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As I look at the dictionary for the definition of a single words I find many words and phrases that describe it.  


Born again, born anew?


Born is defined as existing as a result of birth; having natural ability to do a particular job; brought into existence; existing as a result of a particular situation or feeling.  

Again: another time; once more

Anew: in a new or different (typically positive) way


So, if you use the definition of BORN as: brought into existence or existing as a result of a particular situation or feeling then you have to follow it with anew.  


But all this is academic as far as I am concerned.  What is more important is that we obey what Jesus has asked  us to do.



  • 2 months later...

Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does “entering the Kingdom” have to do with being “born anew”? Which do you think is the best translation here: “born again,” “born anew,” or “born from above”? Defend your reasoning.

The Kingdom of God can only be entered in the spiritual not the physical."flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom" so being born again/anew into a spiritual being allows us to be able to enter the kingdom.

I believe both again /anew fit Nichodemus understood again from his response his question on how can someone renter his mothers womb.

  • 1 month later...

Nothing of the natural realm of earth, including man, can be received in heaven on its own because of innate impurity, unrighteousness, and the taint of sin. A physical birth can only produce a transient human life on earth with an unregenerate soul that doesn't desire God and can't be reconciled to Him. There must be a spiritual transformation and redemption from above. That regeneration is only accomplished through faith in Christ, through which God plants His own divine “seed of life” in each new believer. The Father uses that faith as the “birth canal” for the Holy Spirit to deliver us as a new little child of God into the eternal life of the Kingdom of God. It's only this spiritual birth that produces a holy spiritual life that desires God and is fit for His holy Kingdom.


I do think the best translation for gennaō anōthen is born anew, indicating a “starting over” with the connotation of birth from above. Other uses of anōthen in the N.T. are in reference to “things which come from heaven”

John 3:31 “He who comes (anōthen) from above”

John 19:11 [Jesus to Pilate] “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you (anōthen) from above.”

James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is (anōthen) from above, coming down from the Father of lights”

James 3:15,17 “wisdom (anōthen) from above” [is not “earthly, unspiritual, demonic”]


Spiritual birth is both “from above” and “anew”.

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does "entering the Kingdom" have to do with being "born anew"? Which do you think is the best translation here: "born again," "born anew," or "born from above"? Defend your reasoning.

The Kingdom is spiritual. Being born anew means spiritual birth. It seems the translation "born again" is the best translation. Jesus says one must be born of water and of the spirit. Since we have been born of water we must experience a second birth, must be born again. It seems this is the understanding of Nicodemus. Nicodemus asked how can physically be born again. Jesus explained spiritual birth, in other words a "second" birth, born again. Seems Jesus is explaining this in a way that is understandable to Nicodemus. 


  • 1 year later...

You have to be born anew in order to enter the Kingdom because the Kingdom is for those that have been born of the spirit. I think that any of those translations are good because we have to repent of our sins which means be have to be born anew. In order to be born anew it has to come from above. We have to change our thinking therefore we have to be born again. To me they are saying about the same thing.

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does “entering the Kingdom” have to do with being “born anew”? Which do you think is the best translation here: “born again,” “born anew,” or “born from above”? Defend your reasoning.

The Greek construction of the two words born again is gennēthē anōthen and it could mean either to be born from above or to be born a second time. Nicodemus took the second meaning in a literal sense. Since every person born into this world are born spiritually dead on arrival there should be a spiritual birth in order to enter into the Kingdom. Just as we enter into this world and live because of birth, there should be a spiritual birth to enter the kingdom and have eternal life.

I think the best translation would be “born from above anew”, for spiritual birth happens because of being born from above and causes us to become a new creation altogether as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17.

  • 1 month later...


Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does "entering the Kingdom" have to do with being "born anew"? We cannot enter the kingdom unless we are born again by the Spirit.  We enter the kingdom when we are born again by the Spirit. 

Which do you think is the best translation here: "born again," "born anew," or "born from above"? Defend your reasoning.

I think both 'born again' and 'born from above' are important.  It almost seems we need both to get a clear meaning.  I am not as familiar with 'born anew.' 

  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/7/2014 at 1:43 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does “entering the Kingdom” have to do with being “born anew”? Which do you think is the best translation here: “born again,” “born anew,” or “born from above”? Defend your reasoning.

(1) Jesus said in vs 3 that you "cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, unless you're born anew"!

(2) Born anew!

(3) Heaven is a 'spiritual' place and the flesh will not be there.  Jesus said in (vs 6b)  that whoever is born of the Spirit is spirit. The first time that we're born, we're born of the flesh, but when we're born anew,  we must have repented and asked God's forgiveness, and I believe, that the Holy Spirit puts to death the spirit of flesh that's in us, and when we invite the Lord Jesus to come into our heart, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and we're BORN ANEW.


  • 1 year later...

To be born anew or being born again, we enter the Kingdom of God.  Accepting Christ as Saviour, Lamb of God, Son of Man into our hearts and confessing Christ as Lord is very important not just another religious activity.  It is due to grace of God that an individual enters the Kingdom of God.  In our age, church membership is on the same level of local fitness club or fraternal club.   I have heard various testimonies from those about to join a church that contain interesting reasons to be baptized ; however, repentence of sins and heartfelt contrition for sins are glossed over.

The term "born again" is more to.my liking.  In the Greek  "Anothen gennethenai" means a person needs to undergo a radical change to see the Kingdom of God.  Nicodemus viewed things through traditional Jewish through its rabbinic rites, and multinitunious rules.  The Kingdom of God is not all about miracles and maintaining the Old Covenant ordinances.  We are talking about a radical spiritual change; more than the Jewish proselytite baptism and circumcision.


  • 3 months later...

1. What does "entering the Kingdom of God" have to do with being born "anew?"

When we are born "anew," we are, in a way, starting a new, God-filled life. We are throwing away our sin and clothing ourselves with Jesus' blood. When we are born "again" or born "new," we discard our old life and enter into new life where only then we can be saved and go to God's Kingdom; because our sins are forgiven!!!

2. Which do you think is the best translation here: "born again," "born anew," or "born from above?" Defend your reasoning.

Personally, I believe the best translation is to be "born anew" because it describes the actual process the best. Being "born again" may make it seem like we were once "born again," but now aren't, and it also doesn't really specify how we are "born again." In what way are we born again? This may be easy to answer for a believer but i would believe it to be much harder for a new believer, weak believer, or an unbeliever who wants to switch, to understand and/or grasp. Being "born from above" shows that we are reborn by God, which is very true (!), but it still misses the "how we change" part. Being "born anew/new," however, explains everything quite well. We become new, we throw away our former life and begin living a new life, we change by turning from our evil ways into new ways, and in all these aspects we are filled and changed with/by God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit!!! All three resemble this process amazingly well though!!!



  • 5 months later...

(John 3:3-5) What does "entering the Kingdom" have to do with being "born anew"?

Which do you think is the best translation here: "born again," "born anew," or "born from above"?

Defend your reasoning.

You cannot enter the Kingdom as you are. A change has to occur.

When you are born and come out of your mother's womb, your life continues physically and is formed by experiences, surroundings, etc. Your character or personality is formed by this. 

To enter the Kingdom this all has to be transformed or renewed. You need to go through a "new birth" to be able to start afresh. Your lifestyle will change because you will now be living for God.

This transformation can be seen as being born again, born anew or born from above. 

This transformation does not happen on your own volition , only by the power of God in Christ Jesus. 

  • 2 years later...

I believe this has to be taken as a corollary to spiritual rebirth which is in the Nicodemus section that directly precedes this one.  Thus, To be born again/anew has to logically follow from Jesus' response to Nicodemus.

Looking at it this way, both meanings of the word make sense.

Honestly, I have no idea which is correct. 


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