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  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus invited these men to immediately begin the journey of experiencing and learning from Him, rather than planning a specific teaching or discussion time.  This did not require an address or specific place to go.  We are also to learn from Him as we walk with Him through life.  That’s far more intimate, authentic, and effective, like a child learning language, knowledge, and skills from parents in their ordinary daily walk through life together.          


This method, in fact, was exactly that of a rabbi.  Every rabbi had disciples who lived and traveled with him wherever he went for years, not sitting in some formal classroom or waiting for lectures.  They received instruction and learned their rabbi’s head and heart step-by-step as they spent the hours of their days together.  They saw how knowledge was applied with wisdom in everyday situations.  They modeled their lives after his example.


Being with Jesus today means the same thing for us!  We must spend time with the Scriptures, God’s Word given to us in written form that reveals who Jesus is and all that He wants us to know about Himself and about how to live as He lived on earth.  That Word speaks the truth of God to our spirit just as faithfully as Jesus spoke audibly to His disciples in that day.  We must spend time in joint conversation with Him as we go along.  It's in a different way, but just as genuine and real as what the disciples had.  His Holy Spirit resides within to open our understanding, communicate His heart and mind, and guide us into faithful application of truth.  In other words, He is developing the character of Jesus in those who set the desires of their own lives aside and follow after Jesus with all their heart as we spend time with Him in walking together.


Jesus wants us to trust Him and follow Him unquestioningly.  It isn't where he is staying that is important, it is Him and are we willing to follow unconditionally.  Matthew Henry says "the nearer we approach Christ the more we see of His beauty".  They were drawn to Him the same as we were drawn. Drawn to His heart of love.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?

There can be a number of reasons. Ever saw how someone said i will get to it, they never do. if Jesus told them where to come, life might have kept them too busy to show up, so Jesus draw them in while they were still interested.

He made them follow Him so that it was the start of a habit.

Also, Jesus took the lead, He didn't do what they wanted Him to do, He did what was best for them. He kept them with Him.

Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? They had to learn Who He was and to follow Him. hey had to learn to be taught by Him

What does “being with” Jesus mean today?

Being filled with the Spirit of Christ. Wearing Him as a cloak. Being in His presence all the time


Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus? What does "being with" Jesus mean today?


Jesus does not tell his enquirers where he because he wants them to follow him to find out for themselves. 


It was important for the disciple to "be with Jesus" so that they could learn from him and become like him in conduct and character.


"Being with Jesus" means creating time for him for fellowship, reading his word and communing with him in prayers.


Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? What does “being with” Jesus mean today?


I'm not sure why he didn't tell the disciples where he was staying. I like the ideas of those who have contributed so far and the study notes. Another important thing that Jesus said to them was, in the middle of verse 38, "What do you want?" or "What do you seek? (RSV) Jesus knew what they wanted so why did he asked them this question? The disciples must have enjoyed Jesus' company because they not only followed him but they stayed with him as well. He must have been a dinamic teacher, because he had the disciples' attention right from the beginning. In chapter 20 verse 29 Jesus said something else that was interesting, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Jesus must have had us in mind when he said this. Faith and belief in Jesus the Messiah is hard sometimes, it takes discapline. Even though I don't say it verbally sometimes my attitude of pride is to say 'I don't need you' I am quite capable of doing this without your help Lord.'


Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? What does “being with” Jesus mean today?     

  • Jesus doesn't answer all our questions, but he invites us to journey along with him. This was an opportunity for the two disciples to follow him -- and in the process, learn from him.  Being with Jesus mean we can get closer to him and learn how to pattern our lives.



Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?


Jesus invited them, as He does each of us to come to Him, to come with Him, to be in Him....to be in close fellowship Now, not next week when we have more time in our schedule! To have told them where he was staying seems to me that it would create distance....a putting off of the NOW encounter He desired to have with them.


Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus?


Jesus' life purpose was to make disciples...to prepare hearts for the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit would come and indwell those disciples to become born again believers...the first of His Bride, the Church. He wanted them to see and feel and touch God Himself ...as He came to reveal the Father to them, and as He does for us.


What does “being with” Jesus mean today?


I can only speak about what this means to and for me. Since He came to live in me and is now always with me, being with Him has been a growing process. As He's healed my broken heart and bound up old wounds, more room has been created in me both to receive His love and the desire to spend more and more time with Him. I like to rise early before anyone else is awake and with a cup of coffee and my Bible and devotional books, journal and pen, I meet Him in my special comfortable place..the couch in the den. The longer I know Him, the more I enjoy sitting quietly and absorbing His presence and His Words...not talking incessantly as I used to do. I know I'm loved so the old desire to "do devotions to get the check mark in the box" is gone. It's my joy now to  snuggle up to Him and just "be," allowing Him to teach, correct when necessary, feed my hungry soul and spirit...to love me. I give Him my burdens and tell Him honestly what I'm feeling and thinking and I write down what He impresses on me for the day, asking Him to order my steps...and my stops. To fill me to overflowing with Himself so He spills out wherever I go. As I move through the day I sense His Presence and bring Him into whatever I'm doing. When I worship in church I remember that He said in Hebrews 2:11,12 that He worships His Father through my voice (and others) in the midst of the worshipping congregation. What joy to give Him that place in me! He is my Savior, Lord and Friend...my all in all!

Q2. (John 1:38-39) 

Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? 

Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus? 

What does "being with" Jesus mean today?

Being the time of Passover, Jesus would have been staying in temporary dwellings; a home of a friend, an inn, or even a booth (tabernacle) made of palm leaves. So it was not important where He was staying, it was more important that they be with Him. Then and now it is important being with Jesus for the right reasons. We read later in John 6:66, that many turned their backs on Him and stopped following Him. They had found what Jesus was telling them distasteful, and no longer wanted to associate with Him. These were obviously never true believers, and had only followed the Lord for selfish reasons and not out of true love for Him. Jesus is the author and Perfecter of our faith. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).” By His grace and Spirit we were led to believe, and it is upon Him that our faith depends. We need to be with Jesus as we can only live life effectively by keeping our eyes focused on Him. By concentrating more on ourselves and the circumstances surrounding us, we can easily stumble and fall. This happens when we look away from Him. And of course, Christ is the way, and the means by which we receive salvation. 



Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? What does “being with” Jesus mean today?

Jesus turned and ask the one's following Him what they wanted? They replied to see where he staying, He replied "come and see". In other words they had a lot of questions they wanted to ask Jesus. Jesus knew he had no place to stay, but if the followers were serious, they would follow after him.

It was important for the disciples to be with Jesus because they could learn from him, his purpose, teachings of the word of God, witness the miracles and later after his death, be a witness to the people and continue proclaiming the gospel and establishing the church.

Because Jesus is no longer in the physical world he is with us in the spirit. Once we accept Jesus as our savior and we are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, it necessary that we continue in the word of God, pray and allow the Lord to strengthen and lead us in our daily lives.  


Q. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?

Jesus did more than just tell them, he invited them to come, to “follow” him in order to see.


Q. Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus?

Jesus, being the Messiah, their Rabbi, whose meaning here was more than just teacher, but that of “Master”, that of highest learning, it was most important that they take this opportunity and learn what it means to be a follower of the Messiah.


Q. What does "being with" Jesus mean today?

The more time we abide with the Messiah, the Christ, the more we learn of the importance of being a “follower of the Rabbi Jesus”, there is a cost, and it is important we understand  what He taught us, they hated him the Messiah, they will hate also his followers. In order to be a follower of the Messiah, John was willing to give up his life, are we as willing as John was to be a follower,  to "be with" Jesus" today?


I can only guess why Jesus didn’t tell his would-be disciples where he was staying.  I think it was possibly so that they would come with him immediately (striking while the iron was hot and their enthusiasm fresh).  Sometimes if we have too much time to think we make excuses for ourselves and don’t follow our impulses.  It was important for the disciples to be with Jesus as they had been told of his coming by John the Baptist and that he was the actual Messiah.  ‘Being with’ Jesus today means following his example and living our lives according to his word, not the ways of the world.


Jesus Calls Peter (1:40-42)


I have a question on this:  "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas." Cephas is the Aramaic word for "rock." Petros (Peter) is the Greek word for "rock." Jesus seems to be prophesying to Peter of his future as the rock, the foundation, by his faith, of the new Christian movement. 


I have always taken the verse to mean that Peter is the rock that Jesus means to use as the foundation for "the new Christian movement."  If so, then why is Paul so prominent in the New Testament and not Peter?


Would someone please clarify?


Following without knowing the destination is true faith. It requires ultimate trust in someone else. I think being with Jesus for me is keeping a running dialogue with Him throughout my day. It's so easy to be distracted, to be sucked into culture/physical world so I just try to talk to Him as my day goes by asking questions, by giving thanks for the little things like an awesome parking spot, and asking for strength.

Septembermorn- I am no expert but I think Peter better represents the normal person than Paul. Paul is a rockstar, but Peter represents the average person. I see myself in him- I love him for his faults, his failings, yet he is so real so I can relate to him. I think the verse means that the church is built upon confessions, and Peter's confession is the example for us all. Peter was a successful fisherman before he met Jesus. Afterwards, he was a fisher of men.


(John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? What does “being with” Jesus mean today? 


Jesus does not tell his inquirers where He is staying because He wanted them to go with Him and see for themselves and more importantly to spend time with Him.


It is important for disciples to be with Jesus so that they could see the things He did, how He did it and why He did it. We need to spend time with the Master in order to truly know Him and understand Him. More than that, we need to spend time in His presence so that we can experience His grace and love and peace.


Septembermorn- I am no expert but I think Peter better represents the normal person than Paul. Paul is a rockstar, but Peter represents the average person. I see myself in him- I love him for his faults, his failings, yet he is so real so I can relate to him. I think the verse means that the church is built upon confessions, and Peter's confession is the example for us all. Peter was a successful fisherman before he met Jesus. Afterwards, he was a fisher of men.


Than you for your answer, Dillards.  I love Peter, too, for his faults and relate to him very much.  The fact that he represents the "normal person" is one of the reasons I'd like to know more of what he has to say.  For the time being, I'm going to continue to take Jesus' answer quite literally.  :-)


My response is closer to Dillards' than any other. To me, these three questions are loaded for a "faith" answer.  Just like it does not matter where we are going, it should not matter where Jesus is going, except that where He is going matters to where we are going.  Having faith in Jesus so that we base our whole lives on Him, His words, His commands, His agape love, to me, is the whole meaning of life on earth.  Each day I pray, "thy will be done, Lord, in my life", and He delivers. Most times He delivers the unexpected but in the long run, it makes sense.  Good questions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus had no set place He wanted them to follow him. Jesus wanted them to go where he went and if it was under a tree or along the side of the beach He wanted to teach them. 


Being with Jesus today means living our life as his teaching tells us. That means reading and study His word the Bible. Being in prayer for all things helping ones that are in need but most of all turn our live over to Him and follow as did the disciples.


Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?

I believe that Jesus wanted to keep their interest in Him, so as they walked, He could teach them.



Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus?

When a person is learning from another, he must be with them everyday, all day long.  To encounter their lifestyle and copy it.  A mentor shares what he knows with his disciples and in this way, they become like him, their mentor.



What does "being with" Jesus mean today? 

It means that we have to be close to Jesus, both in the Bible and in prayer.  And then we must only speak the words of Jesus in all honesty.


Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? What does “being with” Jesus mean today?

Jesus dosen't tell his inquirers where he is staying, instead He invited them to journey with Him. This was important for disciples to "be with" Jesus as it was in His presence, under His teaching that they learned of Him and of what He requires of them as disciples.  Today, "being with" Jesus means the same.  As we continue our journey with Jesus we are in constant communion with Him; our minds will be on Him, which will bring renewing and peace.  We would be in the place where Jesus can use us to proclaim His word and demonstrate His supernatural power.


I don’t think that Jesus was telling the inquirers where he was staying because he wasn’t staying in one place. It was important for the inquirers to “be with” Jesus because they needed to learn what Jesus was teaching. “Being with” Jesus today means that you are studying his word and trying to imitate Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (John 1:38-39)


John 1:38-39 (KJV)
38  Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?
39  He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.


Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying?


"Come and see." He doesn't give them an address or make an appointment. He invites them to come along with him and walk with him.


Verse 39. Come and see. This was a kind and gracious answer. He did not put them off to some future period. Then, as now, he was willing that they should come at once and enjoy the full opportunity which they desired of his conversation. Jesus is ever ready to admit those who seek him to his presence and favour.

Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus?


God gave the grace to these disciples that is why they now have the desire to be with Jesus. They will now learn more and walk closely with Jesus. The importance is they will have a close experienced to be with Jesus and that is what they are going to tell, preach or teach to the people.


Following him -- and in the process, learning from him -- is the essence of what it means to be a disciple. Mark's Gospel tells us of the Twelve:

 "He appointed twelve -- designating them apostles -- that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons." (Mark 3:14-15)


What does “being with” Jesus mean today?


Being with Jesus today means reading his Word day and night, learn more about him by and by, meditate, apply it in your life, live with his Word, be equipped, teach and preach his Word.


If we want to become close-following disciples of Jesus, we must "hang out with him," spend time with him so we can learn from him and pattern our lives after him.



  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn't Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? Why was it important for disciples to "be with" Jesus? What does "being with" Jesus mean today?

Jesus already knows they want to learn something from Him, they just don't know how or what to ask, just like me today. So Jesus invites them to follow him, and of course they do. This is like huge for them, confirming He is God, by spending time with Him. They are or will soon become mesmerized by His Holy Presene.


Today this can come/evolve but careful meditation time, and prayer time. Even asking God now in the moment of typing this and reading it, this is part of know that He is constantly and gently calling us to know Him and do follow His will in the moment.


It is also the means to deal with life's problems, by accepting that they are there, and that we turn them peacefully over to Him.

  • 2 weeks later...

When the two disciples began to follow Jesus, he asked them, “What do you want?” Following Christ is not enough; we must follow him for the right reasons. To follow Christ for our own purposes would be asking Christ to follow us—to align with us to support and advance our cause, not his. We must examine our motives for following him. Are we seeking his glory or ours?

They wanted to be with Jesus all the time thus why they asked him where he was staying.


Its being with Him that imparts knowledge and power to the disciples. This is His primary purpose of calling. This we do today as we study His word and wait on Him in prayer. He has called us to walk with Him so that we may work for Him.

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