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Gideon had forgotton that God had always been with his people, and the choices the Israelites made resulted in their turning their backs on God.

God never makes a mistake. Gideon didn't know that God was on the verge of using him as the leader of a supernatural defeat of the Midianites.

We do not take into account the choices we make and when things go wrong it must be God's fault.

We need to confess before God the wrong decisions we have made and recognize that God wants what is best for us. He promises He will never leave us or forsake us.


Gideon blamed God saying God abandoned them, They abandoned Godfirst and God gave them into the hands of the Midianites.

He was accurate in his assesment without realizing it was the result of their actions.

We blame God because we fail to see our fault in a situation or we forget that God is in control and does have a plan. The danger of blaming God is we fail to realize our disobedience or our lack of faith.

We can overcome this by being faithful and obedient.


Because God is allowing the Israelites to suffer and be impoverished, Gideon believes that the trouble is being caused by God.

This is wrong, because the Israelites had "done evil in the eyes of the Lord"; they are responsible for what has happened to them. The circumstances they are in are because of their turning from God --- if they call upon the Lord and submit to him totally, they will be removed from these circumstances and restored.

People who rely simply on themselves usually end up on the short end of the stick, because without the guidance and leadership of God we are too weak to take care of ourselves and whatever circumstances that we are in. If we relinquish our will and depend on the Lord, he will make us "mighty warriors" and we can overcome the circumstances that we are in.

In all things we must put God first and have total reliance upon him ... he knows what we need and why we need it ... even though what we want is not what he wants for us.


Hi, all. This is my first.

So here goes:

Israel is at the bottom of her sin cycle (once again) & Giedon is blaming God for what is Israel's fault. But He is really with him.

I'm thankful He is with me too, even when I may be going in the wrong direction. God is good! :rolleyes:


As I look back on my own life, I can see many difficult situations. Some of them were my fault....many were not. The one thing I have learned is to be thankful for every situation.because God is at work in it. If it's my fault, I need to be chastened.....if it's not my fault, I am learning faith and patience. It's all good. Looking around to place blame on another human is a waste. The answer is "What is God trying to teach me here?"


'Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the earth....a new testament quote but one that comes directly from God. Gideon forgot all that had come before except what he wanted to remember. He forgot that when escaping Egypt the Israelites were assailed each time they drew apart from God and that each time God was there when they cried out. God goes nowhere, He is where we are; we in our humanity and willfulness go from His presence and then blame Him when we encounter adversity and pain. We blame God for the consequences of our own freewill. The danger in this is that in constantly placing the blame apart from ourselves we do not take ownership of our failings and change as we need to. We need to look to God but not in blame, but seeking His guidance as to where we are failing.

  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon blames God because of the shape the Israelites are in and not coming to help them. Gideons assessment is wrong. God has been there with them through everything that they have suffered and yet no one had called on God for help until everything had been killed or taken form them. We blame God because when we suffer and no one helps. We blame Him, because God is suppose to be our Helper. The danger of this is that we forget that God IS with us everyday and He IS our constant helper. When we forget about Him, and focus on our situations, we are fearful and anxious and when we figure that God isn't going to answer, we lose faith and sometimes walk away from Him. We can stop short of walking away from God by, realizing that God knows everything about us. We do not need to hide from Him. God knows what is best for us. To realize that we NEED His help.


I believe that Gideon feels less of a person and sometimes we all feel this way we never see oueselves like the Lord sees us. I think he blames God for the way they are having to live fearful of the people in the land and we to sometimes blame God for our own ways, it is obvious that they had been worshiping other gods, like us to we put other things before our trust aand obedience in God and we have to pay the consequences, But God told Gideon as His word has told us He is with us at all times and our strength is in Him. I have been tried in this very situation this very day. And God's way prevailed praise be to God all Mighty He is faithful of His Word.


1. In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?. Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for their sufferings under the hands of the Medianites.

I think Gideon's assessment is not accurate. They suffer because of their stubborness and unfaithfulness to God.

We usually blame God for our sufferings because of our lack of understanding. We do not realize that we have our own free will to choose good or evil and whatever we choose we will suffer for the consequences of our actions. Blaming anybody for our mistakes or sufferings is not fair.

In blaming God for our wrong actions, we are losing our trust and faith in Him. To avoid this kind of behaviour, we have to study and examine our actions carefully, ask God's guidance for whatever plans we have. Be humble and ask forgiveness for our wrongdoings and do our best not to commit the same mistakes over and over again


  • 4 weeks later...



In Judges 6: 13 Gideon is blaming God by thinking God has forsaken Him and his family. Because seemingly God no longer performs wondrous things for them as in bygone days. And instead has allowed their enemies to greatly oppress them.

No. Gideon's assessment is not accurate. The Word of God tells us that Gideon's people were 'impoverished' because they did not obey The Lord their God. However, God was certainly still with them and In His Great Love for them allowed even this so they would cry out and come back to Him.

We blame God when we think He is the cause of our being 'impoverished'. And things are not as we think they should be.

There is danger in worshipping other gods. God has said, Do Not !

As Christians, we are often seemingly unaware that we are worshipping other gods and are therefore not able to understand our 'impoverished - to be low state.'

We can stop short of this in the future by crying out to The Lord Our God for Him to help us know and understand why we are experiencing being 'impoverished.'


It's very human to want to blame God for our troubles ... or to blame anyone but ourselves. It's hard to take responsibility. To do so usually requires ... from a Christian perspective ... to understand that we're sinners. That is difficult for us humans to admit, but we can only get close to God by admitting that. I believe that takes maturity. As young people (under 30 years old?), it's hard for us to understand we're sinners and that we're not as great as we think we are. As we mature and as we start seeing all of the little ways that we fail God or the people around us and how hard it is for us to change those bad "habits," then we begin to get a better understanding of the human condition of sin. Then we are better able to blame ourselves instead of God or our boss or our spouse, etc.

I'm 42 and have been through that maturation process myself.

Certainly, God can use our troubles for good, and God can ALLOW us to have troubles, but I don't believe he causes them. God is love, and I don't believe he would purposely cause trouble in our lives. But a loving God allows the consequences of our actions to play themselves out.


Question 1:

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?

Gideon questioned God's absence in their time of trouble, thus putting the blame on God. This is not the first biblical example of blaming others for one's own faults. When God asked Eve what she had done after eating from the tree of good and evil, she responded by putting blame on the serpent. And Adam did the same thing -- he blamed 'the woman' for his own disobedience.

Is Gideon's Assessment accruate?

Gideon felt abandoned by God, but God was not the cause of the situation the Israelites were in. God promised to be with them and protect them and provide for them if they would obey all His commandments. The Israelites had not kept their side of the bargain. We often expect God to fulfull His promises in our lives even when we are not willing to do our part.

Why do we blame God?I think it's part of our sin nature to put the blame anywhere but where it really belongs, and that is with us. Pride is a bondage that won't allow us to admit to our own shortcomings (Psalm 73:6).

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

In blaming God -- or someone else -- we take the focus off of ourselves. It is only in examining our own heart that we see who we really are. And it's only after seeing ourselves in God's light that we desire to change. But if we can't admit we make mistakes then we don't need God to work in us. Hard-heartedness is what kept the Isrealites from inheriting the promised land for 40 years.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon blames God for abandonment; however, the truth is that the Israelites left God. Gideon's assessment was inaccurate. Today, we, like Gideon may blame God because we fail to recognize that our daily living may separate us from God. The danger is a limited faith walk with negligence, complacency and negativeism leading to a dangerous path of sin and eternal damnation. We can stop short of this in the future by "our crying out to Him" before troubles surround us and by our willingness to follow where he leads us. lmc


Gideon believes God is responsible for all the trouble that Israel is undergoing. God has "abandoned" Israel and "put them" at the Midianites' mercy.

He is probably even doubting God's power - the power that delivered his forefathers from Egypt.

He is wrong. God is ALMIGHTY. Sin is what has brought this situation upon them. The sin of not giving God His rightful place in their hearts.

Gideon is so busy looking at his problems that he cannot see God and His power. He is focussed on the smallness and weakness of Israel, Manasseh and himself. He is even beginning to believe in God's lack of power because he cannot accept what the Lord is saying to him.

Many times we are like that. The problem looming in front looks so much bigger than the Awesome, Almighty God we say we trust in. We are in the danger of thinking that God is not big enough or powerful enough, and sometimes, even loving enough.

Also, we are so shortsighted as to imagine that everything 'I' am going through is ONLY for me. Poor me. God doesn't love me/ care for me any more.That is so wrong - we are the ones with the cold hearts and He needs to get our attention or refine us. God touches our lives, the lives of our loved ones, our acquaintances... Here God was concerned about Gideon, his family, Israel. He wanted to draw them all nearer to Him, and this was the only way He could get their attention.

I need to remember when I go through a 'trial' that God is so much bigger than any problem! It is so much easier to see how great He has been once the storm is over! When going through a 'trial' I need to be less "short-sighted" and keep my eyes on Him. ALWAYS.



Gideon is focusing on the circumstances of the moment rather than focusing on the mighty God he serves. We must adjust our focus in times of distress and look away beyond them. As the Psalmist looked away unto the hills from whence cometh our strength.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

When things go wrong for some Christians they forget that they are here on this earth and nothing is going to be perfect including there life, this is the earth not heaven even in heaven there was war.

We tend to blame god for everything bad that happen to us screaming you let it happen, we forget everything happens for a reason.

When we are doing Good we tend to pat ourselves on the back and say we made it happen, unstead of God, we just need to look at things in Spiritual ways unstead of Carnal ways.

Edited by rhodapeace
  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon replies that they are in this trouble because , having performed wsuch wonders for their fathers, now the Lord had abandoned Israel and put them into the hand of Midian. It could be said that God was responsible in that we are all in God's hands and nothing can happen to us without God, but God was punishing Israel because "the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord". We may be chastised because we are God's children and no-one likes being punished. The danger is that we may blame God as an uncaring Father and not recognise the truth of Ro. 8:28. We can stop short of this in the future by simple obedience and trust.

  • 3 weeks later...

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13? (see exposition). Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future? ;) I feel Gideon is no different than any of us today...We see problems and trial's, coming our way, and our first response is "God, where are you, why are you allowing this to happen?" Gideon feels forsaken. Is he correct? No, for God promised to never forsake His people; Because of disobedience, on the part of the children of Israel, they in fact, had forsaken God and His commandments. We all have a tendency to look for someone to blame, when circumstances seem to be out of control in our lives....."God, you helped "so and so", why aren't you helping me now?" Done it myself! B) The danger in this, is we can allow ourselves to get into unbelief...doubting Gods promise to never leave us or forsake us...this is sin. We need to remember, if we have given our lives to Christ, He is in control..we no-longer belong to ourselves. "If we are buildt upon the Rock (Jesus), when the storms come we can be assured He is there...in control" love, jaunita


Gideon had moved from faith to fear due to the oppression

of the Midianites. When fear rules, sound reasoning is

distorted and we resort to the "BLAME GAME" of our first parents [Adam & Eve],instead of searching our own hearts.

Isreal had sinned and God's chastening hand of love was

upon Isreal. Gideon was walking by sight and he felt God

had forsaken them, but God had a great plan to enpower him for His use. God's plan was to bring Isreal to repentance,restoration and victory.

Remember, 'God is Faithful" and He is working "ALL" things together for our good. Let us "TRUST HIM"

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon is bascially saying that God has abandoned them by allowing the hardships, terror, and calamities that the Midianites have afflicted on them. He had heard all about all the miraculous things God had done for his people, but Gideon had not seen any evidence of God's miraculous powers in his time. However, Gideon was wrong in his assumption that God had abandoned them. It was the people who had abandoned God.

When things go wrong in our lives (and they do), we tend to blame God for our problems. We ask "Where is God in my situation?" The answer: God is always where He is---right there with us.

We must be careful not to blame God when things go wrong because this opens the door to sin, rebellion, and backsliding. God is not the reason for our troubles but HE is the solution!


Hello,dear brothers, I am new to this study, and I already experience that this is going to be of great help for me to grow in the WORD.

Gideon was taught from his childhood the Omnipotence of the God, they believe in and worship. Also the stories how God has delivered his people from various difficult circumstances. He has also witnessed how his father has built an altar for Baal. This must have further confused Gideon and he must have thought that their God has left them.

However when the angel told him that the Lord is with Gideon, he expressed his bewilderment, that how can all those things happen to them? However Gideons assessment is wrong, because God's plans and timings are in god's hands only. We His children should be willing to submit to His plans as and when revealed to us. We can only pray and ask God to reveal His soverign will and dovetail our plans into it and not have our own programs and then ask to bless them.

One thing He has assured us is that He will never forsake us.

dantanc :rolleyes:

  • 1 month later...

Gideon blames God for not being with them (the Israelites) like He was when they came out of Egypt. His assessement was incorrect, it was not God who abandoned them, it was the Israelites.

We are very much like the Israelites, when everything is going all right we love God and praise Him. We walk away from God the second that we feel secure in His love, and believe and expect that any and everything that we do will be all right with God.

  • 3 months later...

Gideon sounded so much like me before when I didn't know who God really is. Someone tried to talk me into God and HIS love and I remember my answer was " Look around you, wars, senseless killings, poverties, strifes, briberies, among other things, is this how God loves HIS people?"But that was then until I accepted Jesus in my heart and my life have never been the same. Don't we all? Bitterness, resentment, rebellion, critical spirit, things we do feel and act on when when our hearts is not right with God.

Is Gideon's assessment accurate? In verse 6:1 says Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites. The whole chapter of Psalm 91 tells us about God's love, His faithfulness, His protections, His refuge, but verse 14 says "Becuse HE loves me, I will rescue him". I think Gideons assessment is accurate that God has abandoned them but one thing he doesn't know, because of lack of faith, and because he doesn't really have a personal relationship with God, Gideon's doesn't realise how faithful God to HIS chosen people.

We tend to blame God for so many reasons, I don't know about the others but for me I blame God when I didn't have any relationship with HIM, but after my conversion it became of matter of questioning HIS will in my life(not anymore though) :) .

The danger is we can easily go back to our old nature, wicked and sinful. and nobody inherits the Kingdom of God, 1Cor 6:9. The only way to stop this is to keep our faith, through our persitent and consistent prayers and reading and studying HIS words.

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