John6:68-69 Posted March 29, 2015 Report Posted March 29, 2015 First Jesus gives him a compliment/as well as a presumed knowledge of the kind of person he is; "here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false" 2nd Jesus states that he saw him "under the fig tree" which Jesus was not physically present to have human knowledge of. Jesus states that he saw him "under the fig tree" which Jesus was not physically present to have human knowledge of. You are the "Son of God", you are the "King of Israel" Quote
Joe_Applegarth Posted April 22, 2015 Report Posted April 22, 2015 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Instead of responding directly, he invited him to “come and see.” By approaching him this way, Jesus actually offered Nathanael an opportunity to be submissive and obedient rather than arrogant. In this way, He removed all doubt in Nathanael’s mind about who He was. The Israelites always boasted of the sanctity of their ancestry yet most of them were hypocrites and there were actually very few who lived up to the boast. Jesus said, 'Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false' in order to wipe away any trace of that hypocrisy. In essence, He calls him a true Israelite in whom there is no hypocrisy. Nathanael recognized right away that Jesus wasn’t seeing him through the eyes of a man but he was seeing him through God’s eyes and he knew immediately that Christ was speaking to Him as The Son of God. Nathanael openly acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God but then goes on to make an even broader observation. Already knowing that Jesus was the promised Messiah, he goes on to declare that that the Son of God would also be recognized as King over the people of God (the Israelites) and by doing so he acknowledges Jesus (the Son of God) as also being King of Israel. Quote
Lionwolf Posted November 18, 2016 Report Posted November 18, 2016 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Jesus stated that Nathanael was a good man without falsehood so He knew Nathanael. When Jesus stated He saw him under a fig tree something was communicated between them. Whatever it was impressed Nathanael so much that he recognized Jesus as the Son of God. Quote
Paul Hodge Posted January 25, 2018 Report Posted January 25, 2018 When Philip came to Nathanael it would be fair to assume that he was excited about what he had to say. Rather then just come out and say, “there is someone I think you should meet”, Philip had to convince Nathanael that this person was special and important. “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law and about whom the prophets also wrote”. However, when he was told it was only a man called Jesus (a common name of that time) son of Joseph and who lived in Nazareth Nathanael thought to himself that Jesus was a peasant from a predominate farming community. If he did know of Joseph as a carpenter this would only support his low opinion of people from the small outlining village of Nazareth. “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Then to Nathanael's surprise Jesus addresses him saying, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” Imagine yourself meeting a stranger for the very first time and during the conversation you discover he/she knows your background and even more surprising they mention things that were private to you alone. – as though this stranger could read your thoughts before you spoke them. With Jesus telling Nathanael that he saw him under the fig tree does not seem to means much to us today, but it does leave open what significance Nathanael placed on this response from Jesus. It is unknown the why, when, what that places Nathanael under the fig tree. It could be asked of Nathanael, “ What were you doing under the fig tree when Jesus was nearby?” Maybe he was having a conversation with another Rabbi? Could have Nathanael been praying? These probabilities are conjecture only known to Nathanael alone. It is possible that Jesus and Nathanael shared a very private and intimate revelation and this is the reason he replied, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” The final outcome of this meeting shows that the presence of Jesus alone is enough to convert non-believers and doubters and reveal his true divinity. Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” Quote
Celtic Wanderer Posted April 19, 2018 Report Posted April 19, 2018 On 8/8/2014 at 6:34 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael’s skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Jesus meets Nathanael right “where he is at”. His question about Nazareth is valid. He knows his Bible. A personal encounter with Jesus changes everything. I can only be a messenger, not a Saviour. I can carry my King’s authority and pray powerfully and speak in His name; but the enquirer needs to meet Jesus personally. To hear Him speak and to kneel before Him. When Nathaniel meets Jesus face to face he cries out – You are the Son of God, You are the Messiah! Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 2, 2018 Report Posted May 2, 2018 Jesus deals with Nathanael’s skepticism my telling him something that he did. The nature of the miracle is that Jesus knew Nathanael before he ever met him. Nathanael bestowed on Jesus the respect that was needed and called him the King of Israel. Quote
Godswriter Posted December 20, 2018 Report Posted December 20, 2018 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? He commended him for his faith instead of criticizing him for his skepticism that he had. The nature of the miracle was the fact Nathaniel chose to finally believe in Christ afterwards. The Son of God. Quote
Rosesam Posted June 11, 2019 Report Posted June 11, 2019 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael’s skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Judeans saw Galileans as uncouth. But even those in Galilee looked down on Nazareth. Nathanael was from Cana a rival city of Nazareth. Moreover the Bible says that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem. So he was skeptical about Jesus of Nazareth. But Jesus knew what had transpired between Philip and Nathanael, through the gift of knowledge. He first tells him that he is an Israelite in whom there is no guile or in Hebrew “yakov”. It is actually a wordplay on the name of the Patriarch Jacob. What Jesus is alluding is that Nathanael was a man governed by God and had no deceit in him. And that He saw him sitting under the fig tree. The fig tree was a private place where he had an experience with God that no one knew about. But Jesus knew. Probably Nathanael was meditating on Genesis 28 where Jacob sees a vision of angels going up and down on a ladder to heaven and Jesus is saying that I am the link, the ladder between God and man. He also told Nathanael that he will see greater things in future. Later on we see that in his city Jesus performed the first miracle of turning water into wine. Upon coming to faith, Nathanael responds as, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Quote
newwine50 Posted July 25, 2019 Report Posted July 25, 2019 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? Jesus used the gift of the word of knowledge to tell Nathaniel something that Jesus couldn't have known unless it was revealed to him by the Spirit. What was the nature of the miracle? Jesus knew about Nathaniel. This led to Nathaniel believing. Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? The Son of God, the King of Israel. Quote
theoldveteran Posted August 27, 2019 Report Posted August 27, 2019 On 8/7/2014 at 1:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael’s skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? (1)He invites Nathanael to come and see for himself A good way to deal with doubters is to invite them to see for themselves. (2) that Jesus knew all about him but still invited him to be with Him! (3) That Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel! Quote
Lisema Ralitsoele Posted March 12, 2020 Report Posted March 12, 2020 Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? Jesus deals with Nathanael’s skepticism by miraculously revealing to him his character that is so amazingly true to Nathanael that he comes to the faith. What was the nature of the miracle? The miracle was in the nature of a supernatural prophetic insight. Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Nathanael bestows on Jesus the title of “King of Israel” which is the same as saying Jesus is the Messiah. Quote
brianthedisciple Posted May 20, 2020 Report Posted May 20, 2020 On 8/7/2014 at 11:34 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael’s skepticism? He said something to him via a word of knowledge that only Nathanael would know, concerning some incident that happened under a fig tree What was the nature of the miracle? a word of knowledge Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? king of Israel, a title that related to the Messiah Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 2, 2021 Report Posted July 2, 2021 By utilizing the gift of knowledge, Jesus revealed to Nathanael what was going on his heart while he was under the fig tree. Nathaniel is a type of Jacob, a guileful deceiver. Nathaniel possessed no guile. Jesus knew that he was pure in heart, Nathaniel shall see God doing a marvelous work in the land. Christ is gather His elect! He is the true King of Israel. NATHANAEL will see the fulfillment of Jacob's vision. Christ the divine Logos is the ladder between heaven and earth. Not only will the Jews be beckoned to accept Christ as Saviour; the clarion call of the Gospel will go forth to the Gentile world as well. Nathanael goes out to see ! His name means"a man who is sees God". Nathanael will see the glory of the Son of Man at the miracle of Cana. He acknowledges Christ as the Son of God and King. Christ use of 'Son of Man denotes a world-wide creation of a new Israel, including gentiles. Quote
Daniel R Posted November 6, 2021 Report Posted November 6, 2021 How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? Jesus honours Nathanael for being a true Israelite and He removes his skepticism with a prophetic insight. What was the nature of the miracle? The nature was supernatural because it was something only Nathanael thought he knew. Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" (John 1:49) Quote
Irmela Posted April 5, 2022 Report Posted April 5, 2022 (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? What was the nature of the miracle? Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Jesus looks beyond the skepticism and mentions the positive side of Nathaniel's character, viz., an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile, nor deceit, nor falsehood, nor duplicity. Then Jesus mentions that He saw him under the fig tree, before Philip called him. So not only did these words show Nathanael that Jesus knew him, he also knew where he had been. Nathanael called Him: Rabbi (Teacher), Son of God, King of Israel. Quote
Krissi Posted February 6 Report Posted February 6 Perhaps Nathanael was less of a skeptic than a man consumed with class-conscious parochialism. I write this because when told that Jesus was from Nazareth, Nathanael “harrumphed.” He couldn't believe that a powerful political leader could be from a riff-raff town like Nazareth. Interestingly, however, Jesus regarded his misgivings as those of a “true Israelite.” Only after Nathanael was given “insider information” about how he had been surveilling Jesus from a fig tree – he was “caught,” in other words – did Nathanael understand Jesus’ knowingness about everything. When Nathanael realized Jesus’ powers of knowledge and insight, he amazingly said that Jesus was the Son of God and King of Israel. Thus, the gift of knowledge had been imparted to Nathanael. Quote
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