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Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?

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Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes "too busy" to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?



I think we are sometimes too busy to spend time with friends and relatives because we do not quite appreciate the value of a strong family bond. Another reason may be laziness as we may choose to just hung around watching TV or engaged in other things not so critical.


Jesus' attendance at the wedding indicates his commitment to cultivating a bond of strong and healthy relationship.


We too (I in particular) should copy the Lord's example to spend time with friends and relatives encouraging one another and rejoicing (or mourning) with them as the case may be.


Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives?


Many reasons..too busy with temporal things which have no eternal value. Allowing petty slights or differences to get in the way. Lack of love for the people He has placed in our families and lives. Preoccupation with self. Laziness in taking the steps to make visits and time spent together, happen. Procrastination. ("I'll call next week when I have more time")  Waiting for the others to reach out first.


What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him?


Jesus' life mission and love was for people...individuals whom He wanted to be in Heaven with Him. He cared about all that pertains to life and living, and weddings are a huge celebration of the joining of two lives into one......which is His example of "His bride the Church becoming one with Him".


How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


The only way I know to do this, is to ask Him to change our hearts and minds, our priorities to His priorities, and to give us the desire and the love for those we've been neglecting.


Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives?

We are selfish. Our own interest is more important to us than others needs.

We are self focused. So if we can't gain something by being with that person written are too lazy or selfish to go.

We overload ourselves with unimportant things instead of doing what is good in the Kingdom of God.

What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him?

Jesus' focus was.always on the Kingdom God. He was Love. Later in the piece when JohnSon described how Jesus made the wine it is clear He said there is a better way. You have your traditions but I will teach you the way to the Kingdom of Love.

Because Jesus was love, He also attendees all His friends and family needs if it was Kingdom related.

At one stage His mother and brothers were looking for Him. His response was " who are My mother and brothers and sisters...." At this time He was teaching the Gospel, his family needs were temporal. Thus He again put the Kingdom 1st.

How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?

We must show love to those closes to us. We must not be selfish in our actions.

We must put the Kingdom 1st in all our actions and thoughts. Be children of God and your focus will be true


We are too busy cause we believe that our lives are so more vastly important than others. When family members call too check on us or share their day we most times than not see it as a bother, a waste of our time when we have so many more unimportant things to get done. We are always screening our calls.

I remember a friend once told me there was a friend of his who called to speak with him, and his mom said he is resting. He was the last person he called before he killed himself. There is never anything more sure and important than sharing yourself with others.

Jesus'attendance at the wedding shows us that he was human in all things...he teaches us the value of spending time. His ministry was now beginning he had called his apostles, yet he found time to visit with family. We often think that God's call upon our lives means we have somehow become more important and what we have to do supersedes everything else even family. Jesus shows us the opposite, he shows us love and humility.

In our personal lives this teaching shows us how to live and love one another, how to be a part of others lives, how to share the gift of you.


I think that we may think we are too busy for friends and family for selfish and economic reasons.  We live in a society where community and family are not valued as much as it once was.  We are so focused on "self" and individualism.  Our relationships with friends can sometimes be based on economics rather than genuine relationships where we sincerely care for one another just because.  What I mean by economics and how it divides us is that we often are more focused on what jobs, what neighborhoods we live in, social status, social circles and if you are not in the same economic circles then you are left out per say  and in some cases experience a sense of loss and as Satan would have it you become withdrawn from others, even your christian and immediate family.  Placing too much emphasis on self and in turn failing to reach out and stay connected.


What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him?


I think that his attendance at this wedding signifies that he is with us always to fulfill his will or have it fulfilled through us.  I am still pondering this because I had not thought about it in the way that the question is being asked.




How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


I think in my own personal life, rebuilding relationships and friendships  that have drifted.  Continuing to reach out and stay connected with family( church and immediate) and not becoming all consumed with some of the curves that life sends us that it keeps me from staying connected.  I might be a blessing to someone or someone might be a blessing to me but if I don't maintain the relationship I will or they will miss out on an opportunity that God may want fulfilled.


Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


We can observe that family functions were still important to him. In addition friendships and relationships were important to Jesus, (John 11). He was "...deeply moved..." and "troubled...", "Jesus wept" (John 11:35) at the situation, when he saw Lazarus's sisters Martha and Mary and the people of the village mourning because Lazarus had died and that he had been in the tomb for four days. It appears that Jesus friends were dear to him and he cared for them also. On occasions when he was with family and/or friends they were able to observe that Jesus was extraordinary as he took time to teach them about himself through his words and by the miracles that he did.

Jesus still had time to spend with his family and friends at least in the beginning of his earthly ministry. Perhaps he had less time with his family towards the end.


God show me and help me to be compasionate for and love my friends and relatives just as Jesus does. Thank you Jesus for showing me how to love others by your example when you were on earth. (John 13:34,35).


Selfishness-self love keeps us from connecting to others as we ought.We can use others -immediately judging and deciding if they will be helpful too us as we go about accomplishing our agenda.

Jesus shows us a better way.

He also shows us that he enjoys people.

When we -I- see his better way and stand convicted and when I reflect on his love for me it pushes me in a gentle way to make changes.


Selfishness-self love keeps us from connecting to others as we ought.We can use others -immediately judging and deciding if they will be helpful too us as we go about accomplishing our agenda.

Jesus shows us a better way.

He also shows us that he enjoys people.

When we -I- see his better way and stand convicted and when I reflect on his love for me it pushes me in a gentle way to make changes.


Thank those of you who have replied.  I hadn't thought of the idea that Jesus was fully present to those he was with.  I can do better.


A. My thoughts ran along a contrasting line as we have family that does not care to be with us, who mock our faith, who expect us to be "perfect" (by their definition of perfect).  I struggled with this for some time and finally felt that our response had to be forgiving, non-judgemental, loving when in contact and always leaving the door open to them if they chose to be involved.  God has provided others who also are without close blood relatives but who value our faith and they are the family that we share or lives with.


B. This tells me that Jesus was raised in a loving extended family that valued him.  He had aunts, uncles, cousins as well as Jewish teachers and a community of believers that invested in him and he in them.  Even though they were a small part of the general society that were a joyful people who had celebrations built into their faith.


C.  How can I apply the insights that these questions revealed to me?  I can be family to believers and allow them to be family to me.  I can make an effort to celebrate our beliefs and values by daily emphasizing the true meaning of the Christian celebrations and not getting caught up in the seasonal commercialized aspect of them.  I can be more grateful and thankful for God's daily involvement in my life, and endeavor to be fully present to Him at all times.  I can be kinder in thought, word and deed, not harsh, judgmental and complaining.


May the Lord bless us with more powerful questions that we might see Him clearly.


Q1. (John 2:1-2)

Why are we sometimes "too busy" to spend time with friends and relatives?

What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him?

How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?

We say we are too busy to spend time with friends and relatives. But perhaps the true reason is that we are too self-centred; too selfish to take time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in this modern world. There does not seem to be much time for others today. By attending this wedding our Lord and Saviour shows His humility by accepting the invitation. Being God-man He still found time to be courteous and show love, warmth, and friendliness towards others. We can definitely learn from Jesus, and apply this in our own personal lives. His love is not self-centred; it reaches out and includes others. To show our love for others we need to follow Jesus’ example and be willing to give freely of our time. The couple that  invites Jesus to their wedding and makes the Lord first in their home, is most wise. Their marriage will be truly blessed! The wedding must be such that it glorifies Christ. 


Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives?

  • We have become a society where that is so much offered.  We have lost that family connection that we once had.  We feel that our agenda is the only thing that is important. 

What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?          

  • Jesus attendance at the wedding tells us that people are important to him.  Staying connecting with family and friends shows the love we have for one another. Also, this is a perfect opportunity to witness to our family and friends about Jesus.

Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives?


We consider our time too precious. We've got things to do and not enough time in which to do them, or that's what we believe.




What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him?


Even though He knew He only had three years of ministry Jesus accepted the invitation of the bride or groom, whichever one it was who invited Him, because it was the custom to do that. Jesus was definitely not anti-social.

His mother and brothers had also been invited, so to not go would have seemed like snubbing His own family. We have to remember that Jesus lived His life around that area and worked as a carpenter until He knew His time had come to commence His ministry. Everybody would have known Him, although most likely not as anything more than the local carpenter who they may have noticed never committed any sin of any kind. We know from Mark's and Luke's Gospels that the folk around Nazareth and the surrounding areas knew Jesus before He began His ministry.



How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


Just because we're on a mission from God doesn't mean we can forget about spending time with family and friends.


It isn't just that 'I don't have time for friends'. It is usually me that makes the first move.  So, I am never sure if they are with me because they really want to be OR they didn't want to hurt me.  Unfortunately, I am a bit of a 'loner' because I do not trust most people.  I've been burned and perhaps have burned others.  My own family shunted me out to a boarding home when I was four and AGAIN to a boarding school for three years.  Not a fun time.  If you cann't trust your family, who can you?  I don't mean to be negative, but ....


I am enjoything this study.  It is much food for thought


Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?

In times past it was most important for family and friends to spend time with each other. In today's society of hussel and bussel, we are too consumed with making a living trying to just survive or purchase the more leisure things in life we covet. We have basically lost the closeness of family that once held us together in our society.

Jesus attendance at the wedding of Cana tells us he was popular in his relationship of family and friends.

In our daily lives today we could take some advice the bible gives us in customs and relations with family and friends and it's importance in our society and nation.


Why are we sometimes to busy to spend time with friends and family?  We do not put a priority on family and friends.  Rather we put it on earthly things.  It is the same with the Lord.  If we don't spend time with Him it is not a matter of enough time rather it is what we put our priorities on.

What does Jesus attendance at the wedding tell us about him?  He felt it important to be with family and friends.  Can you imagine what it meant to have Jesus at the wedding?  A smile here, a kind word there and the fact that they were important enough for Him to make time to be with them.

How can we apply that to our personal lives?   Make time for others and sincerely desire to be with them.


God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26


The family used to be the central focus of life and I think that is something we have lost in recent generations. You needed your family working together even for basic survival. It's a downfall of modernization. We no longer depend on our family like man did in Biblical times, and really up until the industrial revolution. In the third world countries I have been in, family still is central in their life, but not something we still esteem in USA. Everyone is disconnected. Personally, I have never felt so disconnected from my family as I do today and we have no drama, no anger or bitterness... people have just drifted apart.

Jesus obviously loved his family and friends and enjoyed spending time with them at festivities and joyous occasions. He knew His purpose on life but somethings are more important than building your career.


There are different reasons we are sometimes too busy for family and relatives, both negative and positive.  On the positive side, we should always prioritise God’s work ahead of human work.  This can even mean moving away from family altogether (as Jesus advises his disciples to do).  On the negative side, we should avoid reasons for being busy that are purely selfish.  Love should be the bedrock of the reasons either for spending time with family or doing God’s work elsewhere instead.


Jesus’s presence at the wedding tells us that he didn’t consider that his mission had started yet.  He was still very much a part of his human family.  He did know that it would happen at some stage as is pointed out when he said to his mother, ‘my time has not yet come’.  A time will come very shortly when his ‘Father’s business’ with take precedence over all else and his human family will feel neglected.

To apply this learning to our own lives we have to analyse whether we are doing God’s business or our own, totally material business and prioritise accordingly.  Jesus does not ignore his family completely (notably by making provision for his mother when he was dying on the cross), but he does have very clear priorities.


(John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes "too busy" to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


We often take friendships for granted. I know I am certainly very guilty of that myself! We take for granted that the friendship will always remain and that we can pick up where we left off. Unfortunately, it does not work that way. Friendship, like everything in life, has to be carefully and painstakingly nurtured and grown.


Jesus' attendance at the wedding tells us that He did not take His earthly family ties for granted and where He was able to, Jesus would attend family events. Perhaps this is also a good way for us to evangelise, albeit ever so subtly!






Jesus said greater works we shall do.  Jesus three years of ministry was just that doing ministry.  We too regardless have to have the mind of Christ and do ministry.  Granted one must be careful and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and go where he or she is led to go to do ministry.  If it is ordained by God, God, Himself would have equipped us and soften the hearts of the people that we have to take time for including family and friends.


Why are we sometimes "too busy" to spend time with friends and relatives? Great comments. I'll add that my ministry is wherever God puts me. And it is often not near my home. So my friends become my relatives. Not as much shared baggage, I'll have to say. So, selfishly, I enjoy spending time with friends wherever I am.  However, as a human "bean", I sometimes do get too busy for even that. Before television and the onslaught of electronic devices were invented, visits with friends and family was our "TV", our entertainment, our enjoyment.  Unfortunately, I fall in the category of over-consumption at times. Something to pray about for sure.

What does Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us about him? I am guessing that there was one person at that wedding who needed to see and/or hear Jesus.  Or there could have been several who needed him (without knowing or realizing that need.) I believe that we are put in places where God needs us to be -- for that one person or several.

How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives? Having experienced an unjustly unkind and often vicious childhood, I am prone to think..."For such a time as this, I went through that."  I think it's what keeps me going.  God allowed me to experience some pretty rough times. But I find myself in situations or with people who need me to empathize or understand their situation to help them through it.  I pray that God has a hand in this always.  "Thy will be done, Lord. Thy will be done."

  • 2 weeks later...

We all get so caught up into our own lives and activities we leave family and friends out. Most of family gathering are at Christmas and Thanksgiving which should go be more than these two holiday.


Jesus came to save us from our sins healing and teaching but he took time out for this time of being with family and friends. We should take time out for family at all cost that was what Jesus did.


In all his works He was to do He took time out and in comparsion to Jesus  we have all the time we need.



Q1. (John 2:1-2) Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives? What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him? How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?

We are sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives because we think what's keeping us away is more important.  Jesus' attendance at this wedding tell us that He the tradition of marriage and wanted to celebrate the ocassion with the bride, groom and guests.  We too can do as Jesus did and make priority opportunities to be with friends and relatives on special and ordinary ocassions.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think the reason that we are sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives is because of needing to work in order to sustain our life style. I think that Jesus’ attendance at the wedding tells us that he is a caring person and that if you call on Him He is there. We can apply this learning to our personal lives by caring for others and being there for them when something big is happening in their lives.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. (John 2:1-2)

Why are we sometimes “too busy” to spend time with friends and relatives?


Because of attending to our own personal life and needs


What does Jesus’ attendance at this wedding tell us about him?


Jesus came to celebrate with the new couple, with his relatives and friends. He is with them.

Celebrations with family and friends are important to Jesus -- and should be to us.


How can we apply that learning in our own personal lives?


We shouldn't feel ourselves too spiritual or too busy for such earthly joys and responsibilities.

We should always keep in touch with our relatives and friends, spend time with them.

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