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Gideon was asking God why this was happening to them since it seemed as if they had been abandoned to their Midianite enemies, and here God approaches Gideon and calls him (even though he was hiding from their enemies) a

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Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon expressed that he believed God did not protect the Israelites as He promised. Just like we do today, Gideon blamed God, instead of looking at the shortcomings of the Israelites, and realizing that they gave up their power to overcome their circumstances.

Whenever we (christians) face any type of adversity, we need to stop and assess the situation to determine if we are in any way at fault. Our tendencies are always to say something is not fair, but we need to remember that for every cause there is an effect.

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

1. Gideon says that God has brought them out of Egypt and now he feels like God has forsaken them.

2. & 3. No, because God never left the people even though they were not obeying Him.

4. We blame God because we don't want to take the blame ourselves. We have too much pride to admit that we did not listen to God's Word and were disobedient.

5. This is very dangerous. God has given us free will and we must take the responsibiity for our own mistakes; repent, and ask God to forgive us. We must study His Word and work on doing what He has told us we must do.


Gideon blame God because he felt that God had brought them out of Egypt and then abandoned them by putting them in the hands of Midian.

No Gideon's assessment is not accurate he should remember that it was the people who abandoned God.

We blame God because we expect him to protect us from all harm and danger, but we must remember that Christ suffer on the cross for, and we cannot expect a free ride; we must have faith that what ever we face in this life- he will never leave us nor forsake us. We just have to remain faithful to Him.


Seems to me.. that if you can blame God for your troubles, in a backhanded kind of way, you're acknowledging the fact that He is the source of all our blessings. But, you need to understand why the blessings seem to have fallen off. It reminds me of the saying my sister always used, "If you don't feel close to God, guess who moved". We blame God because we are too weak to accept the responsibility of our own weakness. But, again ironically, acknowledging our weakness and need of God is exactly where we will find our strength.


Gideon blames God because he assumes that God would help them just as He did in the past. God is not obligated to do anything for people who disobey Him, however, out of His great mercy, sometimes He does. (Thank God)

We blame God for our troubles sometimes just because it's easier to blame someone or something else than to accept responsiblities for our own actions. It's the same game that has been played from the beginning of time. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blammed the serpent and so it continues today.

The danger lies in not recognizing our own mistakes and sins. It's easier to "sweep it under the carpet" than to step up and admit we've messed up.

I think prayer and the Word are important tools in helping head this off in the future. We need to immerse ourselves in prayer and sharpen our minds and spirits in the Word so we become closer to God than ever. The closer we are to God the more we'll realize what's not right.

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for his trubles in a way that feels that Lord has abandoned him and put Israelities into the hand of Midian.

No, Gideon

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon feels as if God has forsaken Israel, because there are no miracles happening and He allowed Midian to overrun them.

His assessment fails to allow for the sovereignty of God and the fact that although they had a problem and were being persecuted they were still a people and God's people and He, God was watching over them. When a people or person has no need or time for God they can not expect his "Power" to be evidence in miracles. Job learned this as well and deduced "Though He slay me yet I will serve Him"

We often believe God judges us unfairly not realizing that He is God who does not change. His heart is perfect towards us. We are the fickle ones and "Prone to Wander, Lord I feel it".

When this happens we begin to worship and serve God in our own power and therefore the results are just what we can accomplish on our own. When we realize our great need for God and want above all else to be "wasted" in his purposes, when we get dissatisfied with status quo and surrender to God. Then the fires of Revival are stirred and the Lord's hand is swift to move in our behalf. When we can do it ourselves we are in a dangerous place, and the enemies can seem to be more powerful and bigger than they are.

We can prevent this from happening by prayer and fasting and continuing in His Word. Also by honoring the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our lives..."where He Leads me I will follow...and (then) He'll go with me, with me, all the way".

  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon blames God for abandoning them. He says that what they were going through indicated that He (God) was not in their midst. Gideon's assessment is accurate i.e. God had allowed them to go their own way due to continuous disobedience. He (God) was still ready to accept them back if they chose to follow His commandments.

We blame God when we decide to leave the path that He has set for us and enter into sin. When we start reaping the fruits of our disobedience like the people of Israel during the time of the Judges, then we start playing the blame game.

The danger of blaming God, makes us not realize that we have left the track set for us by Him and thus our inability to repent and keep on moving to higher grounds. If we continue to be in fellowship with God, then we will be able hear his voice day by day. We would be in a position to hear him say no when we entering the wrong track and yes when we are in the right track. This can only be possible by presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives - our counsellor.

  • 2 weeks later...

1. He told the lord that He forsaken them and handed them over to the Amorites.

2.No, He had been with them, they were the to forsake God.

3. We blame God I feel because it's easier then looking at our own blame.

4. The danger is that we lose sight of God and satin can get in and take over. We stop short by rememering that God is not the fault,we are, and to read and learn through His word that He is always with us to guide and protect if we listen.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon felt God has abandoned them because God has not protected them from invasion by the Medianites. The Medianites distroy their crops and kill their livestock making the Israelite impoverish.

Gideon's assessment is correct. God has allowed the Israelites to be conquered by the Medianites because they were worshiping other Gods aside from Him.

We should not blame God for the misfortune in our lives. God wants the best for His children provided we worship Him because that is the purpose of our existence. God allows bad things to happen in our lives to remind us to seek Him for all our needs.

We should not forget to do the will of God in our lives. To worship Him, to disciple others and to follow his commands. If we want God to bless us, we should respond to Him by letting Jesus lead our lives.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon complained to the angel that God had abandoned them and were being improverished.

Gideon is incorrect for God did not abandon them, they turned their worship to other gods.

It is easy to blame God when in truth it is our own lack of faith that is the problem.

We must daily read God's word and give Him praise in everything.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blamed God for forsaking Israel when really Israel had forsaken God. It's easy to blame God. It takes the responsibility off us and we like that.

The danger is that until we recognize our sins and repent we won't change and nothing else will change except maybe to get worse. We will miss out on God's mercies.

We can stop this by recognizing what we are doing and going to God in repentence.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

  • 3 months later...
Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

1. Gideon felt like God had forsaken them because He let them go through so many troubles.

2. No

3. Even though they were disobedient, God had not forsaken them, but Gideon couldn't see it.

4. We blame God because we are still in the flesh and can't understand.

5. We need to stop and think about what we are doing. Are we being disobedient and where is our faith? We should have faith and believe that God has promised not to leave us no matter how bad it looks.

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for forsaking them and not delivering them out of the hands of the Midianites.

Gideons assessment is not accurate - it is due to their own sin and rebellion against the Lord that they find themselves in the positiont hat they are - handed over to the Midianites.

We blame God because we don't want to be accountable and take responsibility for the choices we make in life. It is always easier to blame someone else. namely the Lord.

Our hearts become hard and we distance ourselves from the Lord ending up thinking " where is God when we need Him". We are to take responsibility for our own choices and know that they come with consequences. We are to ask the Lord for forgiveness and draw closer to Him.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13?

He implied that God had forsaken them and turned them over to the Midianites as the reason for "all that had befallen" them.....It's interesting to me that The Angel of the Lord was speaking to Gideon and telling him his destiny as deliverer for his people, calling him a mighty man of fearless courage, while Gideon was hiding in fear from the Midianites. Gideon ignored this and kept asking about "us"....

Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not?

In that God had stepped back and removed His protection and blessing, Gideon was right, but the reason for that was Israel's fall into idolatry and forsaking God.

Why do we blame God?

We're not very good at accepting responsibility for our actions....we know He's all powerful and can do anything, so He often gets the blame for our sin, error, mistakes, etc., or for not protecting us from the consequences of our behavior.

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Being quick to blame God is to not know God's character. He's not a punitive, contrary, unpredictable Father. When we blame Him for our "stuff", we're insulting Him....slandering Him. We are to examine our hearts, and ask Him to examine our hearts to expose sin, wrong motives, evil thoughts, then acknowledge our sin and confess it to him, and repent....not falsely accuse Him.


Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13?

He implied that God had forsaken them and turned them over to the Midianites as the reason for "all that had befallen" them.....It's interesting to me that The Angel of the Lord was speaking to Gideon and telling him his destiny as deliverer for his people, calling him a mighty man of fearless courage, while Gideon was hiding in fear from the Midianites. Gideon ignored this and kept asking about "us"....

Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not?

In that God had stepped back and removed His protection and blessing, Gideon was right, but the reason for that was Israel's fall into idolatry and forsaking God.

Why do we blame God?

We're not very good at accepting responsibility for our actions....we know He's all powerful and can do anything, so He often gets the blame for our sin, error, mistakes, etc., or for not protecting us from the consequences of our behavior.

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Being quick to blame God is to not know God's character. He's not a punitive, contrary, unpredictable Father. When we blame Him for our "stuff", we're insulting Him....slandering Him. We are to examine our hearts, and ask Him to examine our hearts to expose sin, wrong motives, evil thoughts, then acknowledge our sin and confess it to him, and repent....not falsely accuse Him.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

By saying God caused all the bad things that were happening to them. That God is not protecting them. NO, because it was because of there sin, worshiping other gods. We blame God sometimes because we get our eyes off Him and on our situations. We need to remember His word, I will never leave you of forsake you. Never

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

He says tnat God is not with them because where are the miracles which our forefathers told us about. No. Because sin has blinded him and apparently those who are around him and in that city. We blame God because we are blind to our own sin and not walking with him as we should. The danger is not accepting responsiblity for our own sin will lead to more darkness and more sin. We can stop this in the future by keeping our eyes on God and doing what He has commanded us to do.


Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blames God for their wretched condition and the constant fear he is under. He feels God has abandoned them, he does not seem to think the disobediance of the Isrealites has any connection to their sad state of affairs. Gidion's assessment is not accurate, God has not abandoned them, they are merely suffering the consequences for their disobedience.

We blame God because it is easy and because we think God is our wish-granter. I know that I have a plan and I know what I think would be my best interest (immediate and permanent freedom from all strongholds without any effort or denial from me), and yet God has a different plan (daily struggle and dependence on Him). THe danger is that, rather I recognize it or not, I am telling God I know better than Him! I can stop short of this in the future with daily renewing of my mind, of praying for release from the bondage of my strongholds, and allowing God to be God and for me to just do what He commands or instructs me through His word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13)

In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13?

Is Gideon's assessment accurate?

Why or why not?

Why do we blame God?

What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

The Israelites had to put up with the Midianites plundering their crops and animals. They were like the plaque of locusts leaving nothing behind; even destroying what they could not take with them. The Israelites were living a miserable existence and Gideon blamed God for abandoning them. Meanwhile it was the Israelites who had abandoned God by worshipping pagan gods, and they also had the cheek to blame God for their desperate situation. When we make wrong decisions we cry to God for help or blame Him when we get ourselves into trouble. It is very seldom our fault. We need firstly to restore our relationship with our Heavenly Father by confessing all our sins. Then we must repent and accept our Lord Jesus as our Saviour. Then we need to pray before making any decision asking for guidance, and then put our complete trust in Him.

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Judges 6:13) In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in verse 13? Is Gideon's assessment accurate? Why or why not? Why do we blame God? What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future?

Gideon blame god for there troubles but really it was there mess they got themself into.And when god brought them out they still complained. his assessment wasnt accurate because of unbelief and disobiedance.why do we blame god.why because we can be in sin and there is consequeses and we want to blame god or someone else for our mess up.the danger we will go around in circles untill we get it right. repent and be obiedent to the lord jesus/holy spirit amen.

  • 7 months later...

Gideon had been raised hearing all the stories of how God had delivered his people so many numerous times, but had not seen any miracles himself. He believed that God had forsaken them due to all the problems and adversity they were dealing with. Yet he failed to take into account that it was his own people who had brought this upon themselves due to their neglect of serving God and Him only. It's easy to give God praise when things are going well, but it's another thing when we are faced with difficulties. It's much easier to think that God doesn't care and blame Him. Yet if we would just examine ourselves and see if we have messed up and have sinned in our walk with the Lord, then we need to ask God for His forgiveness. Then we are at liberty to bring our needs before the Lord, and know that He will intercede on our behalf.

  • 2 months later...

I think that a lot of reasons that we blame God are because we don’t have anybody else to blame but ourselves. We don’t like to blame ourselves. If we keep blaming God then we will never take responsibility for our actions. So we had better start looking at what the real problem is.

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