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In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13? (see exposition). Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon is missing the fact that God is in charge. Its about His glory, not ours. Gideon is caught up in the circumstances surrounding him and not focusing on God's majesty and divine plan. We blame God, because it's easy to do, we like to blame others for our problems. God gives us no more than we can handle (1 Cor. 10-13) that means for every trial and every battle we face God has given us the equal amount of strength for the battle. The danger is that we feel that God has abandoned us and we end up relying on our plans and not His. We must understand that God is preparing us for immortality and the trials we face are part of our "perfecting" for His kingdom. We must claim His promises and LIVE THEM! Though He slay me I will still trust in Him.

  • 5 weeks later...

this is an awesome study! I love to spend time alone with Him and sorry to admit it, but I do not pray as often as I should! Seems hen ever we get in "trouble" we turn to Him and rem,ember to pray. I am going to really try and do better!

  • 4 months later...

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?

Gideon blames God for the troubles that they were facing because he is felt that God had abandoned them.

He did not think that the Lord was with them seeing that they were having so much trouble from the Midianites.

Is Gideon's assessment accurate?

Gideon's assessment was far from accurate. It's the same assessment that we sometimes attach to situations we're facing and think that God has abandon us. Only to be told, as Gideon was told, that the answer to our trouble is in our hands.

Why or why not?

God told Gideon who he was, "a mighty warrior." And He gave him the directive to go in the strength that he has and save Israel out of the hands of the enemy. He had the answer to his troubles all along. He just needed to listen to his spirit, walk out of the negative and into the positive where the power of God can use him.

Why do we blame God?

We blame God because it's the easy way out. We are not allowing ourselves to be led by the Spirit and are walking in the flesh. So that, when the Spirit of God is directing us we have a deaf ear and thinks that He has abandoned us.

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

If we rob ourselves of the benefits of a Spirit-Led life then we face the possibilities of facing the onslaught of the enemy in the flesh and cowering to find a defense. But, thank God, He has given to us the the Holy Spirit, who knows the mind of God concerning us and we can live victorious when we are led by the Spirit of God.

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13? (see exposition). Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for his problems and those of Israel as a whole because the suffering Midians inflicted on them. Gideon is wrong because Israelites had abandoned His Almighty God and they were worshiping idols. What Gideon and all Israelites needed to do was to was to commit themselves fully to God in order for them to experience His presence.


1. In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?.Gideon 0presumes that God is the one who has the enemy chasing them.

Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? No, because it is the disobedience of the people that have caused their problems.

Why do we blame God? Because we often get our own selves in trouble and we forget that we were the ones who went our own way. He says that he will never forsake us but that doesn

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon thinks the Lord has abondoned them. They are in that state because of their sin. Isreal forsaking God, not God forsaking Isreal. God will never leave us nor forsake us. He will guard us, guide us and protect us as long as we listen and obey His commandments. We blame God for things we ourselves are responsible for. Externalizing the blame. It has to be someone elses fault.

  • 2 months later...

Gideon blames GOD for their suffering at the hands of the Midanites, when in all truth it is their own fault for not obeying the voice of the LORD. The way in which he blames the LORD is by accusing Him of not honoring His promise to their forefathers and delivering them into the hands of the Midianites. He goes as far as to accuse the LORD of forsaking them. Gideon's assessment is not accurate becasue GOD is not a man that he should lie--His Word clearly states that He will never forsake, nor leave us. Therefore, Gideon fails to take responsibility for their actions and the results which they've reaped by being disobedient to GOD's instruction. I believe that we tend to blame GOD when things are not going according to our plans because it is easier to place blame than to accept responsibility for our shortcomings--it's our human nature to readily recognize the faults of others and not see our own. The danger in blaming GOD is that we prolong the process of being reconciled to Him and His grace, mercy, and protection. We place ourselves and those connected to us in danger because disobedience (SIN) allows the enemy a foothold in our camp to steal, kill, and destroy, and it separates us from the LORD and leaves us vulnerable. We can stop short of this in the future by fervently seeking the LORD's instruction for our lives and living according to His Word, and when we fall short we must be quick to sincerely repent and seek Him in prayer, praise, and worship.

  • 6 months later...

Gideon thinks that because he is having problems and his people are experiencing problems that it's God's fault. Gideon also believes that God has abandoned them. What he does not understand is that his people were blessed but they disobeyed God and are experiencing consequences of their disobedience. Disobedience to God creates estrangement from God and prohibits any blessings that might be bestowed on us. In order to experience the full blessings of God and a relationship with God, we must be obedient. The tendency for human beings is to blame someone else for their problems rather than take responsibility for them.

Gideon blames GOD for their suffering at the hands of the Midanites, when in all truth it is their own fault for not obeying the voice of the LORD. The way in which he blames the LORD is by accusing Him of not honoring His promise to their forefathers and delivering them into the hands of the Midianites. He goes as far as to accuse the LORD of forsaking them. Gideon's assessment is not accurate becasue GOD is not a man that he should lie--His Word clearly states that He will never forsake, nor leave us. Therefore, Gideon fails to take responsibility for their actions and the results which they've reaped by being disobedient to GOD's instruction. I believe that we tend to blame GOD when things are not going according to our plans because it is easier to place blame than to accept responsibility for our shortcomings--it's our human nature to readily recognize the faults of others and not see our own. The danger in blaming GOD is that we prolong the process of being reconciled to Him and His grace, mercy, and protection. We place ourselves and those connected to us in danger because disobedience (SIN) allows the enemy a foothold in our camp to steal, kill, and destroy, and it separates us from the LORD and leaves us vulnerable. We can stop short of this in the future by fervently seeking the LORD's instruction for our lives and living according to His Word, and when we fall short we must be quick to sincerely repent and seek Him in prayer, praise, and worship.
Gideon blames GOD for their suffering at the hands of the Midanites, when in all truth it is their own fault for not obeying the voice of the LORD. The way in which he blames the LORD is by accusing Him of not honoring His promise to their forefathers and delivering them into the hands of the Midianites. He goes as far as to accuse the LORD of forsaking them. Gideon's assessment is not accurate becasue GOD is not a man that he should lie--His Word clearly states that He will never forsake, nor leave us. Therefore, Gideon fails to take responsibility for their actions and the results which they've reaped by being disobedient to GOD's instruction. I believe that we tend to blame GOD when things are not going according to our plans because it is easier to place blame than to accept responsibility for our shortcomings--it's our human nature to readily recognize the faults of others and not see our own. The danger in blaming GOD is that we prolong the process of being reconciled to Him and His grace, mercy, and protection. We place ourselves and those connected to us in danger because disobedience (SIN) allows the enemy a foothold in our camp to steal, kill, and destroy, and it separates us from the LORD and leaves us vulnerable. We can stop short of this in the future by fervently seeking the LORD's instruction for our lives and living according to His Word, and when we fall short we must be quick to sincerely repent and seek Him in prayer, praise, and worship.

Good point that disobedience allows sin and Satan to grab a foothold in our lives.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for abandoning Israel into the hands of the Midianites. Gideon's assessment is not accurate in that Israel's situation was a consequence of disobeying and ignoring God's commands. It was a failure of Israel submitting its will to the will of God. He didn't abandon them, He was punishing them in order to wake them up to correct their behavior.

We blame God, because we don't want to take responsibility for our own decisions and actions -- behavior. The danger in blaming God for our problems or the place we find ourselves never corrects the root cause -- our disobedience and failure to submit our will to the will of God. We can stop this from happening by submitting our will to the will of God and obeying Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

He believed that God has forsaken his childeren. But Gidden is wrong he didn't make notice that the childeren had brought this problem upon themselves. Most people today blame God for everything that has happened in their life, due to the fact that many belive that God will fix the things that a person got himself into. If we put God first than we wouldn't be in trouble. By not putting God first then we could go thru life without the pressence of God in our life!!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Gideon Blames God, for all there problems, Gideon asks Why God, who had led them out of Egypt had abandoned them, and had left them to the mercy of the Midianites. He couldn't see that God wanted him to go and rescue Israel. Gideon did not have the confidence in himself. he didn,t think that he was strong enough to drive out the Midianites, he didn't think that he was worthy enough to be responsible in leading the clan. He forgot that it was in Gods Strength that he would be able to fight and win. We are just like Gideon at times, we also forget, that we have to trust God completely, to realise that we cannot do things in our own strength, we need to put our own fights and strife into Gods hands. We blame God because we do not want to face that it is our own fault for not puttin our trust in him.We cannot do anything without God But we try to believe that we can do it all ourselves, then when it all gose wrong, we blame God.
  • 1 month later...

It is easy to blame God for our problems when we slip away from him. Gideon felt that God had forsaken them and let the Midianites ruin them. Sometimes we have to reach the bottom of the pit before seeking God's forgiveness and getting help to climb out.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon believes that God abandoned His people. Those who have turned from God to sin usually blame Him when their sin finds them out and they fall on hard times. In addition, the Israelites had again turned to idolatry and, since he was a young man, the chances are that Gideon never knew God in the first place. This is the state of affairs in America today wherein many of our young people do not know the Lord and are being raised as immoral rascals.

Our God has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5). When we blame God for our troubles it is simply a copout, denial, as pride prevents us from confronting our weaknesses.

The real danger is that we can fall into apostasy and become reprobates. The best and only way to avoid this is to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and repent.


Q1. In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13?. Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blamed God about the problems he and his nation faced and about God

  • 4 weeks later...
Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blame God in away that he thinks that he is rigtheous than our father whop krpt his promise from the beginig to the end.

2.No because they are the one who sins against God not God sins against them.

3.Mostly people blame God when ever thy are in trouble they thinks that is God who is causing that while they left their sins un forgiven.They think that God is punishing them bt they did nt realise that the give they life to be ruled by the devil and they dont save God in spirit and in truth.

4. The danger is to being disobeying God .People need to have faith in what ever we are doing because it is impossible to save God without faith.


Why do we blame God. We blame God, because we have turned away from him by thinking and doing what we want, instead of what God wants us to think and do. Therefore we feel God has forsaken us, God is with us all the time, he has not forsaken us, it is we who have foresaken him. So when things go wrong it is easier to blame God. We should look into our hearts, and ask God to forgive us, Then Surrender our lives back into his hands. Only then will we be able to see our way forward.

  • 2 months later...
Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God by looking at all the Israelites problems the he thought God had purposely caused out of meanness. Gideon's assessment is inaccurate because he isn't focusing on all God had done for the Israelites and placing the blame where it belongs--Gideon fails t see the big picture. When things go wrong according to out particular situations it is easy not to see ourselves and how we brought about our problems and feel sorry for ourselves. I think that we can avoid this in the future by looking at our part in the situation and remember all that God has done for us--realizing that He has our best interest at heart.


Gideon doubted God. He asks " Sir, IF the Lord is with us.....why are we having so much trouble?" He assumed trouble meant God had abandoned them. Interesting that He also remembered how God had taken care of them when He brought them out of Egypt. The Israelites were disobedient then too........but God always had mercy and helped them. I think Gideon was doubting in God's faithfulness and in His promise to never leave him. He doubted in God's strength and in His ability to overcome any situation even with the smallest and seemingly most insignificant person.

Whether our circumstances are through our own sin or sins of others or just like what Jesus said " In this world you WILL have trouble." we can trust God's faithfulness, strength and supreme wisdom to overcome everything for His people. For all nations through Jesus. We can't blame Him as though we are victims and He forgot us somehow.....we need to believe and know He is God!

Doubt is a sin that says we don't think God is above all or that He can do or did all the things we profess to know as truth! Every circumstance, every enemy and every sin. Ours or others! He will help! We are His. He has overcome the world!


Gideon blamed God for the problems were having with the Midianites stealing and ruining their harvests, he didn't equate the Israelites flagrant worshipping of Baal and moving away from God as having anything to do with God abandonning them. His assessment wasn't accurate because God made it clear before they entered the Promised Land that He would be with the Israelites provided they continued to worship Him and Him alone. We often blame God rather than our own action or inaction because its easier for us to hold someone else responsible rather than accept responsibility ourselves. How often do we seek someone to blame when tragedy strikes...even atheists hold God responsible when tsunamis etc strike.

There is a great danger that we move further and further from God by doing this and our 'hurt feelings' keep us from realising the true cause of why God seems so distant. To prevent this we need to take responsibility for our own decisions, realise that God has given us the gift of free will, it is not He that has turned His back, but us. We need to prayerfully repent of our actions and be diligent to make sure the trespass is not repeated.


Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon's response is indicative of someone who's ignorance has clouded their understanding of reality. Had Gideon, and the decendents before him been schooled and instructed of all that went down and was recorded in the book of Deuternonomy as Moses commanded them, their ignorance could not be an excuse, and perhaps they would not be in this mess. Perhaps they still would. But I think the lack of remembering carried down through the generations; the reading of the laws, was what leads to Gideon's obvious lack of understanding of the Israelite demise, and so he blames God not knowing why else this could be happening!

His assessment is far from accurate because he is not aware of, or has not pursued the lessons of the past, nor does he know God and how he operates!

We blame God for the same reasons we blame others, because we are prideful and choose not to accept responsibility ourselves. It is plainly written that if we do this, this, and this, we will reap all the benefits of the promises. But if we don't do this, this, and this, we will suffer the repercussions. It is all in writing, there is no excuse.

We can take seriously and believe all that is written in our bible's as God's word to us given by the Holy Spirit to men for mankind's benefit to know God and all he expects of us.

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