would Christ's life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to "become flesh"? In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was? I. Why is the idea of God "becoming flesh" so important to the basis of the Christian faith? “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) Mankind must have a Savior - a Perfect Sacrifice - to take away our sins and to make a Way for us to come to the Father. Jesus Christ, God’s One and Only Son, is that Perfect Sacrifice - “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29b) He did this because He loves us that much. “God is love” (I John 4:8) and His action of self-sacrifice to save the world (to everyone who would receive and believe in Jesus) is the pinnacle of the expression of love. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” -Jesus Christ, John 15:13 II. What would Christ’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to “become flesh”? It would all be a sham, a put-on, fake, and meaningless, and mankind would still be separated from God because of our sin. III. In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? He completed His perfect sacrifice for my sin by His grace. He gave me the faith I needed to receive Him by His grace. I have received His gift of salvation by His grace, and in His grace, He sanctifies me every day. Every good and perfect gift is from Him. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and instruction are all from Him! He has given us all things we need for life and godliness by His grace! IV. In what ways has His truth changed your life from what it was? His truth saved me as a child. My life has taken twists and turns, but He has been patient with me, and He has never left me nor forsaken me; He never gave up on me. He is teaching me how to trust Him more and more as I read His Word and seek Him. He is teaching me that His truth sanctifies me, and this wonderful salvation is past, present, and future. His truth nourishes me every day, and He is teaching me that I can actually have a living, loving relationship with Him; that He wants to know me, and that He wants me to seek Him and follow Him. His truth transforms me as I read His Word and by His grace apply it to my life. He is gentle and He teaches me. He is teaching me by experience that He is the Living Word and He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that His truth is eternal. He has taught me to trust Him in the pain of the loss of loved ones, in a personal diagnosis of c—-- (I don’t even spell that word!), in accidents, in life changes, and in just growing, and because He was with me through all of my life - in the good and the bad and the ugly, the things that came unexpectedly, things I hoped for, the things I dreaded, through it all, He taught me that nothing takes Him by surprise, He is the lifter of my head, He is for me, and He cares for me, and looking back, I can see how He even prepared me for some of the unexpected events life in life, though I didn’t know it at the time. Because of all of this, I know that He is Faithful and True, that He is the Word Made Flesh, that His Word is Truth, and I have Love, and Joy and Hope and Peace for today and tomorrow Quote
BC Diane Posted June 12, 2023 Report Posted June 12, 2023 Jesus, the WORD, the expression of God's very heart, "becoming flesh" is amazing to think about. The extent God went to make Himself known to us, His rebellious creation, is GRACE upon GRACE in action! And to think that, in designing man, God pre-planned that Jesus would be able to aptly shine out God's very being despite the human limitations He would take on when "becoming flesh". In my life, I find myself depending on God's all sufficient grace in time of need over and over again. Just this week I was asking Him for help in pulling together a presentation to do with our church's children's church group, and He brought it together beautifully! I am so grateful! God's truth made known through the written word is the bedrock that anchors my life. It's where I go for wisdom, for help, for answers! I especially love digging deep into word meanings, then stepping back and taking a big picture look at how things all tie together. As I read and study and especially meditate on the Word of God, His Word changes me from the inside out. Quote
Krissi Posted January 27 Report Posted January 27 For many secular people looking at Christianity from the outside, the idea that God became flesh is a huge intellectual stumbling block. For those of us who have accepted as truth both Him and His claim to be God, the humanity of God is still intellectually difficult to accept. A God who remained esoteric, not "touching down" to earth but emanating from beyond is easier to understand. This conception of god is aloof, far from us, inaccessible and toward whom we strive. The God of the OT is a bit like this and the gods of other faiths can be like this, too. We have a strong tendency to anthropomorphize God, to make him into a bigger, better human. This He is not. He is not a Greek god or even a Hindu god: one of many, each with their own earthly and imaginative characteristics. He's a man -- and God. Wholly both. This sets the Christian God apart from other gods. He's not just a creator (almost all gods can create). He's not just part-human as in the Greek pantheon. He's not a morally lapsed, human-like god as in Hinduism. He's not pure spirit as in Buddhism. He's wholly man and wholly God at the same time. -- The "wholly" part is significant. It's not a temporary role He plays like a acting cameo on earth for our benefit. He really did become one of us. At the same time, however, He retained His differences (at this point, my little mind is confused ... it seems un-understandable.) Suffice it to say that the story of His life, birth, death on the cross, etc. would make zero sense if He were only part-man or somehow less than human. Suffering makes Him one of us. -- The offer of salvation is His ultimate gift. It is the epitome of grace. As a Christian, I have within me His grace in the form of the Holy Spirit. This has changed me deeply. Some Christians change superficially (altered behavior precedes deeper belief) but I changed inwardly deeply and only slowly and imperceptibly did that inner change manifest itself in my behavior. I am, truly, a new "man." Quote
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