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Devout Christians differ on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As you discuss this, make sure that your attitude is one of love for your brothers and sisters, even if you might disagree with some things they believe.

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?

  • 4 weeks later...

Devout Christians differ on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As you discuss this, make sure that your attitude is one of love for your brothers and sisters, even if you might disagree with some things they believe.

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?


John's baptism was for repentance or heart preparation for the salvation which was to come at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit filled and empowered those who believed in Jesus. (Prior to that event, they were believing disciples but not born again Christians) John was the baptizer and the seekers were immersed in water for cleansing and purification. I realized as I read that the New Testament or New Covenant didn't really begin until Pentecost when Jesus breathed His life into the disciples and they were truly born again and filled with His Spirit and no longer under the Law because Grace had come and filled them with Himself!


Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?


It means Jesus was the Baptizer and the disciples were immersed in the Holy Spirit. There may be many "infillings" after our initial one at salvation...empowering for particular service, strengthing for particular trials of faith...sometimes involving inner healing or physical healing.


Then usually after salvation, believers are baptized in water as Jesus was our pattern. It symbolizes our oneness with Him...in that we are buried with Him, then coming out of the water, we are raised to new life with Him


Like Pastor Wilson, I too experienced a life changing "baptism in the Holy Spirit" and received a prayer language several years after I was born again. When I read and heard that there was more....I asked to receive all that Jesus has for me...and He answered in a beautiful and powerful way!


John the Baptist’s water baptism signified preparation of the Jews through repentance that made them ready for the revealing of Messiah. As Son of Man, Jesus identified Himself with humanity’s need for purity and repentance by coming to John for baptism. That event signaled the active onset of His earthly ministry and released heaven’s confirmation that He is the Son of God as the Holy Spirit descended like a dove to remain on Him.  This revealed Messiah’s identity to John and to the world.


Jesus’ baptism signifies transformation for all humanity through repentance and acceptance of the Word, the Light, the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world.  “Baptizo” has about it the sense of being changed from what was into a new creation as one’s life is submerged into Christ.  Other ancient texts used this same Greek word “baptizo” to describe how a cucumber immersed in brine is transformed into a pickle with different qualities, purposes, and shelf-life.  This pictures the baptism of the Holy Spirit for us, as a believer is transformed from deadness to spiritual life when Christ immerses us in/with the Spirit upon receiving Him and believing in His name for salvation.  The Spirit is a holy deluge that brings new spiritual qualities, purposes, and eternal life – effecting transformational change throughout (like the pickle).  This immersion of the Spirit is then symbolized for us in following Christ’s example and command for water baptism as we identify with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection to eternal life.  Our task then is to learn to live out the spiritual life that has been poured into us, in all its fullness.  Beautiful.

Q5. (John 1:33) 

How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? 

Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water." 

What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?

John’s baptism was with water and it was for repentance and at the same time symbolic of the washing away of sins. Jesus’ baptism was with the Holy Spirit and this took place on the day of Pentecost. At that time, the Holy Spirit came down from heaven to dwell in the body of every believer. 



Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?


John's baptism of repentance differs from the baptism of re-creation that Jesus brings. The focus of John's baptism, as I understand it, was to seal the resolve of those baptized to turn from things in their lives that would draw them away from living the life God has for them. The focus of the baptism of Jesus which involves receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, is to turn people toward a life of complete submission in all things to the One who is able (and longing) to give abundant peace, joy, and love to his creation. The power that comes with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a power to live a life with an eternal focus--one that looks beyond the cares/annoyances/stressors of this life to a life that gives a "peace that passes all understanding" and the strength to face each day with joy and love for others.


John's baptism was with water. The baptism that Jesus brings is a permanent one. This baptism was to be the sign and dynamic mark of the followers of Jesus. The Holy Spirit would be poured out on them in order that they might carry on His saving work in all the world. Jesus' task of baptizing in the Spirit is His ongoing purpose throughout this age.


How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?

  • John the Baptist baptism is with water and Jesus baptism is with the Holy Spirit.
  • Baptism of the Holy Spirit imply that we are identified with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.  We are, also, identified with other believers.  We have been empowered to live and teach the message of salvation.

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?


John the Baptist describes Jesus' baptism in two of the synoptic gospels, as baptising "with the Holy Spirit and Fire" (Matt 3:11 and Luke 3:16). Fire in the bible is often used as an anology for purifying (1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and Luke 12:49). In addition given that the word baptizo means immerse and connotes cleansing, Jesus baptism immerses and cleanses us with the Holy Spirit. Jesus baptism had an extra dimension to Johns as Johns baptism was for repentance (Acts 19:3-4).


Devout Christians differ on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As you discuss this, make sure that your attitude is one of love for your brothers and sisters, even if you might disagree with some things they believe.

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?

The difference between John the Baptists' baptism and the baptism of Jesus brings is that John baptized with water for repentance of sins, Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit, which gives us power to proclaim the gospel and be witnesses for Him.

Baptism is a word that means to immerse or plunge in water. Today we use baptism as a proclamation or a witness to others that we are believers in Christ death and resurrection. The baptism of the Holy Spirit fills or floods us completely with the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that he is truly from God. There is no feeling or emotion on earth that can compare with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, one is instantly aware of Gods love and His love for all mankind on earth. If they only knew the love that God has for them, they would all fall face down and praise and worship Him!   


John baptized with water.  Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit.  This baptism is an outward sign of an inward deep belief. We are born again into the Kingdom of God.  Not a ceremony to be taken lightly!!!  We have new birth by the Spirit.


Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water." What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?


John baptised with water but Jesus baptises with the Holy spirit


Baptism with the Holy Spirit means to fill filled with the Holy Spirit and power


Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?


John’s water immersion accomplished ritual purification, good intentions of a heart repentant of sin, who desires to turn to God.


Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water.

Q. “What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?


Jesus promised the believer that they would be immersed in the Holy Spirit, immersed with “POWER”, dynamite from God that would enable the believer to run the race set before them, (Luke 24:49) And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with “POWER” from on high.


It is hereby that they will know we that dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us his Spirit, for we “testify” that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world, that whosoever will confess Jesus is the “Son of God”, God dwells in him, and he in God (1John 4:13-15)


The immersion of the Holy Spirit is something John, nor the blood of “bulls and goats” could ever do, immerse the repentant heart with the Holy Spirit, for only some in the Old Testament, as God saw fit, had the Spirit on them, such as Moses, the seventy elders, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Saul, the messengers of Saul had the Spirit on them and they prophesied, Bezaleel, of the tribe of Judah, was filled with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, and King David to name a few.



What a wonderful blessing there is for the believer, the promise of the Holy Spirit.


How does John the Baptist baptism differ from the one Jesus brings.

John's is with water and Jesus baptism is with the Holy Spirit.


Baptism means immerse.

What does a baptism with the Holy Spirit imply.

It implies that we will be immersed with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Jesus!


God Bless!


2 Corinthians 16:13


Q5.  (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?


John the Baptist baptism was by water for the remission of sin.


The baptism that Jesus bring is the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that sanctifies, purifies, purges the believer of the old sinful habits. scripture teaches in Acts 5:32 Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey him, John 7:39 The Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive; John 7:17 sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true.


"What does a baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event? The baptism of the Holy Spirit is like a stamp of approval, baptism of the Holy spirit is like a seal, a evidence that you belong to God now.  


(John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water." What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?


John the Baptist's baptism was by water which signifies the repentance and forgiveness of sins. Jesus' baptism of the Holy Spirit is for the Holy Spirit to come upon us and give us the power to exercise God's gifts for us. 


I think the baptism that John performed on folks washed away their sins ... up until that point in time. But after Jesus's ascension when the Holy Spirit came down, only at that point could folks experience baptism with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes to dwell inside the person which is what happens at the point in time when someone "gets saved" today. We stop living for self and begin to live for our Creator.


John the Baptist’s baptism differs in being a cleansing of sins and a drawing of a line from the past sinful life to a new penitent life.  The baptism Jesus brings is one in which we are armed with the Holy Spirit to be able to go out and set an example to others of Christ-like living and preach the message of salvation.


A baptism of the Holy Spirit implies, like John’s baptism, a whole new and unblemished life, but with the gift of the Holy Spirit added.  We may not all speak in tongues.  I think the main gift is the gift of courage to do what we could never previously have done.

  • 2 weeks later...

How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?  Baptism is a word that means “immerse” plunge under water”.   What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?

Physical versus Spiritual

Baptism with water is an outward occurrence, carried out by man for man, of washing away the old man and putting on the new man in Christ.

Baptism with Holy Spirit is an inward occurrence, carried out by Jesus for man, of washing away the old self/old will and enabling us to follow the Will of God.


John's baptism by water was preparatory because it was for repentance and symbolized the washing away of sin. Jesus baptisted with the Holy Spirit  sending it upon all believers empowering them to live and teach the message of salvation. This all began when Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended to heaven.  see also John 20:22  and Acts 2


How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus' brings?

The tradition of converting a Gentile into a Jew was to have them strip of all clothing and have water poured over them.  This water was to touch all parts of their body, as a spiritual cleansing.  John did it a little different by using the water in the Jordan River.  He immersed the repentant person in the water to show that they had a change of mind.


Jesus, in applying the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, gave to each believer the indwelling presence of God's Spirit.  I believe that this done during immersion by: "being buried with Jesus" - "our old man of sin is buried, no longer a part of our life".  Then in Acts 2:38, Peter tells us that by the act of being immersed in the name of Jesus, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Baptism of the Holy Spirit).


Baptism is a word that means, "immerse, plunge under water".  What does a "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?

While immersion in water is on the outside, the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" takes place in our soul, the sinful part.  Holy Spirit "cleans our house" and lives in us.

  • 2 weeks later...

Devout Christians differ on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As you discuss this, make sure that your attitude is one of love for your brothers and sisters, even if you might disagree with some things they believe.

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?

John's baptism differs from the baptism that  Jesus brought in that Jesus' baptism is the baptism with the Holy Spirit.  It is a new birth, an immersion, a possession by the Holy Spirit.


John the Baptist’s baptism is different that Jesus because Jesus’ baptism is one of the Holy Spirit where John’s baptism was with water. The “baptism of the Holy Spirit” implies that we will be immersed in the Holy Spirit. Or we can say that the Holy Spirit is in us.

  • 4 weeks later...

Devout Christians differ on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As you discuss this, make sure that your attitude is one of love for your brothers and sisters, even if you might disagree with some things they believe.

Q5. (John 1:33)

John 1:33 (KJV)
33  And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.


How does John the Baptist’s baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings?


John the Baptist's baptism is the washing of the body with water, immerssion in the water for the purification of the body to be acceptable to him. While Jesus Christ who will then will baptize with the Holy Spirit.


Baptism is a word that means “immerse, plunge under water.” What does a “baptism of the Holy Spirit” imply about this event?


It implies that in this event the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the descent of the Holy Spirit is the union of of these three names in the form of baptism proves that the Son and the Holy Ghost are equal with the Father. Jesus Christ was joined by the Holy Ghost and the Father the triune God in One.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q5. (John 1:33) How does John the Baptist's baptism differ from the baptism that Jesus brings? Baptism is a word that means "immerse, plunge under water." What does a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" imply about this event?


In reality I'm not sure how one can answer this question on a personal level, except intellectual. I was not baptized by John the Baptist. Would I have received the Holy Spirit, or was it an intellectual promise to return to God and stop sinning as much as possible?


Clearly we "think" that a person baptized by Jesus will really feel the Holy Spirit. Os I hope this reminds me to slow down, listen to God's Spirit in me and make better decision that will serve others better.


Bless His Holy Name

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